THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY V OLUME 48, ISSUE 116 | MONDAY, apRIL 13, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Associate dean dies Graduate Faculty and students remember associate dean of College of Engineering and Notre Dame alumna Pieronek students request Observer Staff Report said. served as Director of Alumni After earning her law degree, Relations for the its law school as dental coverage C atherine Pieronek, Associate she took up the cause of Title IX well as the editor of its quarterly Dean of Academic Affairs and in higher education and became publication, prior to which she director of the women’s engi- a leading expert on the topic, ac- served as a senior systems engi- neering program in the College neer at PRW, the obituary said. of Engineering, died Thursday When she joined the faculty, night at the age of 52 at Memorial Pieronek established the women’s ean Hospital in South Bend, according D engineering program as part of to a University press release sent her ongoing efforts to support Friday afternoon. women engineers on campus and ngineer Pieronek graduated from Notre E ing spearheaded the initiative to con- Dame in 1984 with a Bachelor of centrate female engineers in resi- Science degree in aerospace en- Pieronek Catherine dence halls, the obituary said. At gineering and earned her law de- cording to the release. the time of her death, she was gree from the University in 1995, Before joining Notre Dame’s an obituary emailed to students teaching faculty in 2002, Pieronek see DEAN PAGE 5 Juniors host mothers at KERI O’MARA | The Observer Saint Mary’s over weekend students are required to have By EMILY McCONVILLE A ssociate News Editor health insurance, and students By MARTHA REILLY are automatically enrolled in N ews Writer The Office of Student Affairs a school-sponsored insurance will hold a public meeting program unless they opt out, This weekend, Saint Mary’s Tuesday to discuss the pos- according to the University hosted Junior Mom’s Weekend, sibility of reinstating a dental Health Services website. But to which allowed mothers and insurance plan for graduate receive dental coverage specif- daughters to share a special students, in response to a stu- ically, students had to sign up weekend on campus together. dent petition on the issue. and pay a separate fee, accord- Junior class president Corinne The petition, submitted in ing to Sean Phillips, the health Craig said she began planning January, asked the University chair of the Graduate Student for this in September. The week- to reinstate dental coverage Union (GSU). end helped moms and daughters after Aetna, the company that Phillips said Aetna dropped grow closer, as it allowed moth- provides student health insur- the option for dental coverage ers and daughters to experience ance through Notre Dame, in 2013 due to low enrollment. Saint Mary’s together. removed the option of a den- “A lot of students just didn’t “The main purpose of all the tal plan for graduate students pay into it, and just as any events is to show mothers how after the 2012-2013 academic insurance mathematically their daughters have fun during Photo courtesy of Maggie Crowe year and replaced it with a dis- works, if you don’t have people Saint Mary’s juniors pose with their mothers at dinner Saturday at count card. see MOMS PAGE 4 Gillespie Center in the Hilton Garden Inn. All Notre Dame graduate see DENTAL PAGE 5 Lecture highlights struggles in North Korea By MADISON JAROS LiNK representative Kirsten and movies [like The Interview The United Nations pub- abortions and other sexual vi- N ews Writer Pulles said in addition to refu- that] you’re scared to watch lished a report last year that olence, persecution based on gee assistance, the nonprofit with your family in the room,” found “the gravity, scale and political, religious, racial and L iberty in North Korea also hopes to change society’s Pulles said. “That’s what you nature of the human rights vio- gender grounds, the forcible (LiNK), a grassroots nonprof- idea of what is going on inside see on the news, because that’s lations currently happening in transfer of populations, the it that works to improve the the country and how they can the story and that’s what makes North Korea reveal a state that forced disappearance of per- lives of North Korean refu- help. a great story. But … I want to is without parallel in our con- sons and the inhumane act of gees, described the situation “I’m sure for some of you, replace those first impressions temporary world.” knowingly causing prolonged inside North Korea as one of when I say North Korea, some with the North Korean people “[The report] went on to say starvation,” she said. the “greatest challenges fac- of the first things that natu- — the hope that they have for that these crimes against hu- Pulles said these conditions ing humanity today” during a rally pop into your head are their future, and the changes manity include ‘extermination, have contributed to a per lecture at Carey Auditorium on scary weapons, scary dicta- that are already happening at murder, enslavement, torture, Sunday. tors with even scarier haircuts, the grassroots level.” imprisonment, rape, forced see NORTH KOREA PAGE 4 NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 7 SCENE PAGE 9 FOOTBALL PAGE 16 BASEBALL PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | MONDAY, apRIL 13, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is your favorite type of facial hair? P .O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Mayra Martinez Julie Vidales Greg Hadley Managing Editor Business Manager senior freshman Jack Rooney Alex Jirschele Badin Hall Welsh Family Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Mary Green Asst. Managing Editor: Lesley Stevenson Asst. Managing Editor: Wei Lin “All over bushy beards and on “Depends on the guy, but scruff neck too.” or none.” News Editor: Margaret Hynds Viewpoint Editor: Tabitha Ricketts Sports Editor: Zach Klonsinski Scene Editor: Erin McAuliffe Saint Mary’s Editor: Haleigh Ehmsen Photo Editor: Zach Llorens Graphics Editor: Erin Rice Diego Fernandez del Alex Morales Multimedia Editor: Brian Lach Online Editor: Michael Yu Castillo freshman Advertising Manager: Elaine Yu Ad Design Manager: Jasmine Park sophomore Holy Cross Hall Controller: Cristina Gutierrez Fisher Hall “The chinstrap and unibrows! 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News Sports Haleigh Ehmsen Zach Klonsinski Email [email protected] Andrea Vale Rachel O’Grady THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Gabriela Malespin Nicole Caratas Graphics Scene Keri O’Mara Jimmy Kemper Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Photo Viewpoint C aitlyn Jordan R ex Shannon “Mothers of Bedford” Blood Drive “MFA Student “Dead Man’s Labor Cafe Geddes Hall Rolfs Sports Reading” Cellphone” Geddes Hall 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Recreation Center Hammes Bookstore DebartoloPerforming 4:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. Corrections Film and discussion 11 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
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