Lis F of Persons Who Are Qualified To

Lis F of Persons Who Are Qualified To

i s f of Persons who are qualified to serve as Jurors and Assessors at Colombo, under the provisions of the L ' Ordinance No. 15 of 1898, as amended by Ordinance No. 1 of 1910, for the Year 1911-12.* [N.B.—Special Jurors are those against whose names a separate series of numbers is placed on the left of those indicating Ordinary Jurors.]* * ENGLISH-SPEAKING JURORS. 1 Abayaratne, Arthur Stephen, slerk, Audit Office 26 Alles, Joseph Marcus, clerk, George Steuart & ' Werahera, Dehiwala Co., Ward place, Colombo 2 4jgtyaratne, Arthur Edwin Weerasinghe, clerk, 4... 27 Allsop, H. J., assistant, Miller & Co., Colombo ^Colombo Kachcheri, Wellawatta ' 5.. .28 Alston, Harry Claud, merchant, Harrison & "3 Abayaratne, Don Vincent John, clerk, F. F. Crossfield, Colombo Street, 48, Silversmith street, Colombo 6.. 29 Alvareo, Joseph Paul, merchant, Joseph 4 Abayasekere, James Samuel, clerk, Provincial 79, ..Wolfendahl, Bonny'-Wh, Kollup_i«(/|£ ‘ Registrar’s Office, Colombo Colombo # v 5 Abayasinghe, James de Abrew, cinnamon plan- 30 A1vis,,Charles Lorensz, coaling elork, Skrine ter, Ragama, Alutkuru Korale South & Co., Bambalapitiya; Colombo ■ 6 Abayasinghe, John de Abrew, planter, Ragama, 31 Alvis, James L., clerk, Drainage Works, 18, Alutkuru Korale South Mayfield road, Kotahena, Cotombo * 7* Abeyegunawardena, E. V. D., clerk, G. O. H., 32 AJwis, MathumagalakankandMRage James, ffl, New Chetty street * * clerk, T. H. A. de Soysa, Cinnamon gardens, 8 Abeyaratna, Benjamin Leon, senior notice clerk, Moratuwa Settlement Department, 14, St. Lucia’s street, 33 Alwi#, Richard Alfred, clerk, Colombo Commer- F Kotahena, Colombo cial Company, 31, Cemetery street, Kbtahena, 9 Abeyjpatna, Don Vincent John, clerk, F. F. Colombo Street, 15, Barber street 34 Ambalawanar,Ambalawanar Sinnetamby.shroff, ' 10 Abeyaratne, Henry Wilfred, clerk, New Colombo Cargills, Ltd., Colombo Ice Co., Ltd., Slave Island, Colombo 35 Amarasekara, S. R., teacher,-Central College, 11 Abeyaratna, Paul Cooray, trader,' Kalamulla, Colombo • , \ Kalutara 7.. 36 Amarasekara, Johannes Edwin, landed proprie- 12 Abeyasingha, Emil Michael John de Abrew, ' tor, Hanwella, Hewagam korale assistant librarian, Museum, Colombo 37 Amarasinghe, George Alexander, revenue in- 13 Abeyawardana, Wilkin, clerk, Settlement De- * spector, Municipality, Colombo ^ partdlent, Woodland, Mutwal, Colombo 38 Amit, Tuant Yahaya, clerk, George Steuart & 14 Abeyawickrama, Don Romulus, merchant and Co., 10, Stewart street, Colombo landed proprietor, Elie House road, Mutwal 8.-. 39 Amoo, Maas Chinda, contractor and hotel pro- 1.. 15 Adams, Arthur Doyne, manager, Morgan Cru- ■ ■ prietor, 13,Union place, Slave Island,Colombo eible Co., Ltd., Guildford House, Colombo 40 Anandappa, Anthony Xavier, broker, Carson & 16 Adams, Rudolph, head steward, Galle Face* Cb., New Chetty street, Colombo Hotel, Colombo , 41 Anandappa, Dominic Peter, clerk, Colombo 17., Adams, W. G., assistant superintendent, Prince Commercial Co., Kotahena, Colombo Lyon estate, Matugama, Kalutara • 9.. 42 Anandappa, Emmanuel, broker, Thomson Tet- 18 Adihetty, James Edmund Alwis, clerk, General ley & Co., 92,. College street, Kotahena, Treasury, 115, Hulftsdorp, Colombo Colombo 2.. 