STATE Q F IW U. S. IS READY m N R A FUNDS TOTALKARDK LAONCHEDTOI FOR H IM K PLAN CUT, m BULL D I B m C A N E * i BinriNG M&ypffi Present Plan to Decentralize Secretary of State 1)eclares ^orm Now Raginf, Abiq! ation of Indnstrial Center This Country Will Re Rep­ tbioe Coast— Bag State JEAN HARLOW WEDS IMredEdr Jolu M n E q| ^ te Hard HH — ^ L ^ o iise ^Wonld Mott Tracts to resented at Any Meeting LOPES f U PLiWE ire .Coal Code O ^ ^ d w Unemployed. fo Reduce Armaments. Faces Destractioa. Wo7 |e(oi«,l$gti':- ^ By ASSOCIATED PRESS Wagner to D^ews Hartford, Sept. 18—^Executives of Washington, Sept. 18.—(AP)— Screen Star Marries Mnvii A hurricane, runaway madcap the State Department of Fisheries Secretary Hull indicated today the from toe tropics,. srat gnles racing Now” C u n p ^ in To- Ai'fc Game Commission on Parks United States would be represented Photographer — Wake D^ at any meeting abroad to discuss toward Maine’s coast today after au’iA* -ists and the Commission on wrecking death and destructitm on general plans for the resumption of n^sAd^ejsa! Porl^'’ and Wild L fe are seeking other parts of toe Atlantic seaboard. JlnsHce for the Ceremony. ■uppp,.t under the NRA. at Wash- the worlworU eponomic conference and ^Ten persons were known to be p ijfto n today for a “Connecticut said that in the meantime conver- dead in North (Carolina, where toe Ikural Home Acres Plan" which sations on disarmament would be HoUjPWOod, S e p t 18.— (A P )— Waishlnigton, Sept 18.— (AP)— continued unabated. storm struck its mpst vicious blow. would take the older unemployed, Jean Harlow, original “platinum An early, start was sighted today and partially disabled veterans, Reports from abroad that Nor­ Pi^Pdl^ damage ti^ e approached on toe nationwide'“buy now” cam­ from Industrial centers to self-sus­ man H. Davis, American ambassa­ $S,()^,|^. T ^ ' persons were blonde” of the screen, went by air­ paign pro’jeeted by Hugh S. J<flm- taining marginal land utilization dor at laigre. bad presented to drownea in peitosylvania. plane to Yuma, Arlz., eourly today and married Harold G. Rosson, S3 units in the coimtry. The project Prime Minister MacDonald in Lon­ - B^aMachusetts suffered a buffet son, NR V chief, to mass piiblto the approval of Governor Wil­ don today a communication from ing'' ' yesterday. Wharves were year old movie photographer, broth^ support behind business co-opera-* - wtitok^, shipping disrupted, high­ er of Mark Rosson, director. It bur Lk Cross. President Roosevelt drew a state­ tion in toe re-employment move­ ment from Hull that he felt any ways flooded. Steamboat sendee was her third marriage. ment. Would Allot Tracts They snatched a bite of break­ The plan calls for acq’iisition of such message would be merely one beeweeh Nantucket ancr toe Main- While he still had toe bitumlBoaB htod was stopped. fast and flew back here Euriving at low-priced 1,500-acre tracts, erec­ of greeting. cqeU code on hla‘hands for cbmifl^ Hull said he felt he would have • Lighthouse Wrecked United Airport, Burbank, at 6:55 tion of fina' detsia' be was mEpeejt- tion of one-family houses thereon, New York and New Jersey es­ a. m. allotment of two and one-half acre been informed of any major mes­ ed to take it,to White House sage being carried by Davis to Mac­ caped much of toe 'itorm’s wrath, The ceremony w a s performed by before .toe en^ of toe day; and turn subsistence gfardens, seeds, farm but historic Bamegat Lighthouse, a Earl A. Freeman, Yiuna’s "mEirry- tools and poultry to each family as Donald and that he knew of noth­ to other pressing questions includ­ ing along this line. Jersey institution for three quarters ing justice” of toe peace, who has ing toe ,p|ice control issue present­ well as providing small stock herds, of a century, faced possible de married many Hollywood film cou­ pasturage, forests and wood, water Sounding Out Leaders. structiem. The storm left only ed in toe codes . for retail tradn 20 ples. source of considerable mntrovosy. supply and agricultural machinery The secretary of state indicated inches of sand between toe light and “We had been friends for nearly for each unit. Funds to inaugurate that Davis was -wunding out lead­ thiw V enice-like scene business raging waves. The buylnr movement wels tp bs Four feet of water, swept’ in by a sub-tropic storm, created two years,” said Miss Harlow as discussed tonight in an address to the plan are to be sought from ap­ ers in various coimtries upon the seen in the background. On the south shore of Nova Norfolk, Va. The Norfolk County courthouse may be see she stepped from toe plane at Bur­ a natlonELl audience by Senator propriations