Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, THE MIDDLEIsrael, SyrianEAST Arab Republic, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Yemen. MID THE MIDDLE EAST THE DLE EA REGIONAL OVERVIEW S T R E G I O N A L O V E R V I E W Recent Developments In June 1999, the Government of Iraq announced The continuing political instability in the region an exemption from prosecution for Iraqis who since the 1991 Gulf War has led to an increase in had left the country by illegal or fraudulent means. the number of asylum-seekers approaching UNHCR This announcement was followed by the issuance offices. To meet this increase, UNHCR has strength- by the Iraqi embassy in Teheran of travel docu- ened its protection capacity in the region and ments to Iraqis wishing to return to their coun- maintains offices in eight countries, in addition to try of origin. The Government of the Islamic the one in Israel, where UNHCR has honorary rep- Republic of Iran then sought UNHCR’s assistance resentation. to facilitate the spontaneous return of Iraqis who fall in this category. During the period from August In view of the limited scope for regional integra- to mid-October 1999, some 870 Iraqi Arabs tion and voluntary repatriation, third country returned to Iraq from the Islamic Republic of Iran resettlement remains the only viable lasting solu- with UNHCR’s assistance. Similarly, the decree tion for a large number of refugees in the Middle may have contributed to an increase in the rate East. During 1999, UNHCR enhanced its resettle- of spontaneous returns of refugees from Rafha ment efforts through the Middle East Resettlement Camp in northern Saudi Arabia, since in the first Project. This project facilitated increased staffing months after the announcement of the decree, levels in various countries in the region and some 60 persons voluntarily returned from Rafha enhanced UNHCR’s capacity to interview asylum- refugee camp to Iraq. seekers and to process the resettlement paperwork for those recognised as refugees. The project has In Iraq, UNHCR provides complementary assis- helped reduce the backlog of cases awaiting refugee tance for some 11,800 Turkish refugees of Kurdish status determination and resettlement processing. origin in Makhmour Refugee Camp, and in the five Considering its positive impact, UNHCR has decid- refugee settlements in the north of Iraq. UNHCR ed to extend these objectives to its 2000 programme. also assists some 15,800 Iranian refugees of 120 Kurdish origin in Al-Tash refugee camp and a chapters, UNHCR has operations in seven coun- smaller group of 3,200 Iranian refugees of Kurdish tries in the region. Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi origin residing in the cities of Erbil and Sulemaniya Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic and the United Arab in the north of Iraq. As of October 1999, UNHCR Emirates are not yet a party to the 1951 assisted some 110 Turkish refugees of Kurdish Convention and its 1967 Protocol. In these coun- origin to return from Iraq to their country of ori- tries, UNHCR is training government officials and gin. Meanwhile, as of mid-October 1999, some national NGOs in refugee law and promoting 11,400 Iraqi Kurds have reportedly left their places accession to the Convention and its additional of residence in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Protocol. returned spontaneously to the north of Iraq. Despite being party to the 1951 Convention and At the end of August 1999, the Government of Iraq 1967 Protocol, Israel has yet to develop a proce- asked UNHCR to provide basic complementary dure for refugee status determination. Efforts will assistance to some 10,000 Iranian refugees orig- be made in 2000, through training and awareness- inating from Ahwaz who have lived in southern raising, to enable the Government to assume this and central of Iraq since the Iran-Iraq war of the responsibility. Meanwhile, UNHCR will continue 1980s. These refugees had been assisted by the to provide, under its mandate, protection and Government of Iraq. The current economic situa- assistance to a few individual refugees and asylum- tion in Iraq, however, has caused hardship for the seekers. Iraqi civilian population in general, and for refugees in particular. UNHCR in Jordan provides international protec- tion and assistance to some 900 urban refugees pri- At the regional level, UNHCR continues to focus marily from Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia. Jordan is on helping concerned governments and national also host to some 1,263,000 Palestinian refugees NGOs to address the needs of asylum-seekers and who fall under the mandate of UNRWA. Although refugees. Furthermore, UNHCR is actively pro- not yet a party to the 1951 Convention and its 1967 moting the accession by concerned governments Protocol, the Government of Jordan maintains a to the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol. very cooperative attitude towards UNHCR’s role to protect and assist refugees pending a lasting During the recent Kosovo crisis, UNHCR worked solution. The continuing instability in the