SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Annual Report 2006 Organisation of SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Board President Staff Materials and Infrastructure Knowledge Systems Structures Buildings and Certification http://www.sintef.no/byggforsk This is SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Materials and Structures Buildings Infrastructure Knowledge Systems and The objective of SINTEF Building and Infra- is room for both major research efforts and for We cover the areas of We possess expertise in This department deals with Certification structure is to promote environmentally friend - close follow-up of the numerous small com- materials technology, architecture and building areas that we all encounter We produce the Byggforsk ly, cost-effective products and solutions in the panies that make up this sector. Our aim is to concrete technology, buil- techniques, building pro- in our everyday life. These Series, SINTEF Building construction industry. In cooperation with the improve the productivity of the industry and ding techniques, building cesses, housing, the built include roads, railways, and Infrastructure’s regu- industry, we meet the challenges offered by the quality in the built environment. physics, construction environment and society. harbours, tunnels, water lar series of publications the whole building process – from the planning technology, sanitary sys- We also work on install- supply and soil conditions and various other publica- stage to the completed building. Our division SINTEF Building and Infrastructure is Norway’s tems and wet-rooms. We ations, energy and indoor where we build or travel. In tions. We also write profes- can point to a high level of competence in fields leading provider of research-based knowledge offer specialist consulting climate, with focus on addition to our scientific sional information pro- ranging from water treatment and materials in the construction sector. Through our activity services such as condition buildings of all types. range, we also possess ducts on a contract basis; technolog to energy conservation and more in research and development, we have estab - analyses of buildings and detailed knowledge of each these include construction efficient management, operation and main- lished a unique platform for disseminating plant, damage assess- of these disciplines. drawings, installation tenance of buildings and infrastructure. knowledge throughout a large part of the Nor- ments and preventive pro- instructions, compendia, wegian construction industry. Our close dialo- ject surveys of planned teaching materials, etc. We Norway’s construction industry is as large as gue with the industry has given us an excellent buildings. We have well- issue SINTEF Building and the country’s petroleum sector, but the research understanding of the current and future needs equipped laboratories that Infrastructure Technical carried out in this sector bears no relation to of our clients. meet the service require- Approvals and SINTEF its importance for society. We wish to act in ments of the sector. Building and Infrastructure concert with the building industry and the At the turn of the year, SINTEF Building and Product Certificates. authorities to function as a driving force for Infrastructure had 227 employees, who sup- greater effort in research and innovation. There plied know-how worth NOK 220 millions in 2006. 1 2 3 http://www.sintef.no/byggforsk 4 Bjørn Svensvik Executive Vice President SINTEF Building and Infrastructure 5 Society‘s challenges are our opportunities 6 The establishment of SINTEF Building and establishment of the secretariat of the Norwe- 7 Infrastructure is a major national effort in gian Construction Technology Platform (NCTP) research, development and innovation. On and of cooperation with the European Construc- 8 January 1, 2007, the former Norwegian Building tion Technology Platform (ECTP). SINTEF Building Research Institute (NBI) and a number of and Infrastructure is operating the secretariat on 9 SINTEF departments merged to create our new behalf of BNL, and several of its members are division, which will be active in both Oslo and already active in the activities of the platform. It 10 Trondheim. In 2006, we were already operating is now important to transform this positive invol- as a combined unit, while we waited for the vement into specific project proposals for the formal dissolution of the NBI Foundation. EU’s new 7th Framework Research Programme. 