400 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, DECEMBER ^5, 1925 £25 to the Children's Hospital, Queen Street, £5 to the Mother Superior, Good Shepherd Home.. Belfast. BallynafVigh, Belfast for the charitable purposes of £25 to the Cripples' Home, Belfast. • ,s:.iid Homo. £25 to the Masonic Widows' Funds, Belfast. £•3 to the President and Treasurer of the Society £25 to the Masonic Orphans' Home, to be paid of the Ladies of Charity, Killyleagh, for the through the Lodge of Israel, 74. charitable objects of said Society. £100 to the Jewish Hospital, Elizabeth Street. £20 to the .Parish Priest of the Parish of Manchester. Crossgar and Killyleagh for Parochial charitable £50 to the Jewish Old Age Home, Manchester. purposes in Killyieagh. £50 to the Jewish Orphan Home, London, £20 to the Treasurer of the Society for the Pro- called "Navei Ze Deck." pagation of the Roman Catholic Faith, for the £50 to the Home for Jewish Incurables, London. charitable objects of said Society. £100 to such Manchester or London charities as £10 to the Governors of the County Infirmary, his son-in-law, Mr. B. Spiro. thought tit. Downpatrick, for the charitable objects of said £50 to the Belfast Hebrew Board of Guardians. Infirmary. £50 to the Belfast Hebrew School. £5 to the President and Treasurer of the Ivilly- £500 to the Palestine Foundation Fund, known leagh Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de as " Keren Hayesod." Paul for the charitable objects of said Conference. All the rest residue and remainder of his property £10 to the Parish Priest of the Parish of Cross- of whatsoever nature and kind and wheresoever gar towards the expenses of a Catholic Cemetery situate, Testator left devised and bequeathed the in Killyleagh. same unto his Trustees Upon Trust for such £10 to the Mother Superior of the Sisters of charitable objects as they in their absolute dis- Nazareth, Ballynat'eigh, Belfast, for the charitable cretion might select, and should any of the therein- objects of said Sisterhood. before contained devises, legacies, and bequests be £5 to the Mother Superior. Convent of Mercy, for any cause whatsoever invalid he left same to Downpatrick, for the charitable purposes of St. his Trustees absolutely. Michael's Home, Downpatrick. Probate to deceased's Will was on the 13th day £20 to the Treasurer of St. Patrick's Roman of October. 1925, granted forth of the Principal Catholic Diocesan Orphan Society for the Diocese Registry of the King's Bench Division, Probate of Down and Connor, for the charitable objects of of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, said Society. to David Spiro, of Georges Street, Linen £10 to the Treasurer of the Mater Inh'rmorum Merchant, and Samuel H. Berwitz, son of de- Hospital, Belfast, for the charitable purposes of ceased, of Leverhuhne, Medical Doctor, both in said Hospital. Manchester, in England, two of the Executors £200 to the Parish Priest of Killyleagh and named in said Will. Crossgar, to be applied by him towards the en- Dated this 18th day of .December, 1925. largement and extension of Killyleagh Roman Cathol i c Church. WILLIAM HARPER & CO., Solicitors for And the Testator devised and bequeathed all the said Executors. 84 Donegal 1 Street. residue of his Estate to his Trustees Upon Trust Belfast. after the death of his wife, or beforehand in certain To the Minister of Finance for Northern Ireland contingencies mentioned in deceased's Will, to con- and to all others whom it niav concern. vert said residue into money and out of the proceeds thereof apply such sum as might be necessary to erect marble altar rails in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Ivillyleagh, and to pay NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. (a) To the aforesaid nine priests to whom a In the Goods of JOHX MCCAHTAX, late of Tullykin. sum of £300 for Masses was bequeathed payable in the County of Down, Justice of the Peace j on Testator's death, a sum of £500 in equal shares deceased. to have Masses celebrated in Ireland for the repose of the souls of Testator and his wife, and NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the for their intentions, and if any of said priests Statute 30 and 31 Vic., cap. 54, that the said should be dead, then to substitute such other John M'Cartan, who died on the 3rd day of priests as his Trustees should select and to pay December, 1924, by his AVill, dated the 25th day of the following: — April, 1924, and Codicil thereto dated the 18th day (b) £500 to the Society for the Propagation of October, 1924. bequeathed the following Charit- of the Faith. able Legacies: — (c) £500 to the Parish Priest of the Parish of To hi.s Trustees such sum as they should con- Crossgar and Killyleagh for Roman Catholic sider necessary in having erected in St. Mary's Parochial charitable purposes in Ivillyleagh. Catholic Church, Ivillyleagh, a statue of the (d) £200 to the Parish Priest of the Parish of Blessed Virgin. Dunsford, County Down, for the upkeep, repair, To his Trustees such a sum as when invested will and renovation of the Catholic Church in Duns- produce an annual income of £3 and to pay said ford. income for ever to the President and Treasurer of (e) £100 to the Parish Priest of the Parish of the Killyleagh Conference of the Society of St. Crossgar and Killyleagh, to be invested by him Vincent de Paul, for the Charitable purposes of and the income thereof for ever, paid to the said Society, and if said Society shall cease to exist President and Treasurer of the Killyleagh Con- to pay said annual income for ever to the Parish ference of the Society of St. A7incent de Paul for Priest of Crossgar and Killyleagh to be applied by the charitable purposes of said Conference, and him for the relief of the poor in Killyleagh. if there should be no such Conference in exis- £300 in equal shares to Reverend William tence to devote said yearly income for the relief Murphy, P.P., Crossgar; Reverend Leo M'Keown, of the poor in Killyleagh. C.C., Killyleagh: Reverend James King, Queen's (f) £50 to the said Parish Priest to be invested Univeristy, Belfast; Reverend Father M'Laverty, by him and the income thereof for ever, paid to Holy Rosary, Belfast; Reverend Bernard M'Garry, the President and Treasurer of the Society of the P.P., Saul; Very Reverend Canon Donnelly, P.P., Ladies of Charity, Killyleagh, for the charitable Ardglass; Very Reverend Canon M'Uartan, P.P., purposes of the said Society, and if there should Cusheudall; Reverend James Maguire, C.C., be no such Society in existence, to devote said Clanvaraghan; and Reverend Denis M'Cartan, yearly income for the relief of the poor in Holy Family, Belfast, to have Masses celebrated in KillyJeagh. Ireland for the repose of the soul of Testator and (g) £500 to the Treasurer of the Mater Tnfir- for his intentions, and if any of the said Priests inorum Hospital, Belfast, for the charitable should predecease Testator the share of the said purposes of said Hospital. legacy to which such Priest would have been en- (h) £10 to the Treasurer of the Royal Victoria titled had he survived to be paid by Testator's Hospital, Belfast, for the charitable purposes of Trustees to such Priest or Priests as they should said Hospital. select for a like purpose. (i) £100 to the Governors of the County £25 to the Parish Priest of the Parish of Killy- Infirmarj', Downpatrick, for the charitable leagh and Crossgar, to be applied towards the purposes of said Infirmary. erection of a Catholic Hall in Killyleagh. (j) £300 to the Treasurer of the St. Patrick's £5 to the Mother Superior in charge of St. Roman Catholic Diocesan Orphan Societv for the Brigid's Home for Female Blind, Crumlin Road, Diocese of Down and Connor, for the charitable Belfast, tor the charitable purposes of said Home. purposes of said Society..
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