Volume 49(41):547-555, 2009 A taxonomic review of the Dark-winged Trumpeter PSOPHIA VIRIDIS (Aves: Gruiformes: Psophiidae) Marina Oppenheimer1,2 Luís Fábio Silveira1,3 ABstRACT The Dark-winged Trumpeter, Psophia viridis (Gruiformes, Psophiidae) is a Brazilian endemic species and includes three subspecies: Psophia viridis viridis Spix, 1825; Psophia v. dextralis Conover, 1934, and Psophia v. obscura Pelzeln, 1857, as well as P. v. interjecta Griscom & Greenway, 1937, whose validity has been questioned by several authors. These taxa are allopatric in distribution along the south of the Amazon River, although the precise limits of their distribution still remain unknown. This complex has never been taxonomically reviewed and this work aims to test the validity of its taxa based on the Phylogenetic Species Concept. Morphometrical characters and plumage colour patterns were analyzed, and the distribution of the taxa was also revised. In this study, 108 specimens from 41 localities were examined (all types included), with each reliable literature-based locality being included in order to delimit the geographical distribution of the complex. Morphometrical data did not point out significant differences between the taxa, also showing no sexual dimorphism among them. Meanwhile, plumage characters showed consistent and distinct patterns for each of the taxa, except for P. v. interjecta, whose features indicated by authors as diagnosable are the result of individual variation. No clinal variation or intergradation were observed, even at regions close to the rivers headwaters, where supposedly populations could be in contact. It is suggested that the currently accepted subspecies be elevated to the species level, such as: Psophia viridis Spix, 1825, distributed in the Madeira-Tapajós interfluvium, P. dextralis, found in the Tapajós- Tocantins interfluvium, and P. obscura, which occurs from the right bank of the Tocantins River to the west of the State of Maranhão. Keywords: Psophiidae; Psophia; Psophia viridis; Taxonomy. INTRodUCtioN The Gray-winged Trumpeter (Psophia crepitans) oc- curs north of the Amazon river, from French Guiana The genus Psophia Linnaeus, 1758 includes to Peru and Ecuador; the White-winged Trumpeter three species, all restricted to Amazon basin forests. (P. leucoptera) is found north and south of the Ama- 1. Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 11.461, 05422-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; Seção de Aves, Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 42.494, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 2. E-mail: [email protected] 3. E-mail: [email protected] 548 Oppenheimer, M. & Silveira, L.F.: Taxonomy of Dark-winged Trumpeter zon, from eastern Peru to the Madeira river in the west, Sharpe (1894) considered Psophia obscura to be and Bolivia. The Dark-winged Trumpeter (P. viridis), a full species, while Peters (1934) made it subordinate is a Brazilian endemic and also occurs south of the to P. viridis, as it is treated today. Griscom & Green- Amazon river, but east of the Madeira river to the way (1937) observed that P. v. interjecta has features state of Maranhão (Sherman, 1996). of both P. v. obscura and P. v. viridis, while intermedi- Depending on the author, the Dark-winged ate geographically between P. v. obscura and P. v. dex- Trumpeter may include three or four taxa. The nomi- tralis. Haffer (1974) stated that P. v. interjecta is indis- nate form occurs in the region between the Madeira tinguishable from P. v. dextralis and suggested that it and Tapajós rivers, and P. v. dextralis occurs between is an intergradation of P. v. dextralis and P. v. obscura, the Tapajós and Xingu rivers. The putative and de- and only subtly different from them, being possibly bateable P. v. interjecta occurs from the east bank of found in simpatry with both. Although he did not the Xingu to the west margin of the Tocantins river, synonymize the two, Haffer’s treatment (1974) was being replaced by P. v. obscura from the east bank of followed by many (e.g. Sherman, 1996), yet Pinto the Tocantins to western Maranhão (Peters, 1934; (1978) considered P. v. interjecta to be valid while Blake, 1977; Pinto, 1978; Sherman, 1996; Sick, recognizing that its diagnosis from the others remains 1997). uncertain. Spix (1825:66) described Psophia viridis based Since the original descriptions, the taxa belong- on a specimen from “Villa Nuova” (= Parintins, Ama- ing to the Psophia viridis complex have not been ex- zonas), the only island locality for Psophia. He de- tensively reviewed. Here, we address this question by scribes the purple iridescence in the lower neck, the examining all of the taxa involved to examine and green back, and calls attention to dark green scapulars, compare their morphological variation and geograph- whereas the greater wing-coverts are rusty. Psophia ob- ic distribution. scura Pelzeln, 1857 was the next to be described, based on three specimens collected by J. Natterer. The type