608 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 3 / Monday, January 6, 1997 / Rules and Regulations rule'' under Department of 14 CFR Part 71 needs this revision before publication of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory aeronautical charts and manuals with [Airspace Docket No. 96±AAL±32] Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, effective date January 30, 1997. February 26, 1979), and (3) if Revision of Class E Airspace; The coordinates for this airspace promulgated, will not have a significant Buckland, AK docket are based on North American economic impact, positive or negative, Datum 83. The Class E airspace areas AGENCY: Federal Aviation on a substantial number of small entities designated as 700/1200 foot transition Administration (FAA), DOT. under the criteria of the Regulatory areas are published in paragraph 6005 of Flexibility Act. A copy of it may be ACTION: Final rule. FAA Order 7400.9D, dated September 4, obtained by contacting the Rules Docket 1996, and effective September 16, 1996, at the location provided under the SUMMARY: It has come to the attention of which is incorporated by reference in 14 caption ADDRESSES. the FAA that the Class E airspace at Buckland, AK, will not chart correctly. CFR 71.1 (61 FR 48403; September 13, List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 This action revises the Buckland, AK, 1996). The Class E airspace designation airspace description by clarifying the listed in this document will be Airspace, Incorporation by reference, airspace required from the Kotzebue published subsequently in the Order. Navigation (air). Very High Frequency (VHF) omni- The Rule Adoption of the Amendment. directional radio range (VOR) and Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/ This amendment to part 71 of the Accordingly, the Federal Aviation DME) and the Selawik VOR/DME to the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR Administration amends part 71 of the new Global Positioning System (GPS) part 71) revises the Class E airspace at Federal Aviation Regulation (14 CFR waypoint coordinates. The area would Buckland, AK. The Class E airspace part 71) as follows: be depicted on aeronautical charts for description will not chart correctly. The pilot reference. The intended effect of PART 71ÐAMENDED airspace description verbage ``10.5 miles this rule is to provide an accurate northwest on the 303° bearing from the airspace description for the Class E Buckland NDB'' has been reworded to 1. The authority citation for part 71 airspace supporting IFR operations at continues to read as follows: read ``4 miles eitherside of a line Buckland, AK. between AKUDY and the Kotzebue Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g); 40103, 40113, EFFECTIVE DATE: Effective 0901 UTC on VOR/DME, and 4 miles eitherside of a 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959± January 6, 1997. line between AKUDY and the Selawik 1963 Comp., p. 389; 14 CFR 11.69. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: VOR/DME, excluding that airspace 71.1 [Amended] Robert van Haastert, System inside Kotzebue, AK, and Selawik, AK, Management Branch, AAL±538, Federal Class E airspace areas.'' This action will 2. The incorporation by reference in Aviation Administration, 222 West 7th clarify the charting problem. 14 CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation Avenue, Box 14, Anchorage, AK 99513± Because the circumstances described Administration Order 7400.9D, Airspace 7587; telephone number (907) 271± in this final rule warrant immediate Designations and Reporting Points, 5863. dated September 4, 1996, and effective action by the FAA to provide a September 16, 1996, is amended as SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: corrected description for charting follows: History agencies, the FAA concludes that notice and public procedure under 5 U.S.C. Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas The FAA established Class E airspace section 553(b) are impractical and good extending upward from 700 feet or more at Buckland Airport, AK, as a result of above the surface of the earth. cause, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. section the development of a GPS instrument 553(d), exists for making this * * * * * approach procedure to Runway (RWY) amendment effective in less than 30 10 at Buckland Airport, AK. The final days. ACE NE E5 York, NE [Revised] rule was published in the Federal York Municipal Airport, NE Register (61 FR 53848, October 16, The FAA has determined that these (lat. 40°53′47′′ N., long. 97°37′26.7′′ W.) 1996). Interested parties were invited to proposed regulations only involve an York NDB participate in this rulemaking established body of technical ° ′ ′′ ° ′ ′′ (lat. 40 53 51 N., long. 97 37 01 W.) proceeding by submitting written regulations for which frequent and That airspace extending upward from 700 comments on the proposal to the FAA. routine amendments are necessary to feet above the surface within a 6.6-mile No comments were received. keep them operationally current. It, radius of the York Municipal Airport and It has been brought to the FAA's thereforeÐ(1) Is not a ``significant ° within 2.6 miles each side of the 202 bearing attention that the