6202 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-SENATE. Jtf.A.Y 10, • , Also, petition of the National Association of Cotton Manu­ CROSBY, N. DAK., May 8, 1912. Hon. A. J. GRO~NA, facturers, Boston, Mass., in opposition to the passage of vari­ Washington, D. 0.: ous bills relating to · the sale and purchase of cotlon to be Very much opposed to Bourne general parcel-post bill just introduced delivered on contract on the cotton exchanges of this country; in Senate. to the Committee on Agriculture. JOHN KNOPP, By Mr. UNDERHILL: Petition of Berger Lodge, No. 88, and CARRINGTON, N. DAK., May 8, 1912. Elmira Max Nordan Lodge, No. 281, Independent Order B'rith Hon. A. J. GRONNA, Abraham, Elmira, N. Y., and of the United Hebrew Trades of Washington, D. a.: II New York, protesting against passage of Dillingham and Bur­ Commercial Club opposes Bourne parcel bill, and we ask your influ­ ! nett immigration bills; to the Committee on Immigration and ence against it. C. S. HOLIDAY, • Naturalization. Vice P1·esident OomnierciaZ Olub. By Mr. UTTER : Petition of the United Hebrew Trades of New York, N. Y., opposing the passage of the Dillingham bill ROLETTE, N. DAK., May 8, 1.912. (S. 3175); to the Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza­ Hon. A. J. GnoNNA, tion. United States Senator, Washington, D. a.: . We urge your strongest opposition to the Bourne general parcel·post By Mr. VARE: Petition of John Hay Lodge, No. 14; D. bill now in the Senate. Ninety-nine per cent of our people are abso­ Theodore Herzel Lodge, No. 183; Joseph Minsky Lodge, No. 635; lutely ignorant of its provisions, and they have a right to fair con­ Freedom Lodge, No. 84; and William Penn Lodge, No. 76, sideration of all such legislation. Independent Order B'rith Sholom, Philadelphia, Pa., protesting I. M_. lNGEBRETSON. I• against legislation restricting immigration; to the Committee HENSEL, N. DAic., May 8, 191.2. on Immigration and Naturalization. Hon. A. J. GnoNNA, By • Ir. WEDEMEYER: Petition of sundry citizens of Lena­ Washington, D. a. DEAR Sm: We ask that you use all your influence In trying to defeat wee County, Mich., favoring the passage of the Sheppard bill; the Bourne general parcel-post bill now before the Senate, as it will, to the Committee on the Judiciary. rn our judgment, cause a great deficit and will be a detriment to the By Mr. WILDER (by request): Petition of Joseph Mason small towns and villages. Use your influence. · and 42 other citizens of Massachusetts, favoring the passage of Yours, respectfully, HARTJE & Co~LAN Bnos. the anti-Taylor system bills (H. R. 22339 and S. 6172); to the Committee on the Judiciary. CARRINGTON, N. DAK., May 8, 1912. By Mr. WOOD of New Jersey: Papers to accompany House Hon. A .• J. GRONNA, bill 24221, granting an increase of pension to William Long; to Washington, D. 0.: North Dakota hardware dealers oppose Bourne parcel-post bill and the Committee on Invalid Pensions. solicit your influence to defeat same. A. J. SMITH, President North Dakota Hardware D ealers' Associatfon. SENATE. H UNTER, N. DAK., May 8, 1912. FRIDAY, May 10, 191~. Hon. A. J. GRONNA, Washington,, D. 0.: - Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. We 3:re e??pJ?.atically opposed to the Bourne general parcel-post bill. Mr. BACON took the chair as President pro tempore, under We believe it lS not based on thorough investigation. Will create a horde of additional Government employees and an enormous deficit. the previous order of the Senate. Hope you will do your utmost to knock it out. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. GALE, CARR & Co. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. AnTHUR MERCANTILE Co., Arthur, N. Dak. A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, BLANCHARD MERCANTILE Co., its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the House had Blanchard, N. Dak. signed the following enrolled bills, and they were thereupon NAPOLEON, N. DAK., May 8, 1.91£. signed by the President pro tempore: Hon. A. J. GRONNA, S. 5060. An act to provide for the disposal of the unallotted Washington, D. 0.: land on the Omaha Indian Reservation, in the State of Do all that you can to prevent Bourne parcel-post bill passing. Nebraska; and M. SAVAGE. S. 6167. An act to authorize the Williamson & Pond Creek EDMORE, N. DAK., May 7, 1912. Railroad Co. to construct a bridge across the Tug Fork of the Senator A. J. GRO!\'NA, Big Sandy River at or near Williamson, Mingo County, W. Va. Washington, D. 0.: PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. The Bourne general parcel-post bill will be a greater hardship on bus~ess in our North Dakota towns than several total crop failures. