gtote ghell Q144, age LOA .. RADIO TODAY hg TUESDAY, NOV. U, 1941 Armistice Day Ceremonies, Madison Square Park-WNYC, 10:30-11A.M. NEWS BROADCASTS President Roosevelt, Armistice Day Address at Arlington _Cemetery- Morning WEAF, WOR, WJZ, WABC, WMCA, WNYC, WURsTI 6 :00-WITN WABC, WHIM WNEW, 6 :15-WABC 8 :30-VVESCA, WHN WBNX, WHOM, WBYN, WAAT, WQXR, WVVRL, 11-11:30 A. M.; 6 :30-WEAF, WJZ, 8 :45-WEAF, WJZ, WCNW, WWRL, 9:30-10; WOR, 11:30-12 (Recorded). WOK WNYC Armistice Day Ceremonies, Times Square-WNW, 6 :45-WEAF 8 :55-WQ3Cit 3-3:30. 6 :55-WABC 9 :00-WABO "Keeping Faith," Max Singer, Commander V. F. W.-W.7Z,4-4:15. 7:00-WOK, WNYC 9:30-WOK '7 :05-WQXR 9 :45-WHN British Children Speaking to Parents in England-WMCA, 4-4:30. 7 :15-WMCA, WHN10 :00-WMCA Concert Orchestra, Ftaylyn Kinney, Soprano-WNYC, 7 :30-WEAF, WHEW10 :15-WJZ 5-5:45. 7 :45-WABC :30-WMCA. WNW/ "The Army and Civilian Defense," GeneralGeorge C. Marshall, Chief'7:55-WJZ. WQXR :55-WQXR of Staff-WEAF, 6:30-6:45. :00-WOR, WJZ, Comedy: George Burns and Gracie Allen-WEAF,7:30-8. Afternoon 12 :00-WEAF. WOK, 2:30-WOR, WHEW Treasury Hour: Igor Gorin, Baritone; A.ndrewsSisters, Songs; Col. WABC, WHN 3 :30-WEVD. WMCA Stoopnagle, Henry Fonda, Others-WJZ, 8-9. 12 :25-WJZ 3 :45-WNYC Secretary of Navy Frank Knox, Speaking at Armistice 12 :30-WOR s:55-WABC, WQIIR Day Ceremonies,12 :45-WNEW 4 :00-WOK Quonset Point, R. I.-WOR, 9:30-10. 1 ;00-WMCA. 4 :45-WABC Symphony Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, Conductor-WJZ, 1 :45-WJZ 4 :55-WJZ 9:30-10. 1:55-WQXR S ;00-WMCA Bob Hope Variety Show: Adolphe Menjou, Guest-WEAF,10-10:30. 2 :00-WNYC 5:15-WHEW Red Cross Roll Call: Vice President Wallace, Secretary 2 :15-WHN 5 :45-WHN Secretary of Navy Knox, Others-WOR, WJZ, WABC,of War Stimson, Evening 1041. 6 :00-WJZ, WABC, 9:00-WOK, WQXR American Youth for Freedom Rally, Waldorf Astoria-WEVD,10-10:30; WMCA 9 :45-WHEW WJZ, 11:05-11:30. 6 :10-WAJ3C 9 :55-WQXR 6 :15-WRAP' 10 :30-WMCA France Forever Rally, Manhattan Center; Speaker,Senator Ralph 0. :25-WQXR, WN. YC10 :45-WMCA, WEVD Brewster of Maine, Others-WBYN, 10-10:30. 6 :30-WOR 10 :50-WQXR 6 :35-W1IN 11 :00-WEAF. WJZ, Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding 6 :45-WABC. WOK, WABC, program is on the air 7 :00-WMCA WEIN, WEVD 7:15-WEAF, WMCA 11 :30-WHEW MORNING 9 :00-WOR-Dear Imogene, Talk 7:30-WOK, WHN, 12 :00-WEAF, W.72, W.TZ-Woman of Tomorrow ; Louise WHEW WARC. WEICA 5 :30-WOR-Music ;Farmers Digest Crane, Guest '7:45-WMCA, WHN12 :55-WEAF, WJZ, 6 :00-WHN-Radio Newsreel WABC-News-George Bryan 8 :00-WOR WABC, WEN WHEW-Recorded Music WMCA-Recorded Dance Music 8 :30-WMCA 1 :00-WMCA 6 :15-WABC-News ; Music WNYC-Masterwork Hour 8 :45-WFIN 2:00-WOK 6 :30-WEAF, WJZ-News ;Variety WNEW-Zeke Manners' Gang 8 :55-WABC WABC-Arthur Godfrey, Songs WEVD-Studio Music WOR-News ;Farmers Digest 9 :15-WOR-Food Quiz 6 :45-WEAF-News ; Variety Music WABC-School of the Air NEWS OF 111.E. SHORT WAVES WMCA-Recorded Dance Music WHN-Dr, Wynne's Food Z,',orum Time, Eastern Standard-Megacycles 6 :55-WABC-News ;Arthur Godfrey WEVD-News in Jewish 'it LONDON :00-WOK--News; Musical Clock 9 :30-WEAF-Talk ;Isabel M. Hewson 12:30 A. M.