locality given by Pelzeln (1857) was simply “Brasilia”, MatERial AND METHods later changed by him to “Pará” (Pelzeln, 1871). Nat- terer (in Pelzeln, 1857) states that he collected three We analyzed 108 adult specimens of the Pso- specimens on January 1835. At that time he was in phia viridis complex from 41 localities, comprising Belém or nearby (Vanzolini, 1993), which suggests all described taxa (Appendix 1). These specimens are that the type locality should be Belém, as also sug- housed in the collections of Museu de Zoologia da gested by Hellmayr & Conover (1942) and Pinto Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (MZUSP), Mu- (1978). Pelzeln (1857) pointed that P. obscura differs seu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém (MPEG), and Mu- from P. viridis by its brownish-green mantle and dis- seu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, creet purple iridescence at the base of the neck. Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ). Type specimens of Psophia Psophia viridis dextralis Conover, 1934, was v. viridis (Zoologische Staatssammmlung München, described based on an adult male collected by A.M. Munich, Germany – ZSM B11) and P. v. dextralis Olalla on 02 December 1932 at Tauari, Tapajós river, (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA – Pará. The diagnostic characters of P. v. dextralis are FMNH 410480) were analyzed by us, while the type the greenish olive mantle and that the iridescence of specimens of, P. v. interjecta (Museum of Compara- the wings is almost absent and, when not, is greenish. tive Zoology, Cambridge, USA – MCZ 173207) and Three years after P. v. dextralis was described, P. v. in- P. v. obscura (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Wien, terjecta was described from an adult male from Cam- Austria – NHMW 39401) were analyzed from pho- etá, left (west) bank of the Tocantins river (Griscom tographs. Measurements of bill, wing, tail and tarsus & Greenway, 1937). Psophia v. interjecta was consid- length followed Baldwin et al. (1931). ered as a combination of characters from P. v. obscura Colors were determined following the catalogs and the nominate form. The only specimen used to of Smithe (1975; hereafter S) and of Munsell (1994; describe this taxon was different from two topotypic hereafter M). All specimens were analyzed under natu- pairs of P. v. dextralis available to the authors, which ral light. Plumage characters used included some that led them to consider P. v. interjecta to be a valid taxon were used in the past to separate taxa, and included: (Griscom & Greenway, 1937). Diagnosis is based on a) color of the mantle in the upper (proximal to the the purple iridescence of the wing and on the brown neck), intermediate, and lower portion (distal from upper part of the mantle, thus separating it from the neck); b) iridescence in the neck (presence – ab- P. v. obscura. sence); and c) purple in the wing (presence – absence). Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 49(41), 2009 549 Colors of other body parts were not used here due to portion of the mantle varied between Parrot Green the inherent variation found in museum specimens. (S 260) and Olive Green, while the proximal portion When not included with the specimens, the col- was Dark Green (S 162A). Again, the exception was lecting locations were determined following Paynter specimen MNRJ 9645, which has Very Dark Brown Jr. & Traylor (1991) and Vanzolini (1992). All loca- (M 7.5YR/2.5/3). This appears to be an individual tions were mapped with ArcView (ArcView 3.3 for variation since another specimen collected 70 km of Windows, ESRI, 2002). Map preparation also includ- this specimen (MZUSP 76728) is typical to the re- ed data from Spix, 1825; Pelzeln, 1857; Brabourne mainder of those birds. All specimens from this re- & Chubb, 1912; Snethlage, 1914; Naumburg, 1930; gion have iridescent purple on their wings and neck Peters, 1934; Conover, 1934; Griscom & Greenway, (Table 1; Figures 1-3a). 1937; Pinto, 1938, 1978; Hellmayr & Conover, A second group (n = 73), collected between the 1942; Gyldenstolpe, 1945; Schauensee, 1970; Blake, Tapajós and the Tocantins rivers, is very homoge- 1977; Graves & Zusi, 1986; Stotz, 1986; Oren, 1990, neous in color. The distal portion of the mantle is Ol- 1991; Novaes & Lima, 1991. ive Green (S 46), with two exceptions (MPEG 51281 and 51284), with the former being Leaf Green (S 146) and the latter being Greenish Olive (S 49). Two oth- RESUlts AND DisCUssioN er specimens in this same series (MPEG 51282 and 51283) have the distal portion of the mantle Olive We found no morphometric differences be- Green, in agreement with all the other specimens. tween the sexes and among the described taxa (data The intermediate and proximal mantle of all but two not shown, available under request). Color patterns specimens are Very Dark Brown (M 7.5YR/2.5/3 and resulted in three well defined groups. Birds from /2).
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