E S one of the world’s great ports. great world’s the of one I D G G L A S G O W ’ S C L Y D E B R vessels into Glasgow, which would become would which Glasgow, into vessels and this heritage trail tells the story. the tells trail heritage this and channel capable of receiving ocean-going receiving of capable channel The Clyde bridges have bridged the years, the bridged have bridges Clyde The was about to be transformed into a navigable a into transformed be to about was Glasgow. engineering would flourish. The lower Clyde lower The flourish. would engineering Clyde Arc, 2006 Arc, Clyde cities in Europe, the fourth largest was largest fourth the Europe, in cities 70 years, and when shipbuilding and heavy and shipbuilding when and years, 70 4 Kingston Bridge - 1970 8 1st Caledonian Railway 12 The City Union Railway 16 King’s Bridge - 1933 London, Paris and Berlin were the largest the were Berlin and Paris London, when it would quadruple its population in population its quadruple would it when Engineer: W.A.Fairhurst & Partners Bridge - 1878 Bridge - 1899 Engineer: TPM Somers half a million; six of them were in Britain. in were them of six million; a half At a width of 21m between parapets the In the 1850’s Glasgow was entering a period a entering was Glasgow 1850’s the In In 1967 work began on the Kingston Engineer: Blyth & Cunningham Engineer: William Melville bridge has been described as being ‘so the world with populations greater than greater populations with world the Bridge which was the second longest While the City of Glasgow Union Railway In 1900 the railway system was still of 1851 in London’s Crystal Palace. Crystal London’s in 1851 of spanning pre-stressed concrete bridge flat and wide that one can easily cross Empire’. In 1900 there were 23 cities in cities 23 were there 1900 In Empire’. had bridged the Clyde and had its expanding in Scotland with keen was celebrated in the Great Exhibition Great the in celebrated was in Britain. It was opened in 1970 by the without noticing its existence’. Completed to its claim to be ‘the second city of the of city second ‘the be to claim its to terminus on the north side (to become competition between the big companies. mileage. This huge economic supremacy economic huge This mileage. Queen Mother and continues to carry in 1933, the bridge has four equal 21 metre of its prosperity and influence, living up living influence, and prosperity its of St Enoch Station) in 1876, the Caledonian The two railway bridges across the Clyde and contained half of the world’s railway world’s the of half contained and on the south pier to allow passage for larger vessels. larger for passage allow to pier south the on spans comprising a series of rivetted steel traffic on what is, at peak hours, one of Railway Company stopped at Bridge Around 1900 Glasgow reached the height the reached Glasgow 1900 Around were struggling to cope with traffic pylon. The cable stayed spans can rotate horizontally rotate can spans stayed cable The pylon. half of the world’s ocean-going ships ocean-going world’s the of half plate girders supporting a reinforced the busiest sections of road in Europe. Street on the south side. Finally, in 1878, demands. The City Union Railway Bridge are suspended by cable stays from a needle shaped needle a from stays cable by suspended are was within 10 years of its civil war. civil its of years 10 within was of Europe put together. Britain owned Britain together. put Europe of concrete bridge deck. Each of the piers The bridge has recently undergone a after paying £95,000 in compensation to opened in 1899 in response to the demand site, Bell’s Bridge comprises three spans, two of which of two spans, three comprises Bridge Bell’s site, into Japanese waters until 1853. The USA The 1853. until waters Japanese into divide at low level into arches which spring million horsepower; more than the rest the than more horsepower; million programme of strengthening work to the Clyde Trustees, the first Caledonian to carry four tracks into St Enoch Station. Conference Centre with the Glasgow Garden Festival Garden Glasgow the with Centre Conference from deep foundations. the first foreign squadron would not sail not would squadron foreign first the improve load carrying capacity. This British steam engines could produce 1.2 produce could engines steam British Railway bridge in the centre of Glasgow Constructed in 1988 to link the Scottish Exhibition & Exhibition Scottish the link to 1988 in Constructed entailed jacking the bridge up and moving It was built beneath the previous bridge Minister. Japan was still closed to the West; the to closed still was Japan Minister. ten times as much as Germany. In 1851 In Germany. as much as times ten was built just downstream of Glasgow Engineer: Crouch & Hogg & Crouch Engineer: the entire 52,000 tonne structure 50 mm so that the rail traffic could continue to 17 Polmadie Bridge - 1955 and Sir Robert Peel was British Prime British was Peel Robert Sir and iron; five times as much as the USA and USA the as much as times five iron; Bridge. use the lines during construction. It is Bell’s Bridge - 1988 - Bridge Bell’s 2 to the south. Engineer: Robert Bruce commercial and leisure developments. leisure and commercial flood. The Napoleon dynasty ruled France ruled dynasty Napoleon The flood. 