University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-17-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-17-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-17-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/538 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MOENING JOURNAL. Dally fiy Carrier or Mali. 85c a Monlli l'ORTY-THIR- D YEAR. New 17, 1922. SliiRle 5o 17. Albuquerque, Mexico, Monday, ApriJ Copies VOL. CliXXIII. No. - -- - - t R0SAIC COMMERCE IS MAKING NEW YORKERS N RICH 10 RECORD VOTE ON Monarchies Prefer Alien Kings; IMR0ADS Oil THAT PART OF GAY II NEW SHADE OF PAI TRIBUTE TO NAVAL' MEASURE German Rulers Most Numerous - PAREE CALLED 'THE BOULEVARD' ON ADRIA1 G. A ON EXPECTED TO BE BLU E PARADE Banks Are Replacing Famous "Wet Goods" Shops; Paris Fashion is Busying Herself EASTER SUNDAY Today, the 70th Anniversary ASKED IN ROUSE With Embroidered of His Birth, He Will Be Handkerchiefs; Designs Laid to Rest in Oakwood Represent the User's Favorite Sport. Most Have Been Sent Procession in Progress Cemetery, Chicago. Telegrams Climax 'All of the 86,- - (BY TICK ASSOCIATED PHESS.I of the Day But the Supporters 1i the Assocla have in the corners embroi (Ilv I lie Anaucluled Amendment to Paris, April (by signs Comes When Churches Chicago, April 16 (by the Asso-- j 000 Hast ted Press). Prosaic commerce, to dered figures reprefienting the men ana!) Iho of Are Dismissed, ciated Press). puoi. en to Washington, discomfiture of (he patrons user's favorite sport, such as golH and young, today paia final tribute gaiety, is making inroads upon tennis, and The (J. hero of the racing fencing. to Adrian Anson,- Ti l that of gay Puree between the men hand- "AND THEIR world for fifty years, at pub- imuin nnmiT nr nuvvlimn part are boinir offered oblong FLAPPERS sports were as uuimi ur ip Madeleine and the Ituo Drouot, kerchiefs with colored borders. lic funeral services which DEMOCRATS OLDER SISTERS OUT simple and sincere as tho life of div known simply as "The Boulevard." The milliners, who have gener- the man for whom they were held. "Tho boulevard Is dying, the flower are seventieth anni- ally adopted trimmings, His Tomorrow tho in PersorW- - boulevard Is is the melan- Kindly Providence Does of the "Grand Increase dead," reproducing seasonable flowers ot versary of the birth l cholic comment of old l.abitnes on Per- of he will be laid Ad' ' changing varieties as the spring Bit in Providing a Old Man Sports," Necessitate 1 ' of the of to rest in Oakwood cemetery. riK : : hearing disappearance advances. They are now usln? From the. Stand- services today to II s . W4 VSk the Cafe Amerirain and the Cafe hyacinthes. wistiria. cowslips and fect Day While tho public 000,000 4 &mW6sr iff fi Hanks will until 2 o'clock, old Neopolitain. replace buttercups, heretofore rarely seen did nut begin Ciu world-fame- d of Weather, w Madden's these "wet goods" on Paris hats. point friends of Mr. Anson's began which have 111. shops, for years been Klack and red,, blue and gray and ' ni 11 a. and throughout The Amm-late- TrcnO (B., Tli A xiclnted I'ress.) the meeting places of famous men and white are (By the day an unbroken procession of yellow the prevail- New York. April 16. Manhat baseball's first hero, Washington, April 16. Contem- in th world of art and literature. ing color schemes for gowns, with was admirers of years uvo financial and and tan's famous Easter parade filed silently past tho great bank of plating .the decisive vote by which Thirty hat. shoes, stockings, handbags in to a sartorial business houses were the exception hend-dres- s set step today flowers which filled one end of the tho house recorded its even to match. symphony the Periwinkle Blues. yesterday on the boulevard. Gay life com- The of the French par- chapel. of an 8G.000 man navy, was not temper Tho new shade was the domi- came, somo in approval menced at sundown. There liament is to adopt somo reserva- note color Al( day long they as recommended President a dark house and was any nant in the medley limousines, some oiv street, cars, by rarely tion to the Washington conference that brilliantly filled old Fifth with care- and American naVal ex- ono abroad in a business suit; even- treaties ns a matter of principle down others on foot. Mingling Harding wore rte Now avenue from Central park dressed men of wealth were over one of 67,000 men ad- ing clothes rlgner. simply