Vol. 04 Issue No. 5 MAY 2016 ST. THOMAS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL - DUBAI ""Ah³ ssZh¯nsâ he¯v `mKt¯¡v BtcmlWw sNbvXp ]cnip²mßmhv F¶ hmKvZ¯w ]nXmhnt\mSp hm§n, \n§Ä Cu ImWpIbpw tIÄ¡pIbpw sN¿p¶Xv ]IÀ¶pX¶p'' (At¸m.{]. 2:33) for members only P.O. Box : 2563, Dubai - UAE Tel : 04-337 1122, Fax : 04-335 2252 Email : stthomas@emirates.net.ae www.stthomascathedraldubai.org Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Christ (Acts 2:1–4). The Holy Spirit that Christ had promised to his disciples came on the Fr. Lany Chacko day of Pentecost (cf. Jn 14:26, 5:26; Lk Asst. Vicar 24:49; Acts 1:5). The apostles received “the power from on high,” and they began to preach and bear witness to The Feast of Holy Pentecost is Jesus as the risen Christ, the King and celebrated each year on the fiftieth the Lord. This moment has traditionally day after the Great and Holy Feast of been called the birthday of the Church. Easter and ten days after the Feast of In the liturgical services of the feast of the Ascension of Christ. The Feast is Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit always celebrated on a Sunday. is celebrated together with the full revelation of the divine Trinity: Father, The Feast commemorates the descent Son, and Holy Spirit. The fullness of the of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on Godhead is manifested with the Spirit’s the day of Pentecost. It also celebrates coming to man, and the Church hymns the establishment of the Church through celebrate this manifestation as the final the preaching of the Apostles and the act of God’s self-disclosure and self- baptism of the thousands who on that donation to the world of His creation. day believed in the Gospel message For this reason Pentecost Sunday is of salvation through Jesus Christ. The also called Trinity Day in the Orthodox Feast is also seen as the culmination of tradition. the revelation of the Holy Trinity. On Pentecost, we have the final In the Old Testament, Pentecost fulfillment of the mission of Jesus Christ was the feast that occurred fifty and the first beginning of the messianic days after Passover. As the Passover age of the Kingdom of God mystically feast celebrated the exodus of the present in this world in the Church Israelites from the slavery of Egypt, of the Messiah. For this reason, the so Pentecost celebrated God’s gift of fiftieth day stands as the beginning of the Ten Commandments to Moses on the era which is beyond the limitations Mount Sinai. In the New Covenant of of this world, fifty being that number the Messiah, the Passover event takes which stands for eternal and heavenly on its new meaning as the celebration fulfillment in Jewish and Christian of Christ’s death and resurrection, the mystical piety: seven times seven, “exodus” of men from this sinful world plus one. Thus, Pentecost is called an to the Kingdom of God. And in the New apocalyptic day, which means the day Testament as well, the Pentecostal feast of final revelation. It is also called an is fulfilled and made new by the coming eschatological day, which means the day of the “new law,” the descent of the 2 of the final and perfect end (in Greek 2 Cor 3; Gal 5; Eph 2-3). eschaton means the end). For when the Messiah comes and the Lord’s Day is If Christmas is God with us, and Good at hand, the “last days” are inaugurated Friday is God for us, then Pentecost is in which “God declares: ... I will pour God in us. God went beyond sending out my Spirit upon all flesh.” This is the His Son to grant us eternal life, for He ancient prophecy to which the Apostle made us temples of the Holy Spirit. Peter refers in the first sermon of the Baptism is our death, burial, and Christian Church which was preached resurrection in Christ. The sacrament of on the first Sunday of Pentecost (Acts holy chrism is our personal Pentecost. 