Rev Rom Med Vet (2016) 26 | 1: 67-72 67 THE HISTORY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE | ISTORIA MEDICINII VETERINARE CONSTANTIN LEVADITI AND THE VETERINARY MEDICINE CONSTANTIN LEVADITI ŞI MEDICINA VETERINARĂ R. IFTIMOVICI1) This article is the fruit of bibliographical research I Acest articol este rezultatul unei cercetări biblio- conducted in the archives of the Pasteur Institute in grafice efectuată în arhiva Institului Pasteur din Paris. Paris. The text is based on unpublished documents, Textul se bazează pe documente inedite, în special especially letters sent by professor Constantin Levaditi scrisori trimise de către profesorul Constantin Levaditi (1874-1953) to prominent figures of veterinary medi- (1874–1953) unor personalităţi marcante ale medici- cine. Constantin Levaditi, a Romanian physician who nei veterinare. Constantin Levaditi, medic român, care worked in France, at the Pasteur Institute, is consi- a lucrat în Franţa la Institutul Pasteur, este considerat dered to be one of the founders of virology and anti- a fi fost unul dintre fondatorii virusologiei şi chimiote- infectious chemotherapy. He was initially (1896-1903) rapiei antiinfecţioase pe plan mondial. a disciple of Victor Babeş, Paul Ehrlich (in Frankfurt A fost iniţial (1896–1903) discipol a lui Victor Ba- /M.), I.I. Metchnikov and Emile Roux (in Paris). beş, Paul Ehrlich la Frankfurt /M., I.I Mecinikov şi Emile With Nobel Prize winner Karl Landsteiner (who dis- Roux la Paris. tinguished the four blood groups and the Rh factor in Împreună cu Karl Landsteiner, laureat Nobel (cel man), Levaditi discovered the polio virus in 1909. care a evidenţiat cele 4 grupe sanguine şi factorul Rh la Three years later he described (with C. Kling) the om), Levaditi a descoperit în 1909 virusul poliomielitei. ways the virus is transmitted, and introduced the first Ulterior, în 1912, a precizat căile de răspândire ale laboratory diagnosis of infantile paralysis (1913). acestui virus (cu C. Kling) şi a introdus primul diagnos- Levaditi, a Pasteurian, was the first to cultivate the tic de laborator al paraliziei infantile (1913). polio virus in vitro (1913), paving the way for vaccina- Pasteurianul român a reuşit să cultive în premieră, tion against this terrible disease. in vitro, virusul polio (1913) deschizând, principial, At a time when syphilis treatment with arsenic- drumul vaccinării împotriva acestei teribile maladii. based drugs (Salvarsan, Neosalvarsan) was outdated, Într-o epocă în care terapia sifilisului cu preparate Levaditi, R. Sazerac and Şt. S. Nicolau extrapolated arsenicale (Salvarsan, Neosalvarsan) era depăşită, the bismuth-salt therapy for syphilis patients (starting Levaditi, R. Sazerac şi Şt. S. Nicolau, pornind de la stu- from chemotherapy studies on chicken spirillosis) and dii de chimioterapie a spirilozei găinilor au extrapolat obtained remarkable results (1925-1931). tratamentul cu săruri de bismut la bolnavii de sifilis, After discovering with yet another Romanian Pas- obţinând rezultate excelente (1925–1931). teurian, Ştefan S. Nicolau, two of the general charac- Descoperind împreună cu un alt pasteurian ro- teristics of viruses (ultrafiltrability and predominantly mân, Ştefan S. Nicolau, două dintre caracterele gene- cell-mediated immunity in viral infections), Levaditi rale ale virusurilor (ultrafiltrabilitatea şi imunitatea also described the special tropism of certain viruses for predominat celulară în viroze) Levaditi a semnalat şi cancerised tissues (viral oncolysis) which, developed tropismul special al unor virusuri pentru ţesuturile by modern research, stands out as a major promise for cancerizate (oncoliza virală), proprietate care rafinată cancer treatment in the next 10 to 15 years. de cercetările moderne, reprezintă o promisiune pen- Levaditi's relationship with veterinary physicians, tru tratamentul cancerului în următorii 10–15 ani. which we are going to highlight, first of all consists of a Relaţiile lui C. Levaditi cu medici veterinari, rele- number of letters setting forth research ideas and ex- vate de noi, constau în primul rând dintr-o serie de perimental protocols. One of the main addresses was scrisori, nepublicate până în prezent, în care sunt ex- veterinary professor Camille Guérin (1872-1961), co- primate idei de lucru şi chiar protocoale experimen- author with A. Calmette of the first vaccine for tuber- tale. Unul din principalii adresanţi este profesorul ve- culosis (BCG). Levaditi in his turn received letters from terinar Camille Guérin (1872-1961) coautor alături de Gaston Ramon, while Bucharest professor Paul Rie- A. Calmette al primului vaccin împotriva tuberculozei gler, the founder of Romanian Veterinary Microbiology, (BCG). Scrisori primite de Levaditi poartă semnătura is the one who used to send Levaditi “The