to indicate that. France ha, to the shadow of the Washington fully perts, sombre facades of banks and stores of action to unshaven, unkept persons. Side vocated the committee on ap- 1 independence equal arch. hun- by 11; m throw their shadows over the few that ot tho United States. walk traffic was blocked and leaders Left to rijrht, top: Albert I, n; As to color, the Easter parade were unable to into the propriations, republican remaining brightly Illuminated Premier Poincare has deter- with dreds get Victor Emmanuel in a. was a veritable crescendo, nhHiiel services. were undecided today whether to III, cafes, and gentlemen yellow mined not to make the treaties blue for the coll.irs cab- the pleasingly soft periwinkle Manv of the floral offerings press the matter to a formal vote Italy; George V, England; Ferdi- shoes soft nni, peaked caps question of coufldenc ln his in dominance. There e outnumber those in formal everywhere from known per-On- in the house 'J., nand 1, Roumania; William, Al- greatly inet but. to leave parliament free without came nationally proper. tiarli. trea- was no group complete five-fo- ot wreath bore to accept, rejoct or adopt the its choice was confined to no In the absence of definite infor- bania. Center row: Constantino The Cafe where Roche-for- t it; this inscription: Tnronl, ties with reservations. His pur- one age or class or even complex- mation and anticipating a demand I, Greece; Alfonso XIII, Spain; anil D Maupassant and their pose to be to set forth of one "Good bve, captain. I'rom your 4f "SS I to appears ion. Occasional creations M.l iisil. Billv." for a record vote, Representative Haakon VII, Norway; Gust:.f V, friends were wont congregate, earnestly the reasons tor ratifica- or the othor ot the more sombre was first to The was from Billy Sunday, who McArthur, republican of Oregon, Swede.:. Bottom: Fuad F, the disappear. tion of the treaties. Tho nttitutle hues were invariably lightened It Cafo des Aimelais, Oscar Wilde's of the administration was ex- bodice or the played ball with Mr. Anson forty one of the leaders in the fight for Egypt; Boris III, Bulgaria; wont next. Then on the hat, the Others were from John the tele- Russia. favorite haunt, pressed somewhat like this: with a touch of the shade years aso. increase, announced that Lenin, Cafe Kichc was transtorinea nre tho treaties. skirt president of the National grams had been sent to all sup- the "Here Th'.r that seemingly claims milady's Heydler, com-- into a bank. A tailor occupies i.ne are admirable, nnd we recomtnenA moment. league; K. M. Landis, baseball porters to the amendment to return other modern rulers of Kurope and once was tho Cafe sole allegiance of thu miuHlnner: Hill old time ball Asia whose blood contains not a huildlng that them, but it is for you gentlemen Lance, here Tuesday. now Zarahoff In de- Striking Background. Clark Griffith, president of was understood of that of their Vernon and the of the senate and chamber, to The was in progress nluyer; It generally that drop subjects: terests have bought the Cafe Neo cide." parade not ihi Washington baseball club; Chairman Kelley, in charge of the Dictator of Russia Xicolai Le- most of tho day, but it did owner of tne politain. Quite fittingly, an Amer M. Poincare had nothing to do of course, until the Charles A. Comlskcy. bill, would insist on a separate vote nt no, a Tartar. will tne trea- really start, White Sox; Bill Veeck, on the amendment. Under tho rules ican bank replace ,aie personally wtth making the churches of the avenue dismissed Chicago King of Greece Constantino I, 4mnrlenin. The Cafe do la Paix is ns Ick-a- cy one-fift- ties. He accepted them a short- Chicago Cubs; h of the members on the a Dane. of old their morning congregations i . , . ., . i .i i . i ....... .i e r-- the one left the famous of former Premier P.riand' I'Vinrlou Khhetts. owner of the f ,.n a only Is ly after noon. A kindly providence t" , . " Central whom rule were King of Roumania Ferdinand on the boulevard, and It on and ho sup- club, and many athletic - "V ' (By Press.) they acquired taverns policy this subject, did Its bit in providing a day of Brooklyn Berlin, April H.The rcyal pro- - through long sojourn In their I, a German. being frowned upon by many oui ports Minister nt the Colonies, blue and silver, shot through with organizations.
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