Volume 32, Number 3, June 2005

Volume 32, Number 3, June 2005

ClarinetFest.2005 TAMA.TOKYO July18m [4 7days^ 24 ms Information <www.cl-fest2005.jp/> Mark Nuccio Associate Principal Clarinet Solo Eb New York Philharmonic \ Gifl/rn^icu&Clf; 03 Since 1825® www.buffet-crampon.com Volume 32, Number 3 June 2005 Features About the Cover... CLARINETFEST. 2005: TAMA, TOKYO • JULY 18-JULY 24, 2005 • PARTHENON, TAMA 36 ClarinetFesU 2005 poster IN MEMORIAM: EMILY BERNSTEIN • ROBERT J. SCHOTT • YUKIO OHASHI 38 THE CLARINET TEACHING OF KEITH STEIN — PART 11: INDEX OF ADVERTISERS DISCUSSION OF ARTICULATION, CONCLUDED by David Pino 40 Alea Publishing & Recording 17 Alexander's Wind Instrument Center 21 DANISH CLARINET MUSIC OF THE 19TH CENTURY: Altieri Instrument Bags 22 THE CLARINETIST'S INFLUENCE by Michael Thrasher 47 Ben Armato 7 Backun Musical Services Inside Back Cover THE ELECTRIC CLARINET, PART II by F. Gerard Errante 52 Behn Mouthpieces International 9, 65 BG Franck Bichon 44 CARLO PAESSLER (1774-1865): CONCERTOS FOR CLARINET AND ORCHESTRA Charles Bay 70 FOUND IN A MUSIC ARCHIVE IN FRIULI IN NORTHERN ITALY by Nicola Bulfone 58 Kristin Bertrand Woodwind Repair 75 "FASZINATION KLARINETTE": THE FOURTH GERMAN CLARINET SYMPOSIUM Bois Ligatures 83 A Report by Bruce Edwards and Nicolai Pfeffer 61 Robert Borbeck 73 Brannen Woodwinds 40 THE "MOZART EFFECT" by Heston L. Wilson, M.I). .66 Carmine Campione 22 CASS 74 AMERICAN CHAMBER ENSEMBLE CELEBRATES 40TH ANNIVERSARY Clarinet Classics 31 by Naomi Drucker 68 Conn-Selmer. Inc Back Cover Crystal Records 34, 42 THE CLARINET IN HUNGARY — AN ENDURING LOVE AFFAIR by Paul Globus 71 The Davie Cane Company 14 Fleming Instrument Repair 60 AN OUTSIDER'S VIEW b\ Katharine Whitelaw 74 The Hasty Legacy 44 J. D'Addario — Rico Reeds 46 Jeanne, Inc 23 Departments Jupiter Clarinets 35 LampCraft 9 LETTERS 4 Last Resort Music 14 Leblanc 2 MASTER CLASS — The Artie Shaw Clarinet Concerto by Tad Calcara 6 Luyben Music Co 19 Vincent Marinelli 18 TEACHING CLARINET by Michael Webster 10 Muncy Winds 87 The Music Group, Inc Inside Front Cover, 88 AUDIO NOTES by William Nichols 16 Naylor's Custom Wind Repair 65 CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS 20 Olivieri Reeds 87 Ongaku Records, Inc 5 HISTORICALLY SPEAKING... by Deborah Check Reeves 24 Patricola Fratelli SNS 75 Pomarico 72 LETTER FROM THE U.K. by Paul Harris 26 Bernard Portnoy 86 Quodlibit. Inc 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 26 Rast Music 87 RedwineJazz 4 CLARINETISTS IN UNIFORM by Staff Sergeant Diana Cassar-Uhl 27 Reeds Australia 57 Ridenour Clarinet Products 25 QUINTESSENCE — The Wind Informant, No. 27 by Bruce M. Creditor 28 L. Rossi 15 INDUSTRY PROFILES — Luyben Music Company by Kelly Johnson 32 Sayre Woodwinds 37 Tap Music Sales 73 REVIEWS 76 U.S. Army Recruiting Command 43 Van Cott Information Services 51 RECITALS AND CONCERTS 84 Wichita Band Instrument Co 37 Woodwindiana, Inc 85 MUSICAL CHAIRS 85 Yamaha Corporation of America 45 THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE by Michael Galvdn 86 June 2005 Page 1 "The redesigned heywork is ergonomically superior; ultimately, ■y i'h it may extend a player's career ///4 m. Larry Combs Opus II clarinet Principal clarinetist, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Click on: LeWanc® ("omi-Sclnicr, Inc. www.Icblaiicinc.com U'i- make legm/ls. A Steinw.iv Musical liistrumcnrs Comp.mv INTERNATIONAL CLARINET ASSOCIATION President: Michael Galvdn, School of Music. Ithaca College. Whalen Center for Music. Ithaca. NY 14850-7240. Korea: 1m Soo Lee, Hanshin 2nd Apt.. 108-302, Chamwondong Suhchoku. Seoul, Korea. (02) 533-6952 (phone). 