AIMS PR Calendar 1 Races: M = Marathon; H = Half Marathon; R = Road Race; MR = Mountain Run; U = Ultradistance; C = Cross Country Dates: n/c = Date not confirmed 20 August 2011 / Finland Helsinki City Marathon (M) Pertti Raunio Finnish Athletics Federation, Radiokatu 20, 00240 Helsinki, Finland T: 358 9 3481 2405 F: 358 9 3481 2367 E: [email protected] www.helsinkicitymarathon.com - 20 August 2011 / Iceland Reykjavík Marathon Íslandsbanka (M,H) Svava Oddný Ásgeirsdóttir Engjavegur 6, 104 Reykjavík, Iceland T: 354 535 3700 F: 354 568 7566 E: [email protected] www.marathon.is - 21 August 2011 / Canada Intact Insurance Canadian Derby Edmonton Marathon (M) Tom Keogh 9750 47 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 5P3, Canada T: 1 780 504 0005 F: 1 888 240 2469 E: [email protected] www.edmontonmarathon.ca - 21 August 2011 / Denmark Powerade København Halvmaraton (M) Niels Jorgen Holdt / Dorte Vibjerg Sparta Løbskontor, Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 11, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark T: 45 35 26 69 00 E: [email protected] www.copenhagenhalfmarathon.dk - 21 August 2011 / Brazil Rio de Janeiro Half Marathon (H) Thadeus Kassabian Alameda Amazonas, 938 first floor, Barueri - SP, CEP 06454-070, Brazil T: 55 11 4208 7633 F: 55 11 4208 7286 E: [email protected] www.yescom.com.br - 22 August 2011 / South Korea (until 4 September) IAAF World Marathon Championships in Athletics – Daegu (M) - 27 August 2011 / Ecuador La Ruta de las Iglesias (M) Samia Solah, Nina Solah Juan de Ascaray 355 y Amazonas, Quito, Ecuador T: 593 2244 8850 F: 593 2 244 8857 E: [email protected], [email protected] www.rutadelasiglesias.com - AIMS PR Calendar 2 Races: M = Marathon; H = Half Marathon; R = Road Race; MR = Mountain Run; U = Ultradistance; C = Cross Country Dates: n/c = Date not confirmed 28 August 2011 / Ireland Galway City Marathon (M) Richard Donovan Galway City Marathon, No. 2 Atlanta House, Dominick Street, Galway, Ireland T:353 91 566077 E: [email protected] www.galwaycitymarathon.com - 28 August 2011 / Japan Hokkaido Marathon (M) Seiji Teramachi The Hokkaido Marathon Secretariat, The Hokkaido Shimubun Press, Nishi-3, Odori, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8711, Japan T: 81 11 232 0840 F: 81 11 210 5734 E: [email protected] www.hokkaido-marathon.com - 28 August 2011 / Ireland Longford Marathon (M) Fr Ciaran McGovern Newtownforbes, Longford, Co Longford, Ireland T: 353 43 334 6805 E: [email protected] www.longfordmarathon.com - 28 August 2011 / Mexico Maraton Int‟l de la Ciudad de Mexico (M) Lic. Rodolfo Martinez Figueroa Instituto del Deporte del Distrito Federal, Calzada, Del Hueso n° 400 esquina Rancho el Arenal, Colonia Girasoles cp. 04920 Delegacion Coyoacan, Mexico T: 52 55 5679 4278 E: [email protected] www.maraton.df.gob.mx - 28 August 2011 / Canada SSQ Quebec City Marathon (M) Denis Therrien 711 rue des Rocailles, Quebec City QC, Canada G2J 1A9, Canada T: 1 418 694 4442 F: 1 418 694 4441 E: [email protected] www.quebecmarathon.com - 28 August 2011 / Zimbabwe Victoria Falls Marathon (M) John Addison Box 844, Halfway House, 1685, South Africa, T: 27 11 7022035 F: 27 11 4681655 E: [email