MERCYHURST COLLEGE Farewell To Class ing in the ceremonies, according p.m. The dinner for the graduates inhisorher chosen profession. for the Carpe Diem Award, the to Bonnie Hall, registrar at the is complimentary and each gradu- New this year, full-time fac-i Bishop's Award for Academic college. Hall said "There will be ate may invite two guests at $20 ultyfrom within the nine divi- Excellence, the Sister Carolyn 377 seniors participating in the each. Reservations need to-be sions will also have the opportu- j Herrmann Service Award, the ceremonies at the Warner, which made by Friday, May 10. Dinner nity to nominate an adult student Sister Eustace Taylor Leader- represents 42 more than last year. reservation forms are to be re- for the Adult College Achieve- ship Award, and the Mother Graduates are to be at the Aval on turned by campus mail to Box ment A w a r d s which will be pre- Frances Warde Adult Student j,Hotel in the ballroom at 10*" and 500 or they can deliver them to sented primarily for an excep- Awards. The latter three awards State Streets to«line up at 1:30 Sharon Sisco in Main 200A. Ad- tionally high QPA, but other cir- also will be presented at the p.m. ditional dinner reservation forms cumstances that are singular to Awards Dinner on Saturday night Of the awards to be presented, are available from S r . Damien at adult life may also be taken into The Bishops' Award for Aca- the breakdown includes: one As- the switchboard. Graduates wish- consideration. Normally, due to demic Excellence will be pre- sociate of A r t s degree, 5 6 A s s o c i - ing to invite additional guests will the relatively small number of sented to the graduating senior ate of S c i e n c e degrees; 285 Bach- be accommodated. adult students in the graduation who ranks first in the Class of elor of Arts Degrees, 56 Bachelor pool (15%), and to preserve the 19% and the top student award of S c i e n c e degrees, and 11 Bach- Awards; integrity of this award, no more given by the college's the Carpe elor of Music degrees. In addi- At the awards dinner the than one or two adults will be Diem Award. Nominations for tion, five master of s c i e n c e awa rds President's Associates Achieve- selected annually from all divi- all senior awards are due into the will be presented in the Adminis- ment Awards will be presented sions for achievement awards. Office of the Vice President of tration of Justice and 14 master's to the outstanding graduating tra- Eligibility for the President's Academic Affairs by noon on degrees in special education will ditional students in each of the Associates Achievement Awards Thursday, May 9, and the recipi- nine divisions of the college: ar- ents will be chosen by the By Gagan Suri be awarded. and Adult College Achievement chaeology, business,-education, President's Station Friday, May Merciad News Editor The ceremonies will be pre- Awards is as follows: A tradi- hotel restaurant and institutional 10 and notified by letter. ceded on Sunday morning by two tional student, for senior award management, human develop- Ceremony: Baccalaureate Masses to be cel- purposes, is defined as one who is ment, humanities, natural sciences "The day is finally in sight" ebrated at 9 a.m. and at 11 a.m. in less than 25 years old, is a four- Carpe Diem Award and mathematics, performing arts year degree student, and who does The Carpe Diem Award is the said a graduating senior. A record Christ the King Chapel, followed and social sciences. number of 428 degrees will be by a brunch in the dining hall for not possess a second bachelor's highest student award presented awarded to 424 students at the the graduates and their families. These awards will be decided degree. An adult student, for se- by Mercyhurst College. This cov- on the basis of scholarship, ser- nior award purposes, is defined as 68th annual commencement of Both Masses will be celebrated eted honor is g i v e n in recognition vice to the division, potential lead- one who began his or her college Mercyhurst College on Sunday, by the Rev. Steve Anderson, col- of intellectual competency, per- ership to the profession. This studies at Mercyhurst at or after May 19, at ceremonies scheduled lege chaplain. sonal integrity, and especially, for 2:30 p.m. at the Warner The- award is not based solely on an the age of 25 or who is pursuing a leadership impact It will be pre- ater. Last year 387 degrees were Parent Dinner Dance academic index, although to be second degree at the college. - sented to the outstanding gradu- eligible, a student must have a B awarded. Four of this year's On Saturday night, the Gradu- Both the President's Associ- ating senior who has made