-6.11, 9.58 WNYC-News ;Sunrise Symphony WOR-News ;Music; Talk 1:15 A. M.-9.51, 9.58 WEIN-Grouch Club WJZ-Breakfast Club-Variety 3:00 A. M.-9.51, 9.59, 11.75 WEVD-Musical Clock e WMCA-Shopping Hints 6:00 A. M.-6.11, 9.60 :05-WQXR-News ;Breakfast Symphony WEVD-Studio Music (Off, 10-13) 8:00 and 11:00 A. M.-17.81 7 :15-WMCA-News ; Dance Music WV.R-Apartments Talk 11:15 A. M. and 1:00 P. M.-15.14 WHN-News ;Grouch Club 9 :45-WEAF-Edward MacHugh, Songs 3:45 P. M.-9.58. 11.75 7 :30-WEAF-News-Don Goddard WABC-Stories America Likes 5:45 P. M.-6.11, 9.58, 11.75 WNEW-News ;Recorded Music WHN-News ;Consumers' Quiz 6:45 P. M.-6.11, 11.75 WEVD-News in Jewish ; Music W NEW-Kathryn Cravens, Comments8:00 P. M.-6.11, 9.58, 11.75 7 :45-WEAF-Talk-Pat Barnes WQXR-Let's Talk Shop 11:30 P. M.-6.11, 9.58 WABC-News; Music 10 :00-WEAF-Bess Johnson-Sketch BERLIN WMCA-Ben Brady, Comic WOK-Food Talk-Alfred McCann 2:15 and 4:30 A. M.-9.65 7 :55-WJZ-News ; European Reports WJZ-Clark Dennis, Tenor 6:30 A. M.-15.11, 15.20 WQXR-News ; Symphony Music WABC-Hymns of All Churches 7:00 A. M.-15.28, 17.76 3:00-WEAF-Studio X, Variety Show 8:30 A. M.-15.11, 15.20 WMCA-News ;Jerry Baker, Songs 11:30 A. M., 12:30 and 1:30 P. M.-15.20 WOK-News Reports WNYC-Travel Hour 6:00 P. M.-9.61 WMCA-Morning Exercises WHEW-Make Believe Ballroom 8:15 P. M.-/1.77 WNYC-News ; Want Ads WQXR-Lisa. Sergio, Comments 10:30 P. M.-6.02 WEVD-Women in the News 10:15-WEAF-Sachelor's Children-Sketch :15-WOR-The Goldbergs-Sketch WJZ-Today's News-Helen Ellett ROME WJZ-Recorded Music WABC-Myrt and Marge-Sketch 5:45 A. M.-17.82 4:30 P. M.-11.31 WMCA-Religious Talk WNYC-Amsterdam Strings :45 P. M.-9.63, 15.3110:00 P. M.-9.63 WEVD-Friendly Adviser 10 :30-WEAF-Help Mate-Sketch 8 :20-WNYC-Consumers' Guide WOR-Consumers Quiz ; Music 8 :25-WABC-Nell Vinick, Talk ;Music WJZ-House in the Country-Play 11 :30-WEAF-The Bartons-Sketch 8 :30-WEAF-String Ensemble WABC-Stepmother-Sketch IA'OR-Talk-Bessie Beatty WOK-Musical Appetizer WMCA-Recorded Dance Music WJZ-Alma Kitchell's Journal; Neysa WJZ-Jim Robertson, Songs WNYC-Armistice Day Ceremonies, MeNfein, Mrs. Sidney C. Borg, WABC-Missus Goes A-Shopping Eternal Light. Madison Square Park Helene Caskin, Jean Reynolds WMCA-News; Health Talk ; Music WIIN -The Music Shop WABC-Bright Horizon-Sketch. WNYC-Amsterdam Strings WQXR-Salon Concert WMCA-News Reports WHN-N ews ; Variety Music WNYC-Studio Music WEVD-Dear Editor-Talk 10 :45-WEAF-Road of Life-Sketch WHN-The Music Shop 8 :45-WEAF-News ; Talk; Music WJZ-Miller Orchestra WHEW-News; -Bing Crosby Records WOK-Johnson Family-Sketch WA BC-Woman of Courage-Sketch WQXR-Symphonic Music WJZ-News ; Kitchen Quiz WQXR-Gilbert-Sullivan Music 11:45-WEAF-David Harum-Sketch WABC-Talk, Adelaide Hawley ; 11 :00-WE AF-Pres ident Roosevelt'sArmis- WABC-Aunt Jenny's Stories Helen Nolan, 'Guest tice Day Address at Arlington WMCA-War Babies and Child Adop- WNYC-News ; New York Today Cemetery (Also WOK. WJZ, WA13C, tion-Sophie Van S. Theis WEVD-The Folk Singer wmcw, WQXR, WHOM, WNEW, WNYC-Dentistry a Health Service-. 