Fables of Power Aesopian Writing and Political History Annabel Patterson Fables of Power AESOPIAN WRITING AND POLITICAL HISTORY ■ Annabel Patterson Duke University Press Durham & London 1991 © 1991 Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper « Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data appear on the last page of this book. ■ Contents Acknowledgments ■ vi Introduction ■ 1 I Aesop’s Life: Fathering the Fable ■ 13 2 Fables of Power: The Sixteenth Century ■ 45 3 “The Fable Is Inverted”: 1628-1700 ■ 81 4 Body Fables 1 111 5 “The World Is Chang’d”: 1700-2000 ■ 139 Postscript a 157 Notes I 159 Index a 173 ■ Index Abimelech, 3, 17 Barlow, Francis, 18, 20-22, 27, 98, Aesop, passim; Life of, 5. 11, 14-16, 109, 161, 162 21-31.32, 34, 42, 52. 53, 65, 74. 102, Barthes, Roland, 9-11, 153. 156, 159 117, 139, 166 Batteux, Charles, 163 Aesop at Court, 147 Baudoin, Jean, 162, 163. 170 Aesop in Downing Street, 171 Behn, Aphra, 18, 27, 161 Aesop Explained, 109, 170 Bellosta, Marie-Christine, 37-38, Aesop Improved, 170 105, 163 Aesop Naturaliz’d, 109, 170 Bentley, Charles, 161 Aesop at Tunbridge, 137 Bentley, Richard, 147 Aesop the Wanderer, 147, 171 Berrong, Richard, 166 Aesopi Vita & fabulae latine cum versione Bertram, Walter, 162 italica, 159 Birch, Jonathan, 161 Aesopian writing, 52 Blackwood, John, 153, 155 Aesops, Grubstreet, 146 Blenheim, battle of, 147 Aesop’s Fables in Words of One Syllable, 149 Borodin, battle of. 41 Agreement of the People, 131 Boursault, Edme, 147 Alencon, Francis, duke of. 59 Brecht, Bertolt, 157 Alfonsi, Petrus. 45, 164 Brockbank, Philip, 118, 119 Anglicus, Guakerus (Neveletus), 31, Bright, John, 151 32, 161-62 Buckingham, George Villiers, duke Anne, queen of England, 143 of, 82 Apthonius, 170 Burghley. See Cecil, William arcana imperii, 78, 80 Burnet, Gilbert, 105 Aristotle, 160 Augustus. See Caesar Caesar, Augustus, 78 Avianus, Flavius, 18, 170 Camden, William, 112-16, 168 Camerarius, Joachim, 17 Babington, Anthony, 54-55, 57 Caxton, William, 2, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, Babington Plot, 54-57, 75 31.45. 55-56.63. 73.84. 160 Babrias, 170 Cecil. Robert, earl ofSalisbury, 127, Baby’s Own Aesop, 149 128, 165, 166 Bacon, Francis, 1, 123-24, 159, 169 Cecil, Thomas, baron Burleigh, 125 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 13, 14, 25, 161 Cecil, William, lord Burghley, 59, 65, Bancroft, Richard, 66, 166 71. 165 173 censorship, 14, 49-50, 53, 57-59, 71, Eben, Lois, 164 74-75. 85 Edward V, king of England, 56 Chambry, Emile, 160 Edward VI, king of England, 60, 75 Charles I, king of England, 80, 82, Eliot, George (pseudonym): Address to 83, 87, 108. 131, 166; Nineteen Working Men, 155; Felix Holt, 153-56, Propositions of 89 171 Charles II, king of England, 90, 98 Elizabeth I, queen of England, 2, 53, Charles IX, king of France, 62 54. 58-59. 61.62, 64-65, 71, 73, 81, Charlesworth, Andrew, 169 82, 102, 114, 115 Chaucer. Geoffrey, 15, 48, 49, 164; Engagement, the, 87. 89, 91 Manciple’s Tale, 48-49, 50-51; Nun’s Erasmus, Desiderius, 18 Priest’s Tale, 15, 45, 48, 97-98, 104-8; Essex, Robert Devereux, second earl Parliament of Fowls, 48 of, 71. 