I Bringing Up Father By McManus MEV- VWT the Air “Voo <6 ru^oo Today A MlfciUTE- l W't MAD I SIMPLY CANNOT *tto «stop li'* J at'VoU* ROXY SOLOIST TO DRAMATIC SERIES PRACTICE MY *5irt<4lf4<5 S\\S WITH THE HAMMERING CANT SSL. v. = is ON IN Tme HELP 1 SING TO-MORROW TO BE INAUGURATED qoiNk; *71 APARTMENT Will Be Guest at “Tom” Based on Negro Sketches Noonan’s Mission —First One Broadcast Broadcast To-morrow SATURDAY—DADIO. “Over Jordan," a dramatic aeries Florence Mulholland. contralto, based on Negro sketches In Roark who scored such a success with Bradford's book, “Ol' Man Adam *»’ Rosy, Is featured at Tom Noonan's His Chlllun,'' will be inaugurated Radio Mass Meeting to be broadcast over an NBC network to-morrow tomorrow at 3:30 p. m. from the noon between 12:15 and 12:30 p. m„ Rescue Society, 5-7 Doyers street; Eastern Daylight Time. The series Miss Mulholland will be heard In se- will be heard regularly thereafter lections which have endeared them- each Sunday afternoon, between selves to America. 1:45 and 2 o'clock. Eastern Daylight A dramatic story will be told by time, beginning Sunday, May 10. The I *>m’a>(’1 X»t«r» —trl— tee.. Orot niuto rtgH* nmrr*4. | Larry Kane. The story of a down- New York area will be served 5_J and-outer who was snapped back to through WJZ. and usefulness a Cowan ambition by girl. Bradford, former lawyer, news- MOM’N POP Curious! By Wood Noonan calls Kane's story "Speak- paperman and captain In the Pan- Amy’s easy Romance” from the locale of ama coast defense service of the h the early part of the narrative. army during the World war, Is The musical program will feat- noted for his writings around Negro 1H "TRYING to GET \$ EMERY TUIMG VES.OM SWwRDkY- ure further George Rirose. Japanese religious tales. He gained consider- Some pennies out of EQEE >T TWE. VtOW MOV'D TIGHT bariton; the Haeckel -Berge Trio and able recognition following publica- 1 CAN TO HVY M MAD-HEBE the Harmony Trumpeters. KV BANK.SO ZOO. tion of "Child of God’’ a story that GET INTO THE COtAES OURC M> Stations WMCA, New Tork; Won the O. Henry Memorial prize WDRC, Hartford. Conn; WDEL, for short stories, and his first vol- ZOO WOKO. Albany, Wilmington, Dela; ume, "The Philistine Boys," from N. Pa: Y.; KQV. Pittsburgh, which the Broadway stage hit, "The WWVA, Wheeling, W. Va: WCAM. Green Pastures,” originated. Sever- Camden, N. J.: WHDH. Boston. al members of “The Green Pastures” and Pa. Mass, WHP. Harrisburg, cast be Included in the radio will the broadcast. may carry dramatization of "Over Jordan.” Spiritual songs, music and typical Negro dialect will feature this ieoa unique series. Meters WTIC Kilocycles Hartford 12:40—Blue Room Echoes—Joseph SUNDAYCONCERTS Blume. director. 