Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 2002 Daily Egyptian 2002 2-18-2002 The Daily Egyptian, February 18, 2002 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February2002 Volume 87, Issue 98 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2002 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 2002 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. · . '.EGYPTIAN. W W W. DA G PT A N • C O M ·DAILY I.LYE Y I ''\Vhile !,Ve waited far the future, far freedom through the land, Medgar Evers ·.· . the country gained a-:Uiier, and the country lost a man.,, · . assassinated civil rights leader 1925- 1963. · ~ Bob Dylan, from his 19M •Ballad of Mtdgar Evers" SOU.TIJERN 1LLJNOJS UNIVERSITY ·FEBRUARYlfl,·2002 ·Reacht~~eSTARSifr'~ Small,town bea~ty faces tou~h challenge in big city.~• SroRY BY JENNIFER \VIG mote when you do get it. If things were~ and it w.is j,1$t h:mdcd to you, you don't :appnxiate it." · . PHOTOS BY RONDA YEAGER Rc)nolds'bcdroom, untouched since high school, is a tcst2ment of her drive toward suo:css. Six di2mond crowns . It was t4e weekend of the Miss line the dresser, trophies fill h:ili' the floor, ..uhcs hang . .cvaywhcrc possible and pagcmt clothes are _squcczcc into . Illinois USA pageant. It was the . cvcya:ick.. .. Much of her w.udrobc and SCl,'Cl':U p:iirs of shoes pepper · weekend of her best friend's wed­ the living room as she attempts to pack for the drive to G:uy, Ind. Despite her poise and~ for the next C\fflt, ding. Amanda Reynolds had a Rc)1101ds' single tiny cona:m lies in the occasional klutz att:ick. She's beauty and she's graa; rut she has th~OCCISion- choice to make: be a bridesmaid or ·. al problan offallin~ off the- stigc after she is crowned. Rc)nolds bugh.s when she tr.inks about her three or four be abeauty queen. bpscs ofskill while glidir.g down victoty bnc. She's never l111rt hcrsclf, but she reolls one partiaibr incident in which Her fiicn.l wgcd her to skip the wedding. Rc)nolds · the crowd took a huge intikc of breath. didn't wmt to be selfish. She had been to the competition "I got back up and it w.is lila: a Mentos ~crcial," twice bcfon: and rctumcd home empty-handed. she S3id.. "I g'Z\'C them the thumbs up and it w.is OK;.. a "I felt lila: I had a lot on the line," s:ud the 23-ycu•old moment frozen in time." · · l\wion rcsicknt. '1 didn't w.mt to let her dawn." ·. • Her p:uticipation in pagcmts has given Reynolds man: But the third time pro-.ul to be the charm as Reynolds to be thankful for than S60,000 _in =hand prizes min at hc:idcd to Chicgo on Nov. 18 for her final attempt at the :Miss Illinois USA, despite the stereotypes about pageants Miss Illinois USA =•n. Her best fiiend cillcd on a cell and the women who compete in them. phone from her Bwma honC)moon to get the n:sclts: she · For c,cunplc, she and her mother, Sue Castellano, h:lVc had won. shared ycan together through the pagcmts. Castellano And when ,ictotyw.lS finally hen? "The first thing I s:ud w;is 'Where's my mom? She has to share that moment with me!' You almost m\'C that feel­ ing that you couldn't breathe," R.c)TIO!ds said. Now R.c)nolds will compete for a larger ch:illengc, hop­ ing to be crowned Miss USA at the M:uch 1 competition in G:uy, Ind. Sina: age 16, Reynolds has competed in both · the Miss America and l\tiss USA cirruits, two diffaing companies ,,ith scholmhipprogr:uns. • ; <· Last year Reynolds was first runner up for Mi~ 1llinois · · America, winning about S9,000 and a four-year scholmhip. · -­ Her two pmious appc;mnccs at Miss Illinois USA bndcd her scamd and fourth runner-up positions. · · For R.c)1101ds, pagcmts are a way ofcxpcricncing life and expressing hcrscl£ "You lcun how to acttpt defeat," she S3id.. "You lcun Reynolds packs for the Miss USA pageant and has _ Amanda Reynolds, Miss Illinois, has to walk through a barricade of how to nunipubte )'Olmclf to p«pan: for any situation. Its shoes, dresses and cosm.:tics in several rooms of· wardrobe hanging from her bedroom doorway. · · knowing ,y!iat you w:1nt. It dm'CS you to cherish it C\ffl the house. AJrican--American museum unv~ils Round one of faculty h~w painting-from Attucks school negotiations today Codell Rodriguez star Jackie Robinson and tt:u:k :1nd I 'iiii#i $$1 . Molly Parker · the~tioninc:ulyJmu:uytodothe 'OailyEgyplian tiddlegcndJcsscO\\'CllS. ,r:J\i ~J~'TI~l Daily Egyptian same, but Hunsaker s:ud