A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1960–1969

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1960–1969

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1960{1969 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference 1959 [342, 708, 1076, 144]. 1960 [609, 540, 368, 137, 772, 576, 879, 393, 391]. R 1961 [1337, 435, 1269]. 1962 × 2 z 2 2 [614, 412]. D [1105]. f(z)= 0 pdx [401, 803, 601, 1081, 646, 681, 515]. 1963 [795]. ln Γ(Z) [235]. p [1105]. π [159]. 2 [1050, 682, 987, 734]. 1964 [942, 847]. 1965 [954, 1165]. T [284]. [1121, 1120]. 1968 [1333]. 1975 [864]. 2 R 2 w(z)=e−z 1+ p2i z et dt [236]. R π 0 −z2 z x2 2 [830, 640, 1328]. 25 [305]. w(z)=e 0 e dx [795]. 30th [847]. 39 [883]. 3`eme [739]. -Statistics [1105, 1105]. -Year [284]. 55 [731]. 56 [106, 396]. 57 [477]. 58 1 [226, 1251]. 131 [249, 428]. 1800 [984]. [113, 581]. 1808 [306]. 1860 [42]. 1861 [397]. 1880 [111]. 1900 [239, 728]. 1914 [304]. 1935 60 [670]. 61 [619]. [676]. 1938 [1049]. 1939 [1114, 1176, 730]. 1949 [876]. 1953 [840, 148, 510]. 1954 A-Level [1197]. Ability [1061, 1131]. [110, 770]. 1955 [880]. 1956 [109]. 1957 Abraham [583]. Abramov [235]. [49, 485, 142, 238]. 1958 [468, 97, 388, 72]. 1 2 Abramovitz [787, 878]. Abramson [636]. [467, 468]. Alive [577]. Allen Abridged [576]. Abstract [176, 646]. [925, 993, 675, 642, 470, 786]. Allied [1009]. Abuse [373]. Abuses [430]. Acceptance Allocation [776, 354, 525, 523]. Almarin [750]. Accessions [442, 488, 519, 553, 589, [266]. Alternative [494, 760, 1037]. Alvaro 624, 650, 687, 718, 746, 775, 812, 851, 890, [546]. Alvin [1005]. Amalendu [241]. 911, 947, 990, 1025, 1056, 1088, 1124, 1155, Amalgamation [40]. American 1191, 1226, 1255, 1280, 1312, 1343]. [680, 342, 109, 483, 346, 801, 243, 1305]. Accident [1129, 359]. Accidents Amir [237]. Amtlichen [229]. Analyses [252, 633, 1275]. Account [194]. [981, 505]. Analysing [820, 291]. Analysis Accountancy [1040, 683]. Accounting [1274, 922, 605, 160, 826, 1139, 532, 89, 756, [835, 540, 38, 896, 475, 1044]. Accounts 1158, 501, 347, 20, 1100, 1232, 461, 1214, [71, 496, 476, 477, 505, 977, 20, 644, 937]. 1265, 565, 189, 601, 127, 250, 1170, 1238, 514, Accumulating [1263]. Accuracy [837]. 1298, 125, 635, 61, 724, 1015, 289, 1042, 957, Acher [726]. Acheson [874, 1109]. 475, 675, 158, 780, 940, 2, 295, 292, 901, 93, Achievement [395, 509]. Ackoff [265]. 1272, 1208, 1323, 165, 667, 882, 1212, 168, Actes [739]. Action [807]. Activities [219]. 538, 973, 163, 13]. Analytical [1173, 976]. Activity [438, 1303, 1113]. Acton [13]. Anderson [115, 1235]. Andic [909]. Andr´e Acts [146, 147]. Actual [599]. Actuaries [667, 1215]. Andrew [1324]. Andrews [208]. Actuary [146, 147]. Adam [484]. [128, 824]. Anglo [680]. Anglo-American Adaptive [264]. Addendum [1224]. [680]. Annotated [15]. Annual Additional [863]. Additions [1187, 87, 223, 364, 527, 657, 784, 919, 1065, [28, 54, 80, 118, 152]. Address [121]. 