lC!! every. day, 1114 lround a lIit 1114 It , so you will bay:': The nobbleet III ~r laid your eye. : : : :11, :>E STOlt aahington 8t1. =====-= THE DAILY }Cerie8 OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Vol. 4 IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1905 STATE CHAMPIONS ANNUAL INSPECTION MUSICAL PROGRAMS LOW RATE SATURDAY IOWA TENNIS PLA YERS CAPT. TOMPKINS REVIEWS CONCERT BY APOLLO GLEE EXCURSION WiLL RUN TO = WIN TOURNAMENT IOWA CADETS CLUB TONIGHT DES MOINES rlitorium Next Meet Will be Held on the Excellent Showing Made- Com Dr. Gilchrist Will Give Organ Ames Is General Favorite Varsity Courts- Complete petitive Drill for Coast Sword Recital Next Saturday In State Meet But an Iowa We make Score of Matches This Afternoon Evening Victory Is Probable At the annual business meet­ The university ba.t.td.lion reo Tonight, at the Congregationsl Arrangements to" an excur­ ltd (SuccellOrto ing of the Iowa Tennis League ceived its annual inspection un­ churcb, will ocour the first pub· sion to Des Moines and the state L Westenb'anr) of which J . C. Monnet of Iowa. der t.he direction of the United lic concert of the Iowu. Apollo meet Saturday have been suc­ is chairman, it was decided States war department yester­ Glee Club. This organizatioo, cessful a.nd Manager Walker I1n · to completely revise the constitu· day afternoon, Captain Frank a.lthough organized only recently noune s a '2.25 round trif ra.te. tion for the next year, and the Tompkins being the inspecting by a number of the denta.l s tud· Tbe excursion train wi! leave State tournment for 1906 was officer. The full ceremonies of ents, is one of the foremos t musi· Iowa City at 7:80 Saturday morn­ ~El awarded to Iowa and will be held dress parade and guard mount caJ clubs ot t.he umveraity. ing, arriving in De Mines at on the varsity courts. were carried out by Colonel 'rhe program this evening will 11 o'clocki returning, the train Iowa won the state tennis Burnett and the st udent officers, consist of severH.l vocal numbers leaves Des Moines at .30. A . championship in both singles and the arms ware Inspected by by the club as a whole, together similar excursion will be run and doubles at Cedar Rapids Captain Tompkin. Music was with 8010s by prominent individ· from Orinnell,coupled to the Iowa \ts '£hursday, Friday, and Sa.turday furnished by the university ual m u ieians. A mong these ap· tra.in at t.ha.t place. A portion of last week. Monnet repre­ band. The drill was held on the pear the names of MiRS WsUa('e, of tbe grandstand bas been reo sented Iowa in singles and Cogs· grounds just east vf the armory, sopra.no; Mr. Davis, baritone; reherved for Iowa rooters and :ies wellaud Monnet in doubles. The which have recently been leveled and Mr. Beibenheimer, Jlutist. tickets are on sale at Wieneke' surprise of the tournament was and prepa.red for the use of the Miss Boyce ha.s also been se­ book store. the ease with which the Iowa ba.ttalion. A large number of cured to give one of ber readings. All rooters are r e que s ted doubles team went through Lhe spectators were present. These persons are the ones who to get their seats in tbe Iowa tournlloment and especiallY their La.st evening, wben seen by a accompa.nied the club in its reo section as the competition with one-slded vi.ctory over Ames in representative of the IOWAN, cent trip to Marengo, Victor, Ames in rooting will be livoly. the fiual round. Ames was 801· Captain Tompkins expressed a.nd othe! towns in this part of .Dope on t,be meet is plenty but most a favorite, yet the varsity hi msel! as being thoroughly the sta.te. an. forecasts contain provisory tea.m easily smothered them pleased with the drill beld yes­ GIIOh"llt MUIloilo clauses. No team claims the with a score of 6·2, 6-0, 6 3, win­ terdl\Y. Notwithst9.nding the Professor James G. Gilchrist meet unconditionally. Ames is ning at one time eleven consecu· disadvantagei under which the will give a concert Saturday the general faNrite throughout tive ga.mes. In the singles, Cul­ battalion ha.s been Itt.boring for evening at the Trinity church. the state, yet Ames men them· bertson of Coo put up a. good some time, in lack of a suitable Though very much in the nature selves are not over contldent. ILOR game. pla.ce for the military exercises, of a private musicale, all are in­ The meet wiIi in all probability Blatherwick of Grinnell lost