Colby Magazine Volume 88 Issue 3 Summer 1999 Article 15 July 1999 Alumni at Large Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/colbymagazine Recommended Citation (1999) "Alumni at Large," Colby Magazine: Vol. 88 : Iss. 3 , Article 15. Available at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/colbymagazine/vol88/iss3/15 This Contents is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Magazine by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ Colby. - - : - . - - ""(;> .� __ _ ----------- a� �s' l9Ve'w s Your class correspondent is looking for news for the next issue of Colby magazine. Please take a moment to respond to the questions below and on the back to let your classmates in on what you've been doing recently or hope to be doing eventually. Have you moved ? Changed careers? Traveled ? Read a great book? This new questionnaire will be in each issue of the magazine, allowing alumni to contact their class correspondent four times a year. The past system for collecting news, sending separate letters once a year, was unwieldy and time consuming for the small staff in the Alumni Relations Office and the postage was expensive. Now we look forward to hearing from you more than once a year! Please mail or e-mail your news directly to your class correspondent. The correspondents' addresses are listed within the Alumni at Large section of the magazine. Keep the news coming! Basic Information Address: (please indicate if recent change): ---------------------------- Occupation (and title, if applicable): Spouse's/Partner's Name (if applicable): ---------------------------­ Spouse's/Partner's Occupation (if applicable): --------------------------- Family Unit: children, fr iends, pets: -------------------------------- ..... 0::::l >. 0� 0 '+-- ::::l Qi.0 0 � ::>, c: >. 0 0 ..:.!.c 8 +-'u "' 2 ·.;::;ra ..c c � a. a. a. I- 0 c -0 E0 vi m 0 .... N - N "<l" ·- ::i V1 V1 N c ..., Q) V1 V1 c: 0 ..... LU ::::l c: �u �u Q:; -0 la � QI uc 2 Q) -0 � ..c 0 >. E c 0 +' u """ <o Q) QI �- :B0 ..... "C 0 u 0 3? ::::l Q)� .... u ·:;:0 V1c +-' � -2 Q) >. "' c c .... V1 Q. ....,Q s E vi' Q) c QI <'E V1Q) _2 ..c "' ::::l "' """� -� +' Q) Q) ....,Q ra ...., ...., CY I Q_ x 2"' g x ·v; QI ...., 0 >. · "'- 0 a..<o c: "' LL"' CL0 V1 c Q:; ..., -0 V12 LL V12 c.. I- ..... Q) "' u <o ui 0$ LUc;: -0 "' £ ii ::::l QI QI""" .... �('() u "C -� "' r-- $0 c:: v; "C V1c 2 0 c ra 0 "';1 Qj Q) $ .--. 0 ·- -� N ..Q .D � ra "' r-- 0 0 ;:;:; co c c ..... c: (ii "<l" 0 +-' 0 er: · ..c "' "' .,, ;::::- E .;::;<o "' ra ra c c- 0 -::::s Q) E 0 � -� -� � ::::l "' x § 0 � "' <( -2 u QI <( (ii LL Q) er: ..... '+--0 � .s E0 c 0 Q) >. Q) m .c- .D ..c -C 0 u E ..... 0 "C '+= ::::l "';1 0 +' Q) c: '+-- 0 u 0 0 N u .s c:: E <( r-- - >. "' uQI Q) 0 co � 0 E c V1 "' V1 £ -0 V1 V1 Q) ;::::- -C Q) >. "' ra ...., u +-' Q:; V1 � -0� 0 u "' :B c V1 -0 E QI u"' '+= 0 "' -0 -0 ...., '+-- � � -0 t:'. � > "' c Q) a. "' -0 E "' cL ra _.! �E 0 s CL -0 0 >. Q) -0 ::::l V1 V1 ..c "' .D c c (i:; "' cL V1Q) V1Q) c u 0 Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) ::I 0 Q) g Q) 0 .,, 0 VI Q) V1 c c c c 0 c ..c -0 ::::l V1 E V1 ci u CL <o 0 ra E 0 E 0 E >. 0 "' 0 "' Q) Q) "' "' 0 ..c 0 ·v;::::l :!:::'. ..c ·v;::::l >. Q) ..c Q) (ii -0 a. .£ CL co '!:: V1 .£u CL LLe 0::: ..c i.i.: a: z 2 V1 I u CL I co u Your recent "milestones" have been (grad chool, new job, children/grandchildren, lessons in life, etc.): What have you done that you never anticipated when you left Colby? Attach an additional sheet if necessary. Please mail this questionnaire or, if possible , e-mail this information to your class correspondent. Correspondent names, addresses and e-mail addresses (if available) are listed in the Alumni at Large section of this magazine. (f) LJ..l >- LJ..l 0 C!'.'. Cl <( ...JLJ..l LJ..l � (f)� (f) (f)I- LJ..l(f) � I-I Cl 0 2 LJ..l 0.. LJ..l u.. z 0 - I- z z z ::i LJ..l � 2 � ...JLJ..l ...J LJ..l LJ..l � (f) (f) LJ..l� LJ..l � C!'.'. Cl � Cl � <( � 00 ..... >­ � c:o : 0 Cl � z t: g: 2 LJ..l � C!'.'. c:o LJ..l ...J if) 0.. ...J ...J if) � � LJ..l � 2 0 (f) (f) z <( (f)� � ...J if) u 2 (f)f-'.. � C!'.'