19 Adkins, Herbert James, accountant, Walker, 43 Anandappa, Louis G., cashier, Brown & Co., 7, * Sons & Co., Kollupitiya, Colombo ' Forbes road, Colombo 3 .. 20 Aikman, James Orrnc, assistant, Whittall & Co., • 44 Anandappa, Nicholas C., bookkeeper arid clerk, Gregory’s road, Colombo Pettinos Bros., Colombo 21 Albrecht, Christian Edward, clerk, Lewis Brown 45 Anandappa, Peter Benedict, bookkeeper, Carson & Co., Mutwal, Colombo .1 & Co., Jampettah street, Colombo 22 Albrecht, Ernest Llewelyn, bookkeeper, Leech- 10. 46 Anderson, James, accotmtah$^KN|i(te, Limited, man'& Co., 35, Hill street, Colombo Belvedere, Kollupitiya, Coldatbo" 23 Allan,Alexander, assistant,Harison & Crossfield, 11.. 47 Anderson, Robert P., assistant, Geo. *Payne & 6, Castle street, Colombo Co., Colombo 24 Alles, Francis Dionysius, broker, Whittall & Co., 48 Andree, Richard Morris, superintendent, Orion- Borella, Colombo t tal Boat Co., Mutwal, Colombo 2,5 Alles, Francis Joseph, shroff, Chartered Bank, 49, Andrieszen, Victor Stanley, reporter, Ceylon . Ndw Chetty street, Colombo . ‘ Independent, Bambalapitiya, Colombo •_ ( 2 ) , ♦ 12.. 50 Angove, Collier St. Aubyn, assistant, P. & O. * 88 Bandaranj^yake, Boland Leopold Dias, cle rk , Co., Grand Oriental Hotel, Colombo Colombo Kachcheri, Maradana, Colombo 51 Anthonisz, If. E., clerk, Gordon & l^ilson, 35.. 89 Bandaranayake, William Chapman Dias, p la n - Colombo • ' ' tpr, Mutwal, Colombo 13.. 52 Antbonisz, Richard Gerald, government arohi- 9ff Barbeit, Victor Alexander Lynn, clerk, D odw ell vist, Bambalapitira, Colombo. & Co., Bambalapitiya, Colombo _ 14.. 53 Anthony, Conganige Sarpinu,.trader,Hill-land 36.. 91 Barker, W .^., assistant, C. M. Wright & C o., House, Madampitiya road, Colombo , ' Colombo " , 15. : 54 Aponsu .MartinCharles,merchant,CaltonLodge, 92 Barlow, Percy Arthur, accountant, H ong-K ong Moratuwa. & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Colombo 16.. .'55 Appuhamy, Dammearachchige Don Elaris, 37.. 93 Bemett, E. P.,merchant, Harrison & CrossfielS, . .. landed proprietor, 2nd Division, Hunupitiya, Colombo Negombo * 94 Barsenbach, Anthony. Basil, clerk. Medical 17.. 56 Appuhamy, Dehiwalaliyanage Don Elias, landed . _ * Office, Temple road,, Colombo * ” • ‘proprietor, Kaluwairippuwft, Negombo , '95 Barthelot, Peter Patrick, clerk, General Trea- 18.. 57 Arruitage, Bertram Francis Haldane, assistant, ' * sury, New Che tty street, Colombo ■ Aitken Spence & Co., Cinnamon gardens, * 96 Bartholomeusz, yElian, inspector, D elm ege, . Colombo Forsyth & Co., Elibanls road, Havelock town; ■ 19.., '58 Arsaculamtne,. John Henry, merchant, Waters- Colombo • meet, Mutwal, Colombo,, 97 Bartholomeusz, Alfred, olerk, National B%nk, ■ 20.. 59 Arsaculasuriya, John Bonifacia Fernando, mer- Forbes road, Maradana, Colombo chant, Silversmith street, Colombo 98 Bartholomeusz, Arthur Reynold* district 60 Arsaratnam, Damian St. Michael, clerk, Audit examiner, Audit- Office, Dickman’s road, •. , ■ Office, Dehiwala _ Bambalapitiya, Colombo .-V 61 Arulampalam, Alwin Sittanparanatha, olerk, | ' . 