5,000 County Scouts Stage Oceanport Fair SEE PAGE 15 Sunny, Mild Mostly sunny and mild to FINAL day. Clear and cool tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Partly cloudy tomorrow. Long Branch EDITION (Sea Details, Fata 2> 1 JMonmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years /OL. 93, NO. 65 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1969 26 PAGES Register Invites Candidates to Debate Issues KED BANK — The Daily issues, with an opportunity liam T. Cahill and former state Unfair Advertising and Register today invited the for county newsmen to ques- Democratic Gov. Robert B. Packaging Study Commission four candidates in the coas- tion them, the candidates Meyner, for the 10-debate se- because he owns two super- tal district 5B Assembly con* and Sen. Beadleston would ries they had scheduled, markets, opposed legislation test to meet face-to-face in enlighten the voters and "Their example should be mandating transparent pack- the newspaper's conference serve the public interest. followed at all levels of the aging of meat, and because room for a full discussion of Ask Reporters campaign," the Register his legislative aide, James the controversial issues in To assure that the inter- says. Neilland, is executive direc- their battle for election. views reach as many .voters Radio Station WRLB-FM tor of the N. J. Food Coun- The invitation is to Assem- as possible, the Register al- offered the district 5B candi- cil, an organization of super- blymen Joseph Azzolina and so invited newsmen from dates a half-hour last Friday market owners which has lob- James M. Coleman Jr., the daily and weekly newspapers night for a debate. Mr. Bo- bied against clear packaging incumbent Republican candi- and radio stations in the nello and Mayor Litwin ac- legislation. dates, and to their Dem- county to join its editors and cepted, but Freeholder Ben- The two Democrats also ocratic challengers, Little" political reporters in ques- jamin S. Danskin, county Re- charge that a member of the Silver Mayor Gordon N. Lit- tioning the candidates and publican chairman, said pre- Azzolina commission, Peter win and Richard L. Bon- Sen. Beadleston. vious campaign commitments Dorn, secretary of the state ello, a Long Branch attorney. The Register will make its forced Assemblymen Azzo- Chamber of Commerce, has Sen. Alfred N. Beadleston, conference room available at lina and Coleman to decline been described' by Mr. Azzo- R-Monmouth, who entered any time of the day or night that invitation. lina as a consumer repre- the controversy four days convenient to the candidates, See Conflict sentative, but is a lobbyist for ago, also is invited. the newspaper • says. Mr. Bonello and Mayor Lit- a weights and measures In an editorial today, the The editorial praises the gu- win have charged that Mr. law state Supperintendent of Register says that by meet- bernatorial candidates, Re- Azzolina is in conflict of in- Weights and Measures Sam- Joseph Azzollna James M. Coleman ing for a discussion of the publican Congressman Wil- terest as chairman of the (Candidates, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Gordon N. Litwin Richard L. Bonello Red Purge Spreads in Czech PRAGUE (AP) — A week- leadership spread today western Bohemia in the Com- Czechoslovakia's Commu- and economic apparatus, sci- still very popular, was oust- vice president of the National new membership card's' will end purge that swept throughout Czechoslovakia. munist party and in the Na- nist bosses, toeing the pro- ence and culture" in announc- ed from the ruling Presidium Assembly. be issued and that a future reformer Alexander Dubcek . plenary session will deal with Reports reached Prague of tional Front, which controls Soviet line, had promised a ing the purges yesterday. and removed as president of A purge list showed that 29 : and his supporters from Com- new regional shakeups from, organizations outside the par- sweeping party shakeup of President Ludvlk Svoboda the National Assembly. But men who backed Dubcek such a proposal. munist party and government eastern Slovakia to north- ty. "social organizations, state said a new government would he retained his seat on the while he ran the country have Husak said, according to be announced today. Nine party's Central Committee. left the Central Committee. CTK, that the card replace- cabinet members were Josef Smrkovsky, one of The Czechoslovak news ment would not only be "a thrown out or had their jobs Dubcek's closest aides in the agency CTK said party chief formal act" but would rid the abolished. 