November 2017 PHILIPPINES A Home and Hope for Broken Hearts Ecuador France Interview with 40th European Missionary Kids Workers’ Conference Middle East A Future for Yezidi Women Thinking It Through BY KEITH R. KEYSER Thanksgiving’s Missionary Force n surveying his missionary labors and the accompanying suf- our thanks. We owe a debt of loving gratitude to the mission- Iferings, Paul declared, “For all things are for your sakes, that ary-explorers, like Groves, Livingstone, Arnot, Crawford, and grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiv- Zwemer, who left everything to carry the Gospel to unopened ing to abound to the glory of God.”1 One writer describes thank- lands. fulness as “theology in microcosm—a key to understanding In North America, believers are indebted to church planters what we really believe about God, ourselves, and the world we and Bible teachers like Donald Munro, Donald Ross, Alexander experience.”2 The act of giving thanks reveals Marshall, F. W. Grant, Samuel Ridout, T. D. W. one’s thought life and attitude toward the Al- Our thankfulness Muir, and J. J. Rouse. Later generations bene- mighty. Mankind’s great descent into violence fitted from the pioneer evangelism of Lester and immorality began with denying God His ought to be Wilson, H. G. Mackay, Welcome Detweiler, John proper place and refusing Him due gratitude.3 Bramhall, and Gordon Reager. Our spiritual her- As another writes, “Thankfulness is the joyful, demonstrated in itage has also been enriched by missionaries humble response of a heart that has been trans- prayer and praise. who settled in Canada and the United States formed by grace.”4 Paul never got over the won- after fruitful ministries abroad; their experience der of the Lord’s grace; as a result, it motivated him to do great and spiritual insight have been invaluable to assemblies on the things for his Savior. Divine grace is a circle that, through thank- home front. fulness, moved the apostle to sacrificial service for others, who, in turn, thanked God for the grace that they received. Grace im- Trust Him for all that’s to come pels every believer to participate—directly or indirectly—in the In light of “the indescribable gift” that God has given us global building of Christ’s church. For some, this means going; in Christ (2 Corinthians 9:15), our thankfulness ought to be for others, it means giving; but for all, it means praying so that demonstrated in prayer and praise.7 Moreover, Romans teaches God may be glorified. that the Gospel’s divine mercies require us to present ourselves as “living sacrifices,” which means we are available for the Lord’s Praise Him for all that is past use however and wherever He desires.8 Our Savior’s love moved The believers’ chain of thanksgiving extends back to eternity former generations to, as William Carey stated, “expect great past when God purposed to send His Son into the world to save things from God; attempt great things for God.” Is He calling me us.5 It continues with the apostles and prophets who laid the to go abroad? Or does He call me to build His work at home? If foundation of the church.6 It progresses to the early saints who I stay, how can I help those that He sends to the foreign field? bore witness of their faith in Christ by suffering persecution, The answers depend on divine leading in accordance with the even unto death in many cases. It goes on to encompass the time and material resources entrusted to our care. But surely early missionaries—Columba, Patrick, and the like—who took thankfulness impels every believer to be involved in God’s glob- the Gospel farther and farther away. Faithful translators like al work. n John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Casiodoro de Reina, Cipriano de Valera, William Carey, Henry Martyn, and many others also merit Keith Keyser is a U.S. commended worker based in Pennsylvania. 1 2 Corinthians 4:15; 2 R. Albert Mohler, Jr., “They Did Not Honor Him or Give Thanks—Why Thanksgiving is Inescapably Theological.” November 24, 2015. www.AlbertMohler.com/2015/ 11/23/they-did-not-honor-him-or-give-thanks-why-thanksgiving-is-inescapably-theological.; 3 Romans 1:21; 4 Joe Thorn, Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2011), 44.; 5 1 Peter 1:20; 6 Ephesians 2:20; 7 H. A. Ironside, “Oct. 24,” in The Continual Burnt Offering: Daily Meditations on the Word of God (Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1994), 302. ; 8 Romans 12:1–2 Vol. 46, No. 10. Christian Missions in Many Lands (ISSN 0744-4052) is published eleven times a year by Christian Missions in Many Lands, Inc., Belmar, New Jersey. Periodical postage paid at Belmar, New Jersey, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send