115 Clarke, Sir Kenneth, it, 159 Eulenspiegel, Till, 26 Cleyn, Francis, 85 Cobden, Richard, 151 Fables, Aesopian: Romulus collec­ Codrington, Robert, 161 tion of, 18; The Ass in the Lion’s Skin, Couton, Georges, 163 64; A Bat, Bramble, and Cormorant, 141; Croesus, king of Lydia, 20, 29, 30, 35 The Belly and the Members, 4, 5, 6, 53, Cromwell, Oliver, 86, 87, 94, 133, 141 78, 111-37, 150-55. 157; The Bush Crouch, Nathanial: Delightful Fables, and the Aubyer, 60; The Cock and the '7° Gem, 27; A Countryman and a Snake, Croxall, Samuel, 109, 139, 143-46, 141; The Dog and the Shadow, 51,60, 150, 170 96; The Dog and the Wolf, 53; The Frog, the Mouse, and the Eagle, 31; The Frogs Davenant, William, 86-87, 161 Desiring a King, 36-37, 51, 53, 57-59, de Man, Paul, 13, 14, 15, 160 67, 70, 72, 79, 91, 94-95, too, 142, de Worde, Wynkyn, 45, 50, 74 145-46, 150; The Gourd and the Pine, Diogenes, 38 168; The Hare, the Hornet, and the Eagle. Disraeli, Benjamin, 155 31; The Horse, the Hunter, and the Hart. Dodsley, Robert, 34-37, 162 164; The Husbandman and the Asses, 31; Donne, John, 45, 51-52; The Calme, 51; The Husbandman and the Wood, 168; Metempsychosis, 52, 165 The Lion, the Cow, the Goat, and the Donno, Elizabeth Story, 165 Sheep, to, 84, 147; The Lion and the Dowling, Margaret. 168 Mouse, 33, 64. 77, 100; The Ox and Drayton, Michael, 81; The Owle, 81 the Frog, 150; The Sheep and the Butcher, Dryden, John, 53, 139, 141, 168; Absa­ 55-58, 73; The Sun, The Wind, and the lom and Achitophel, 102-3, 108, 168; Traveller, 168; The Wolf and the Kid, 60, Fables Ancient and Modern, 105-8, 136, 61,89; The Wolf and the Lamb, 33, 39, 140; The Hind and the Panther, 53, 64, 40, 47. 63.96 95-105, 142; Filmer, Robert, 100, 101, 136, 139 Fleming, Abraham, 57 Eames, Marion, 167 Formalism, Russian, 38 174 I INDEX Forset, Edward, 115-18, 168 Holinshed, Raphael, 54 Foucault, Michel, 134. 170 "Holinshed’s” Chronicles (1587), 54-59, Fox, Denton, 33.47, 162 70. 91, 165 Freke, John, 95, 168 The Hospitable Oake, (Anon.), 60-61 Howell, James, 82; Dodona’s Grove, 82 Hudson, Hoyt, 81, 167 Gay, John: Beggar's Opera, 149; Fables, Hufltnan, C. C„ 169 149 Gildon, Charles, 121, 169 Iswolsky, Helen, 161 Gladstone, William, 154 glasnost, 14 Jacobs, Joseph, 17, 18, 160 Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of, 45 James I, king of England, 53, 78, 81. Goddard, William, 82; The Owles 82, 115, 119, 120, 126, 127-28. 130, Araygnement, 82 134, 166 Grass, Gunter, 157, 169, 171 James II, king of England, 95, 96, Greenhlatt, Stephen, 166 98-104, 141 Greenlaw, Edwin, 166 James III, king of Scotland, 162 Grey, Charles, first earl of, 148 James, Mervyn. 