607/274-3410 (office), 607/274-1727 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> (02) 3476-6952 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> Past President: Robert Walzel School of Music, University of Utah, 204 David P. Gardner Hall. 1375 East Presidents Luxembourg: Marcel Lallemang, 11 Rue Michelshof, L-6251 Scheidgen. Luxembourg. E-mail: <[email protected]> Circle, Salt Lake City. UT 84112-0030.801/273-0805 (home). 801/581-6765 (office), 801/581-5683 (fax). E-mail: Mexico: Luis Humberto Ramos, Calz. Guadalupe I. Ramire No. 505401 Col. San Bemadino. Xochimilco, Mexico D.F., <[email protected]> 16030.6768709 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> President-elect: Lee Livengood, 490 Northmont Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84103, E-mail: <[email protected]> Netherlands: Nancy Wierdsma-Braithmite, Arie van de Heuvelstraat 10,3981 CV. Bunnik. Netherlands. E-mail: Secretary: Kristina Belisle, School of Music. University of Akron, Akron. OH 44325-1002.330/972-8404 (office). <[email protected]> 330/972-6409 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> New Zealand: Andrew Uren. 26 Appleyard Crescent. Meadowbank. Auckland 5. New Zealand. Treasurer: Diane Barger, School of Music. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 120 Westbook Music Building, Lincoln, NE 64 9 521 2663 (phone and fax). 68588-0100.402/472-0582 (office), 402/472-8962 (fax). E-mail: <dbargerl @unl.edu> Noway: Hdkon Stffdle, Fogd Dreyersgt. 21.9008 Tromso. Norway 47/77 68 63 76 (home phone), 47/77 6605 51 (phone, Executive Director: Rose Sperrazx. P.O. Box 5039. Wheaton. IL 60189-5039.630/665-3602 (phone). 630/665-3848 (fax). Tromso College), 47/77 61 88 99 (fax. Tromso College). E-mail: <[email protected]> E-mail: <[email protected]> People's Republic of China: Guang Ri Jin. Music Department. Central National University. No. 27 Bai Shi Qiao Road. Editor/Publisher: James Gillespie. College of Music. University of North Texas. P.O. Box 311367, Demon. TX 76203-1367. Haidian District. Beijing. People's Republic of China. 86/10-6893-3290 (phone) 940/565-4096 (office). 940/565-2002 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> Peru: Ruben Valenzuela Alejo. Av. Alejandro Bertello 1092, Lima. Peru 01.564-0350 or 564-0360 (phone), Editorial Associates: Lee Gibson, 1226 Kendolph. Denton. TX 76205; Himie Vo.xman, 821 N. Linn. Iowa City. IA 52245 (51-1) 5644123 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> Contributing Editor: Joan Porter. 400 West 43rd, Apt. 41L, New York. NY 10036 Poland: Krzysztof Klima. os. Wysokie 10/28,31-819 Krakow, Poland. 48 1264808 82 (phone), 48 1264808 82 (fax). Editorial Staff: Joseph Messenger (Editor of Reviews), Department of Music. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, E-mail: <[email protected]> 515/294-3143, E-mail: <[email protected]>; William Nichols (Audio Review Editor), School of Music, Portugal: Antonio Saiote, Rua 66, N. 125.2 Dto.. 4500 Espinho, Portugal. 351 -2-731 0389 (phone) University of Louisiana at Monroe. Monroe. LA 71209-0250.318/342-1576 (office), 318/342-1599 (fax). Slovenia: Jurij Jenko, C. Na Svetje 56 A. 61215 Medvode. Slovenia. Phone 386 61 612 477 E-mail: <[email protected]>; Tsuneya Hirai, 11-9 Oidecho. Nishinomiya, 662-0036 Japan; Kalmen Opperman, South Africa: Edouard L. Miasnikov. P.O. Box 249. Auckland Park. 2006, Johannesburg. South Africa. 