1851 Britain smelted 2.5 million tons of tons million 2.5 smelted Britain 1851 The bridge deck, which carried four tracks, therefore rather squat in appearance. This Constructed in 1954-1955, Polmadie Bridge south bank media village, residential, village, media bank south Crimea. The California gold rush was in full in was rush gold California The Crimea. become the workshop of the world. In world. the of workshop the become was of wrought iron construction 5 Proposed IFSD Tradeston was the first of the permanent Clyde is a prestressed concrete footbridge. It the north bank developments and the and developments bank north the Watt lamp. Watt peace, although soon to go to war in the in war to go to soon although peace, built in the 1850’s. By then Britain had Britain then By 1850’s. the in built supported on Dalbeattie granite piers Bridges to have a steel superstructure. occupies the site of a timber bridge which public transport between the SECC and SECC the between transport public power to open as is required to light a 100 a light to required is as open to power Footbridge - 2008 In 1850 the great world powers were at were powers world great the 1850 In The oldest surviving Clyde Bridges were Bridges Clyde surviving oldest The founded on cast iron cylinders sunk into The bridge served the main routes from was built in 1901, using timber salvaged bridge serves as a link, particularly for particularly link, a as serves bridge bridge only requires the same amount of amount same the requires only bridge Engineer: Halcrow the river bed. Only the granite piers of this the south to the now demolished St Enoch from a service bridge used during the SETTING THE SCENE THE SETTING rock some 30m below river bed level. The level. bed river below 30m some rock fully piled foundations to bedrock. The bedrock. to foundations piled fully This footbridge is scheduled to be bridge remain visible, the tracks and girders Station. construction of Glasgow Bridge. This bridge river. Foundations are all fully piled to piled fully all are Foundations river. bridge is supported on supported is bridge in the future. The The future. the in completed in late 2008. It links the having been removed in 1966 - 1967. was burnt down and replaced at least once and welded together in place over the over place in together welded and been designed to be made fixed if required if fixed made be to designed been successful International Financial Services before being replaced by the present in three sections off site from steel plate steel from site off sections three in 27 and 8 metres. The centre span has span centre The metres. 8 and 27 District (IFSD) with newly developing 9 Glasgow Bridge - 1899 concrete construction. arch is a diamond section box fabricated box section diamond a is arch is 38metres and the side spans are 26, 27, 26, are spans side the and 38metres is bridges Tradeston area on the south bank. Engineer: Blyth & Westland deck with in-situ concrete stitches. The stitches. concrete in-situ with deck from steel hollow sections. The main span main The sections. hollow steel from It is a balanced cantilever design primarily This bridge stands at the foot of Jamaica 18 Rutherglen Bridge - 1896 act compositely with the steel plate girder plate steel the with compositely act bottom boom member and are fabricated are and member boom bottom in steel with a 48 metre main span and Street, on the site of an earlier Glasgow deck was precast off site and made to made and site off precast was deck trusses of triangular section with a single a with section triangular of trusses Engineer: Crouch & Hogg two 25 metre side spans. The steel fins Bridge which was designed by the Scottish metres. Much of the reinforced concrete reinforced the of Much metres. of vessels. The bridge is made of lattice of made is bridge The vessels. of This bridge, with three spans of 28, 30 amd form the main structural support function engineer Thomas Telford, first president with two side approach spans of 36.5 of spans approach side two with clyde powered lifting leaves to allow the passage the allow to leaves lifting powered 28 metres, was designed at a time when and by placing these elements above of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
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