the average in his or her major and graduates will receive double de- ation Awards Dinner Dance will ate Achievement Awards and the most positive impact on the l i f e o f demonstrate a well-rounded de- grees in different majors. be held in the Mercyhurst Ath- Adult College Achievement the Mercyhurst community and velopment in the area that will This year also marks the great- letic Center, w i t h cocktails at 6:30 Awards will be determined after who best exemplifies the college mark him or her as a future leader est number of students participat- and dinner at approximately 7:15 ; the winners have been selected Cont....2 New Core Curriculum Proposed two parts, both of them would By Gagan Suri tice,liuman,dignity, respect'for tually sensitive persons ready to ferable skills of liberal learning provide 2 credits each required Merciad News Editor diversity, individual and col l e e- meet the unpredictable and var- which involves critical thinking, tive responsibility. ied cha Uenges of 1 ife. creative thinking and problem for graduation , but they will be No Charge credits. Part A. is The senate at Mercyhurst Col- #3 To form thoughtful and spiri- #4 To develop the following trans- solving strategies, effective writ- called the 'Feshman Program' and lege has approved the new core ing, effective oral communica- Part B, is called the 'Experience curriculum as a working tion, quantitative analysis, moral Learning.' College Colloquy in document.The new core curricu- reasoning, computer literacy, and general aims to establish colle- lum will be effective for t h e c l a s s Computer Literacy 0/1 Course information literacy. giate conversation between lea rn- of 2001. The core curriculum #5 To develop understanding of ers a nd tea c h e r s w h i c h w o u l d h e l p has been compiled in accordance Part-I (No Charge) various methods of inquiry in dif- the full development of respon- with the faculty rationale o f 1995 College Colloquy 2 Programs 4 Credits ferent disciplines. sible individuals. and fulfills the goals defined in Freshman Program 2 Credits #6 T o promote recognition of h o w The Freshman Program is a the rationale. Experience Learning 2 Credits history, social structures, and Part-H broad conceptual frames of r e f e r - yearlong program which includes According to the rationale, the The Common Core 10 Courses 30 credits ence have shaped the course of adjustment at the i c o l l e g e , aca- College's Mission Statement de- American History 1 3 Credits human thought and action. demic guidance, and personal fines Mercyhurst as "a commu- Arts Appreciation 3 Credits #7 To help students develop an development This program'in- nity of learning dedicated to the • College Writing I & II informed and tolerant understand* volves group meetings, assembly lifelong d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e w h o l e 6 Credits Mathematics 3 Credits ing o f cultures different from their sessions and individual faculty person." Further it states that the student guidance program. core curriculum embodies the Natural Science 3 Credits own. Philosophical Inquiry 3 Credits #8 To demonstrate to students Experience Learning is a project college's belief in the humaniz- which bridges formal study and ing power of a liberal arts educa- Religious Person and Tradition 3 Credits the humanizing role of the arts 3 Credits the co-curricular activities spon- tion, and the core curriculum is Western Civilization and literature, Literary Classics 3 Credits #9 To provide opportunities for sored by the college for the meant to complement the student's educational benefit. The student's specific major by pro- •- 1 Part-Ill the exploration of topics in both 27 Credits! Experience Learning requirement viding an essential, coherent and The Distribution Core 9 Courses breadth and depth. Behavioral/Social Sciences 6 Credits may be satisfied in one of the comprehensive experience in gen- #10 To help students understand Ethics 3 Credits eral education. the inter relatedness of knowl- suggested ways: an approved in- Humanities 3 Credits edge. terna dona I educational travel, an Mathematics/natural Science 3 Credits approved study-abroad program, Goals: Religious Studies 3 Credits certified attendance a 125 campus #1 To enrich the quality of stu- 4 Core Curriculum World Cultures/World Politics 6 Credits I) The College Colloquy events from the cultural calendar, dents' lives by cultivating their volunteer services or service intellectual creativity and curios- II) The Common Core Core Credit Totals! 63 Credits III) The Distribution Core lea rning'courses (150 hours at ity.
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