Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau Hydrologie und Glaziologie der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich Mitteilungen 238 Experimental investigation on suspended sediment, hydro-abrasive erosion and efficiency reductions of coated Pelton turbines David Felix Zürich, 2017 Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Robert Boes Zitiervorschlag für VAW-Mitteilungen: Felix, D. (2017). Experimental investigation on suspended sediment, hydro-abrasive erosion and efficiency reductions of coated Pelton turbines. VAW-Mitteilungen 238, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW), (R. M. Boes, ed.), ETH Zürich, Schweiz. Im Eigenverlag der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie ETH Zürich CH-8093 Zürich Tel.: +41 - 44 - 6 32 4091 Fax: +41 - 44 - 632 1192 e-mail: [email protected] Zürich, 2017 ISSN 0374-0056 Preface I PREFACE Medium- and high-head hydropower plants (HPPs) often feature Pelton turbines. For very high-heads above some 800 meters, this turbine type is practically the one and only alter- native. Medium- and high-head schemes represent an important backbone of the Swiss electricity production which is highly relying on renewable hydropower. In the context of the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050 the efficiency of the existing hydropower infrastruc- ture is aimed at being optimized. However, sediments compromise this target because they cause wear, increased maintenance and refurbishment cost, as well as efficiency reductions of turbines, resulting in production and revenue losses. According to the rare literature on this topic the annual maintenance cost for both Pelton and Francis turbines in Switzerland was estimated to some 20 Mio. CHF (as of 1988), corresponding to some 2% of the annual revenue. Dr. Felix conducted a multi-year experimental investigation on the interrelations between suspended sediments, hydro-abrasive wear and efficiency losses of coated Pelton turbines. There are a number of options to reduce the negative effects of turbine erosion on the HPP’s cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. Among these, the economic potential of temporary turbine shutdowns during severe sediment conditions such as dur- ing storm runoff as an operational option was aimed at being analyzed in detail from the beginning. An important sub-goal was to investigate and further develop techniques for continuous suspended sediment monitoring in real-time as a prerequisite for turbine shut- downs. To reach these goals, Dr. Felix conducted both laboratory experiments at the Competence Center for Fluid Mechanics and Hydro Machines of Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) and a comprehensive field study at the HPP Fieschertal, operated by Gommerkraftwerke AG, in the Canton of Valais. Because the behavior and the effects of suspended sediment par- ticles in high-head HPPs cannot be easily simulated in small-scale physical models, but would require a complex high-pressure test rig, it was decided to study the thesis topic at a prototype facility featuring high suspended sediment loads. The capabilities and limits of various instruments for suspended sediment monitoring were systematically investi- gated in a laboratory tank under controlled conditions. A variety of instruments was then installed in Fieschertal and tested over up to three sediment seasons. In collaboration with II Preface our mechanical engineering partners from HSLU, the HPP operator and BKW engineer- ing, the turbine erosion was measured periodically and efficiency changes were moni- tored based on both sliding needle index efficiency tests and on continuous data from the HPP’s control system. Thanks to the acquired data series which are unique worldwide and are also most valuable for numerical modelling, Dr. Felix succeeded in adapting an analytical turbine erosion model to runners of coated Pelton turbines, thereby distinguishing between two stages of erosion, namely erosion of mainly coating and base material, respectively. He obtained calibration coefficients for a number of locations within the runner bucket (splitter width and height, cut-out depth, splitter tip, inner side of bucket), mostly showing surprisingly high correlation quality. His findings also result in the determination of a suspended sediment concentration for temporary shutdown of the study HPP and in a methodology on how to determine such a threshold value for a given HPP. Moreover, the study of Dr. Felix provides guidance to adequately select instrumentation for continuous sus- pended sediment monitoring in real-time at HPPs and in rivers. My sincere thanks go to a number of institutions that enabled this comprehensive research project through their funding, namely Swisselectric research, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE, grant