Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1962 Eastern Progress - 27 Apr 1962 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1961-62/26 ^ —« - ■ > MO MAKES THE 'IMPOSSIBLE GOOD A' . - PAGE 5 OGness PAGE 2 "Keeping Pace In A Progressive Era" • Friday, April 27, {962 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Vol. 39, No. 26 Twelve Senior Candidates Vie For King And Queen Of Prom Junior Attendants To Be Chosen Also By RONNIE WOLFE from Raceland, while Jim Stivers, Managing Editor also a commerce major, hails Twelve seniors have been sel- from Eminence. The only out-of- ected to compete for King and stater on the male side Is Brandt Queen and nine junior attendants Colem&n. He comes tiom Creves, EASTERN STlDbNIS BOUND FOR MEDICAL SCHOOLS—These Eastern students, all headed for have been chosen for the 1962 Ohio. medical service schools, pose with President and Mrs. Robert It. Martin and Professor and Mrs. Meredith .1. Junior-Senior Prom which will be Junior attendants for this j ear's Cox. after a recent banquet honoring them. They are, front row. from left: Margaret Ann Smith, Grey held Friday, May 9, In the Stu- Prom are Carolyn Brock, Frank- Hawk; Emma Lou George, Carlisle; Gladys Wood, Goose Rock; Betty Gorley, Gravel Switch; Geneva dent Union Building from 9 p.m.- fort; Jo Anne Conley, Paintsville; Wright. Richmond; Leroy Cut run, Alpha, and Richard Green, Plkevllle. Second row: Mrs. Cox; Mrs. 1 a.m. Final selection will be made Suzanne Pelsor, Harrodsburg; and Martin; Elmer Mulllns, Shrlhlunia; Etila Noble, War Creek; Barbara Kinder, Richmond; Melvin Russell, at an election Wednesday in the Jeannie Sanders, Richmond; John London, and Dwlght Short, Richmond, who received the fr simian academic award. Back row, from left: SUB grill. Reed, Brooksvllle; John Thomas, Professor Cox; Martin; Douglas Scutchfleld, Martin; Donald Croutcher, Berea; Dr. William Knlsely, guest Six coeds will vie for the title Geneva, Indiana; Danny Black- speaker from II. K.; and Robert Goes, Ft Thomas. of Prom Queen who will be chosen burn, Russell; and Paul Fuller, Wednesday from Jane Toppass, Covlngton. Barbara Kay Rose, Dottie Matt- Final plans are being made by hews, Nancy Hill, June Tackett, the junior class to hold the election and Evelyn Craft Turner. of the royalty next Wednesday. Fifteen Eastern Students Jane is an elementary education Only junior and seniors may par- major from Frankfort while Bar- ticipate in the voting. Each may bara, an elementary education ma- vote for one senior man and wo- jor also, hails from nearby Berea. man for king and queen, and two Dottie is also an education major. senior men and women for attend- A dmitted To Medical Schools She comes from Liberty. Nancy, ants. Also, each student may vote the only out-of-stater, comes from for two junior men and women Fifteen Eastern students have University of Kentucky Medical sity of Louisville, and Robert Goes, Cincinnati, Ohio. She is also an Ft. Thomas, University of Ken- for attendants. The King, Queen, been admitted to schools of medl-, School were discussed by Dr. Wil- elementary education major. Ev- and Court will be announced at caie, It was announced by-Meredith | Uam Knlsely, chairman of the UK tucky. elyn, an English major, comes the Prom. J. Cox, professor of chemistry. | Department of Anatomy, at the One student entering school of from Frankfort, while June, a Vlr- The select group was honored | banquet at Boone Tavern in Berea. nuraing is Margaret Ann Smith, gie senior, follows most of the Theme this week at the annual spring \ Medical Schools Gray Hawk, Louisville Baptist Hos- other girls in pursuing a career in The theme for the 1962 Prom la banquet of the Caduc«us Club, stu-1 Professor Cox. who is pre-medi- pital. elementary education. "Hawaiian Cruise", and the Bar- dent pre-medical club onvthe cam- cal advisor, announced four stu- The King of the Prom will be ney Rapp Band of Cincinnati has pus. dents will enter medical schools Veterinary School chosen from six senior*. been engaged for the .affair. Tick- EducaUonal opportunities at the in the fall. They are Melvin Rus- Douglas Mansfield, Glasgow, will Harve Turner, husband to Ev- ets are on sale and may be pur- sell, London, University of Louis- enter a school of veterinary medi- cine at Auburn University In the elyn, is an elementary education chased from most members of the ville; Leroy Catron. Alpha, Doug- major from Frank|ort. He as well junior class, its officers, or spon- las Scutchfleld, Martin, and Donald fall. Dwight B. Short, Richmond, was as Jim Montgomery, a commerce sors. Croutcher, Berea, all having been major from Murfdlcsboro, plans a The various committees are com- Cose Leaves accepted at the University of Ken- awarded the William H. Cox career in the army. Bill