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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1935 To be purchased directly from THE KING'S PRINTER, Department of Public Printing and Stationery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada OTTAWA J. O. PATENAUDE, I.S.O. PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1935 Price, 25 cents DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1935 To be purchased -directly from THE KING'S PRINTER, Department of Public Printing and Stationery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada OTTAWA J. O. PATENAUDE, I. S. O. THINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1035 To His Excellency Captain the Right Honourable the Earl of Bessborough, P.C., G.C.M.G., Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: The undersigned has the honour to present to Your Excellency the Report of the -Royal Canadian .Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1935. Respectfully submitted, HUGH GUTHRIE, Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 2 CONTENTS SECTION 1-GENERAL REVIEW. PAGE 1. Amendments to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act 5 2. Agreements with the Provinces 6 3. The Force at large 6 4. The Preventive Service 7 5. New duties 9 6. Economies and unified control 9 7. Health 10 8. Crime 11 Federal Statutes 11 Criminal Code 12 Pistols and Revolvers 12 Provincial Statutes 12 9. Industrial and other disturbances 13 SECTION 2-ADMINI5TRATI0N OF THE FORCE. 1. Strength of the Force 15 2. Divisions and detachments 18 3. Increases and decreases, removals and deaths 18 Death of former Commissioner 19 4. Administration and Organization at Headquarters 19 5. Administration and Organization in the Field 20 6. Accommodation 20 7. Discipline 21 8. Honours and awards (including R.C.M. Police Long Service Medal) 21 9. Medical treatment 21 10. Dental treatment 22 11. St. John Ambulance A.ssociation 22 12. Transport 22 13. Horses • 23 14. Sleigh dogs 23 15. Buildings 24 16. Clothing and supplies 24 SECTION 3-RECRUITING AND TRAINING. 1. Recruiting 24 2. Training 24 • 3. Musketry practice 25 4. Revolver practice 26 5. Equitation 26 SECTION 4-Cumin. 1. Statistics 27 2. Comparison of- • Federal Statutes 27 Preventive Service 28 Juvenile Delinquents Act 28 Criminal Code ' 28 Provincial Statutes 29 3. Tables of "true" cases 29 4. Graph index 30 5. General remarks and acknowledgments 31 6. Finger Print Section, Ottawa 32 Finger Print Section Edmonton 33 7. Ticket-of-Leave Section 33 SECTION 5-ASSISTANCE TO OTHER* DEPARTMENTS OF THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT, PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES, OTHER POLICE FORCES, ETC. 1. Preliminary remarks 34 2. Federal Departments 34 3. Provincial and Municipal Authorities 35 4. Other Police Forces 35 5. Assistance to the General Public 36 6. Collection of Revenue 36 "G" Division (Northwest Territories) 36 Other Divisions - 36 For Provincial Governments 37 Fines paid 37 Amounts paid by provinces for services of the R.C.M. Police 37 7. General Remarks 38 3 4 SECTION 6—NORTHWEST TERRITORIES AND TIIE YUKON TERRITORY. PAGE 1. Preliminary remarks • 38 2. Northwest Territories • 38 Changes in detachments 39 Patrols and expeditions 39 3. The Yukon Territory 39 Changes in detachments 39 • Patrols 39 Assistance to the Federal and Territorial Governraents 40 • General 40 SECTION 7-CONCLUDING REMARKS. • 1. Important events and distinguished visitors • 40 Visit of Prime Minister of Great Britain • 40 Jacques Cartier celebration 40 2. Conclusion 41 , SECTION 8—APPENDICES. - "A". Items of interest, notes, and in some cases extracts from reports of Officers Commanding the respective divisions whieh 'could not very well be embedied • in the report itself, but which are considered to merit publication- • 1. "Headquarters" Division, Acting Superintendent V. A. M. Kemp 41 2: "A" Division, Ottawa, Ont., Assistant Commissioner C. H. King 42 " 3: "B" Division, Dawson, Y.T, Superintendent T. B. Caulkin > 45 4. "C" Division, Montreal, P.Q., Acting Superintendent G. F. Fletcher ' 46 5. "D" Division, Winnipeg, Man., Acting Superintendent H. J. Martin 48 6. "E" Division, Vancouver, B.C., Assistant Commissioner, J. W. Phillips.. — 53 7. "F" Di-Vision, Regina,' Sask.,' Supérintendent'R. R. Tait 55 ' 8. "G" Division, Ottawa,' Ont., Superintendent T. H. Irvine 58 9. "H" Division, Halifax, N.S.; Assistant Commissioner C. Junget 62 10: :"J" Division, Fredericton, N.B., Acting Superintendent E. C. P. Salt 65 • 11. "K" Division, Edmonton, Alta.; Assistant Commissioner, H. M. Newsôn 68 12: "L" Division, Charlottetown, P.E.I.. Inspector J: Fripps • 73 13. "N" Division, Ottawa, Ont., Superintendent J. M. Tupper" 75 14. "0" Division, Teronto, Ont. Acting Superintendent A. E. Reames . 