Ref No. MLDT/P1o/ IPH-4/2011 Dated : 6th January 2011 To Shri S.D. Sharma, Under Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Department of Ayush, IRCS Annex Building, New Delhi 110001 Sub: Submission of Utilization Certificate and Progress report of Third installment for the project under the Central Sector scheme for grant-in-aid for Promotion of AYUSH Intervention in Public Health Initiatives during 2009-10… Ref : File No. Z/15014/60/2008 – E&C dated 19th April 2010 Dear Sir, As per above subject cited I am forwarding Statement of Expenditure and Utilization certificate as per your proforma for the project under the Central Sector scheme for grant-in-aid for Promotion of AYUSH Intervention in Public Health Initiatives during 2009-10” Scheme of Department of Ayush. Particulars Amount Remark A Amount recd as 1st 20,70,500 Installment 08-09 B Total expenses during 20,49,863 UC sent on 7/3/ 08-09 09 C A-B=C Balance in hand 20,637 D Add refund from Jeep 68,363 (Equipment) E Total balance in hand 89,000 F Amount recd as 2nd 33,16,000 Installment G C+D+E+F Total 34,05,000 H Expenses till 15th Feb 28,20,244 UC sent on 09 22/2/10 J G-H = J Balance in hand 5,84,756 I Amt recd as 3rd 24,05,744 installment K J+I Total 29,90,500 L Less expenses till 7th 29,87,642 UC enclosed Dec 2010 M Balance in hand 2858 1 The Progress Report of the scheme has also been enclosed herewith. I request you to kindly release the remaining portion of the fund of Phase - I i.e.` 4,97,756/- and the first installment of the Phase - II i.e. ` 31,34,300/- sanctioned grants for the year (2010-11) at an early date to enable us to undertake the regular expenses under the scheme since the amount in balance will suffice for only one month. Thanking you, Yours truly, Dr. K.M. Dhawale Trustee and Head of the Institute Enclosed 1 : Utilization Certificate of non recurring items expenditure 2 : Utilization certificate of recurring items expenditure 3 : GFR Form 4 : Progress Report for the period Jan 10 to Dec 10 along with annexure Annexure 1 MEDICAL CAMPS CONDUCTED Annexure 2 LIST OF SPECIAL ANC CAMPS Annexure 3a ANALYSIS OF ALL CAMPS Annexure 4 HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT IN PREGNANCY & LABOUR Annexure 5a HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF CHILDREN 0-3 YEARS Annexure 5b CHILDREN (0-3) UNDER HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT 2010 Annexure 6a ANALYSIS OF INTERMITTENT FEVER CASES IN YEAR 2010 Annexure 6b RESULT OF TREATMENT OF INTERMITTENT FEVER Annexure 6c TREATMENT STATEGIES USED IN CASES IMPROVED Annexure 7 IEC MATERIAL AND POSTERS Annexure 8 LIST OF IEC ACTIVITIES DONE Annexure 9 LIST OF VILLAGES WHERE AYUSH CALENDAR HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED 2 DR. M. L. DHAWALE MEMORIAL TRUST BMC’s Mother and Child Holistic Care Centre, Harishankar Joshi Marg, Dahisar East, Mumbai 400068 THIRD PROGRESS REPORT OF HOMOEOPATHY FOR MOTHER AND CHILD PUBLIC HEALTH INITIATIVE (Project period: January 2010 to December 2010) The Background of the Trust and the broad objectives of its thrust have already been given in the preliminary of the first report submitted on 26-03-09.- 1. DATE OF APPROVAL BY AYUSH: The approval was given on 14/7/2008 & the first grant was received on 14/7/2008. The Project was commenced on 15-07-2008. The Report of the first grant was submitted on 26-03-09. This project is an attempt to take Homoeopathy as a therapeutic modality to the grassroots in a tribal area. It is also an attempt to explore the role of Homoeopathy as a Public Health Initiative for the Mother and Child segment of the population as also for common local illnesses & epidemics peculiar to the area & population. The challenge is to orient & motivate a population whose health care seeking behavior is rooted in traditional medicine, village god-men or where available, the allopathic system of injections and tablets. The other challenge is the geography of the area that has hamlets scattered over large distances, making it difficult & at times impossible for the health care provider to reach the place and in time. This difficulty is being attempted to be addressed by identifying, motivating, training, supervising & supporting Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) as “Homoeopathic bare foot doctors”, These are basically, semi literate married women from the village. The Mother & child segment is the most neglected & needy section of the population from the angle of health care; especially the women in the reproductive age group & the child in the 0 to 3 yrs period. Hence this segment has been targeted. We are attempting to look at the role of Homoeopathy in ANC, Labour, PNC & illnesses of infants and young children (0-5). 