2: 1 7; Joel 2: 28-32). We have already received the gift of the Holy Spirit. We only need to let Him Once again it must be noted that the work within us. The Holy Spirit gives feast of Pentecost is not simply the us newness in life. celebration of an event which took place centuries ago. It is the celebration On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy of what must happen and does happen Spirit transformed poor, uneducated to us in the Church today. The Feast of fishermen into men who had new Pentecost is an ever-present part of our power, enthusiasm, knowledge of God, lives. The sending of the Holy Spirit was and a new life. He can do the same for the fulfillment of our Lord’s mission on us. As body, soul, and spirit, man needs earth. His mission was to save us, wash the Holy Spirit to make him complete. us, and purify us by His blood, that we Otherwise, another spirit (evil) will be may become fit to receive the Spirit. His in him and make him less man. God purpose is accomplished, for He fills the breathes life into us through the Holy Church with His presence and abides in Spirit. He is not “out there”, but dwells us always. We all have died and risen in each of us. May the Holy Spirit work with the Messiah-King, and we all have within us, giving us the fire to preach to received his Most Holy Spirit. We are and serve others, guiding us always to the “temples of the Holy Spirit.” God’s live according to God’s will. Spirit dwells in us (Rom 8; 1 Cor 3:16, 04 sabv 2016 (_p[³) kzÀ¤mtcmlW s]cp¶mÄ 6:45 pm kÔym \akvImcw 7:15 pm hn. IpÀºm\ 14 sabv 2016 (i\n) s]´nt¡mkvXn 6:30 pm kÔym \akvImcw 7:00 pm hn. IpÀºm\ 3 _tkentbmkv _tkentbmkv am¿tØmΩm {]Ya≥ ImtXmen° _mh ZnZntamkv {]Ya≥ ae¶cbpsS {]Ya ImtXmen° ae¶c Hm¿ØtUmIvkv k`bpsS Bb _tkentbmkv {]Ya≥ ImtXm A`nam\ambncp∂ _tkentbmkv en° _mh 1836 P\phcn 17 \v {]ikv am¿tØmΩ ZnZntamkv {]Ya≥ 1921 Xhpw AXn]pcmX\hpamb ]Item HIvtSm_¿ 29 mw XobXn C´nbhnc a‰w IpSpw_Øns‚ imJbmb apdn tXmakns‚bpw timimΩbpsSbpw a‰w IpSpw_Øn¬ Ipcys‚bpw adn aI\mbn amthen°cbn¬ P\n®p. bmΩbp sSbpw aI\mbn P\n®p. 1950 ¬ sshZnI ÿm\tØ°pw 1852 ¬ 16 mw hb n¬ sshZnI ÿm\ XpS¿∂v 1966 ¬ ta¬∏´ ÿm\tØ hpw XpS¿∂v 1877 ¬ 41 mw hb n¬ °pw Db¿Øs∏´p. tXmakv am¿ am¿ Cuhm\ntbmkv F∂ \maØn¬ XntamØntbmkv F∂ \mat[bØn¬ ta¬∏´ÿm\tØ°pw Db¿Øs∏´p. ae_m¿ `{Zmk\Øns‚ sa{Xmt∏m 1912 sk]v‰w_¿ 15 mw XobXn \ncWw enØ Bbncp∂ Ct±lsØ 1992 ]≈nbn¬ h-®v A_vZp≈ ainlm sk]v‰w_¿ 10 mw XobXn IqSnb ae¶c c≠ma≥ ]m{Xnb¿°okn\m¬ ae¶c kpdnbm\n {InkvXy≥ Atkmkntb k`bpsS {]Ya ImtXmen°m _mh j≥ _tkentbmkv am¿tØmΩ ÿm\tØ°v Xncs™Sp°s∏´p. amXyqkv ZznXobs‚ ]n≥Kmanbmbn Zo¿LZ¿inbmbncp∂ Xncpta\n \nbp‡ ImtXment°mkv ÿm\ [mcmfw hnZym`ymk ÿm]\߃ tØ°v Xncs™SpØp. 2005 HIvtSm ÿm]n°p∂Xnepw Bcm[\m {Ia _¿ 31 mw XobXn _tkentbmkv ߃ Nn´s∏SpØp∂Xnepw, ]≈nI am¿tØmΩ ZznZntamkv {]Ya≥ F∂ fn¬ k¨tUkvIqƒ XpSßp∂Xn t]cn¬ ]cpae skan\mcnbn¬ h®v \pw, ae¶c kphntij kwLw ÿm ]uckvXy ImtXment°mkpw ae¶c ]n°p∂Xn\pw, k`ma°ƒ°p th≠n sa{Xmt∏menØbmbn Ahtcm[n° At\Iw ]≈nIƒ ÿm]n°p∂Xn s∏´p. \pw B hµy]nXmhn\v km[n®p. h\nXIƒ°p s]mXptbmKßfn¬ h¿Æ\Iƒ°XoXamb {]hØ\ kw_‘n°phm≥ A\phmZw \¬In ߃ ae¶c k`bv°p ImgvNh® B bXpw sa{Xm≥ Xncs™Sp∏n\p am\Z alm Xm]kt{ijvT≥ 1913 sabv amkw fihpw s]cpam‰®´hpw G¿s∏Sp 3 mw XobXn Imew sNbvXp. tIm´bw ØnbXpw Ct±lamWv. hm¿[Iy kl Hm¿ØtUmIvkv ]gb skan\mcnbn¬ Pamb ImcWßfm¬ ÿm\w Hgn™ I_dS°w sNbvXp. Ct±lw \nbp‡ ImtXmen° Bbn cp∂ ]utemkv am¿ anenØntbmkn s\ 2010 \hw_¿ 1 mw XobXn ]pXnb ImtXmen° Bbn hmgn®p. henb _mh F∂v k` BZcthmsS hnfn®n cp∂ hµy]nXmhv 2014 sabv 26 \v Im ew sNbvXp. 4 {InkvXp injy³amcmb At¸mkvtXme³amÀ St. James preached in Palestine and JAMES Egypt and according to tradition, he (THE LESSER) was the first Bishop of Jerusalem, and the author of the first Catholic Epistle. ames often identified with “James Jthe Less” also labeled “the Minor” James was a man of strong character and son of Alpheus was one of the twelve one of the fieriest. He died as a martyr apostles of Jesus. He was the brother and his body was sawed in pieces. His of the Apostle Jude. apostolic symbol is “saw”. bqlmt\m³ amÀ tkthdntbmkv ]≈n ]≈nbmIp∂Xv AhnsS amXrI Im´nb am¿ tkthdntbmkv _en]oTap≈XpsIm≠pw _enbp ]pcmX\amb BflobkwkvImcØn ≈XpsIm≠pamWv. _enbn√mØnSØv s‚ Xnf°ap≈ IÆn Bbncp∂p. AXmbXv hn. Ip¿∫m\ _enbmIp∂p k`mNcn{Xw, Imt\m≥, IqZmiIƒ, F∂v hnizmkan√mØnSØv _en]oTw Bcm[\m kmlnXyw F∂nhsb∏‰n C√; _en]oTan√mØnSw ]≈nbpa√. FgpXnb teJ\߃ k`bpsS k©cn°p∂ Nq≠p]eI F∂ {KŸ B[nImcnI tcJIfmbn. Øn¬ A`nhµy bqlmt\m≥ am¿ 1920 P\phcn 14 ]pXp∏≈n sk‚ v tkthdntbmkv sa{Xmt∏menØ tPm¿÷v CShIbn¬ Xrt°mXawK \ap°v t_m[ys∏SpØnØcp∂ Hcp eØp P\\w.
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