76 15. "Depot" Division, Regina, Sask.,' Superintendent, . C. H. Hill, M.0 80 "B". Strength and distribution by divisions and detachnients inCluding the memberà of thé Mariné Séction . • 83 1. RecnPitulatien bY Provinces 97 • 2. RecaPitulatien by Provinces in greater detail 97 ' 3. Distribution of the Marine Section 98 . .. , "C". Returns of investigations, cases entered and convictions, etc., for the 12 months ended March 31, 1935 , 99 • .1., Recapitulation of Federal Statutes, Criminal Code-and Provincial Statutes. • 99 • 2: Classified Summary of the disposition made of offenceS investigated under " • • - • the'Federal Statutes and Criminal Cade from April 1, 1934 to Mara' - ' - • ' 31-, 1935 " 100 3. ClaSSified Stninnari of the dispositions' made of all offences investigated ' under thé Provincial Statutes in ' all provinces from April 1, 1934 to' Mareh'31 1935 ' ' ' ' . • " . 103 4. 'Statistical report of the Finger Print , Section, Ottawa; April 1, 1934 to . March 31, 1935 ..... ,.....,..................,. — ... :..... ............ .. ... 107 ' 5. Return of cases under the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act from April 1, 1934 , to March 31, 1935 . „ 108 6. Return of fines imposed. in cases from April 1/ 1934 to March 31 1935 109 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE HEADQUARTERS, OTTAWA, June 4, 1935. To the Honourable the Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa. Sm,—I have the honour to submit my report on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1935. The form of the report is the same as that submitted to you for the eighteen months ended March 31, 1934, with the exception that it is possible this year, with only one set of crime statistics, to reduce the size of Appendix " C . It has also been considered that the report would be made more interesting by the addition of Appendix "A", -which contains items of interest which could not very well be embodied in the report itself, but which are considered to merit publication. SECTION]. GENERAL REVIEW 1. Amendments to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act Since my last report, important changes have been made in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act. By chapter 40 of the 1934 Statutes, assented to on June 28, 1934, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act was amended to provide pensions and other benefits for the widows, children and dependents of non-commissioned officers and constables, solely out of contributions made by them. This is known as Part IV of the Mounted Police Act. Under this new legislation, every serving non-commissioned officer and , constable of the force was given the right to elect whether he would contribute to provide benefits for • is wife and children, and if he so desired, might, by instalments, or in one lump sum, purchase a pension for his widow and pro- vide benefits for his children, as though he had intended to do so from the first day of his engagement. In so far as any constable who was appointed to the force after October 1, 1934, is concerned, he has no powers of election and, therefore, from that date, all constables engaged, are obliged to contribute to the fund at the rate of five per centum of the stated rate of pay. Prior to the enactment of Part IV of .-the Act above referred to, no pen- sions were payable to the widows and children of non-commissioned officers and constables, except in cases where the member of the force was killed on duty. In the case of a member of the force whose service is terminated otherwise than by death or the granting of a pension, he may continue to pay any instal- ments, or contributions, or he may withdraw in one sum the amount of his contributions without interest, unless the value of the instalment payment of contributions, if any, at the rate of discontinuance being made by him comes under the provisions of sections 81 and 82 of the Act.
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