THE AMERICAN GOLFER 327 By "LOCHINVAR." Giving recurring flashes of golf medal for low qualifying round score, form that have made him a widely dis- with two grand 76's, 152, made during cussed factor for western amateur a day of the most intense heat regis- championship honors and playing re- tered in years at the Blue Island, Ill., markably clever golf in every depart- links. ment of the game, Mr. Paul Hunter Mr. Gardner, busy with athletics at won the chief honors of the Midlo- Yale and scarcely hitting his stride in thian Country Club invitation tourna- the links game, had two matches of ment, defeating Mr. R. O. Gardner, interest, defeating Mr. H. R. Shollen- of Hinsdale and former national title berger, the Beverly veteran of a de- holder in the thirty-six hole finals, 8 cade of open tournaments, 5 and 3, and 6. The little home links golfer and Mr. Albert Seckel, his little established a record for the remodeled Princetonian rival, 1 up. It was ex- Midlothian links in his morning round, pected by a large gallery that followed when with all putts holed he negotiated the finalists, however, that Yale pluck a card of 72. and Maroon persistency—Mr. Hunter Good fortune was combined with wears the colors of the University of rare golf in bringing about the victory Chicago—would yield a match worth of the young man who once held the walking miles to criticise. Few ex- California championship title. For pected, however, to find even a Hunter once the luck o' the draw did not bring or Gardner putting with such deadly him against some player of national effect that greens shots of ten to fif- fame at the outset of the match play, teen feet were negotiated with as lit- Mr. Hunter going through to the finals tle ceremony as eight-inch putts by or- with only one match of prominence, dinary players. that in which he defeated his club mate, Straws indicated the way the match Mr. Donald Edwards, one of the fa- would go early in the day, however, mous Edwards family of players. Mr. Mr. Hunter having a lead of 3 holes at Edwards, although having little time the end of the play of the hot morn- to engage in golf this season, had pro- ing. This lead was increased to six vided the distinct sensation of the holes in the afternoon at the end of 27 tournament when he removed Mr. Ma- holes. Taking two of the next three son Phelps, the western amateur cham-. holes Mr. Hunter captured the prem- pion, in the second round, 3 and 1. ier honors, the Senior Cup. Mr. Phelps had captured the gold By making one of his few mistakes, 328 THE AMERICAN GOLFER a sliced putt, on the initial green Mr. 38, two strokes worse than in the Hunter started the match one down, morning when he made his 72 to Mr. but Mr. Gardner's sliced drive at the Gardner's 75. next tee resulted in the squaring of With the Yale spirits plainly drop- the match. Holing his approach at ping, the bronzed young athlete topped the third, Mr. Hunter won and three his tenth tee shot and lost 6 to 4. At putts on the next green cost Mr. the twelfth green just to make a Gardner another hole. The Yale man spectacular finish Mr. Hunter holed a won the long seventh, 538 yards in nine foot putt for a 2 and the match, 4, running down one of the few long 8 and 6. The cards follow: putts he negotiated that day. A putt MORNING. of eleven feet gave the Midlothian Mr. Hunter: man the eighth hole in 3 to 4, one un- Out—5 3 3 4 5 4 5 3 4—36 der par. They halved the ninth in In —4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4—36—72 fours, one under par again. A short Mr. Gardner: mashie approach at the tenth holed by Out—4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4—38 the Yale man gave him that hole, 3 In —3 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4—37—75 to 4. But the twelfth green proved AFTERNOON. Mr. Gardner's bete noir. He took Mr. Hunter: three putts where one might have suf- Out—4 3 4 4 5 4 5 4 5—38 In —4 4 2 ficed. Three holes then were halved Mr. Gardner: by grand play, Mr. Hunter taking the Out—4 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 5—41 sixteenth, 490 yards, in 4 to 5 after In —6 4 3 a magnificent approach to within seven By defeating Mr. Joseph C. Le Duc, feet of the flag. of the home club and a frequent com- Mr. Hunter's masterful green work rade of Messrs. Phelps, Seckel, Hun- in