protected] www.vicfallsmarathon.com - 03 September 2011 / Norway Fjord Norway Half Marathon (H) Helge Brekke Boks 177, 5903 Isdalstø, Norway T: 47 971 45 628 F: 47 56375053 E: [email protected] www.knarvikmila.no - AIMS PR Calendar 3 Races: M = Marathon; H = Half Marathon; R = Road Race; MR = Mountain Run; U = Ultradistance; C = Cross Country Dates: n/c = Date not confirmed 03 September 2011 / Finland Ruska Marathon (M) Pekka Erikkson Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittila, Finland T: 358 400 808 784 F: 358 16 642 259 E: [email protected] www.ruskamaraton.com - 04 September 2011 / Hungary Budapest Int‟l Half Marathon (H) Árpád Kocsis 1138 Budapest, Váci út 152-156, Hungary T: 36 1 273 0939 F: 36 1 273 0936 E: [email protected] www.budapestmarathon.com - 04 September 2011 / Great Britain Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run (H) Gavin Lightwood c/o FR Systems, Unit 30, Blythe Business Base, Cresswell, Stoke on Trent, ST11 9RD, Great Britain T: 44 845 270 0166 E: [email protected] www.runglasgow.org - 04 September 2011 / United States of America Kaua‟i Marathon and Half (M,H) Bob Craver / Jeff Sacchini P.O. BOX 573, Koloa, Kaua’i, 96756 Hawaii, United States of America T: 1 808 283 2078 E: [email protected] www.thekauaimarathon.com - 04 September 2011 / Mexico Medio Maraton Atlas de Guadalajara (H) Javier Peña de la Mora Paseo Atlas Colomos, 2000, Col. Lomas del Bosque, C.P. 45110, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico T: 52 333 648 0120 Ext. 1145 F: 52 333 648 0120 Ext. 1145 E: [email protected] www.mediomaratonatlas.com - 04 September 2011 / Poland Pila Int‟l Half Marathon (H) Henryk Paskal Stowarzyszenie Biegow Ulicznych, Al. Powstancow Wlkp. 164, 64-920 Pila, Poland T: 48 67 212 01 11 F: 48 67 212 5975 E: [email protected] www.pila.halfmarathon.pl - 04 September 2011 / Faroe Islands Torshavn Marathon (M) Robert Vilhelmsen Box 3004, 110 Torshavn, Faroe Islands T: 298 230240 E: [email protected] www.torshavnmarathon.com - AIMS PR Calendar 4 Races: M = Marathon; H = Half Marathon; R = Road Race; MR = Mountain Run; U = Ultradistance; C = Cross Country Dates: n/c = Date not confirmed 09 September 2011 / Poland Marathon of the Running Festival of the Economic Forum (M) Tomasz Lipiec ul. Solec 85, 00-382 Warszawa, Poland T: 48 22 583 11 00 F: 48 22 583 11 50 E: [email protected] www.runningfestival.pl - 10 September 2011 / Switzerland Jungfrau Marathon (M) Richard Umberg Strandbadstr. 44, PO Box 243, CH-3800, Interlaken, Switzerland T: 41 33 827 62 90 F: 41 33 827 62 05 E: [email protected] www.jungfrau-marathon.ch Course not measurable to AIMS standards - 10 September 2011 / Czech Republic Mattoni Prague Grand Prix - Metro 10k Race & adidas Women‟s 5k (R) Václav Skřivánek Záhořanského 3, Prague 2, 12000, Czech Republic T: 420 224 919 209 F: 420 224 923 355 E: [email protected] www.praguemarathon.com - 11 September 2011 / Great Britain Bristol Half Marathon (H) c/o FRsystems, PO Box 512, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent ST10 4RJ, Great Britain T: 44 178 239 6113 F: 44 117 922 3744 E: [email protected] www.bristolhalfmarathon.com - 11 September 2011 / Poland Wroclaw Marathon (M) Waldemar Biskup