2. SECOND AND THIRD INSTALLMENT OF FUNDS BY AYUSH: The second installment was received on 11/08/2009 and a report submitted on 22-02-2010. The third and final installment of the first year of Rs.24,05,744/- (Twenty four lakhs, five thousand seven hundred and forty four only) was received on 19-04-2010. 3. POSITION BEFORE THE THIRD INSTALLMENT WAS RECEIVED We had completed the program planning & implementing village level meetings within the organization & with the decision makers of 25 villagers. The Arogyamitra training program of the 1st batch of CHVs was over & 81% of them had successfully cleared the exams. The process of new CHV selection was on. Training program for Medical Officers & MPWs was completed. We had conducted a pre-orientation homoeopathic awareness survey & the analysis was included in the report. Time table for the 2nd mobile van was planned after discussing with the villagers. Medical screening & ANC camps were being conducted regularly. We were now poised to cover all the villages of the 1st phase of the project. 3 5. UTILIZATION OF THE GRANT We are submitting the utilization certificate. Given below is a brief idea about the general headings under which the funds have been utilized: Sr. Sanction/Head Fund Fund Expenditure Balance No sanctioned Released as on 31st Dec 2010 1st UC 2nd UC 3rd UC Total A B C D E F D+E+F 1 equipment 945070 194595 127854 1267519 2858 2 Activities and 549792 1399458 1547362 3496612 Health Care 82,90,000 7792244 3 Administration 322414 550290 562858 1435562 4 Personal 161218 414278 316660 892156 5 Training 71369 261623 432908 765900 8290000 7792244 7857749 5. HEALTH ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT AND ITS EFFECTS AS ON 31.12.10 A. PROGRESS IN PATIENT INFLOW Table 1: PATIENTS SEEN IN THE COTTAGE HOSPITAL Hospital 2007 2008 2009 2010 % INCREASE SINCE AYUSH AYUSH PROJECT PROJECT STARTED STARTED OPD 3302 3821 6289 9820 157 Casualty 0152 0422 0662 711 68 IPD 0036 0101 0175 312 208 Total 3490 4344 7126 10,843 149 Table 2: OUT COME OF IPD ADMISSIONS till Dec 2010 Sr. No. Outcome of Admission 2008 2009 2010 1 FTND 75 126 230 2 Patient transferred to higher institute 08 19 47 3 Discharge taken against medical advice 12 15 24 4 Discharge taken on request 03 04 09 5 No relief in complaints 02 00 00 6 Pt absconded 01 01 02 TOTAL 101 165 312 4 Table 3: MOTHER CARE AT COTTAGE HOSPITAL Clinical activity 2007 2008 2009 2010 % increase since AYUSH Project (2008) Total Deliveries conducted at 02 18 32 76 320 Bhopoli ANC registration at Bhopoli No record 136 252 817 500 New case definitions No record 229 336 504 120 New screenings 539 606 809 1806 198 Table 4: BREAK UP OF MOTHER CARE ADMISSIONS IN COTTAGE HOSPITAL Hospital Deliveries at Bhopoli Cases under MCH 2009 2010 Normal deliveries 09 43 FTND with Rh Incompatibility 01 Normal deliveries with Perineal tear 08 Normal deliveries with Perineal & Cervical tear 01 Normal FTND with Para Urethral tear 01 Normal FTND with Perineal & Para Urethral tear 01 Normal deliveries with episiotomy 16 14 Normal deliveries with episiotomy with Vaginal & Cervical tear 01 Normal deliveries with episiotomy with Cervical tear & PPH 01 01 Normal deliveries with episiotomy with Cervical tear 01 Normal deliveries with episiotomy with Cervical & Perineal tear 02 Forceps 01 Breech Breech preterm LBW with birth asphyxia. 01 LSCS nil Preterm 02 01 Preterm with episiotomy 01 Preterm Breech 02 Total 32 76 Table 5: RECORD OF PREGNANT MOTHERS TRANSFERRED TO PALGHAR (RHH) HOSPITAL Hospital 2007 2008 2009 2010 Deliveries Transfer cases--Cases under MCH Normal deliveries 01 05 07 27 Normal deliveries with Perineal tear 01 Normal deliveries with episiotomy 01 Normal deliveries with episiotomy with Perineal tear 01 Forceps 00 00 04 06 Breech 01 LSCS 01 03 06 19 Preterm 01 Total 02 08 17 57 5 B. ANALYSIS OF PATIENT FLOW OF MOTHER AND CHILD SERVICE: Given below is a breakup analysis of the patient inflow under various categories. The purpose is to get an idea about the target population of beneficiaries. This gives us an idea of the Impact due to the project activity. IPD service: Total admission 312 cases in 2010 TABLE 6: MOTHER AND CHILD PATIENTS IN THE IPD No of cases % of total admissions ANC period 57 18.26% Post partum care 15 4.80% Reproductive Age( Females) group—General pt 42 13.46% 0-3 yrs Children’s—male and female 26 8.35% Delivery—Labour cases 95 30.44% Total 235 75.31% Casualty service: total cases 711 in 2010 Table 7: MOTHER AND CHILD IN CASUALTY No. Cases % of Casualty patients ANC cases 60 8.44% Reproductive female 180 25.31% Children 0-3 yrs 120 16.87% Labour cases 50 7.03% Total 410 57.65% OPD services: total cases 9820 in 2010 Table 8: MOTHER AND CHILD IN THE OPD No.
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