11 Our aim is to involve the construction industry Construction is Norway’s largest onshore in Norway’s success in EU-financed research. In industry. It is vital to the development of our 12 this, we can draw on the SINTEF Group’s consi- modern society through its capacity to shape derable experience in other areas of research. the physical environment and create an effici- 13 ent infrastructure. It is of decisive importance We have also been successful with important for our economy and for employment, and not projects such as “Climate 2000”, which is now 14 least, it is a significant factor in our potential coming to an end after seven years. Together to realise society’s goal of sustainable deve- with the building industry and NTNU, we have 15 lopment. The construction industry consumes developed new construction techniques adap- 40 percent of all the materials, and our buil- ted to more severe climatic impacts. We are 16 dings nearly 40 percent of all the energy, used also proud of having been awarded COIN, one in Norway. Given that the sector has an annual of the 14 new Centres for Research-based Inno- 17 turnover of NOK 350 billion, even small impro- vation. This Centre is described elsewhere in vements will have important effects. this Annual Report and it is a recognition of Norway’s international leading position in con - 18 In collaboration with SINTEF Building and Infra- crete technology. We are also international structure, the Federation of Norwegian Con- leaders in underground technology, where our 19 struction Industries (BNL) has revealed and know-how is in demand in such important natio- quantified the potential for greater value- nal markets as China and the USA. 20 adding through research and development, aimed at central challenges to the industry and SINTEF Building and Infrastructure is involved society as a whole. In 2006, we concretised and in a large number of exciting fields of research, 21 prioritised the challenges in 14 areas that range some of which we describe in this report. They from efficiency improvements and energy con- range from children’s use of space, where we 22 servation to better exploitation of results and look at how architecture and the physical en- new products and solutions. vironment affect educational activities in kin- 23 dergartens, to water treatment, where we are These challenges will require the whole value solving the problem of lack of smolt and deve- chain to help identify solutions. For this reason, 24 loping tools that are being used in the rehabi- the members of the construction industry are litation of Las Vegas’ water supply. becoming involved, both individually and in 25 concert. We at SINTEF Building and Infrastruc- Besides their good contact with the construc- ture will assume our responsibility by concret - tion sector, our staff possesses a high level of 26 ising, initiating and carrying out development expertise, wide experience and a strong sense tasks in collaboration with the construction of involvement with their work. I am quite certain 27 industry, with the aim of meeting the needs of that by working together, we will contribute to industry and society as a whole. sustainable development and create “Techno- logy for a better society”. 28 One successful measure last year was the 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 http://www.sintef.no/byggforsk Lisbeth Alnæs Research Manager Materials and Structures 7 The phantom of the opera 8 9 On the roof of Oslo’s Opera House, the public als. This is what she enjoys doing. She also 10 can mix – as they tread on interdisciplinary loves to participate in interdisciplinary pro- know-how to which this lady has made a con- jects. 11 tribution. “I like to meet new people and to collaborate By the time the singers come to the critically with others on interesting research topics,” she 12 acclaimed high-status building with its excel- says. lent acoustics, the ensemble of SINTEF scien- 13 Given that SINTEF Building and Infrastructure tist Lisbeth Alnæs will long since have finished was asked for help in building the Opera House, its job – which dealt with the interaction of 14 it was precisely an interdisciplinary approach natural stone and concrete. that was needed. Lisbeth Alnæs became the The new Opera House, which literally rises out leader of a project in which SINTEF’s materials 15 of the fjord at the entrance to the capital, is experts were given the chance to give their itself a symbol of the millennium in Norwegian best. Points of focus were the interaction be- 16 architecture. The building has a huge sloping tween natural stone and concrete, and the roof, clad in white marble, which will also be the choice of insulation and sealing materials. 17 area where audiences can mix between acts. Alnæs and company know that the mortar Lisbeth Alnæs, research manager and specia- beneath the marble on the inclined roof needs 18 list in natural stone, was responsible for the to be strong and frost-resistant, and to have technical trials of the different types of stone good drainage. With this in mind, they are de- 19 that were being considered for this unique roof veloping a special mortar recipe. The SINTEF surface. Since the choice of stone was made, researchers are also studying the choice of 20 she has led a project in which SINTEF helped jointing compound and protection for the buil- Opera House owner Statsbygg to develop the ding’s marble and granite. They are working on 21 underlay on which the marble rests.
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