1203, 1322, 88, 224, 366, 528, 658, 785, 920, Adjustment [782, 852, 863, 1144]. Adler 1066, 1204, 1321, 388, 136, 742, 1120]. [607]. Administering [932]. Answers [1067]. Anthropology [337]. Administration [480]. Administrative Anticipations [170, 765]. Aoki [1207]. [138]. Adolescent [679]. Adult [1084]. Application [289, 731, 894]. Applications Advanced [285, 1135, 683]. Advancement [222, 902, 267, 424, 1143, 971, 788, 917, 758, [139]. Ady [476, 542]. Affairs 663, 467, 707, 1108, 164, 800, 736, 425, 531, [1115, 1184, 535]. Affect [414]. Affecting 255, 504, 956, 294, 129, 1306, 1035, 263, 755, [988, 940, 820]. Africa [881, 476, 509]. 960, 193, 699, 475]. Applied [1129, 1130, African [544]. after [984]. Again [1142]. 1293, 996, 421, 203, 789, 534, 1043]. Against [343]. Agarwala [1249]. Age Appraisal [475, 99]. Appreciation [208]. [1249, 414, 336, 1200, 548, 1301]. Aged [886]. Apprentices [631]. Approach Ages [1164]. Aggregate [878]. [1079, 451, 1232, 523, 1015, 475, 1070, 481, Agricultural [629, 43, 704]. Agriculture 465, 744, 1134]. Approaches [506]. [424, 300, 43, 1148]. Ahmed [460]. Aid Approximate [998]. Arbroath [1220]. [452]. Airy [235]. Aitken [1154, 343]. Alan Area [207, 127]. Areas [540, 539, 567, 957, 302, 646, 1276, 875]. [883, 581, 1117, 1078]. Argentina [1030]. Albert [304, 76, 1275]. Alcohol [1084]. Argument [235, 236]. Armitage [290]. Alder [133, 370]. Ale [11]. al´eatoires [869]. Armour [172]. Army [76]. Arnold Alexander [585, 1022, 327, 1154]. Alford [336, 383, 610]. Arrow [421]. Art [641]. [680]. Alfred [268, 538, 234]. Algebra Arthur [881, 498, 101, 1054, 743, 514]. [971, 377]. Algebraic [612]. Alg`ebre [726]. Articles [27, 53, 79, 117, 152]. Artificer ALGOL [611]. Ali [237, 237]. Alison [631]. Artificial [31, 32]. Ash [1003]. 3 Ashok [241]. Asia [669]. Asian [629]. [1277, 376, 1009]. Based [953]. Basic Aspects [1253, 609, 1007, 347, 1135, 266, 638, 727, [73, 1158, 273, 1119, 628, 557, 1333, 1042]. 470, 567, 923, 1040, 665, 1077, 927, 1292, 94]. Aspirations [512]. Assay [702]. Assessing Basis [1245, 174]. Bass [1033]. Bates [803]. [1016, 1217]. Assessment [237, 738]. Bayes [322, 443]. Bayesian Assistance [339]. Associated [10, 1105]. [1296, 828, 1237]. Beale [1240]. Beatty Association [576, 234]. Beaver [1087]. Beckenbach [799, 1164, 543, 412, 1074, 630, 139, 1202, 678]. [789]. Beds [557]. Beer [14]. Beesley Assurances [387]. Asymptotic [235]. [862, 861]. Behavior [93, 679, 1084]. Atindra [1040]. Attachments [512]. Behavioral [1139]. Behaviour Attainment [1061, 1131]. Attendance [680, 893, 932, 1259, 1049, 760, 241, 1179]. [643]. Attributes [428]. Audience [44]. Behrend [1178]. Being [359, 1032]. Audiences [951]. August [97, 1248]. Belgrade [1248]. Bellman [534, 264, 1241]. Austin [459]. Australia [978]. Australian Ben´a [1151]. Benefit [693, 410, 861]. [668, 728]. Authorship [813, 721]. Benefits [862, 1287]. Benes [873]. Bengal Autocodes [661]. Automatic [237, 145]. Benjamin [336, 1272, 1250, 988]. [293, 136, 742, 1151]. Average Bennett [614, 342, 1054]. Berge [467, 972]. [998, 821, 345]. Aviation [1223]. Awaiting Bergstrom [1175]. Berkeley [368]. [112]. Awarded [493]. Axiomatics [256]. Bernard [1272, 460]. Bernau [674]. Aylmer [401, 441]. Berners [833]. Berners-L`ee [833]. Berrill [669]. Berry [1043]. Bethlem [49]. B Betterment [1183]. Betting [1319]. Betty [614, 469, 870, 942, 966, 1167, 254, 1337, 162, [196]. Between 308, 395, 336, 829, 1074, 293, 255, 210, 209, [1164, 1078, 656, 446, 187, 82, 1095]. 