1968 reform era from Jan- Gustav Husak told a plenary party of rank-and-file mem- Dubcek, 47, the former uary until the Aug. 22 Soviet meeting of the Central Com- bers "who are unable to get Communist party boss and invasion, was removed as mittee last Thursday that (Czech, Pg. 2, Col. 3) Brandt Seeks New Coalition Government in W. Germany BONN, Germany (AP) — but declined'comment on coa- Christian Democrats and the and caused cbncerh about re- Foreign Minister Willy lition possibilities. Social Democrats. surgent nationalism among Brandt, whose Social Demo- Neither Brandt nor Kiesin- While a record number of Bonn's Western allies. crats were the only party to ger completely ruled out the voters did not give any party One reason for the NPD gain in West Germany's fed- possibility of renewing their a clear mandate to rule, they setback was the record turn- eral elections yesterday, said present partnership, although did decisively reject the ul- out 32.9 million voters — 86.8 today he will try to form a Brandt favors the coalition tra-rightist National Demo- per cent of those eligible. The new coalition government with the Free Democrats. cratic party, which some crit- large vote put the 5 per cent without Chancellor Kurt Format coalition talks ics have called neo-Nazi. hurdle beyond the reach of Georg Kiesinger's Christian were not expected to begin The National Democrats, the NPDj They received 1.4 Democrats. before Tuesday. The present called the NPD, received 4.3 million votes and would have If he is successful, it would government stays in of per cent of the vote. They had to get 1.6 million to quali- fice until Oct. 19. reeded 5 per cent , to seat fy. • , be the first West German a government in 39 years to be The cabinet meets today to deputies in the Bundestag. ' Voters also rejected the oth- headed by Social Democrats. er extreme of the politi- IT WAS A FINE PARADE —-Thousands of marchers participated in Saturday's celebration of tha ' ipOfh an- decide whether currency ex- Kiesinger and Brandt both The Social Democratic par- changes will be open. They hailed the shutout of the cal spectrum, the Action for niversary of the Washington Engine Company! Ma+awaru Bands and fire companies from' throughout the ty (SPD) won 42.7 per cent of were closed in the last days NPD, whose presence in the Democratic Progress, a state and Pennsylvania joinod in the parade, which stretched from the Magnolia Inn on Rt. 79 to the Regional the vote — a gain of 3.4 per of the campaign when upward Bundestag would have grouping of leftist parties in- High School on Atlantic St. without a break. Spotless in white uniforms, the Fair Haven Fire Company crosses cent since the 1905 elections. revaluation o( the mark be- touched off new propaganda cluding the Jiewly reconstitut- the Little Street Bridge, opened after reconstruction just for the occasion. The Christian Democrats came an issue between the blasts from the Soviet bloc ed Communist party. • (CDU) won 46.1 per cent — a loss of 1.5 per cent and not enough for them to rule alone. UN Probes Mideast Alternatives Both parties, which make Food Stamp Program up the present coalition gov- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. aggression and the instru- cil's 1967 resolution calling vious demands for Israel to ernment, began wooing Wal- (AP) — Faced with the. ment for consolidating the re- for Israel's withdrawal' from withdraw from Arab-held ter Scheel's small Free Dem- Arabs'' refusal to negotiate sults, of the aggression." Arab - occupied lands and ac- land before any talks, direct ocratic party, the big losers __Mrs. Meir was_ scheduled to Revision in House Seen with Israel directly on the Juiowledgment of Israel as a or through intermediaries, in the elections. The Free Middle East problem, VW meeT~7or Two "Hours "wIQT" country byTKeTArab wofiar takc~~place. Democrats captured 5.8 per WASHINGTON (AP) — mittee, to which the Senate- for food stamps over the next Thant at UN headquarters. Secretary - General U Thant "Ambassador Jarring has An Islamic summit in Mo" cent'of the vote compared to Backers and critics of a lib- passed measure first must three~years. It also would meets today with Israeli Thant was expected to ask rvocco last week condemned eralized national food stamp go- provide free stamps to fami- the function of seeking to 9.5 per cent in the last elec- lies whose incomes fall under Prime Minister Golda Meir to Mrs. Meir to accept Gunmar bring the position of the par.- Israel for what it called a tions. program, successful last "I'd be tremendously sur- V. Jarring, his special repre- week in the Senate, rate its $60 a month. probe alternatives. ties together by such means war-like stance against the The Free Democrats now prised if our committee ap- Mrs. Meir said yesterday sentative to the Middle East and efforts as he may find Arab world and demanded chances for passage by the proved that type of legisla- Food stamps now are pur- and Swedish ambassador to that it withdraw its occupa- have 30 seats in the 496-seat House at less than even.
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