official organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Director of National Service Organization to Visit Far East J. R. Nelson, director of the National Service Organization, will be in the Far East about the middle of April in the in- 0 4 terest of Seventh-day Adventist U.S. serv- ice personnel. He will be visiting military bases, talking with chaplains and com- s manders, and greeting Seventh-day Ad- ventists in military service. On the return PACIFIC UNION trip he will visit our men in Hawaii. If you have a relative or friend in mili- ARIZONA • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • NEVADA • UTAH tary service in Korea, Japan, Okinawa, or Hong Kong, and you feel a visit from Elder Nelson would be appreciated, send VOL. 64 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 22, 1965 NO. 35 your request immediately to the National Service Organization, 6840 Eastern Ave- nue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Missing, Over One Hundred SDA Students Nevada-Utah Conference Hol ds Constituency Meeting by Ervin L. Sorensen Delegates attending the seventeenth Bi- ing in twenty-one organized churches. A ennial Constituency Meeting of the Ne- total of five hundred and twenty-three per- It is true. More than one hundred Sev- Seventh-day Adventists. When you realize vada-Utah Conference in Salt Lake City sons were added to the conference's mem- enth-day Adventist students in the State that this school was built to accommodate on Monday, March 1, bership by baptism, profession of faith, and of Andhra in India are missing from our seventy-five students, you can understand heard Elder Helmuth through transfer of membership letter dur- mission high school at Narsapur. Simply how critical conditions are. Brother Jones C. Retzer, conference ing the last two years. because there is no room for them they says further that one class is being con- president, declare that have been turned away ducted in a thatched roof hut as a tempo- In his financial report to delegates, G. C. "it is time to move in from the school. These rary emergency measure. More than one- Lashier, secretary-treasurer of the confer- greater soul winning students, like our own third of the students come from homes ence, noted that tithes increased during activity! youth in the homeland that have a monthly income equivalent to 1964 by thirteen and one-half per cent would be, are deeply about six dollars or less. The parents are "With a vast ex- over 1963. Mission offerings increased by disappointed, as are making a real sacrifice to send their chil- panse of 225,456 $2.47 per capita—from $47.49 to $49.96 also their parents. dren to the school for a Christian educa- square miles, an area —in 1964 over 1963. Where shall they turn tion. With all this, many are still being that is equal to that During a full day of deliberations, dele- of the four California to seek an education if turned away. More than one hundred H. C. Retzer gates re-elected Elder Retzer and Brother they cannot be admit- from Seventh-day Adventist homes have conferences—Northern, Lashier as president and secretary-treasurer. ted to our Seventh-day been refused entrance to the school this Central, Southern, Southeastern—plus one- Also renamed to their previous responsibil- Adventist school? The year. half of Arizona, we have ample space to ities were Elder Ernest F. Finck as home Ervin L. Sorensen only alternative is to In 1961 Dr. Richard Hammill (then of expand. missionary, Sabbath school, public rela- find a place in the government schools of the General Conference educational de- "We have set our goal at 2,000 bap- tions, radio-television, and industrial rela- India, most of which conduct classes six partment) was with us for the annual tized members by June of 1966, and with tions secretary; and Brother P. H. Kamilos days a week and are taught by non-Chris- school inspection at Narsapur. In his re- God's help and your wholehearted, en- as publishing secretary. Dr. Marvin Beams tian teachers. port he mentioned that the school was ex- thusiastic cooperation we will reach it," was named conference medical secretary A few days ago I received a letter from tremely overcrowded. The enrollment then stated Elder Retzer. "There is no doubt for Nevada, and Dr. C. M. Smith, Sr., was Ralph H. Jones, the principal of our Nar- stood at one hundred and seventy-seven. about it, this is our finest hour!" selected as medical secretary for Utah. sapur high school. In this letter he has At present the same buildings exist and Delegates asked the Conference Execu- Elder Retzer's challenge to the delegates tive Committee to select leadership of the pointed out the sad situation at the school. the enrollment is