Gex, an- tucky. award, given to the freshman club pleting final plans for the event. member having the highest aca- other candidate, hails from Flor- The junior class extends a For Confab «ju, live Technologists . demic standing. «A»»-t ence. Bill's major Is social science. special invitation to all faculty Five entering schools of medical ■ New officers for tlia rffZ-WF Hugh Bradford, Jim Stivers, and members to attend the Prom. In- Dean Emma Y. Case Is repre- technology are Eula Noble, War school yearwere announced: presi- Brandt' CblemarPTTrTT5h"the" even vitations will be sent only to sen- senting Eastern at the seventeenth Creek, and Betty Gorley, Gravel dent, Robert Doekel, Ft. Thomas; dozen. Hugh is a commerce major iors and special guests. bi-ennial conference of the South- Switch, at Springfield, Ohio, City vice president, Charles T. Pezzar. east Central Region of the Associ- Hospital; Emma Lou Grange, Car- ossi, Louisville; secretary, Miss Jane Toppass Nancy Hill Evelyn Craft Turner ation of University Women in Mem- lisle, Barbara Kinder. Richmond, Carolyn Begley, Hyden; treasurer, phis', ".Tennessee. The conference One of these six coeds will reign as Queen of the annual Junior-Senior Prom next Friday night. They are and Gladys Wood, Goose Rock, at Larry Bates, McDowell, and re- from left: (top) Barbara Kay Rose, June Tackett, and Dottle Matthews; (bottom) Jane Toppass, Nancy began Wednesday and will last the Cincinnati Jewish Hospital: and porter, George Wilcox, Richmond. through tomorrow. Geneva Wright, Richmond, at Lex- Outgoing officers are Scutchfleld, Hill, and Evelyn Craft Turner. The Queen along with a male counterpart will be crowned at the Prom. Science Achievement The theme of this year's confer- ington St. Joseph Hospital. president; Wilcox, vice president; ence Is "The Educated Woman in Entering dental schools are Betty Gorley, secretary-treasurer, the New South." The keynote add- Richard Green, Pikeville, and and Mrs. Geraldine Spurlin, Ow- Choir Trip Includes ress was presented by Chancellor Elmer Mullins, Shelbanla, Univer- ingsville, reporter. Eastern Bands J. D. Williams, president of the Intramural Swim Meet Day Is Next Friday University of Mississippi, who 8 Performances There will be an intramural Nearly 500 students and about spoke on "Issues in Education in Eight concerts at northern Ken- Give Concert Trophies wil be presented to the the South." It was the plan for swim meet for swimmers and 100 science teachers from 77 high first three places, as well aa to tucky high schools are scheduled non-swimmers, Thursday, May schools will participate In the sec- this . year's session that the re- American Inheritance for the annual spring Eastern choir The Eastern Band and Sympho- the schools who score the highest sponsibilities of women for im- 3, at 7 p.m. in the Weaver ond annual Kentucky High School combined score. trip, which will take place next Health Building pool. nic Band presented their spring Science Achievement Day program proving education In the South Wednesday and Thursday. concert on Monday evening at 8 at Eastern next Friday. Registration will be held from would be explored through sym- Leaving at 6 a.m., the nearly 100 Girls must have a bathing 9-10 a.m. In the lobby of the Stu- posiums, addresses and discuss- Important Says Adams cap and a privilege card which p.m. in the Hiram Brock Auditor- This will be the second program dent Union Building. Testa will be members of the choir will sing at of its kind in Kentucky. Eastern ions. • Boone Co. High at 9:10 a.m. on may be obtained in the Infirm- ium. The bands were under the di- administered in .designated rooms Dr. Eleanor Dolan, Director of Mrs. Mabel Pollitt Adams, mas- ancient languages at the University ary in the basement of Sullivan rection of Mr. Nick J. Kocnigstein. originated the achievement event Wednesday, at Lloyd High at 10:30, last year when 451 students par- of the Memorial Science and Roark Research for the AAUW, will pre- ter* teacher of foreign languages of Kentucky for six years. She at Dixie Heights at 1 p.m., and at Hall. The program included several Buildings from 10:48 until 11:46 sent a program concerning the edu- at Eastern from 1927 to 1932, de- served as professor and acting A general meeting will be original works for band, as well ticipated. a.m. The students will be the col- Beechwood High at 2:60. Scholarships and laboratory n'j- ating of mature women for college livered an address entitled. "The head of the department of ancient Thursday will Include Newport held Monday, April 30 at 5 as marches, and transcriptions of lege's guests at a noon luncheon. teaching in the Southern states by Great American Inheritance" Wed- languages at Georgetown College p.m.
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