1:30—Knights of Melody—Norman Cloutier, drector. ARE INAUGURATED 2:00—Illma Islanders—Mike Han- apl, director. A series of late Sunday afternoon 2:13—"Behind the Scenes”—Paul symphony orchestra "pop concerts” L. Lucas. will be inaugurated by NBC to-mor- 2:30—Recital. row with Walter Logan directing the 3:00—"Through Sunny Windows” Cleveland orchestra in the studios of —Jane Dillon. WTAM. Cleveland. The program 3:20—Daytime Dancers—Norman will be heard over an extensive NBC Cloutier, director. network between 5:00 and 6:00 a J. and J. H- STR1S3EL until m. DIXIE DUGAN—The Crooks Black Ace' By P, focEVOY 4:00—Silent 4:15 p. t>. m.. Eastern Daylight Savings Play time. 1.130 To-morrow the guest artist will be Mttcn WDRC Kilorri’ln Helen Thomas Bucher coloratura so- Hartford prano and composer of popular mel- NO w odies. She has been heard numer- DIXIE — r thc/vt times the air from WTAM ous on ASK 1:00—Felix Ferdinando and his and at present is writing light op- don't TURNED THE Park Central orchestra. era dealing with a Japanese leg- Questions 1:30—Savoy Plaza orchestra. end. Miss Bucher will sing "Sum- TELEPHONE LIGHTS OUT; 2:00—Dale Wlmbrotv. mer’’ by Chamlnade; “Chanson Pro- THE "POLICE. 2:15—Barbara Maurel, contralto. vencal” by Del Acqua and the Ario- —DIXIE, 2:30—-Balon orchestra. so, from "Romeo and Juliette” by QUICK 2:55—Baseball game; Red Sox vs Oounod. .stick sy Washington from Boston, re- A feature of the orchestral part of ported by Fred Hoey. the program will be the Arioso and L ME V J 5:00—Melody Snapshots. Fanfare by Buscli. played by six A m 5:10—Show Tunes. solo trumpets. 1:15—Leon Belasco and his orches- The program, which will be heard tra. In the New York area through 5:45—Tony’s Scrap Book. WEAF. follows: 0:00—Time. Overture Carnival, orchestra: 6|00—Ted Husing's Sportslants. Summer, Helen Thomas Bucher and fittO—Weather report. orchestra: Snappy Weather, orches- 0tt0—Paul Tremaine's .orchestra. tra: Arioso and Fanfare, Six Solo 0:45—Esther Keidel. soprano: Wil- Trumpets: Countess Maritr.a, orches- liam Spencer, accompanist. tia; Chanson Provencal, Helen 7:t0—Morton Downey with Xat Thomas Bucher and orchestra; Rev- BrusUoff's orchestra. erie, String orchestra; Andalucla, or- 7:16—World Bookman. chestra; Noctrune Italien, violin duet 7:20—Stock Quotations. end orchestra; Xaila. orchestra: By 7:t0—Armand Vecsey and his ltitz the Blue Hawaiian Waters, orches- Carlton orchestra. tra: Arioso. Helen Thomas Bucher, I :I0—Time. violin accompaniment; Racozky t:00—Arthur Pryor’s Band. March, orchestra. 2:16—Ben Alley, tenor; Ann Deaf at the Organ. 2:20—Time. 395 Uf f 19 760 Of All Things!! » By Blosser 2:20—The Dusky Twins. Meters ▼▼ W Mi Kilocycles Freckles 2:46—Mary Charles with Nat New York BrusllofTa orchestra. IT LOOKS UKE .\MEU.,lF TUie ISNT snuv Tue =ei_w£» x AM OLD MAM. THE OHLY 0:00—Time. THAT \*IAS A T\wE>JTy TU6 END TWE MAM YOU SOLD that TO If 9:00—Meyer Davis and his orches- 395m—W.7J5, New York—7*0k VMETZS AT sold ticket MUM? VMELL, DIO STRAHOE PART OP IT— dollar Bill tra. 5:00—Van Steeden orchestra. of our cope uovj THAT ticket B> vnwat aw vxias old maw... UE PAY SOU TWE OLD 0:20—Time. 5:15—Songs. Of A lCOKIUS THE FELLER SW6 HAVJE moo TWAT MB. MBLLIVJsee SORT ue E5wy 0:20—National Radio Forum. 