Al.I.J. Paderewskiego 35 51-612, Wroclaw, Poland T: 48 71 733 40 60 F: 48 71 315 43 18 E: [email protected] www.wroclawmaraton.pl - 11 September 2011 / Colombia Media Maratón Int‟l Ciudad de Medellin (H) Gustavo Orozco Posada Calle 49B, nro 63-21, Oficina 507, Edificio Camacol, Medellin, Colombia T: 574 230 4872 F: 574 230 3688 E: [email protected] www.maratonmedellin.com - 11 September 2011 / Russia Moscow Int'l Peace Marathon (M) Boris Fadeev 18 Milyutinsky Pereulok, Moscow 101000, Russia T: 7 495 624 0824 F: 7 495 624 0824 E: [email protected] www.marafon.msk.ru - AIMS PR Calendar 5 Races: M = Marathon; H = Half Marathon; R = Road Race; MR = Mountain Run; U = Ultradistance; C = Cross Country Dates: n/c = Date not confirmed 11 September 2011 / Estonia SEB Tallinn Marathon, Half & 10k (M,H,R) Mati Lilliallik Spordiurituste Korraldamise Klubi, Parnu Street 142a 11317 Tallinn, Estonia T: 372 654 8462 F: 372 654 8401 E: [email protected] www.tallinnmarathon.ee - 11 September 2011 / Lithuania Vilniaus Marathon 2011 (M,H) Evaldas Martinka Odminiu str. 8, Vilnius, Lithuania T: 370 650 28225 F: 370 5 2339971 E: [email protected] www.vilniausmaratonas.lt - 17 September 2011 / Sweden DN Stockholm Half Marathon (H) Anders Tallgren P.O. Box 10023, 100 55 Stockholm, Sweden T: 46 8 545 66 440 F: 46 8 664 38 22 E: [email protected] www.stockholmhalfmarathon.se - 18 September 2011 / Austria Int‟l WACHAUmarathon (M) Mag. Michael Buchleitner Babenbergerstrasse 22, A-2345 Brunn am Gebirge, Austria T: 43 2236 379095 0 F: 43 2236 379095 5 E: [email protected] www.wachaumarathon.com - 18 September 2011 / Australia Blackmores Sydney Running Festival (incl.) Sydney Marathon (M) Wayne Larden Locked Bag 1596, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia T: 61 2 9282 0400 F: 61 2 9282 0499 E: [email protected] www.sydneyrunningfestival.com.au - 18 September 2011 / Netherlands Dam tot Damloop (R) Jan Willem Mijderwijk P.O. Box 5029, 1802 Alkmaar, Netherlands T: 31 725 338 136 F: 31 725 339 398 E: [email protected] www.damloop.nl - 18 September 2011 / Denmark H.C. Andersen Marathon (M) Torben Simonsen Gråbrødre Plads 3, 1 DK - 5000 Odense C, Denmark T: 45 3059 2444 E: [email protected] www.hcamarathon.dk - AIMS PR Calendar 6 Races: M = Marathon; H = Half Marathon; R = Road Race; MR = Mountain Run; U = Ultradistance; C = Cross Country Dates: n/c = Date not confirmed 18 September 2011 / Czech Republic Volkswagen Usti Half Marathon (H,R) Carlo Capalbo Záhořanského 3, Prague 2, 12000, Czech Republic T: 420 224 919 209 F: 420 224 923 355 E: [email protected] www.ustihalfmarathon.com - 18 September 2011 / Croatia Varazdinski Polumarathon (H) Krunoslav Borovec TK Marathon 95 - Varazdin, Gornji Kucan, Varazdinska 73, 42000 Varazdin, Croatia T: 385 42 641 705 F: 385 42 400 402 E: [email protected] www.marathon95.hr - 25 September 2011 / Netherlands ABN AMRO Singelloop Utrecht 10km (R) Wim Verhoorn Wetering 1, 3451 BN Vleuten, Netherlands T: 31 30 677 4850 F: 31 30 666 3241 E: [email protected] www.fortissingellooputrecht.nl - 25 September 2011 / Germany BMW Berlin Marathon (M) Mark Milde Hanns Braun Straße, Adlerplatz, 14053 Berlin, Germany T:
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