two hundred and fifty- followed a keynote message given on Sun- He says that they have an enrollment of one. Two of the classes have over fifty education and Missionary Volunteer de- day evening by Elder R. R. Bietz, presi- partments. two hundred and fifty-one for this year; students, packed into classrooms which are dent of the Pacific Union Conference, in ninety-six per cent of these students are equipped to take care of thirty. Those named to the Conference Execu- which he cited greater educational op- tive Committee include: Elder Retzer, Now, what we are interested in is what portunity, increased literature distribution, Brother Lashier, Elder Finck, Elder Gerald we can do to help relieve this situation. and deeper personal spiritual experience B. Smith, Brother 0. .C. Wiggle, Dr. The Thirteenth Sabbath overflow will be as "three of the most important needs in Charles Smith, Jr., Elder L. L. Dinwiddie, used by the Southern Asia Division for the church today." Dr. Harry Stewart, and Elder Paul Born- the building of a new school in Andhra. President Retzer's report noted that hauser. If the Sabbath school members in the Pa- membership in the Nevada-Utah Confer- R. R. BIETZ, President, cific Union and around the world will ence is now 1,654, with members meet- Pacific Union Conference. rally and give as never before, the new school will be a reality in the very near future. Land has already been purchased. The entire school plant, including the ad- ministration building, classrooms, dormi- Change in Union Camporee Plan tories, dining hall, chapel, teachers' houses, Because of conditions beyond our control we have had to change the location of the etc., can be built for approximately $200,- Pacific Union Pathfinder Camporee site. This change, however, is not a disadvantage. The 000. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the new picturesque location at Inyo County Camp is at the foot of the snow capped high Thirteenth Sabbath overflow would be so Sierra, just two miles west of Big Pine. The previous Camporee site was twelve miles unusually generous that this amount would north of Bishop; the new site is fourteen miles south of Bishop. The new location affords shelter from the northerly winds plus many other added features of convenience. be raised and the school could be built Except for this change all plans for a thrilling Camporee are still in effect. Information this year? Surely this would bring blessing and maps regarding the camp site have been sent out to all Pathfinder clubs in the union. to the people of God in India and would If, for any reason, a club or individual who should have been notified has not received reflect on the generous givers in the home- this information, please contact either your local conference MV office or the union con- land. From the Spirit of Prophecy we read, ference MV office. "If there was ever a time when sacrifices With this change in mind, continue with your plans for the Union Camporee April 12 to 15. We will be looking for you! should be made, it is now. Those who have HARRY GARLICK. money should understand that now is the time to use it for God. Think of our missions in foreign countries. Again and again the Lord has spoken in regard not stand idly by, but surely will rally (Editor's Note: E. L. Sorensen, who to this. His blessing cannot attend his to meet the need. Now is the time to use makes this emergency appeal for a generous people in disregarding His instruction."— any "stored up" assets for the cause of Thirteenth Sabbath offering March 27, is Testimonies, vol. 6, page 450. God. Time is short. "The night cometh presently associate pastor and instructor in The hope that is expressed by our fel- when no man can work." Will you, dear religion at Pacific Union College and also Mrs. Mildred 0. Sorensen in Lambadi costume of low believers in Andhra for this new fellow believer, do more than you have pastor of the Calistoga church. He was gypsies of Andhra, South India. Mrs. Sorensen's school, I am confident, will soon meet its ever done before in this Thirteenth Sab- president of the South India Union from work among these people is described in the book "The 7th Day," by Booton Herndon. fruition. Our Sabbath school members will bath offering? 1954 to 1962.) March 27 Is Opening Date for Feather River Medical Center 665 Lay Efforts Reported Theijic tfitio. The formal opening of the Feather River Feather River Canyon, providing a ma- Northern California pastors are leading IRECCOIRCHER Medical Center, which is on the grounds jestic view. their laymen into a great Bible Evangelism 01f.. O, tHt PACIOC UtwO.. CON1Mt. °tie/U.:D.41Y ADVIMLSS: .120.
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