neverthelesS", dec1u.red the officer, vited and no admission will be be the best ever beld and the PON­ 1l1rgely through over.anxiety a.nd an excellent showing was mH.de. charged. Profeuor Gilchrist is five larger scbools, Ames,Driloke, his own errors. The real match Captain Tompkins commended orga.nist at the Trinity church Normal, Grinnell and Iowa will SUN of the tournament was that be­ especially the evident ability of and was induced to give the con· range witbin a few points of each g TO tween Monnet and Stanton io the officers in cha.rge both of the cert by the urgent request ot other. Singles. St:t.nton. as he did in battalion and ot the various com· ma. ny university and townfriends Iowa dopists predict a to 85 the Ames meet" took the first set panies. 'rhe program is as follows: points for the Old Gotd from the readily, Monnet came back with Captain Tompkins is acting P ART I total amount. The high jump the second set a.nd the first two a.s judge at the drill this after­ Lohcngrin Wagner is universll.lly conceded to IowlL games of the third, but at this noon, in which the several com­ 1. Overture Barker has not been defeated In point Stanton reversed matters panies are competing, the captain 2. Prayer competition tbis year and bas and took four straight games, of the winning one to receive the 3. Approach to Cllthedral two firsts in former state meets putting him within two games of "W. P. Coast Sword." The com­ 4. Wedding March to his credit. Pa.rsons has also e~. the match. It was then MonneL's petitive drills for the individual 5. Bridal Chorul more than a chance for a place in NDOW S~ turn and he took the four games medals are also to be held within ,.argo.from Xerxel Handel this event. The mile reILlY thus necessa. ry to win II.nd gdove his fsr is due to low~ and on tn~ a, short time, though not im· PART II sheets of many the half mile re­ opponent jUit three points in the mediately. Symphony No.2 Haydn last sixteen p:lints pla.yed. Adagio-Allegro-Min nuto-Trio lay is likewise given the varsity Tomorrow morning Ca.ptain men. In tbe 440, Davis will The complete score of the Concerto No.1 (2nd. mO'lement) Tompkius will lea.ve for Fort place and first plH.Ce lies between meet is as follo ,v,,: Des Moines, where he is in com­ Handel Singles. First R oulld-Bl",th­ bimself and Hamilton. On paper ma.nd of one of the divisions of Berceuae Spinney the halt mile run should come to erwick, Grinnell bea.t. Craig, the Eleventh Cavalry Regiment. Madrigal (old French) Gullmant State r\ormal 6 0, 6-1. Monnet. Iowa. Young has made the dis­ March of the Prieata- Athalia tance in 2 min. 5 2·5 sec. in the Iowa beat Culbertson, Coe 6-2,6-3. Mendeluohn Second Round-Blatherwick, Mill Almost Completed ______ strongest kind of competition Grinnell beat Cornell by default. The new coucentrator being Normal This Afternoon against the Ames runners. Monnet, Iowa beatS tanton, Ames put in by the engineering depart- The varsity ball team Hnes up Iowa can hope for very little 4·6, 6-4, 6·4. ment is almost finished. Mr. against t.he Normal nine this from the sprints. Humeston Final' Round-Y-onnet, Iowa Bryden iR now waiting for some afternoon. Iowa defeated Nor· for a while brightened tbe pros­ beat Blatherwick, Grinnell, 6·2, parts of the machinery that h!l.ve mal last week by the score of pect by coming out and easily 6-1, 6-2. not arrived yet. 10·3 at Cedar Falls. Kent will defeating all other sprinters, but Doubles. First Round-Cogs- The framework is all up and probably pitch for the varsity. it was too late to enter him in well and Monnet, Iowa be!~t the roof 00. The mill will be an the state meet. In the burdles a Goodyear a.nd Culbertson, Coo exact modal of a large mill in Rumored Protest of Hamilton tbird or better looks probable. 6·2, 6-3. Stanton aod Cessna, every particular even to the It is rumored that Hamilton of The Vl\rsity hurdle have bad bad Ames beat Blatberwicha.ndWest, braces on the timbers. The pow­ State Normal, likely winner of luc~ in all pre!ious contests and Grinnell 4·6, 9·7,6·4. er to ruo the mill will be furnish- the sprints and 440 at tbe state thetr comP*;'tlOn. perlo~mances Second Round- Stanton and ed by a six horse-power motor. meet,has been protested on good are poor. Rtley to t.he mlle looks Oessna, Ames beat Crllig sod It is not probable that the mill grounds.
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