1956 [COL'NCII.. I Lately the management appear to have been friends of thle Opposition, When I was on the catering for tourist traffic, which I regard as North-West coast last year, were the most of little or no use to the service from the enthusiastic supporters of the State Ship- financial aspect. I do not know either that inug Service that I ever heard; so that the the traffic is a good advertising agency for work will be able to go forward with the the State. It takes the vessels off the coast unaiious support of a]ll hon. members. just at the hottest period of the year, when lDivision put and passed. they are needed for the convenience of our own people. T hope the 'Minister controlling Divisions - State Sawmaills, £872,886; the service will go into that question closely, W~yndham Freezing, Conning and Mafot - and determine whether the method is good or port Wforks, t 24 0,OO-agreed to. bad, and whether it should be continued. Personally I see no benefit accruing to the This concluded the Estimates of the Tra.d- service from the tourist traffic. Again, I ing Concer-ns for the year. noticed recently that the general manager has Resolutions reported. adopted the peculiar idea of advertising the service by turning a vessel into a inzz hall House adjourned at 11.35 p.m. at Frenmantle. I do not know the reason for that step, unless it is publicity. In any ease, I doa not agree with it. Does the 'Minister krnow the extra cost entailed inl supplying foodstuffs and catering for the jazz proceed- ings recently held onl the "Koolinda" at Frm- mantle? Further, does hie know what was taken away from the boat by wayno souvenirs? The Mfinister for 'Mines: T admit I have no information on that point. Mr. COVERLEY: I am not concerned ILegislative (Council, about what was souvenired, but about wvhat .Thursday, 161h Aovenmber, 1933. was not souvenired. I wish the visitors had souvenired the general manager, Ittt tun- fortunately they left him behind. I hopie PAGE Question : Road District. Act, consolidation.. 1050 the Treasurer will take into consideration the Motion: Bees Act, to disaluow regulation . .. 1957 question of giving us another boat for the Bills: Forests Act Amendment, SR., Passed 1957 Constitution Acts Amendment, 2R. .. 1057 North-West. Mletropolitan Whole Milk Act Amendment, As' semblys. message .. .. .. 1072 Hon. P. COLLIER: On the main point raised by the hon. member, an- other ship for the North-West, the Gov'- errinient have not yet hlad time to conl- The PRESIDENT took the Chair at 4.30 sides' the matter. I do believe, though, that p1,1.la ead prayers. we could more efficiently meet the require- ments with the existing ships if another service were there to co-operate. [ ail QUESTION-ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, g-lad that the "Koolinda" has functioned CONSOLIDATION. inter'- effec'tivelY. If her trips to Singapore Hon. J1. CORNELL asked the Chief See- fere in any' way wvith the purpose for whieh reta ry: 1, Blas the consolidation of the Rouul the ship was secured in the first plate, I shall Districts Act been completed and printed? also bring that before the Minister. r look 2, If so, when will copies be made available upon the "Koolinda" as my own, becauseI to road boards throughout the State9 arranged for the purchase and finance while in Melbourne. I rerret that she has dec- The CHIEF SECRETARY replied: 1 generated into a jazz hall. That matter, too, and] 2. The consolidation is completed, but W~ill have to be considered. I an quite slime it is not desirable to print it while there is that if an opportunityv presents itself to Hlad anl amndnment before Parliament which, if the money to finance another ship. thiat pro- p~assed, should be incorporated in the con- posal will be unanimously endorsed by the solidation (Road Districts Act Amendment members of this Chamber, because our Act, 1933, No. 2). [16 Novmns; 1933.1 195715 MOTION-BEES ACT. chanced to be in this State at the time, aw'l he also was consulted in this matter and To Disallow Regulation. confirmed the New Zealand authorities. It Debate resumed from the previous day oin was, therefore, decided to reduce the radius the following motion by Hon. V. Hamers- to three miles and I am advised that the bee- ley (East). keepers in the State are not incurring any That the regulation amending Regulation (6 greater risk of the introduction of diseae of the regulations made under the Bees Act, through the reduction of the radius from 1930, as published ii' the Governnment Ga-tte fire to three amiles. I desire to draw mem- on the 20th October, 1933, and laid on the Table of the House on the 24th October, 1933, bars' attention to the fact that the amend- he and is hereby disallowed. ment of this regulation does not affect the movement of bees, hone1y, etc., within the THE CHIEF SECRETARY illon. 