Cincinnati No.17 Cats Lose Finale To Mi-olni As Small' C'rowd Looks On For' the third year, in 'a row before: Once again, 44 years later, Miami University' bested the Un- tragedy shrowded the encounter iversity of Cincinnati in their an- with ..the death, of outstanding . nual Tootball classic which dates Ireshrrran football player Steve, 'back to 1888. The Redskins, uti- , "McKee. lizing an effective running attack M,cKee's' untimely death came led by Don Wade and Al Moore, two days before the game, as the stopped the Cats in their tracks freshman starr worked out on the 27-14. It was the 40th time in the. same Nippert Stadium track. 72 game a .series that Mia'll!! Except for all the pageantry has won. and tradition, the few UC fans The game, which originally who saw the game had little to was a Thanksgiving' Day encount- 'cheer about as the 'Cat defense gave way to Miami's relentless er, drewonly an estimated 13,000. In days gone by' it was' almost running attack. impossible to see the game if you were without-a" ticket - less thani two weeks in advance. Commuters, Meet Although much of the enthu- The second -Commutar Bteering siasm is gone, the tradition and' Committee meeting will be a .pageantry of the, contest lives on. week from today, at 12:30 in the The Victory Bell, which originat- ' University Center's. Great Hall, ed in the ~940's, is still awarded ~ith an opportunity for UC, com" ANN MAIER, NEW band 'sponsor, looks on as Bearcat :end Jim annually to the winning team. rnuters to personally question O~Briengathers in ene ~f the six Greg Cook :~,erials he caught· in the Sigma. Sigma, an upperclass- University officials about campus Miami Loss. man men's honorary, annually problems'. THE BEARKITTENS app~rently got a kick out of the entire affair, as taps it's fall pledges 'at halftime Tentatively scheduled to answer :th,yexhibited at halftime. Following the band sho)!; Sigma. Sigma of 'the traditional. 'rivalry. This, commuter questions at the gather- tapp'ed their tradition~l fat!' elass, (Photos by Todd.Bardesan'dJ~ff Blum) year Dan' Bennie, Denis Cleeter, , ingare Bookstore Director Gerald '~.::'~' ;. .' "", " ..;......~, ."'. ."'. -;.: '.) . -:" -' , ",,' ~ . - Dave Eshman., Jerry Hili, Gary Matthews, .and Staff Services Menchhofer, Gordie Smith, and Director John Sipes: The Steering Mike Ullman received the can ot' . Committee will also hear reports ~ Sigma Sigma. from its five subcommittees;' Another annual part of the UC- Public Relations, Student Facili- Miami clash is the naming the ties,' Bookstore, Parking, .and -Band'.Swn~()r. Ami .M'aier"wa~ Fo~od. '.' -:'" namedto sticce~a:Da.~nie Correa Th~ Commuter organization was as this year's sponsor. Miss Maier organized earlier this quarter by was. presented .to the . crowd as Student Body President Larry she circled the track ,of 'Nippert Horwitz, in an attempt to give Stadiurri in' a,; Cadillac convertible. ' the commuting student a greater The game is 'dedicated eich voice in campus affairs. year, 'to· the memory of Jimmy Dean of Men James Scully is Nippert, for whom the stadium is Resource Consultant for, the Steer: named. Jimmy died on Christmas ing Committee, and Student day 1923 of injuries he recei ved Senate vice-president David Hin- in theU'CvMiarni game -just weeks shaw: is its ex-officio chairman. 'Tactless' Letter Produces CoaCD, leam~ .Attend McKee Funeral DeiIy Spectotor Apologies "I would like to apologize for change Editor ,had previously re- Memorial Scholarship Fund Started the extremely undiplomatic way cei~ed a'" reply from Columbia in the grey, snowy, quiet-of the and "gulped" air" -at the' same, mural .football- team dedicated in .which we rejected' the News that it only exchanges papers the -rernainder of 'their games to I Record's. offer of an exchange", with IYy League ~ schools. She Hyde ParkCommunity Methodist time. The regurgitated material began LIsa Rothman's most re- , . ' , .'. Church Cemetery the' '~body "of filled his' wiriap~pe and his chest S-teve MC,Ree. It was this' same cent correspondence 'from Colum- .wrote back to ,-The Columbia .Steve-Mclfee, was' laid torest at cavity. Hence tlre- resuscitation , Dabster team that met Phi-Kappa ' btaUniversitv. Daily Spectator that "after. send- 10 a.m. Monday. morning.' did no good. Theta in the All-University touch "Judging from the article 'Lost ing out our recentrofferrto ,ex- 'Thettf~mily"and friends of tJIe Early-reports. that ~cK,:ee,swal- footballchan~pi7;11'~h-4! after th~ Our Head"(Nov. 3, '67)", it con- change papers with ""you, our freshman athlete were joined- by lowed his tongue or had ,3 heart 'Miam'i- .game, Saturdav. ' tinued, "the letter you received 'historians' noted that Columbia The Dabsters shocked the was not onlyLactless, but inac- was found eo' as