Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 RECUSANT HISTORY Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 EX • BIBLIOTHECA ABBATIAE • S · GREGORI! MAGNI · DE · DOWNSIDE Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 RECUSANT HISTORY Volume Twenty-Four THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY 1998-1999 ISSN 0034-1932 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 CONTENTS OF VOL. 24 A Topographical Index of Hiding Places, II by MICHAEL HoDGETIS 1 Papists' Horses and the Privy Council, 1689-1720 by ANTHONY R. J. S. ADOLPH 55 'Haeres ... Thomae More Cancellarii': Fr. Thomas More, 1722-1795 by GEOFFREY HOLT S.J. 76 The Blue Nuns in Norwich, 1800-1805 by MARGARET J. MASON . 89 Traditional Religion, Popular Piety, or Base Superstition? The Cause for the Beatification of Teresa Higginson by JOHN DAVIES 123 'Rome's Snaky Brood': Catholic Yeomen, Craftsmen and Townsmen in the West Midlands, 1600-1641 by MARIE B. ROWLANDS 147 Gilbert Talbot and the Talbot Case by GEOFFREY HoLT, S.J. 166 'Yes, My Lord': Some Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Bishops and the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary by SR. M. GREGORY K.iRKUS, I.B.V.M. 171 'The Difficulties of Protestantism': Bishop Milner, John Fletcher and Catholic Apologetic against the Church of England in the era from the First Relief Act to Emancipation, 1778-1830 by PETER B. NocKLEs 193 Two Autobiographical Narratives of Conversion: Robert Hugh Benson and Ronald Knox by GEORGE MARSHALL 237 Newsletter, 1998 .... 254 Wentworth and the Northern Recusancy Commission by FIONA PoGsoN 271 The Abbess and Mrs. Brown: Lady Mary Knatchbull and Royalist Politics in Flanders in the late 1650s by CAROLINE M. K. BOWDEN 288 Samuel Wesley and the Missa De Spiritu Sancto by PHILIP 0LLESON 309 A Man of the Universal Church: Peter James Kenney, S.J., 1779-1841 by THOMAS J. MORRISSEY, S.J. 320 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 Catholic Members of Parliament who Represented British Constituencies, 1829-1885: A Prosopographical Analysis by JOHN A. STACK 335 Some Aspects of Modem British Catholic Literature: Apologetic in the Novels of Josephine Ward by PETER c. ERB 364 'Wandering Nuns': The Return of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the South of England, 1862-1945 by SR. M. GREGORY KIRKUS, l.B.V.M. 384 Spiritualism and Religion: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Critique of Christianity and a Roman Catholic Response by RENE KOLLAR, O.S.B. 397 The Owens of Oxford by MICHAEL HoDGETTS 415 'White's Disciple': John Sergeant and Blackloism by BEVERLEY SOUTHGATE .... .···· 431 A Jacobite Antiquary in Grub Street: Captain John Stevens ( c.1662-1726) by MARTIN MURPHY 437 Letters from School: Francis and Michael Trappes at the English College Douai, 1676-1677 by JOHN TRAPPES-LOMAX .... 455 Florence Nightingale for and against Rome: Her Early Correspondence with Henry Edward Manning by PETER C. ERB and, ELIZABETH J. ERB 472 Between the Devil and the Deep Sea: John Henry Newman and Richard Holt Hutton by EDWARD J. ENRIGHT, O.S.A. 507 Father William Barry: Priest and Novelist by SHERIDAN GILLEY 523 Cardinal Gasquet (1846-1929): An English Roman by AIDAN BELLENGER, O.S.B. 552 Notes on Contributors 561 Newsletter, 1999 .... 562 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 INDEX TO VOLUME 24 by ROBERTA ANDERSON Abbots Salford, 33 Arundel and Surrey, earl of, see Howard­ Abington, Mr., of Hindlip, 17 4 Fitzalan, H. G. Acton, J., author, 355 Arundel, Mrs., Winefried, IBVM, 175, 177 Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, MP, Arundell of Wardour, Thomas, 4th baron, 336, 337, 342-343, 350, 351, 355 63, 65, 66, 67 (n.100) Acton, John, 527 Arundell, I'vfary, see Tichborne Acton, Lord, 528, 547 Arundell, Sir John, Master (Gentleman) of Acton, Sir Ferdinand Richard Edward, 7th the Horse, 60, 65, 66, 67 baron, of Aldenham, Shrops, 355 Arundell, Thomas, of Chideock, 38 Ad perpetuam rei momoriam, 174 Aschaffenburg, 392 Adamson, Mgr, Thomas, 128 Ascot, IBVM convent and school, 185, 393, Aikenhead, I'vfary, 333 395 Ainsworth, Harrison, 36 Ashburnham Place, Sussex, 394 Albery, W., 356, 357 Ashburnham, Lady Catherine, 137, 141 Albigensians, 213 Ashbury Manor Farm, Shrivenham, Alder Bourne River, 8 Berks., 5--0 