1. 'I1 State, for neither the Act nor the regulations Drew-Central) [4-35]: The amendment to at present in force prevent the movement of Regulation 6 under the Bees Act applies hives, unless soine portion of the State has only to bees, hives, honey or beekeepers' been proclaimed an infected area under appliances imported into the State, and has Regulation 6 of the Act. I have given the nothing to do with those within the State. history of the regulation. It was initiated The necessity for the amendment to the as a result of a resolution passed at a eon- regulation arose as a result of a conference erenee of Ministers for Agriculture held in of Ministers for Agriculture, held in Syd- Sydney last Ifay, and it was not adopted ney in May, 1933, when the following reso- until the matter had been fully investigated. lution was passed- Mr. Hamersley has given insufficient reasons That the Western Australian Department of why the regulation should be disallowed, Agriculture should be asked to consider the and I trust the motion will not be agreed to. question of reducing the radius prescribed in On motion by Hon. C. F. Baxter, debate the interstate Certificate from 5 to 2% Further, in view of th fact that it ismiles. de- adjourned. sirable to have uniform regulations covering interstate trade, it was decided to ask the Queensland Department to consider thle ad- BILL-FORESTS ACT AMENDMENT. visability of adopting certificates similar to those which have proved so satisfactory in Bill read a third time and passed. Western Australia, but including the reduc- tion in radius. Before giving effect to this resolution, BILLr-CONSTITUTION ACTS and following on correspondence with the AMENDMENT. Ministers for Agriculture in New South Wales and South Australia, it was decided Second Reading. to refer the matter to an independent auth- Debate resumed from the previous day. ority, and the Department of Agriculture, of Wellington, New Zealand, was suggested. THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Hon. J. M. The Department of Agriculture in South Drew-Central) [4.40]:- The main purpose of this Bill is to indemnify a Tnembc-r of Australia intimated that if the New Zealand Parliament against a possible infringemenit authorities ruled that a radius of five miles of the Constitution Act, which may havs* was necessary, then they would not voice been involved in his accepting a position any further protest. In response to the in- on the Lotteries. Commission, .9npointed quiry, the Director General of Agriculture, uinder legislation passed last year. 'When Wellington, replied hy letter on the 21st the Lotteries (Control) Bill was befora2 the July, 1933, and concluded by saying- legislature last year, it. wa no secret that, The provision to enforce a distance between because of their special qualifications for clean and diseased apiaries to ensure only the the post, two members of Paliarnent product fronm clean aipiaries is sound in prin- would he chosen for a place on the coni- ciple, and should have the effect of stimulating a general clearing of disease in the States de - mission, and provision was originally made sirous of trading with you. However, it is the in the Bill with the object of enahling considered opinion of this Department that the them to take tip the duties without incur- radius could be Safely reduced to three miles. ring any liability uinder the Constitution Another expert, 'Mr. Currie, of the Coun- Act. The commnission was to he a Cor- cil for Scientific and Industrial Research, porate body: no portion of the revsae it IICOUNCI a. was to handle would come from the Crown. on a job printing business in Perth, g-ave Eventually the Government were atis- a quote to a Government body then known fled that the clause designed t(. protect uis the Bureau of Agriculture. The quote members of Parliament was unnecessary, was for the production of a monthly jour- and it was removed in snoth;3r place. nal which that body issued. The Bureaui When the Bill came to this Houise, the of Agriculture was administering funds omi indemnifying clause-owing to somuc ov'er- behalf of the Crown, and the money it was sight-still appeared in it. I saw the Miui- uisiag had been voted by Parliament. A ister, who introduced the Bill ii. another city printer took action against the mem- place, with the object of expressing liy ber with the object of unseating him and opinion that the clause should be riore recovering the penalty stipulated Por a comprehensive than it "'as.
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