a. teachers' col- the youth's team mates and head attack appear unfounded. At press league by overwhelming their curate as well." lege.. and unfortunately, we have coac-h Homer Rice at the, cere- ~ime the cor0f):e:'s office had not mony 'Iss1,led the official cause of-death. fraternity opponents 22:0. Lisa, the NR~s sprightly .Ex- a policy of not exchanging with . -, , However, Dr. Cleveland, the phy- tA' teachers colleges, especially from At least one plan has already sician involved would not com- ~,,"' " New York". been completed tc honor the ath- menton the.cause of death either. L ij ¢> , lete~, ~ho helped- lead the 1967 Assi~tant Coach jim Kelly said ci Bearkittens to; an. undefeated .of McK~~,;','Steve was very ,PO- OVERSTUFFED STAFF j.; f , season. The UC r~sIdence, halls _ pular, an' ,outstanding athlete in If ,ha ve startedcollectmg: money for many sports - he- was in excellent 'There ,will be no NR on Fri- ! a ~teve McKee memorial scholar- , physical condition and very dedi- day Nov. 24 or Tuesd,ay Nov . ship-loan ~und .. AllU~dorms are cated. ~ 28. The Final NR for the Fall .participating, mclUdll'lgJ}abney ",.' .., " .(,.') . quarter will appear on Friday, . Hall. where the, boy lived .~.with He, didn t .get _a ~han~e to per-. -< N 'U,. N Dec.l. other' freshman :athletes.1 form on the varsity field, but, .ifi - ., . ' '.' ;. "from what he. had shown on the" !i:t ,'., ~~Kee s tragic ;d~ath has~n- practice field and .in freshman z e • <:) The most recent letter, signed ~ffICI~IlY ,'b:~n }ttnb~ted to- a games you can bet he would have ~ '"'!!""" ,'. one-in-a-million • accident that-been able to step right into' a >ow •.•• :t: by the' Spectator's Features' occurred after the 18-year old - rezular position . 0:= -a 0: Editor, Andrew S. Van Nes, ex- ~ :> Mariernont ; youth had eaten b. ':". .- , plained that "some of the papers lunch lastJl'hursday. CoachRice s~ld, 'It IS hard for '"ttl on our exchange list are in the ""':;,\ '. me to express the" shock and ...J- Ivy League, others are not", 'but A~ numben, o.fother "ath~etes . disappointment, I feel for the loss .. that it, was a-matter of economy' were -runnmg in. sweat clothes 1 of this boy. I wail, counting heavily (,,'I w~en 'M;c~ee ,~~d?enlY dropped on Steve for 'next year: He was n:e ~~ in restricting exchange- mailings '}.i .14.12 ~ to schools with which it has had , to th~ tr,~s.~~~~~.ll1r~,a,§:'§}-lp}'r.n0~ed, a' fine religious person and' a ::Jl;f) :tl .t.;~ the arrangementfor sOI,Ile"tirne. and mouffi to mouth resuscitation great cornpetiter and leader. .~ "To date, the "fellow "who sent was employed. McKee never re- the tactless note of two weeks ago gained consciousness, however: Thursday evening after hearing has been too embarrassed to ad- According to the' report McKee af the death of their house-mate. Steve Mc:Kee mit the deed", the .letter said. regurgitated as he was running the men of Dabster House intra" Untime.ly .De..ath ~ " . ~"" , p_Clgi:'Tw(r~C:1 ."jtj~ifW~~lli"!_:01=lC-:I~N'~I~'~~t~f,!KrEW$iRrEOO:R1b! .,;m:li'''esCJay, (',~vlenj,ef;'121;,.~!i}16i7r -Wallace·· ·S~eks 'CincY",iPresid'ential)·.:Support~ by Geo7irleHatkoff "'I.do~'t>care how you phoos~to '<Batip~s, th,at'q:on't sup~ort';Ql!r,~~> . ." :,".. run your schools." " ·~·fotfs.WaUace would lean' ~eaVllY'· The Southern . OhIO Committee .. .', ' ., .... ', . " ..... '.. hi f f st ff . 'h', , , . ,' ... ' '. -The'ex-goyernor -based hIS be~· on the- [oint-e e s,'o ~a " W 0, of the American Independent P.ar~ liefs on -the C~nstitution~r'Conven-~hould sit down- and decide on a ty presented a program featuring , ,,' , . " ,', t th ' . .' . '. ,tion of the original 13 colonies He military solution 0 e war. , ex-Alabama Governor George C. ' '. W 11 f 1 ' .. said originally the states want- On dIssenters,." a ace ~e s WalJace, at the Emery AUdlt~rI- ed to uecide tnetr own local. in- that we should indict every advo- um. downtown last Wednesday. stitutional problems rather tli~ncate of a Viet Cong victory.' He -- . Following a prayer, th~ pledge. ha.ving someo~e thousands of said that .honest 'dissension is one of, allegiance and 'the ."Star- miles away ,decIde them. 'h"" b t '~"t t f t ' Spangled Banner" the head of Wallace believes. that there"t are mg, -nu over ac s 0 reason / the Ohio Committee, introduced cer tam. powers belongie on illg to the areanotber',. '. ' Iederal rgovernment, but that the Mr. Wallace amongst WIld ?urst rest belong to the individual of cheers, shouts, and whistles states. He argued that the .Iegis- · from a SRO crowd. lators 'in' Washington try' to "set . Wallace first explaine,d that he regulations for the nation's public had come to raise' money and schools, while they send their own .gain support to get-his name.
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