Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 10-15-1937 The Western Mistic, October 15, 1937 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, October 15, 1937" (1937). The Western Mistic. 212. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/212 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WELCOME MANHANDLE ALUMNI THE MANKATO WESTERN MINNESOTA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE VOL. 39 Moorhead, Minnesota, October 15, 1937 No. 5 Queen Virginia Spokesmen For M.E.A. Educators Of Minnesota Ascends Royal Assemble At Moorhead ThroneTonight Instructive Program Of Out­ M. E. A. CALENDAR Morton Presting Will l'reside Thursday, October 21: standing Merit Included As Master of Ceremonies 8:30 a. m.-12:00 — Registration In Sessions For Coronation in Gymnasium — Demonstrations. Campus A gigantic pedagogical conclave, the Western district Minnesota Education All loyal subjects of MSTC king­ Schools, Moorhead Schools, Ru­ ral Affiliated Schools Association, will assemble for the gen­ dom will gather tonight at 8 o'clock eral sessions of the 1937 convention to in Weld Hall to pay homage to Queen 2:00 p. m. — General session, Weld Hall be presided over by L. G. Mustain, Virginia Murray, ruler of the Fiftieth president of the association and su­ A nnfversary Homecoming festivities. 6:00 p. m.—MSTC alumni din­ ner at Graver Hotel, Fargo perintendent at Morris. Noted speak­ Following the coronation, a musical ers in sharply varied fields and bril­ program is planned in the queen's 6:00 p. m.—Concordia, St. Olaf, Luther, Augustana alumni din­ liant musical talent headline the pro­ honor. grams. The royal occasion will he formally ner at Trinity Church parlors 8:00 p. m. — General session, The premier general session opens opened with music by the Golden An­ at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, October 21, niversary band, directed by Dr. A. Moorhead armory. in Weld Hall. M. Christensen, after which the queen, Friday, October 22: 9:00 a. m.—Secondary education Curtains are to attended by ladies of her court, will ring up on Dr. be formally crowned sole sovereign of group conference, Moorhead A. M. Chris­ Dragonland. High School 9:00 a. m.—Elementary educa­ tensen. who Presting Presides will direct the Presided over by the queen's own Richard Halliburton and Norman Thomas who will address convention tion group conference, Weld educators next Thursday and Friday. MSTC Fiftieth master of ceremonies, Morton Prest­ Hall A n n i v e rsary ing, East Grand Forks, the following 9:00 a. m. — Rural education group conference, College High Band in a short musicians of the court will present a HOMECOMING CALENDAR Famed Author School Auditorium program in the queen's honor: Avis Friday, October 15: concert, fea­ 10:30 a. m. — General session, Taft, Fargo, xylophone; Ruth Hanna- 8 p. m. — Band concert, Weld turing a cornet Weld Hall ford, Moorhead. and Reinhold Utke, * Hall On Program 12:00 noon—High School Prin­ trio and the Enderlin, N. Dak., vocal duet; a girls' 8:15 p. m. — Coronation of cipals' luncheon, Comstock Hall Dragon's Gol­ trio, composed of Betty Trace, Fargo. Queen, Weld Hall 12:00 noon — Home Economics Mildred Sanders, Fargo, and Joy Kis- 9:00 p.m.—Bonfire, Torchlight Richard Halliburton, Happy- den Jubilee Teachers luncheon, Home Eco­ -er, Crookston; the men's quartette of parade DR. CHRISTENSEN March by Go-Lucky Adventurer, To nomics Room of Moorhead High Morton Presting, Eugene Struble, Far­ 9:30 p.m.—Sigma Tau Delta, B. Christensen. The general business Tell Of Experiences School go. Alfred Richards, Glyndon, and D. Murray Home, 819 11th meeting of the Western Division M. 12:00 noon — Deans of Girls Reinhold Utke. St. S. E. A. will be held at this time. To Admirers of Richard Halliburton luncheon Norin Concludes Program Saturday, October 16: conclude will be an address titled, who have thrilled to the adventures 1:45 p. m. — General session, Lawrence Norin will conclude the 7:30 a.m. — Kappa Delta Pi, "Who Shall Inherit America?—The recorded in his "Royal Road to Ro- Weld Hall program with selections played on the Breakfast Alamo Cafe, , ,5" T „ Strong or the Weak, Intelligent or the „ , , mance, Glorious Adventure, New 3:15 p. m.—Round tables Hammond organ. 8:00 a.m.—Gamma Nu, break- , . _ ,. _ . Stupid" by Dr. Edward Albert Wig- Worlds to Conquer," "The Flying 6:00 p. m.—Schoolmasters din­ In charge of ceremony will be Ken­ fast Le Chateau, Fargo gam. Carpet," and "Seven League Boots," ner, American Legion Hall neth Christiansen, Porter, and Elmer 8:30 a.m. — Owls, breakfast, Women's Chorus to Sing will have the rare opportunity of 6:00 p. m.