FU LBR IG H T SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 Visiting Scholar Directory A Resource for the Occasional Lecturer Program FULBRIGHT F u l b r i g h t V i s i t i n g S c h o l a r P r o g r a m S t a f f To obtain U.S. contact information fo r a Scholar listed in this directory, please speak with the CIES staff member responsible fo r the Scholar's home country. Africa (S ub-S aharan ) and W estern Dan Pattarini,Program Officer Holly Williams, Senior Program Coordinator H emisphere 202.686.4013 [email protected] 202.686.6258 [email protected] Jenika Doctor.Program Associate Jessica Barnes, Senior Program Associate Debra Egan,Assistant Director 202.686.4022 [email protected] 202.686.8661 [email protected] 202.686.6230 [email protected] Algeria Jordan Qatar Albania Kosovo Michelle Grant,Senior Program Coordinator Bahrain Kuwait Saudi Arabia Bosnia and Herzegovina 202.686.4029 [email protected] Egypt Lebanon Sri Lanka Serbia and Montenegro Julia Beaver, Program Associate Gaza Nepal Syria Former Yugoslav Republic of Macendonia 202.686.6254 [email protected] India Oman Tunisia Angola Guinea Rwanda Iraq Pakistan West Bank Rachel Kolb,Program Associate Benin Kenya Senegal Iraqi Expatriates Program Yemen 202.686.6255 [email protected] Botswana Madagascar South Africa United Arab Emirates France Italy Slovak Republic Burkina Faso Malawi Swaziland Finland Norway Sweden Cameroon Mali Tanzania Europe and E urasia Hungary Portugal Chad Mauritius Togo Sone Loh.Senior Program Coordinator Cote d’ Ivoire Mozambique Uganda 202.686.4011 [email protected] Special P rograms Eritrea Namibia Zambia Ethiopia Niger Zimbabwe Tanya Janes,Program Associate Micaela S. Iovine,Senior Program Officer Democratic Republic of Congo 202.686.6259 [email protected] 202.686.6253 [email protected] Austria Ireland Poland Stacey Bustillos,Program Officer Carol Robles,Senior Program Officer Bulgaria Kazakhstan Tajikistan 202.686.6252 [email protected] 202.686.6238 [email protected] Germany Kyrgyz Republic Hajra Zahid, Senior Program Associate Michelle Grant,Senior Program CoordinatorGreece Netherlands Uzbekistan 202.686.6250 [email protected] 202.686.4029 [email protected] Belgium/Luxembourg European Union (E.U.) Research ProgramNew Century Scholars Program Julia Beaver, Program Associate Alumni Initiatives Awards Program 202.686.6254 [email protected] Rachel Showalter.Program Officer Argentina Ecuador Mexico 202.686.4016 [email protected] Karen Watts, Senior Program Officer Barbados El Salvador Nicaragua 202.686.4004 [email protected] Jessica Barnes, Senior Program Associate Brazil Guatemala Panama 202.686.8661 [email protected] European Union Scholar-in-Residence Canada Haiti Trinidad/Tobago Program Chile Hondouras Uruguay Armenia Georgia Russia Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program Costa Rica Jamaica Venezuela Azerbaijan Moldova Slovenia Metropolitan Enrichment Programs Dominican Republic Belarus Romania Ukraine Annual Fulbright Visiting Scholar Conference Croatia Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Asia and the M iddle E ast Ambika Joshee,Senior Program Associate Scholarship 202.686.6235 [email protected] Taeko Noguchi,Program Officer Galina Starovoitova Fellowship 202.686.4020 [email protected] Occasional Lecturer Program Jessica Wagner,Program Associate Erika Schmierer, Senior Program CoordinatorFulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program 202.686.6233 [email protected] 202.686.6248 [email protected] Richard Pettit, Senior Program Officer China Japan Singapore Rachel Kolb,Program Associate 202.686.6240 [email protected] Hong Kong Malaysia Thailand 202.686.6255 [email protected] Natalie Ondiak, Program Associate Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Aegean Initiative Latvia Spain 202.686.6244 [email protected] Czech Republic Lithuania Turkey Dylan Gipson,Senior Program CoordinatorEstonia Malta United KingdomU.S.-Germany International Education 202.686.7874 [email protected] Administrators Program Charles Koppelman,Program Associate Tanya Janes,Program Associate 202.686.4006 [email protected] 202.686.6259 [email protected] Mamiko Hada, Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.7873 [email protected] Australia Korea New Zealand Denmark Iceland Bangladesh Morocco Taiwan Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program Israel U.S.