8 :55-WQXR-News Composers' Corner WNYC, WBNX, WHN, WBYN, Dr. Ewing C. McBcath WAAT, 11 :55-WQXR-News; Luncheon Music AFTERNOON 1 :55-WQXR-News ; Opera Music WQXR-News; Symphony Music 12 :00-WEAF-News-Don Goddard 2 :00-WEAF-Biblical Drama 4 :00-WEAF-Backstage Wife-Sketch WOK-John B. Hughes, Comments WOK-Talk-Martha Deane WOK-News Reports WJZ-Nancy Boothe Craig WJZ-Variety Musicale WJZ-Keeping Faith-Max Singer, WABC-Kate Smith, Chat WABC-Young Dr. Malone-Sketch Commander, V. F. W. WMCA-Recorded Dance Music WNYC-News Reports WABC-Eastman School of Music WNYC-Midday Symphony WHEW-Studio Orchestra Symphony Orchestra WHN-News ;Popular Music WEVD-Jewish Philosopher WMCA-Friendship Bridge-British WNEW-Frank Froeba, Piano 2 :05-VVNYC-Symphonic Matinee Children Speaking to Parents in WEVD-News in Jewish 2:15-WEAF-The Mystery Man-Sketch England 12 :15-WE AF-The O'Neil's-Sketch WABC-Joyce Jordan-Sketch WNYC-South American Music WOK-Arthur Godfrey, Songs WHN-News; Bob Byron, Songs 4 :I5-IVEAF-Stella Dallas-Sketch WJZ-Program Resume ; Music WEVD-Jewish Songs WOK-My Man Godfrey-Sketch WABC-Big Sister-Sketch 2 :30-WEAF-Valiant Lady-Sketch WJZ-Club Matinee, Variety WMCA-You Can Count on the Irish, WOR-News-Prescott Robinson 4 :30-WEAF-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch 'Mr. President-Major Gen. John F. WABC-Talk-Fletcher Wiley WOR-Happy Jim Parsons O'Ryan WJZ-Into the Light-Sketch WABC-Landt Trio, Songs WNEW-Merle Pitt Orchestra WNEW-News; Rhumba Music WMCA-Open House-Variety Show WEVD-Marriage Bureau-Sketch WEVD-Jacob Mason, Songs WNYC-Musical Souvenirs 12 :25-WJZ-News ; Farm and Home Hour WQXR-Readers and Writers-Edwin WEVD-Italian Varieties 12 :30-WEAF-Deep River Boys, Songs Seaver; Lin Yutang, Guest 4 :45-WEAF-Young Widder Brown-Sketch WOK-News; Judy and Jane-Sketch 2:45-WEAF-Arnold Grimm's Daughter WABC-News Reports WABC-Helen Trent-Sketch WOR-Beauty-Richard Willis WNYC-Reader's Almanac: Blanche WMCA-Recorded Dance Music WJZ-Midstream-Sketch Colton Williams, Guest WHN-Racing Scratches ; Music WABC-Kate Hopkins-Sketch 4 :55-WJZ-News; Adventure Stories WEVD-Henry Schroeder, Songs WEVD-Jewish Melodies 5 :00-IVEA F-When a Girl Marries-Sketch 12 :45-WEAF-Recorded Music WQXR-Dance Music WOR-Little Orphan Annie-Sketch WA.BC-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch 3:00-WEAF-Against the Storm-Sketch WABC-Mary Marlin-Sketch WNEW-News Reports WOK-Jimmy Kemper.
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