region closely with Middle Eastern governments and has led to an increase in the number of asylum- NGOs to channel their assistance on behalf of seekers approaching UNHCR in Jordan. Since the refugees and displaced persons. This coordination Government of Jordan does not allow refugees took place within UNHCR’s regional campaign to to remain in the country on a long-term basis, REGIONAL OVERVIEW promote public awareness of its activities, with a almost all recognised refugees have to be resettled view to increasing governmental and private sec- in third countries. In this context, UNHCR’s pri- tor fund raising. mary goal in Jordan is to provide international pro- tection and assistance to refugees, while also car- Strategic Objectives rying out its institution-building programme for UNHCR’s objectives for 2000 are to: provide inter- government officials and national NGOs. national protection and basic assistance to asylum- seekers and refugees in camps and urban areas with UNHCR’s office in Kuwait focuses on providing special emphasis on the needs of refugee women international protection and assistance to a reg- and children; provide lasting solutions, including istered population of some 4,300 refugees, includ- assistance for voluntary repatriation or resettle- ing Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, and Somalis. ment; expand the expertise and resources of gov- The Government of Kuwait generally allows ernments and NGOs and promote accession to the refugees to stay in the country on a temporary 1951 Convention; improve public information and basis, pending the identification of a lasting solu- fund-raising activities; and maintain and regu- tion. While UNHCR provides direct material assis- larly update its contingency planning in the event tance to the most needy refugees, the Kuwaiti of a regional emergency, which could result in agency Zakat House and the Kuwaiti Red Crescent large-scale population displacement. provide material or financial assistance to needy cases referred to them by UNHCR. Operations In addition to the country programmes in Egypt, In addition to the Palestinian refugees who fall Iraq and Yemen, which are presented in separate under the mandate of UNWRA, Lebanon also hosts 121 some 4,000 UNHCR-assisted refugees mainly from tance will include training on various health issues Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan. The coun- such as pregnancy, family planning and the pre- try does not have national legislation dealing with vention of AIDS. refugees, and the Lebanese Government allows refugees to remain in the country for a very lim- The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is host to some ited period pending a lasting solution. UNHCR 530 recognised refugees who originate mainly provides international protection and assistance, from the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Somalia, including medical care, to needy refugees. It is and Uganda, but also include a number of expected that UNHCR’s vocational training activ- Palestinians. Although the Government is not a sig- ities in Lebanon will enhance the integration natory to the 1951 Convention and does not yet prospects for refugee women in resettlement coun- have established procedures for refugee status tries. determination, the local authorities do allow refugees to stay, upon UNHCR’s request, pending Saudi Arabia continues to host some 5,400 Iraqi the identification of a lasting solution. In the and 160 Afghan refugees who live in the Rafha meantime, UNHCR provides international protec- Camp. While UNHCR provides international pro- tion to the refugees while their assistance needs tection, all the infrastructural assistance is given are met primarily by local NGOs (after referral by by the Government. The main focus of UNHCR’s UNHCR). UNHCR’s primary focus in the UAE is to activities is refugee protection and facilitating ensure refugee protection and assistance. A sec- lasting solutions for recognised refugees in the ondary focus is for UNHCR to enhance awareness Kingdom. Moreover, UNHCR’s office in Riyadh of its activities and programmes and increase its acts as the coordination centre for UNHCR’s oper- visibility with a view to private sector fund-raising ations in the five countries of the Gulf Cooperation for UNHCR’s operations globally. Council. THE MIDDLE EAST In addition to the Palestinian refugees who fall BUDGET (USD) under the mandate of UNRWA, Syrian Arab Republic is also host to some 5,000 refugees reg- Country Annual Programme istered with UNHCR who originate from Iraq, Egypt 3,977,010 Somalia, Yemen, and other countries. Iraq 3,292,701 Approximately 3,950 urban refugees live in Jordan 1,665,487 Damascus and another 1,000 live in El-Hol Camp Kuwait 891,015 in Hassakeh Governorate. UNHCR will continue to Lebanon 2,667,045 provide international protection to recognised refugees in Syrian Arab Republic. Basic assistance Saudi Arabia 1,373,137 is provided for some 5,000 refugees on the basis Syrian Arab Republic 2,258,251 of individual needs assessment.
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