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a memorial of the We implore you to stop the passage of this bill if possible_ Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen of Pine Bluff, Ark., remon­ A. DJ. TOOMEY. JOHN B ERG. strating against the passage of the so-called employers' liability OLE STENDELL, and workmen's compensation bill, which was ordered to lie on .J. BRAUND. the table. H. ASL.A.KSON. J. IlAMREI_ He also presented a petition of members of the Society of ROBERT Cox. the Sons of the Revolution of the State of New York, praying that an appropriation be made to cover the expense of editing GACKLE, N. DAK., May 9, 1912. Hon. A. J. GRONNA, . and publishing certain records relating to the Revolutionary Washington, D. a.: War, which was ordered to lie on the table. _ Pardon us for again calling to your attention the parcel-post question He also presented petitions of the congregations of sundry since we in the past have asked you both by petitions and letters to op~ churches and of members of sundry religious societies and other pose same in any form and manner ; and at this particular time wish to call to your attention the Bourne general parcel-post bill. To oppo e organizations of Philadelphia and Reading, in the State of same, if you will, according to our belief, is best for our country Pennsylvania, praying for the adoption of an amendment to the Thanking you in advance for giving this matter your earnest consid: Constitution to prohibit the manufacture, sale, and importation eration. of intoxicating liquors, which were referred to the Committee HAUT & lliRCKEL. on the Judiciary. Mr. GRONNA presented a memorial of sundry citizens of l\Ir. GR03NA. I present a number of telegrams in the Churchs Ferry, N. Dak., remonsh·ating against the enactment nature of memorials remonstrating against the Bourne parcel­ of legislation to permit the coloring of oleomargarine in imita­ post bill. I ask that the telegrams be printed in the RECORD tion of butter, which was referred to the Committee on Agri­ and referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. culture and Forestry. There being no objection, the telegrams were referred to the Mr. GALLINGER presented petitions of sundry citizens of Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads and ordered to be the District of Columbia, praying for the enactment of legisla­ printed in the RECORD, as follows: tion to maintain the present water rates in the District, which ' CHURCH AND FERRY, N. DAIL, May 9, 1912. were referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Hon. A- J. GRONNA, Mr. CULLOM presented resolutions adopted by the St. Clair Washington, D. C.: County Medical Society, of Illinois, favoring the establishment !.m opposed to Bourne parcel-post bill. No demand for such measure of a department of public health, which .were ordered to lie on ~ a~~ the table. WESTHOPE, N. DAK., May 8, 1912. Mr. SMITH of South Carolina presented a petition of sundry Senator A. J. GRO~N.l, . citizens of Eastover, S. C., praying for the enactment of an in­ - . Senate Chamber, Washington, D .. a.. - terstate liquor law to prevent the nullification of State liquor Fight Bourne and similar bills. Demand justice and Impartial In~ vestigation. laws by outside dealers, which was referred to the Committee W. A. MEDDAUGH. on the Judiciary. 1912.i - - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 6203 \ Mr. LODGE presented a petition of Sergeant Fred Thomas There being no objection, the letter was read and ordered to Camp, No. 48, United Spanish War Veterans, Department of lie on the table, as follows-: l\Iassachus~tts, of Haverhill, Mass., praying for the enactment l\I:EBRILL-STEVENS CO., of legislation to pension widow and minor children of any Hon. DuNC.A.Y U. FLETCHER Jacksonville, Fla., April 12, 1912. officer or enlisted man who served in the War with Spain or United States .Sena.te, Wa.shington, D . 0 . l the Philippine insurrection, which was referred to the Commit­ DEAR S.rR :. W~ note ~hat the Senate committee is reported to be fa. tee on Pensions. vorably cons1dermg a bill passed by the House limiting all Government He also presented resolutions adopted by the National Asso­ work by contractors, etc., to eight hours per day. We do not fully understand the exact scope of this bill, but if its intent is that no ciation of Cotton Manufacturers, in convention at Boston, Mass., ~ork can be do:r;ie for the Government in furnishing supplies, contract­ remonstrating against the enactmen of legislation relating to rng for or makmg repairs except under the provisions of the 8-hour Il the sale and purchase of cotton to ba delivered on contract on law, it will ba~ the i;najority of contractors and builders, sueh as onr­ selv~s, from domg this class of work, inasmuch as it is manifestly im­ the cotton exchanges, which were ordered to lie on the table.
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