United States address changes to Christian Missions in Many Lands, Inc., PO Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762. Send Canadian address changes to MSC Canada, 101 Amber Street, Suite 16, Markham, Ontario L3R 3B2. MSC Canada publication agreement Number 40026478. All correspondence, including address changes, gifts for missionary work, and for expenses should be sent by Canadian readers to MSC Canada, 101 Amber Street, Suite 16, Markham, Ontario L3R 3B2 and by United States readers to Christian Missions in Many Lands, Inc., PO Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762. Copyright © CMML. All rights reserved. COVER PHOTO: Mother and child in Philippines—©iStockPhoto.com/RenatoBorlaza 2 MISSIONS www.cmml.us Hopefor Broken Hearts A HOME FOR ABANDONED WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN THE PHILIPPINES by Sharon Agnew s a child, when Connie’s father passed away, she and her Connie and her son as the first mother and child in the home. four siblings were left in the care of their grandmother She was able to continue her work, and, after a year, she was while her mother worked in Manila to support them. A able to rent her own place. We continued to help by providing few years later, Connie’s mom also passed away due to day care for James. Now, he is 20 years old. Acancer. While still in her 20s and single, Connie became preg- nant. With no relatives willing to help her, she was forced to put Through the help of her baby, James, into a children’s shelter while she returned to Shepherd’s Home, work. She faithfully visited him every Sunday but stopped this mothers can see their children graduate high routine after six months, knowing that since she was still unable school, just as Connie to support him on her own, she would be asked to sign papers and James did. for adoption. When I first came to the Philippines in 1990 to teach at Faith Academy, a school in Manila for missionary children, I had no idea that the Lord would eventually lead me to minister to women and children in situations like Connie’s. Feeling led to work more directly with Filipinos, I resigned after five years of teaching and became involved with women and children’s min- istries in the assembly where I fellowshipped. At the same time, OUR HOME I was able to take a Christian counseling course at a seminary Shortly after a friend suggested “Shepherd’s Home” as a and start language study. After two years, I saw that the local name for the shelter, I read Isaiah 40:11 which confirmed the believers were ready to take over the church ministry, so I be- name and became an ongoing encouragement, as well as a gan praying about what the Lord had in mind for me next. challenge, in ministering to those that come under our care: He tends His flock like a shepherd; THE BEGINNING He gathers the lambs in His arms One day, I was talking with a missionary friend who managed and carries them close to His heart; a home for abandoned babies and children, and she shared He gently leads those that have young. with me her concern for single mothers who are forced to sur- Our mission is to show God’s love in a practical way by offer- render their children because they lack family support or the ing pregnant and single mothers and their children temporary means to care for them on their own. Then the Lord started to support and shelter, like Connie’s story. While these women live lay on my heart the idea of having a temporary shelter to help in the home, we care for their spiritual, physical, and emotion- these women keep their children. I began to pray and seek ad- al needs, which often result from abandonment, interpersonal vice from others. Several months later, after having received relationships, or struggles with parenting, homemaking, and confirmation, I rented a house for the shelter and welcomed budgeting. We seek to help them take advantage of opportu- November 2017 MISSIONS 3 From left: Moms receive spiritual guid- ance and encourage- ment at Shepherd’s Home; Shepherd’s Home loves seeing proud mamas of newborn babies, many of whom are born at the nearby birthing center; The outside of Shepherd’s Home. nities to further their education and their livelihood projects or women process and work through some of their personal is- employment so that they can become self-supporting. Above sues. I often recall the words of my friend who planted the need all, we want to present Christ as the ultimate Good Shepherd for this ministry, “Be prepared to mother the mothers.” We cer- who loves them unconditionally and promises to meet all their tainly rely on the Lord for wisdom in providing the emotional needs.
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