. � u: alumni at large I,& Alumni Connections® On-line Community A secure, interactive site for Colby alumni will be launched this fall By Julie Stowe his fall, Colby will launch occupation or other criteria. same e-mail address no matter how ning alumni Web site (http:// Tan Alumni Connections® Alumni also can update their own many times he or she moves or www.colby.edu/alumni/). There On-line Community Web site that directory information on line at changes Internetservice providers. anyone may sign up forOut of the will include a searchable alumni any time. Registering to use the service Blue, a monthly electronic news­ directory and an e-mail forward­ The site will be accessible only will be easy, using the 10-digit ID letter with news about Colby and ing service. Additional services to known Colby alumni. Anyone number on the Colby magazine Colbians. The Career Services will be added in the future. who wishes not to be included in mailing label. Immediate assis­ site (http://www.colby.edu/ca Together with Harris Publish­ the directory may return the re­ tance will be available on every reer.serv/) also offers information ing Company (long-standing pub­ ply card in this magazine to have page of the site through links to a and services to alumni. lishers of the printed Colby Alumni her or his name removed. Other service representative. To ensure that directory in­ Directory ), the Alumni Relations options to remove some or all More details about the Alum­ formation is accurate and current Office is creating an on-line personal directory information ni Connections® On-line Com­ when the network goes live in alumni directory containing per­ will be available on line once the munity will be published in the the fall, Colbians are asked to fill sonal and professional data in a site is operational. fall issue of Colby. In the mean­ out and return the enclosed card secure environment. Alumni will Using the On-line Commun­ time, a cornucopia of informa­ or update data on line (http:// be able to search for friends by ity's e-mail forwarding service, an tion already is on line in The www .colby .edu/alumni/change_ name, class year, city of residence, alumnus or alumna can keep the Blue Light, Colby's award-win- big.html). Reunion '99-Good Friends, Good Food Alumni Council Awards Committee The Alumni Council Awards Committee seeks nominations for four annual alumni awards. Colby Brick awards are presented each Reunion Weekend to a few individuals who have served Colby in a variety ofvolunt eer roles, and the Marriner Distinguished Service Award is given to alumni or friends of Colby who have demon­ strated exceptional commitment to the College. The Distinguished Alumnus/a Award annually recognizes one Colby graduate for outstanding professional achievement. The Outstanding Educator Award is presented to an alumnus/a for outstanding teaching in the classroom, at any level. I nominate ____________, Class of 19___ _ for the ----------------- Award. My recommendation is based on the nominee's volunteer activi­ ties or professional achievements listed below: Frank Seebode '59 came from California to be part of Colby's biggest-ever reunion June 4-6. Fair skies and cool breezes Nominated by Date welcomed 1,551 alumni and guests, who participated in events _______________ __ that ranged from golf and a triathlon to a preview of the upcoming Please clip or copy this form, complete and mail to: Alumni College ("The Civil War in Modern Perspective," July 25- Alumni Council Awards Committee, 29) and a book signing by Colby authors. A salient theme of the c/o Office of Alumni Relations, Colby College, weekend was food. At class dinners and a lobster bake revelers 43 10 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME 04901-8843. enjoyed the best efforts of Colby's dining services, rated ninth in the nation for "great food" by The Princeton Review. Thank you! 33 SUMMER 1999 COLB Y ALUM I AT LARGE Fund, as I've been doing for 40 years! Thanks to those of you who have volunteered info about N EWS MAKERS yourselves to this new class correspondent .... Betty Anne Royal Spiegel has moved to a retire­ Ray Farnham '36 will be inducted into the Maine Baseball Hall of Fame on July 25. The ment community in Gaithersburg, Md., with the long-time principal of Morse High School played baseball in the Army and for several help of her three daughters and several grandchil­ semipro teams after a standout Colby career. dren and is still taking a crack at freelance EARLY YEARS MILESTONES writing.... Robbie Burbank, retired from Bell Telephone Lab in New Jersey, alternates Deaths: Mary Carl Taylor '22, May 5, 1999, in Camden, Maine, at 99 . ..Melva Mann "chairbound experiences" at the Metropolitan Farnum '23, March 1 7, 1999, in Portland, Maine, at 98 ....Ruth Jameson Robinson '23, Opera and Roundabout Theatre with "70+ Ski April 1, 1999, in Vernon,Conn ., at 98 ....Paul W.
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