—Classroom Teachers Johnson, Aitkin. Royal Guards are Roost At the Moorhead Armory on Third both seeing and hearing the young dinner, Comstock Hall Harold Finseth, Underwood, and Wil- Pi Mu Phi, breakfast.I n- Avenue and Fifth Street the evening American writer next week when he 8:00 p. m. — General session, bert Johnson, Aitkin. Byron Town- gleside j program will include a concert by the appears as one of the convention Moorhead Armory. send, Moorhead, will manage stage Beta Chi, breakfast, Pow­ Fargo-Moorhead Chorus and its di­ speakers of the Minnesota Education effects. ers Coffee Shop, Fargo rector, D. L. Preston of MSTC. "The Association, to be held at the Col­ A pep fest, twentieth century bon­ Alpha Epsilon, breakfast, Coming Struggle for Power" is the ad­ lege. fire, and the traditional torch-light College Club dress to be delivered at that time parade through Moorhead will follow 10:30 a.m. — Freshman-Sopho­ Captivating Speaker. Thomas Speaks by Norman Thomas. the performance in Weld Hall. more Sack Rush, Memorial One of the most captivating speak­ Teachers assembling Friday morn­ Field ers of the day, Halliburton who can ing at 10:30 at the State Teachers 12 noon — Family Luncheon, always be counted upon to lead his Here Thursday College will hear Lawrence Norin of Martha Mead Secures Comstock dining hall listeners into strange places, is sched- the College on the electronic organ. Washington Position 2 p. m.—Mankato State Teach­ uled to speak Friday, October 22, at Two addresses scheduled are to be 9 o'clock a. m„ in the Moorhead High ><>ted Socialist Speaker, Author given by Dr. S. A. Hamrin of North­ ers CoUege vs. Dragons, Me­ To Discuss Government Martha Mead left by bus Thursday morial Field ! School. His subject at that time will western University and Agnes Sam- | be "Seven League Boots". The same for Washington, D. C., where she will 4:30 p.m.—Kappa Pi, Coffee, Trends uelson, State Superintendent of Pub- be employed as a clerk in a Govern­ Kindergarten Room | afternoon at 1:45 he will again ad lie Instruction for Iowa. They will ment office. 5:30 p.m.—Rho Lambda Chi, ! dress the education association, in j Among the featured speakers of the Speak on ,"The Secondary Schools Weld Hall, speaking on "New Adven- | . E. A. program to be presented here Meeting the Needs of Adolescents" Miss Mead, who received her train­ Dinner, Ingleside M 9:00 p.m. — Homecoming Ball, tures in Old Lands". next week is Norman Thomas, one of and "The Unique Function", respec­ ing at Wahpeton School of Science, Varied Experiences. the most brilliantly inspired speakers in has been employed in the Registrar's Big Gym. tively. Vice President John Wylie His expeditions have been many and America today. Mr. Thomas has be- from Frazee will preside. Office at MSTC for five years. Her Sunday, October 17: father, C. G. Mead, resides at Lis­ 8:30 a.m. — Psi Delta Kappa varied, taking him to the far corners come well known throughout the Uni- Also to be held in Weld Hall the of the globe—to Western Tibet, from ted States through his activities as 1:45 p. m. session, presided over by bon, N. D. Her sister, Miriam, is a breakfast, Alamo Cafe. Superintendent S. G. Reinertsen of sophomore at MSTC. 6 p. m.—W. A. A. Waffle Sup- Ithaca hack to Ithaca, tracing the minister, lecturer, editor, author, and Supper, Bluebird Cafe, Far­ travels of Ulysses, as recounted in the socialist candidate for president. He Moorhead, will include music by the go. Odyssey. will spenk on "Trends in Govern- grades of Moorhead Public Schools Luncheons, Group * Continued on Page 4 ments" at the general assembly in with Margaret Newton, supervisor. Weld Hall at 8:00 p. m„ Thursday, Oc­ Of outstanding merit wiil be the Eva Reunions Planned Students' Father tober 21 Jessye Choir^ Concert at 8:15 Friday MSTC Men S Quartette The Mjnnesota Educational Associa- | evening in the Armory. Dies at Rochester Sings At Fargo Banquet tion believes that all sides of social MSTC, Concordia, St. Olaf, Luther and problems should be presented. Two Augustana Alumni E'eted R. B. Peterson, father of Florence The College Male Quartet compos- years ago, George E. Sokolsky, extreme Rcl III I 111 lo S|Kcllv At Luncheons and Virgil Peterson, students at MSTC, ed of Alfred Richards, Reinhold Utke, conservative and J. Frederick Essary, x v . r,-, . died last Monday night in Rochester, Eugene Struble, and Morton Presting New Deaist, were on the speakers ros- "111 JOl) 1 Pel 1111IIO' M.E.A.
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