his team will not t>--ond WISC has been <=1: , . "They wm: the most outstand· kl!: .'1.. : ,4".,;-7,J ._ ; TO<hy the first round of f:tailty have a formal propos:i1 prcp:ucd for the •-J"' --,- ingathlctcs,"W1SCS3id.. ~~~-, 1.:Jl"fil:H.v~- nwks rated from. an old friend from The other students and Lightle conttact negotiations, and both i:ie Faculty m~:.u___ s:ud the :idministr:uion's Attucks School for many years. painted figures such as Booker T. l:id&i t4 f Association and administration wuuld like 1.T.UlQllUUU>< he graduated in the early SOs, Washington, Duke· Ellington and to sec a finished product by the end of this decision to foigo a proposal is disheartening. · After He mule his dissatis&ction known to the WISC went into the milituy and his also had porttalts of W\'CS woricing being put on dispby. the museum fnend stl)ul in the school system. in fields. The p:iinting took the asked Najja Abdul-Musawv,ir to scmM~ Dancshdoost, praidcnt of the Board ofTrustees· at bst Thursd:iy's meet-. L:itcr, W 1SC joined the police and entin: year to complete because of rdii:bish it so the painting would union, s:ud it is important to finish qukkly ingHunsaka; 00\\~U: ~ neither ICllTI · his· fiiend took a position in the the art cl:iss .only being offered look as good as nc:w. to quell any fcan of instabiJjty in the- cantclltheotherwhattodo,anditw.isthcir chwdi..Now,aftcrfOl;lghly50ycus, around ona: a week. WISC s:ud WISC introducal the painting ~mmunitywhcn the fall SCJncs~ undemanding the negotiations would mnk they an: reunited through the when he finished the painting. he Smxby, bringing back fcdings of . ~t;:! African-American Museum of rccchul :1n enormous sense ofrom· nostalgia for some. Villa and Molly -We an: saiously looking forw:ud to the same as bst )'Car. SouThthcme lllinom'usci:.um u· -·'Ci!· .i the .: plction.'1 felt real good and I think H~ ofMwphysboro knew Lightle that bcausc of the cona:m that both stu- -We are prcp:ucd and will be prcp:ucd past C\'Cl)' ... r;u all the students felt the same w.ry; since childhood aoo wen: p!cascd to dents and fai:ulty had in the time at the appropriate time to give our spccitic · p:unting \V"ISC and SC1,'C1':U cl:iss- WISC S3id.. "Nobody au did any sec one of his \\'COO for '!ie first ncgoti:itions prolong.• Dancshdoost S3id.. propos:ilt Huns:ikcr S3id.. • =tcs \\'Orkcd on in 1951 to cdc- .hm:igc to this mural" ~e.~e~dn'tkn~anythinglila: Worthen Hunsaker, lead negotiator for . The last round of negotiations operated br.ite bbck history Sunday. W1SC's After high school, WISC attend-. thisc:astcd, theadministration,alsos:udhewouldlikcto with intcrcst-b:ised b:ugaining, meaning, V~~ •. both teams discussed each issue bcfon: mak- tcachcr,J:uncs Roy Lightle, t111ght cdtheTusla:gcclnstitu~forawhile . Villa and his wife s:ud 1~ was finish by l\hy. But Hunsaker, a scientist by .•_..,.,; .._.:i:~ _,._ . -.. .. ·.' . •.. ~ . ab!-~~on1y·-~~1,duri,~ng-chthewpcnas.~ and dropped out due to intense atrcmdyrarctosccacdcbr.1t1onof trade, s:ud it seems a statisticilly unlikdy ,...., ·~ru~ ~ 5Cl1UUI \\'Orldo:id."I couldn't handle that so bbck histoiy at . that time. Molly timcbhlc, gh'Cll the histruy ofpast negoti:i•, .· Dan~ ~ f:won ~ back-and·. od of scgrrg.ition in Carbonwlc, I Clllle on back to mama," \V"ISC · s:ud she was not swpriscd by the tions that M'C spanned one year. '< fonh_ b:ugaining but s:ud sw:ippmg propos·. · and wmted the students to make a _,.,: 0 f th • • bcca 0 f Faculty contracts end June 30, and this -. ~would~ the iniful process smoother• · mur:il .dedicated to black histnn~ s:ud jokingly. Aficrwml, he joined 'i':""'ty , e pm!~ . ~ - - , . the SIU Po!ia: and retired in 1994. I..ighdes blcnt md his ability to year's· negotiations l1l3Ik the third. in the • . SlllCC both tldcs would ~-,vb= the The painting has been dispb)ul in Wi •d the • • · ,:d. guide his students. Unh,:rsityshistol)t ·. , .,. : .•·· .. othc:r~~cshdoortsaid1~~up!°, · school, church and can now be seen 1SC ~ pain~ stl} ~ • ·. "You rould sha.v him anything · During tod:iy's bugaining session both ~c~on~~~~~twfil. in the museum, which is cwrcndy' theschoolshallw.iyuntil1tcloscdm •~h roulddm . "M llysaxl. teams will set the ground iulcs for the ncgo- still prcsa1t the ad.,urus~~ ":'th 1ts_pro­ locatedinUnhmityMall. · . · 1964bcauscofdcscgttg:ttion.lt e Vlt, o .
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