the afternoon soon abolished any ter and Egan in rousing matches, 7 hope of the Hinsdale gallery that the and 5, Mr. W. R. McCallum, a youth- Yale athlete might pull up and make ful golfer of promise from the Calu- a "bulldog finish." The home links met Country Club links, won the Jun- lad halved the second in 3 by making ior Cup finals. Mr. C. B. DeVol, of a putt of 18 feet. A topped drive at Riverside, who was eliminated in the the fourth did not stop him, the young initial round by Mr. Phelps, had an man seizing a half in four. Mr. easy victory in the finals for the Fresh- Gardner lost all chance to bring about man Cup, defeating Mr. A. S. McIn- one of his great recovery matches at tyre, of Maywood, 8 and 6. the next three holes. A topped drive The climax feature of the tourna- at the sixth and a rimmed putt for a ment, a mixed foursome proved to be half, cost him 5 and the hole. A thun- a victory for Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hink- der shower that made things damp for ley, who scored both low gross and a brief period did not help him any. low net with a card of 91—7—84. He missed his seventh tee shot and They selected the low gross prize, the lost. His mashie pitch at the eighth low net being shared by Mrs. F. W. went into the ditch. Mr. Hunter was Lynch and Mr. R. E. Daniels and Miss careless on his putt at the ninth, missed Higbie and Mr. F. Higbie, with scores and halved in 5, still he was out in of 85. THE AMERICAN GOLFER 329 MIDLOTHIAN OPEN AMATEUR TOURNEY. Midlothian Country Club, Blue Island, Ill., July 5-8. Medalist—Mason Phelps, 76—76—152. SUMMARY. 152 Mason Phelps, Midlothian....... Phelps 169 C. B. Devol, Riverside 2 and l Edwards 162 Don Edwards, Midlothian..... Edwards 3 and 1 173 J. C. Daniels, Midlothian..... 7 and 6 Hunter 166 J. Brewer, Jackson Park...... Brewer 8 and 7 175 J. P. Gardner, Midlothian... By default Hunter 154—Paul Hunter, Midlothian...... Hunter 10 and 8 172 A. S. McIntyre, Maywood...... By default Hunter 155 Albert Seckel, Riverside Seckel 8 and 6 172 J. L. Miller, Wheaton 4 and 3 Seckel 167 A. C. Perry, Calumet Perry 1 up D. T. Magill, Jackson Park.. 6 and 5 Gardner 163 H. R. Shollenberger, Beverly. Shollenberger 5 and 3 174 M. A. Carroll, Beverly 5 and 3 Gardner 154 R. A. Gardner, Hinsdale Gardner 2 and l 171 B. Collins, Jr., Midlothian.... 4 and 3 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Among the players who competed It may have escaped the notice of recently in the invitation tournament all but the close followers of golf, of the Midlothian Club was Mr. John but since the Western Golf Associa- R. Towle, of the Jackson Park Club, tion's expansion measure passed the Mr. Towle is a G. A. R. man who annual meeting six Canadian golf clubs took up the game of golf when nearly have been admitted to membership. three-score years of age and has The latest of these organizations to achieved considerable success both at come in, as reported by Secretary E. the Chicago district courses and dur- A. Eulass, are: Essex County Golf ing his winter vacation at Pinehurst. and Country Club, Sandwich, Canada; He fought with Bragg in the fa- St. Catharine's Golf Club, St. Cath- mous Iron Brigade, but never in the arine's, Can., and Walkerville Golf war of the rebellion did he face any Club, Walkerville, Can. Other new hotter fire than while traversing the members are the Bay City Country Blue Island links with the mercury Club, Bay City, Mich.; Lake Country registering 102 in the shade of the Club, Gary, Indiana, and Westwood club house veranda. Golf Club, Dover Bay, Ohio. Eighteen ¡ ¡ ¡ clubs have been taken in since the an- In a recent team match on the Wave- nual meeting. land links, Des Moines, Ia., between ¡ ¡ ¡ the home club team and a team from By winning the final for the G. D. the Hyperion Club, the Waveland Eustic Cup, at the Cinn. Golf Club, Club won 33 to 30. One of the sur- Mr. Tyler Field took first flight hon- prises was the defeat of Mr. William ors, defeating his rival, Mr. B. P. Hol- Sheehan, Des Moines city champion, lister, 1 up. Unparalleled heat con- by Mr. Kenneth Brown, of the Wave- ditions prevailed for the better part land team, by 1 up. Each had medal of three days while this tourney was cards of 84, bogey being 80.
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