99 Bartholomeusz, Clement E,, assistant, H. W . Medical Office, Kollupitiya, Colombo . Cave & Co., Colombo 62 Arulampalam, Mootucumaru, assistant broker, i 100 Bartholomeusz, Francis Herbert Philip, assis- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Cemetery road, tant superintendent of minor roads, 229, ‘ Colombo ' Dematagoda, Colombo * , '6 3 Arulappa, John, clerk, Public Works Depart- 101 Bartholomeusz, Percival Lacey, reporter, T im e s ment, W©ilawatta . ■ 0/ Ceylon, Havelock town, Colombo"' ' *■ 64 Arulapragasam, Charles, clerk, Public Works 38.. 102 Bartlam, Alfred, assistant instructor", Technical ' \ Department, Steuart street, Slave Island, College, Colombo jDolombo • j , 103 Bartlett, Edward Albert, assistant, H. W. Cave 21.. 65 Arumugam, Catheravelu, broker, Morgan Cru- , & Co., Mark's Hall, Kollupitiya!, sColombo 1 - cible Co., Ltd., Colombo 39,. 104 Bartleet, Wilton, broker, George White»‘Bartloet< ,22.. 66 Ash, P. H. O., superintendent, Maddegedera, & Co., Bristol Hotel, Colombo .-’■■■ t.V Kalutara 105 Bartleet, Victor, assistant, H. W: Cave & Co.., 08.. 67 Ash, Oliver Martin, assistant, Colombo Commer- Littlemere, Bagatelle road . ’ cihl Co., Colombo j 106 Bartlett, Edward Albert, assistant, H. W. Cave 08 Assauw, Wilfred Cecil, clerk, Volkart Bros., | & Co., Littlemere, Bagatelle road ■■■ ■■■'%' Colombo J 40.. 107 Barton, John Carroll, manager, Thomson Tetley. 69 Asserappa, John Edwin de Melho, merchant, j & Co., Alfred place Cinnamon gardens,Colombo jS^Jlawatta i 41.. 108 Batt&ms, Robert Francis, assistant, Das term 24.. 70 AtKhs, Malcom Ramsay, assistant engineer, ! > Produce & Estates Co., Colombo • .. :-!yy Colombo Drainage Works, Alfred place, j 109 Batuwantudawa, Robert, journalist, D in a m in a , Colombo . » J Cinnamon gardens* Colombo . -j ‘ Z1 Auer, Victor, assistant, Freudenberg & Co., ■ 110 Bawa, Alfred James, planter, Eladuwaa^state, - - * ' C olom bo Kalutara . • ,25.. 72 Atkinson, G. A., accountant, Bosanquet & Co., 42.. Ill Baxter, Ralph Waterston, merchant, Harrison Colombo J & Crossfield, Gresham, Cambridge plane, 73 Austin, William Dudley, clerk, Ford, Rhodes & Colombo 1 Church, Church View, Mirihana , 112 Bay, James Charles, storeman, Government- - 74 Bachofen; P. R-, assistant, A. Baur, The Haunt, Stores, 26, Santiago street, , Kotahena, Turret road, Colombo '■ . Colombo 26.. .. 75 Bachofen, Robert, assistant, A. Baur, Fem 113 Beadle, Harry Charles, cutter, Sime & Co., Lodge, Barnes place, Colombo . ’ Globe Hotel, Colombo 2T. .';f76 Bacot, Gerard Robert, broker, Forbes & Walker, 114 Becker, Alex., assistant, Freudenberg & Co., . ,, Kollupitiya, Colombo ■ 1 . Fincastle, Turret road, Colombo 2 8-. J’j Bagot, Hugh Villiers,'superintendent, Arapola- | 43.. 115 Beckett, Fredrick Jonathan, assistant, W alker, V' ' “ kanda estate, Neboda, Pasdunkorale . Sons & Co., Colombo ■ 78 Bakelman, Ronald Alfred, clerk, C. H. de Soysa, } 118 Behrens, Carl August, assistant, Freudenberg .AtMy - Kotahena, Colombo . i- & Co., Fincastle, Turret road, Colombo }'SSf. 79 Baker, Piers Hay, officer afloat, P. <fc. O. C o., j 117 Beling, Arthur Clarence, clerk, Audit .O ffice, '■ Slave Island, Colombo i • Mount Lavinia . 'V ^ 'f’80 BakerAThomas Clifford, assistant, Brodie & Co., j . 118 Beling, Charles Denzil, surveyor,<; Colombo. * ^‘Dlotjlf,Hotel, Colombo / j Harbour Works, *40, Wolfendahl

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