Allanson, I'vfatthew, 457, 459 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 9 Allen, cardinal, 419 Ashley, Ralph, 2.8, 49 Alphonsa, Sr., IBVM Nun, 388 Aston Hall, Warks, 45 Althrey Hall Farm, Flints., 52 Aston, Anne, nee Tucker, 117 Amand, St, 6 Aston, John, ll 7 American War of Independence, 200 Aston, 2nd Lord of Tixall, 19 Amherst, W. J., 358 Aston, Sr., Lawrence [M:ary Anne], Blue Amigo, bp. of Southwark, 557 Nun, 96, 97, 98, 101, 107, II I, ll7 Ancient House, Ipswich, 41-42 Aston, 3rd Lord, 19 Anderton, Thurston, architect, 21 Aston, William, 82 Andrade, Sr., Philippa, 183 Atkins, Mrs., of Langley Broom, Bucks., Andrewes, Lancelot, 207 ll4 Andrewes, William Eusebius,. 195 Atkins, William, SJ, 163 Angier, Mr., of Norwich, 91, 94 Atkinson, Anthony, 10-11 Angier, Mrs., of Norwich, 91 Atkinson, Thomas, of Brough Hall, 50 Angier, Thomas, 82, 86 Augsburg, bp. of, 183 Angiolini, Caetanus, SJ, 323-324 Augsburg, IBVM Convent, 183, 384, 386, Anglesey, Lord, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 387, 388 345 Augustine, St, 372 Anne of Austria, queen regent of France, Augustinian, canons of Kenilworth, 45 292 Augustus the Strong, king of Poland, 531 Anne, countess of Bristol, 296, 302, Austen, Rose, servant, 110 303-304 Austin, Alfred, 524 Anne, queen of England, 61, 173 Aveling, Hugh, 457 Anson, Joseph, Rev, 114 Aveling, J. C. H., 271, 273, 276, 277, 278, Anstruther, Dom, Godfrey, OP, 4-54, 416, 279, 282 417, 418, 420, 431 Aylmer, Charles, 324, 329 Antrim, 3rd earl of, 290, 67 Aylworth, William, alias Harcourt, SJ, 32 Antrim, Lady Helena, 61, 65, 67 Ayscough, John, see Bickerstaffe-Drew Apreece, Robert, see R. Price Aquinas, Thomas, St, 330, 548 Archbishop of Canterbury, 485 Babthorpe, Mother Agnes, Superior Archbishop of Westminster, 485 General, IBVM, 175, 177-178 (n. 21) Arden, John, 27 Babthorpe, Mother Anna Barbara, Arden, Mrs., 27 Superior General, IBVM, 175 (n. 21) Argensota, Herrera, 443 . Bacchus, family, 534 Argenteuil, Ursuline community, 91 Bacchus, Henry, 534 Arnold, George, 59 Bach Choir, 317 Arnstein, Walter, 193 Baddesley Clinton, 23 Arrowsmith's House, Gregson Lane, Bailey, Agnes, 389 Lanes, 23 Bailly, --, 493 1 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 22:10:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034193200002430 Baines, Peter Augustine, bp., Benedictine, Belloc, Hilaire, 366, 375, 541 198, 199 Belson, John, 432 Baker Eddy, Mrs., 140 Belvedere College, 329 Baker, Cecily, of Sissinghurst, 21 Bence-Jones, Mark, 362 Baker, Fr., John, priest to Lady Benedict, St, 553 Bedingfield, 42 Benedict, XIV, pope, 178 Balbriggan, Ireland, IBVM convent, 386, Benedict, XV, pope, 556 388, 391 Benson, A. C., 240, 524 Balfour, A. J., 543 Benson, abp. of Canterbury, 239, 250 Balguy, Thomas, 206, 214 Benson, Arthur, 241, 247-248 Ball, Frances, [Mother Theresa] Loreto Benson, family, 455 Nun, 385 Benson, E. F., 248, 524 Ballerini, --, 528 Benson, Fred, 240 Bank(e)s, Christopher, alias Heaton, priest, Benson, Margaret, 239-240, 248 455, 457, 459, 460,461 Benson, Mgr Robert Hugh, abp., 237-253, Bar Convent, York, IBVM, 173, 180, 184, 372-373, 524, 539 185, 385 Benson, Nellie, 240 Barberi, Dominic, 130 Benson, Robert, of Nidd, 457, 461 Barclay Squire, W., 317 Benson, Winnie, 239 Baring, Maurice, 366, 374 Bentley Hall, Derbys., 11 Barlow,--, 216 Bentley, Edward, of Bentley Hall, 11 Barnard, Mother Frances, /BVM, 178 Bentley, Mr., of Little Oakley, 11, 30 Barnborough Hall, Yorks, 85-86 Bentley, Mrs., 3, 30 Barnes, John, 445 Berden, Nicholas, 43 Barnes, Joseph, printer, of Oxford, 420 Berington, Fr., Thomas, 82 Barnes, Mr., 107, 109 Berington, Joseph, 198, 200-201, 204, Barnesley, --, priest, 48 205, 208 Barney, family, of Haddockstones, 455 Berkeley, Anne wife of Thomas ( /), 49 Barney, Jae, 457, 461, 462 Berkeley Col. John, 57 Barratt, Dr., 384 (n. 1) Berkeley, Robert (I), of Spetchley, 49 Barratt, Mary Petronilla, see Barratt, Berkeley, Robert (II), son of Thomas (/), Mother Ignatius 49 Barratt, Sr., Petronilla, see Barratt, Mother Berkeley, Thomas (I), son of Robert, 49 Ignatius Berkeley, Thomas (II), son of Thomas (/), Barrett, Mother Ignatius, Superior /BVM 49 Convent, Ballbriggan, Ireland, 185, Bernard, Frances, /BVM, 175 384-396 Bernard, St, 483 Barrington, Shute, bp.
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