already authorized by disarmament question and would Scotia, fishermen husUed from toeir bank. ' “Several months ago, our Robert J. Wagner of New York, Congress under the NRA and par­ later submit a detailed report. beds early today to save boats and friendship became love.” Full information was awaited whOf has been active in toe N R A as ticularly those earmarkec for de­ gear as the gale struck. Modlshly attired in fur-trimmed here as to what ' was going on chairman ot toe.,National Labor centralization of overbalanced pop­ In Mexico, soldiers searched ruins black velvet, she seemed fresh as a abroad, Hull said,, before any dis­ Board. ulations in industrial centers. MURDER SU SPE a for additional victims of another daisy, despite > toe hurried trip in armament policy was determined. ' CUBA’S NEW PRESIDENT hurricane, that struck toe vicinity the dead of toe night. « Weeks ago Johnson promised to Income and subsistence after es­ Hull did not answer directly ques­ tablishment of the imits would even­ of Tampico, and San Luis Potosl. Rosson had nothing to say at toe launch toe drive around vSept 20. tions asked by newspapermen The number of dead in those two airport and his bride had to per­ Since ^tbat time e^easive prepara^ tually have a substenance value to whether the British had suggested SERIOUSLY HURT each family of approximately $650 cities was set at 45, with nearlv 150 suade him to pose with her for tion. imd- study of metoods has been that this country hold up its naval MAY GIVE UP HIS O M C E Injured and six thousand homeless. u n d « way.< ' ^ per year, state department officials photographs. building progpram pending further i Code Aigiroved who have compiled the plan esti­ Decided to Elope. further disarm^lment discussion. He •yvr CROPS DAMAGED GffieUd, approval was given to mate, thus bringing about possible neither affirmed or denied that such “We decided last night,” said Jolm (Siristian Shot Twice by Bofto-', Sent. 18.—(AP)—Week­ Miss Hariow, “that we wanted to tim «bi»rsads today by NRA’s IB- economies in municipal reli^ funds a proposal had been made. Factions Meeting Today to end storms that left England board. Similar ac­ as well as giving employment to Watch Meetings. get married away. Because GANGSTER SLAIN; with washed out roads and dam­ I am working on a picture, we de­ tion was’expected before long from older persons, whc, it is pointed In the meantime, however, Hull Man Who This Conunits aged crops today passed out to sea tlm labor advisors. out, have not directly benefited said the United States was watch­ Try to Reach Agreement; cided on a swift airplane elopement and fair weather arrived. to Yuma—and here we The code bore signature of from national recovery plans thus ing the meetings of sub-committees Along tof coastline heavy seas sflokBsmeirfor all the countiys b(- far adopted. on ecpnomic and financial matters Siucide. i - This was Miss Harlow’s secoi Labor Tronbles^lncrease pounded. at watorfront communi elopment. At toe age of 16 ttinUiMUS . coal operators except Snb^itipnce Sections that had arisen at the world eco­ A ties and Inland roadways and rail -AlahanuL . West Kem> Subsistence sections of the plan nomic conference. eloped with Ctoarles F. McGrew, beds were washed away. Thou­ wealthy Ctoicago broker. She too^^i^aMve’’ mines, are bt«ed on crops, eggs, milk and While no plan had been made to and ervons. Glena Falls, N. * Y., Sept 18.— sands of acres of crops were lost as owned by stsel or other concerns ; meat raised by the families them­ fend an American representative to vorced him within a Utils more than Bqdy of Bridgeport Racket­ (A P )^ohn Christian, 80, was In a rivers floodec\toe lowlsr»d.*». a year later, in Juoe (ft 193^ mar- vhlcli consume toe entire output. selves, with fuel suM|)St|l^: by the critical soadition today as a result Concern was felt for Oipe Cod’s Berq filiB sRidio execu­ Signatures and compllRnce vdto Itp forests. Casb|y|peonie AMtiild be de­ (OonttBoed OB Page Seven) Havara, Sept l 8/'‘-'(A i’V--Pro-, of bullet wounds recdved a few $3,000,000 cranberry, erop,- wfthdi tive. 'Bern kiiled himself ext Labor terms were expected by ofteial^ rived from plW-time Jbaplcyment, e d hours after he war released from comprise ! nearly. 90 per cent of th* from . Alabama group u well as visional President ^m on Grau San Day, 1982. home indusitries, operating the areas « jail yesterday. He had been held for world’s supply. Two days of torren- Ptane Is Hired. toe captives, but there w u no so- as manag^ game preserves with Martin predicted today that a solu­ Weekend Deaths.
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