17 West 67th Street. #1 D/S. New York. NY 10023; Heston L Wilson, M.D., 1155 Akron Street, San Diego, CA 92106, (011) 476-6652 (phone/fax) E-mail: <[email protected]>: Michael Webster. Shepherd School of Music. Rice University, P.O. Box 1892. 0 Houston. TX 77251-1892.713/838-0420 (home), 713/838-0078 (fax), E-mail: <[email protected]>; Bruce Creditor, Spain: Jose Thomas-Perez, Rosas de Aravaca, 82 C-l 28023 Madrid. Spain. 705 4167 (phone) 11 Fisher Road. Sharon. MA 02067, E-mail: <[email protected]>; Thomas IV. Jacobsen, 3970 Laurel Street. Sweden: Kjell-Inge Stevensson, Erikssund. S-193 00 Sigtuna. Sweden New Orleans. LA 70115, E-mail: <[email protected]>; Ronald Odrich, D.D.S., 4710 Livingston Avenue. Switzerland: Andreas Ramseier, Alter Markt 6, CH-3400 Burgdorf, Switzerland Bronx, NY 10471,718/796-5080 (phone), E-mail: <[email protected]>: Deborah Check Reeves, Taiwan: Chien-Ming. 3F. 33, Lane 120, Hsin-Min Street, Tamsui, Taipei. Taiwan 25103 Curator of Education, National Music Museum, University of South Dakota, 414 E. Clark St.. Vermillion. SD 57069; Thailand: Peter Goldberg. 105/7 Soi Suparat. Paholyotin 14, Phyathai. Bangkok IMOO Thailand phone: 605/ 677-5306; fax: 605/677-6995; Museum Web site: <http://www.usd.edu/smm>; Personal Web site: 662/616-8332 (phone) or 662/2714256 (fax). E-mail: <[email protected]> <http://www.usd.edu/-dreeves>; Paul Harris, 15, Mallard Drive, Buckingham, Bucks. MK18 1GJ. U.K.; Uruguay: Horst G. Prentki. Jose Marti 32921701. Montevideo. Uruguay 11300.00598-2-709 32 01 (phone) E-mail: <[email protected]>; Diana Cassar-Uhl, 26 Rose Hill Park. Cornwall. NY 12518 Venezuela: Victor Salamanques. Calle Bonpland. Res. Los Arboles. Torrec Apt. C-14D. Colinas de Bello Yonte Caracas I.C.A. Research Center: SCPA. Performing Aits Library, University of Maryland, 2511 Clarice Smith Performing 1050. Venezuela. E-mail: <[email protected]> Arts Center. College Park, MD 20742-1630 Research Coordinator and Libran Liaison: Keith Koons. Music Department, University of Central Florida, HONORARY MEMBERS P.O. Box 161354, Orlando, FL 32816-1354.407/823-5116 (phone). E-mail: <[email protected]> Betty Brocket! (1936-2003) Alfred Prinz, Bloomington, Indiana Webmaster: Kevin Jocius, Headed North. Inc. Web Design, 847/7424730 (phone), <http://www.headednoith.com> Jack Brymer (1915-2003) Harry Rubin, York, Pennsylvania Historian: Alan Stanek. 1352 East Lewis Street. Pocatello. ID 83201-4865.208/232-1338 (phone). 208/282-4884 (fax), Guy Deplus, Paris, France James Sauers (1921-1988) E-mail:<[email protected]> Stanley Drucker, New York, New York William O. Smith, Seattle, Washington International Liaisons: Lee Gibson, Denton, Texas Ralph Strouf (1926-2002) Australasia: Floyd Williams. 27 Airlie Rd. Pullenvale. Qld. Australia. (61)7 3374 2392 (phone), E-mail <f.williams@griffith. Paul Harvey, Twickenham, Middlesex, U.K. Himie Voxman, Iowa City, Iowa edu.au> Stanley Hasty, Rochester, New York George Wain (1904-1999) Europe/Mediterranean: Guido Six, Aitanstraat 3, BE-8670 Oostduinkerke, Belgium, (32) 58 52 33 94 (home), (32) 59 70 70 Ramon Kireilis, Denver, Colorado David Weber, New York, New York 08 (office), (32) 58 51 02 94 (home fax), (32) 59 51 82 19 (office fax).

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