-Korea International Education Susan McPeek,Manager, Program Administrators Program (K IEA) Administration 202.686.4017 [email protected] Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program Military Academies Initiative Cover photographs, from top left: Ezzat Ibrahim Youssef Egypt; Eliseo Mercado, Philippines;, Nand igeria. Stella Youssef Williams photo by Kea Prather, Mercado and Williams photos by Aziz Raad. FULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2004-2005 Directory of Visiting Scholars FULBRIGH T FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs C IE S is a division o f the Institute o f International Education. C a m p u s P erspectives "Beyond research, Dr. Nguyen and his fam ily were gracious guests; they were superb ambassadors to our department, faculty, staff and students o f the rich culture o f Vietnam. Perhaps the visit and our resulting close friendship is particularly poignant to Dr. Nguyen and m yself as students during the 1960 's conflicts between our nations. During his time here Dr. Nguyen and his fam ily were truly part o f the department, participating in all the social events, often visiting many o f our homes, and frequently hosting dinner parties at their apartment.” Dr. James G. Baldwin, Professor and Chair, Department o f Nematology, University o f California-Riverside "Professor Comtois brought a true sense o f international understanding and collaboration based on his French Canadian heritage. He made a special effort to help colleagues and students understand the international dimension o f his culture and traditions. His international experiences show the breadth to which an individual can extend him self to deal with large-scale research issues." Dr. Stuart Gage, Professor and Associate Director, Center fo r Global Change and Earth Observations, Michigan State University "Dr. Suburo's willingness to impart her own knowledge, experience and insight was o f great value to our fellows and graduate students. Her maturity, enthusiasm and easy adaptation to our techniques and scientific procedures set a wonderful example for lab members, emphasizing the benefits o f mutual understanding." Dr. Patricia A. D'Amore, Senior Scientist and Professor o f Opthamology and Pathology, The Schepens Eye Research Institute "Leda Guimarraes was very active w ithin our program. Perhaps the most significant contribution was her initiative in trying to establish more ongoing connections between our department and her own university, the Federal University of Goais. It is likely that two o f our faculty w ill visit there next year. She has translated for publication essays by two more faculty and she has formed and led a faculty group to write a grant to fund a more formal exchange program for students and faculty. There is no doubt that Leda did increase the understanding o f Brazilian culture o f our students and faculty. She is a wonderful representative o f her country." Dr. Michael Parsons, Professor, Department o f Art Education, The Ohio State University “ Dr. L ilic had substantial exposure to the students, faculty and staff o f the School o f Law. Through his courses and lectures he did a great deal to help U.S. students and faculty understand conditions in Yugoslavia. He participated in numerous social events that contributed to better personal relationships with members o f the Pittsburgh community.” Professor Ronald A. Brand, Director, Center fo r Legal Education, University o f Pittsburgh School o f Law C o n t e n t s I ntroduction ...............................................................................................................................................5 O c c a s io n a l Le c t u r e r Pr o g r a m .............................................................................................5 O c c a s io n a l Le c t u r e r St o r i e s ................................................................................................. 6 V is it in g Sc h o l a r St o r i e s .......................................................................................................... 8 V i s i t i n g Sc h o l a r s b y A c a d e m ic F i e l d ........................................................................................ 11 A g r ic u l t u r e...................................................................................................................................... 11 A m e r ic a n H i s t o r y .........................................................................................................................13 A m e r ic a n Li t e r a t u r e ............................................................................................................... 14 A m e r ic a n St u d i e s ........................................................................................................................ 15 A nthropology............................................................................................................................. 15 A r c h a e o l o g y...................................................................................................................................
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