airspace description regulatory action'' under Executive from the York NDB extending from the 6.6- will not chart correctly. The airspace Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant mile radius to 7.4 miles southwest of the description has been reworded to rule'' under DOT Regulatory Policies airport and within 2.6 miles each side of the change the verbage ``10.5 miles and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 334° bearing from the York NDB extending northwest on the 303° bearing from the 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant from the 6.6-mile radius to 7.4 miles preparation of a regulatory evaluation as northwest of the airport. Buckland NDB'' to read ``4 miles eitherside of a line between AKUDY and the anticipated impact is so minimal. * * * * * the Kotzebue VOR/DME, and 4 miles Since this is a routine matter that will Issued in Kansas City, MO, on November eitherside of a line between AKUDY and only affect air traffic procedures and air 22, 1996. the Selawik VOR/DME, excluding that navigation, it is certified that this rule, Christopher R. Blum, airspace inside Kotzebue, AK, and when promulgated, will not have a Acting Manager, Air Traffic Division Central Selawik, AK, Class E airspace areas.'' significant economic impact on a Region. This action will clarify the charting substantial number of small entities [FR Doc. 97±173 Filed 1±3±97; 8:45 am] problem. National Oceanic and under the criteria of the Regulatory BILLING CODE 4910±13±M Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Flexibility Act. Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 3 / Monday, January 6, 1997 / Rules and Regulations 609 List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 14 CFR Part 71 7400.9D, dated September 4, 1996, and effective September 16, 1996. [Airspace Docket No. 96±AAL±16] Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Paragraphs 6002 and 6005 are Navigation (air). Revision of Class E Airspace; incorporated by reference in 14 CFR The Amendment Dillingham, AK 71.1 (61 FR 48403; September 13, 1996). The Class E airspace designations listed In consideration of the foregoing, the AGENCY: Federal Aviation in this document will be published Federal Aviation Administration Administration (FAA), DOT. subsequently in the Order. ACTION: Final Rule. amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows: The Rule PART 71Ð[AMENDED] SUMMARY: This action revises Class E This amendment to part 71 of the airspace at Dillingham Airport, AK. The Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 1. The authority citation for 14 CFR development of Global Positioning part 71) revises Class E airspace located Part 71 continues to read as follows: System (GPS) and Microwave Landing at Dillingham, AK, to provide controlled System (MLS) instrument approaches to Authority: 49 U.S.C. 40103, 40113, 40120; airspace extending upward from 700 RWY 1 and RWY 19 at Dillingham, AK, feet AGL for aircraft executing E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959±1963 have made this action necessary. The Comp., p. 389; 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 14 CFR instrument landing and departing intended effect of this action is to procedures. 11.69. provide adequate controlled airspace for The Federal Aviation Administration § 71.1 [Amended] IFR operations at Dillingham Airport, AK. has determined that these proposed 2. The incorporation by reference in regulations only involve an established EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, February 27, body of technical regulations for which 14 CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation 1997. Administration Order 7400.9D, frequent and routine amendments are FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Airspace Designations and Reporting necessary to keep them operationally Robert van Haastert, System current. It, thereforeÐ(1) is not a Points, dated September 4, 1996, and Management Branch, AAL±538, Federal effective September 16, 1996, is ``significant regulatory action'' under Aviation Administration, 222 West 7th Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a amended as follows: Avenue, Box 14, Anchorage, AK 99513± ``significant rule'' under DOT * * * * * 7587; telephone number (907) 271± Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 5863. Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace extending FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) upward from 700 feet or more above the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: does not warrant preparation of a surface of the earth. regulatory evaluation as the anticipated History * * * * * impact is so minimal. Since this is a On October 16, 1996, a proposal to routine matter that will only affect air AAL AK E5 Buckland, AK [Revised] amend part 71 of the Federal Aviation traffic procedures and air navigation, it Buckland Airport, AK Regulations (14 CFR part 71) to revise is certified that this rule will not have (lat. 65° 58′ 40′′ N, long. 161° 07′ 44′′ W) the Class E airspace at Dillingham was a significant economic impact on a Buckland NDB published in the Federal Register (61 substantial number of small entities (lat.
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