6:30—Sketch—Little Orphan An- looked Ukg \was 'EXACT AMOUMT RDR DOLLAR SAYS FARBAR PERSON VMA& ME A 7VIBMT/ snu. 60T THE DOES-THE 10:40—Time: weather. nie. ^ AT £I«WTV.._ LEAST MIS TICKET or DID HE PEELED lOtOO—Hank Simmons Show Boat: 5:45—Van Steeden orchestra. wasvj't -me UCT BILL TUAT BILL? TD STOOPED OUER AW ME OFFER penserwe "The Ticket of Leave Man.” 6:00—Sketch—Raising Junior. FEUOMv VUWO 'HoO A from a Roll Bis SEE a LIKE ID Lown and his Biltmore 6:15—Orchestra. MAD sWHITg 8EABD to I 11:40—Bert BOCISWT A BILL? EMOLMM 10 a vnant orchestra. 6:20—Ballew orchestra. AW LOOMED POOR AS choke a id his 6:40—Baseball scores. TICKET 1& see -rue 11:20—Guy Lombardo Royal A CWOBCL MOOSE HIPPOPOTAMUS.— Canadians. 6:45—Topics in Brief—Lowell ELKHART... ir^vS- Thomas. tvjentv 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy—Sketch. S'l OCULAR 454 1VVAV sso 7:15—Jesters. Meters BlAa Kilocycles 7:30—Sketch—Rise of the Gold- w run. JWK3S BIU.? New Terk bergs. 7:45—Pickard Family, Southern VMHAT CAN Folksongs: Novelty orches- with 4:11—WTIC synchronized tra. HE TEU. WEAF on 660 k.c. (See 8:00—To be announced. PRONi WEAF for program). 8:15—Transatlantic Filling Stations 1:00—Silent. —E. R. Armstrong. THAT 4&4tn—WEAF, New York—440k 8:30—Orchestra; Erunk Parker, 5:00—Children's Program. songs: Earle Spicer, baritone. •2 5:20—Mildred Hunt, contralto; 9:00—Sketch—Harbor Lights. White. Landt trio and 9:30—Domino orchestra. 5:41—Mountaineers. 10:00—Young Democratc Club .Meet- i.mt. on.wtm of Adventure— wt wo wv»a C:tt—Highroad ing. Hotel Astor; speaker. LeTK Gilbert E. Gable. Governor Franklin D. Roose- orchestra. 4:15—Black and Gold velt. 6:45—Uncle Able and David. Bv J. R. 10:30—Clara, Lu and Em. Our Boarding House By Gene Ahern Out Our Way Williams 7:00—Baseball scores. 10:45—Memory Lane. 7:03—Gene Austin, songs. 11:00—Slumber Music. Evidence— 7:15—Crcumstantial 11:30—Sisters of the Skillet—Songs. Dean Gleason L. Archer. \MHAT — 11:45—Mellotones. WAS TELLlAiG ? wou H6H ITS V^MOVSJW-N 7:30—Orchestra. —‘'BUT' Vod HAVEaLTSEEN OK COME, MOW* l ; 13:00—Spitalny orchestra. SA"/ SO\JF Done AROUND HERE. AS 3:00—Weber and Fields, come- * POC GRAHAM 13:30—Panlco’s orchestra. -ftT gHosT VOU’VE poNT MAKE -That To dians. SOUR vou? GOlF LEG* amo 2:16—Varieties. IT -wOT? OF THE ABodT OAidV HEARD SPORT j WOO MEAKl -ro t& CAOSEO BV ■■ Silver Flute. HE 2:20—The 34* mar a no mo SITUATION » CASE AN’ saw that ala. 0:00—Symphony orchestra, direc- Meter* ADV Kiloi'ri'tei lAAAGIWED VCd DlP*-*— REPA\R\M’ GOLF tion Walter Damrosch: Ad- says voo Have -These sT\ ff- \cw York —TH’VaIELL PRESSEP EGAPt I DONT clubs onj The ventures in Science—Floyd ; A BRAlM HollouI ! LECjGjED GuV-9. Gibbons. WEARS A SHEET HAVE "TO SEE ! New York—860k SPOOK 10:00—Orchestra.
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