Veterinary lui Gaston Ramon, iar “Arhiva veterinară”, revistă ce Archives”, a magazine published in Bucharest. apărea la Bucureşti, îi este cerută de către Levaditi profesorului bucureştean Paul Riegler, fondatorul mi- 1) Academy of Medical Sciences, Bucharest, Romania crobiologiei veterinare româneşti. E-mail: [email protected] O pleiadă de tineri medici veterinari din mai multe 68 Rev Rom Med Vet (2016) 26 | 1 Levaditi's pupils and associates at the Pasteur In- ţări ale Europei au fost elevi şi colaboratori ai lui Leva- stitute included a number of young vets from several diti în Institutul Pasteur din Paris: englezul Ian Gallo- European countries. Among them we should mention way, francezii J. Verge şi P. Goret, românii Alexandru Ian Galloway (UK), J. Verge et P. Goret (France), Al. Ciucă, Nicolae Stamatin, Ioan Borcilă ş.a. Ciucă, N. Stamatin, I. Borcilă (Romania). Interesul lui C. Levaditi pentru medicina veteri- Levaditi's interest in veterinary medicine showed nară apare pregnant mai ales atunci când a coordonat out when he coordinated and wrote articles devoted to şi elaborat texte de patologie specifică în monumenta- specific pathology for his monumental treaty "Les ul- lul său tratat „Les ultravirus des maladies animales”, travirus des maladies animales", published in Paris in apărut la Paris în 1943, lucrare care, cel puţin 30 de 1943. For at least 30 years, this was the reference ani, a fost cartea de căpătâi a medicilor veterinari in- book for infectionist veterinarians on all continents. fecţionişti de pe toate continentele. Keywords: Constantin Levaditi, virology, Cuvinte cheie: Constantin Levaditi, virusologie, anti-infectious chemotherapy, polio virus chimioterapie antiinfecţioasă, virusul polio The links between the Pasteurian school and ve- Gaston Ramon (1866-1963), who discovered ana- terinary medicine were intense and steadfast. toxine therapy and in the 1940's became the general The current, unanimously-accepted saying "there director of the Pasteur Institute, is another example of is only one medicine" has old roots in Pasteur's thin- a vet promoted to the top ranks of the scientific world of king. In his famous address to the Medical Academy in the time. (Fig. 1) Paris (1878) titled "La théorie des germes et ses appli- Constantin Levaditi (1874-1953), a graduate of cations à la médecine et à la chirurgie" (Germ Theory the Bucharest Faculty of Medicine (1898) and an MD and Its Applications in Medicine and Surgery), the with a degree obtained in Paris (1902), is considered most convincing arguments, which blew away the as one of the main founders of virology and chemothe- naive theory according to which infectious diseases rapy (Fig. 2). Initially an assistant of Victor Babeş in are the nefarious work of miasmas, originated for the Bucharest (1898-1900), then of Paul Ehrlich in Frank- most part in animal pathology or zoonoses. furt /Main (1900-1902), Levaditi settled down in Paris The examples he used referred to the diseases of where he worked first at the Collège de France with silkworms, to avian cholera, rabies, and anthrax. One physiopathologist Albert Charrin, and then with I.I. single example, based on the isolation of a particular Metchnikov and Emile Roux (Pasteur's right hand) in microbe - a streptococcus - referred to a specifically the world-famous Institute. human disease: puerperal fever. Levaditi was an illustrious figure of the Pasteur In- If Pasteur was able to bring forward arguments stitute for nearly 40 years. His major breakthroughs documenting the microbes' "guilt", it was mainly be- include the discovery of infantile paralysis virus (1909) cause he had read articles written by researchers of with Karl Landsteiner (15) (who in his turn distin- animal pathology and because he used to work toge- guished the four blood groups and the Rh factor in ther with them. Among the works he had read featured man) and of the the way poliomyelitis is transmitted articles published between 1877 and 1883 by veteri- (10), the first laboratory diagnosis of poliomyelitis nary physicians Henri Toussaint of Toulouse (on avian (with Al. Netter), based on the seroneutralised anti- cholera), Pierre Victor Galtier of Lyon (on rabies), Hen- body titre in bovine blood and healthy virus carriers ri Boulle of Paris (on microbian infections), and others. blood, as well as the study of neuro-viroses such as Understanding the importance of veterinary pa- (epidemic) von Economo encephalitis, neurotropic thology for medicine generally, Pasteur and later on herpes, viral encephalitis, etc. (19) Emile Duclaux and Emile Roux, who succeeded him at At a time when viruses and especially the dyna- the head of the Pasteur Institute after 1889, backed mics of viral multiplication were very little known
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