165 Griffith, Matthew, 94 John of Gaunt, 106 Gunpowder Plot, 115 John ofSalisbury, 112, 114 Gutwirth, Marcel, 1,42, 159, 163-64 Jones. H. S. V., 166 Jonson, Ben, 53; Volpone, 53, 165 Hadrian IV, 112, 114 Jotham, 3-4, 17,46, 67 Halifax, Montagu, Charles, earl of, 143 Kinney, Arthur, 50, 164 Halifax, George, viscount Sunbury, Kitchin, George, 170 baron Halifax, 143 Kitson, Anthony, 74 Harvey, Gabriel, 166 Krylov, Ivan, 41-43: The Wolf in the Hayward, Sir John, 114—16 Kennel, 41-43 Hegel, G. W. F., 5, 13-14, 15, 160 Kutuzov, Mikhail, prince, 41 Henderson, Arnold, 2, 159 Henrietta Maria, queen consort, 167 La Fontaine, 5, 18, 20, 37-40, 104, Henry II, king of England, 32 162-63 Henry V, king of England, 45 Languet, Hubert, 67, 76. 166 Henry VI, king of England, 4$ Laslett, Peter, 101, 136, 168 Henry VIII, king of England, 97, 102 Laud, William, archbishop, 88 Henry, prince, 123 Legrand, Augustin, 20 Henryson, Robert, 31-34.47, 64, 162 Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of, 59, Hepwith, John, 82; The Calidonian 61,67 Forrest, 82 Lenaghan, R. T., 159, 160 Herodotus, 21, 32, 34. 160 Leonardo da Vinci, 11-12, 104 Hobbes, Thomas, 133-36, 170 Leontier, A. N., 163 Hodnett, Edward. 161 Lessing, Gotthold, 38, 47, 164 INDEX I 175 L’Estrange, Sir Roger, 5, 16-17. 18, Mulcaster, Richard, 7-8 109, in, 137, 139-46. 149, 159, 160, 170 Napoleon Buonaparte, 40, 41 Levellers, 131-32 Nashe, Thomas, 166 Lilburne, John, 133 Nectanebo, king of Egypt, 30, 35 Livy, S3, 112, 113 Neveletus. See Anglicus, Gualterus Locke, John, 101, 170; Of Education, Niccols, Richard, 81; The Beggers Ape, 137; Two Treatises of Government, 81-82; The Cuckow, 81-82 136-37, 168 Nicholson, Ranald, 162 Louis XIII, king of France, 37 Northampton, Henry Howard, earl Louis XIV, king of France. 18, 38, 147 of, 127-28 Lyall, R. J„ 162 Lydgate, John, 2, 34,45, 159; The Churl Ogilby, John, 53, 54, 85-94, 97, 100, and the Bird, 45-47, 50; The Horse, the Goose, and the Sheep. 4$; Isopes tn. 131-33. 137. 148. 149. i6?. 170 Fabules, 162 Overbury, Sir Thomas, 82 Lyly, John, 51; Euphues and his England, 76-80, 117, 166-67 Parker, R. B , 165 Parliament: Great Contract of 1610, McFarlane, K. B., 165 83; history of, 82-83, 126-28, 130; Machiavelli, Niccolò, 67, 72 House of Commons, 10,83. "9. "Madrigali on Justice.” 81, 149, 169 130; House of Lords, 75; Long Manutius, Aldus, 18, 160 Parliament, 5, 89, 128-29, 131; in Marie de France, 18 Lyly’s Euphues and his England, 76, Marlborough, John Churchill, first 80; Parliament of Birds (anon), 50, duke of, 148 75; Parliament of Fowls (Chaucer), Marten, Sir Henry, 83-85, 128, 147 48; Petition of Right, 83, 128, 130; Marvell, Andrew, 94-95, 168 Reformation Parliament, 50 Marx, Karl, 152, 171 Pearsall, Derek, 47-48, 164 Massinger, Philip, 167-68 Peasants’ Revolt, 48, 107 Menenius Agrippa, 53, 112-14, 116, Pedagogy, 1,7-9 118. 125, 128, 154 People’s Charter, 154 Mercurius Bello-Gallicus, 165 Perry, Ben Edwin, 160, 170 Méziriac, Claude-Gaspar, 34-37, 162 Pettet, E. C., 121, 169 Middleton, Thomas, 166 Phaedrus, 5, 11,36, 39, 53, 72, 145- Midlands Rising, 6, 119-21, 123-26 46. 170 Mildmay, Sir Anthony, 120 Philipott, Thomas, 161 Milton, John, 5, 94, 95, 168; Of Refor­ Philostratus, 160 mation, 128-30,169 Pisistratus, 36, 53, 72, 145, 150 Miner, Earl, 97, 167 Planudes, Maximus, 15, 21, 31,32, Mirror for Mogistrates, 51, 165 35-37.
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