1003, 831, 1295, 1266, 1078, 133, 370, 1250, Beveridge [551]. Bevolkerungs [230]. 1121, 838, 1105, 545, 617, 643, 1327, 634, Bevolkerungs-Wirtschafts- 988, 646, 385, 603, 332, 965, 926, 1242, 378]. Sozialstatistik [230]. Beyer [1302, 1008]. Babbage [329, 221]. Bachelor [15]. Back Bhagabat [1040]. Bharati [237, 237]. [119, 153, 184, 215, 246, 277, 313, 351, 406, Bharucha [129]. Bharucha-Reid [129]. 444, 489, 520, 554, 590, 625, 651, 688, 719, Bhattacharya [233]. Bhattacharyya [395]. 747, 777, 814, 853, 891, 912, 948, 991, 1026, Bibliographic [738]. Bibliography [454, 1057, 1089, 1125, 1156, 1192, 1227, 1256, 1231, 1346, 15, 609, 468, 876, 872, 106, 374]. 1281, 1313, 1344]. Background [31]. Bids [40]. Bidwell [811]. Billingsley [899]. Backwardness [585]. Bacteriophage Bina [241]. Binary [820, 954, 1165]. [1071]. Baggaley [1324]. Bailey Binomial [378, 637]. Biological [334, 788, 1070]. Bakewell [617]. Bakst [702, 1040, 971, 409, 704]. Biologists [1220]. Balance [496, 1269, 639, 1148]. [756, 1147]. Biology Balances [111]. Balestra [1079]. Banbury [1205, 1219, 931, 1070, 662]. Biomedical [179]. Band [802]. Bank [188]. Banker [727]. Biometric [337]. Biometrical [97]. [545]. Barbara [1216, 733]. Barer [733]. Biometrics [1243]. Biometrika Bargaining [1048]. Barlow [898]. Barna [1101, 1010]. Biometry [536]. Biostatistics [583]. Barrie [1004]. Barrington [178]. [1005]. Birger [974]. Birmingham [646]. Bartholomew [549]. Bartlett Birthday [167]. Bivariate [95]. Black [164, 325, 1035, 794]. Barton [928]. Blaug [1185]. Bliss [1205]. Block 4 [1136]. Blyth [378, 1014, 200]. Board 147, 1210, 1186, 346, 587, 1113, 1184, 1018, [395, 150, 394, 643, 385]. Boehm [942]. 531, 608, 970, 1324, 325, 633, 679, 420, 564, Bogue [1338]. Bombach [104]. Bond [239]. 165, 293, 606, 697, 13, 197, 255, 101, 1084, Bonini [1170]. Boody [306]. Book 568, 706, 886, 309, 644, 17, 177, 210]. Book [680, 681, 1187, 968, 22, 206, 393, 1109, 1048, [1054, 1004, 581, 682, 734, 90, 166, 227, 328, 683, 835, 1297, 113, 237, 270, 676, 459, 609, 417, 601, 659, 924, 1001, 504, 566, 792, 827, 614, 662, 702, 507, 241, 342, 936, 1046, 104, 872, 873, 899, 903, 956, 1236, 1152, 434, 209, 242, 540, 678, 799, 343, 368, 381, 379, 469, 272, 844, 333, 1011, 1334, 1003, 1107, 513, 1036, 388, 1220, 1274, 287, 419, 663, 900, 667, 677, 709, 743, 744, 831, 832, 882, 981, 922, 605, 645, 741, 257, 378, 467, 468, 572, 1049, 1080, 661, 735, 769, 985, 1293, 253, 472, 787, 789, 790, 791, 870, 876, 972, 1106, 1137, 1170, 1213, 1238, 1295, 1118, 327, 514, 877, 1079, 534, 902, 963, 1073, 1207, 269, 484, 928, 149, 150, 569, 1309, 418, 612, 699, 904, 131, 502, 707, 740, 1150, 369, 464, 530, 638, 1211, 767, 806, 979, 111, 306, 1172, 386, 112, 907, 1038, 864, 881, 1050, 45, 46, 99, 137, 1298, 340, 576, 580, 733, 807, 41, 35, 373, 937, 141, 208, 296, 297, 298, 341, 547]. Book 258, 635, 660, 796, 1212, 1266, 711, 714, 1078]. [615, 1, 71, 305, 942, 97, 329, 267, 397, 1069, Book 727, 888, 966, 1083, 1249, 715, 826, 901, [1179, 1185, 1117,

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