numbers SI/500638 and 500960), Gommerkraftwerke AG, and the Swiss Committee on Dams. The support of Endress+Hauser, Sigrist-Photometer and Rittmeyer by freely placing instrumentation at Dr. Felix’ disposal is gratefully acknow- ledged. The good collaboration with A. Abgottspon and Prof. Dr. T. Staubli from HSLU as well as B. Truffer and M. Perren from Gommerkraftwerke and U. Aebi from BKW is much appreciated. The co-reviews of Prof. Dr. T. Staubli, Competence Center for Fluid Mechanics and Hydro Machines at HSLU, Prof. Dr. H. Habersack, Institute for Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, and of Dr. I. Albayrak, VAW, are gratefully acknowledged. Zürich, June 2017 Prof. Dr. Robert M. Boes Abstract III ABSTRACT The water driving the turbines in many hydro-electric power plants (HPPs) contains sed- iment particles. At high flow velocities, hard and in particular angular, relatively coarse particles cause hydro-abrasive erosion on turbine parts. This problem is most severe in high-head HPPs equipped with Pelton turbines. Although the application of hard-coatings (tungsten carbide) contributes to increase the times between overhauls, turbine erosion cannot be fully prevented in severe conditions. The consequences are reduced turbine efficiency and lower electricity generation as well as higher costs for maintenance and spare parts. Hence, the energy efficiency and profitability of HPPs are negatively affected. For the mitigation of these negative effects, data on sediment load, turbine erosion, effi- ciency reductions and costs are required as a basis. However, complete data sets are rarely available in literature, and measuring the relevant quantities with sufficiently low uncer- tainty is challenging. In the present interdisciplinary research project, quantitative relations between sediment load, turbine erosion and efficiency reductions as well as relevant measuring techniques were investigated. The project comprised a preliminary laboratory study on various in- struments for suspended sediment monitoring and a long-term field study at the HPP Fieschertal in the Canton of Valais, Switzerland. The suspended sediment mass concen- tration (SSC) and the particle size distributions (PSD) were continuously measured from 2012 to 2014/2015 using an innovative combination of five techniques including Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST) and a Coriolis Flow- and Density meter. The erosion on the buckets of the Pelton runners was quantified by optical 3D-surveys and systematic coating thickness measurements before and after the sediment seasons. The changes in the turbine’s efficiencies were monitored with periodic sliding-needle measurements as well as daily evaluation of operation data. The combined use of several techniques for sediment monitoring allowed SSC measure- ments in a wide range and an assessment of the instruments’ performances. The detailed SSC and PSD results gave new insights into the sediment dynamics depending on natural events and operational conditions. The SSC and the median particle size d50 varied inde- pendently and ranged from 0 to 50 g/l and 10 to 100 μm (medium silt to fine sand), re- spectively. The maximum SSC was measured in a flood event with a return period of ~20 years in July 2012. The suspended sediment load in that year was more than twice IV Abstract the average of the other years, and coarser particles were transported. This led to consid- erable erosion on the runners and an efficiency reduction of ~0.9%. The analytical erosion model described in IEC 62364 (2013) was adapted for coated Pel- ton buckets and calibrated based on the field data for six cases, i.e. locations on the bucket. A threshold particle load characterizing the initiation of systematic base material erosion was introduced and quantified. Below this threshold, mainly the coating on the splitters and cut-out edges was eroded; these zones can be repaired on-site between the sediment seasons with limited effort. Moreover, efficiency reductions were evaluated as a function of the relative splitter width increase or radial splitter tip erosion. Based on the combined results, the study demonstrates that it is economic to shut down a HPP in periods of high erosion potential. In the major flood event in July 2012, a benefit corresponding to almost 3% of the value of the annually generated electricity would have resulted from closing the intake for 16 h when the SSC was above 10 g/l. Further investigations at the HPP Fieschertal and other high-head HPPs at sediment-laden rivers are recommended in parallel with laboratory studies and numerical simulations to extend the data base and improve erosion and efficiency prediction models. Zusammenfassung V ZUSAMMENFASSUNG In vielen
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