ARAGONIT vedecký a odborný časopis Správy slovenských jaskýň Časopis uverejňuje: • pôvodné vedecké príspevky z geologického, geomorfologického, klimatologického, hydrologického, biologického, archeologického a historického výskumu krasu a jaskýň, najmä z územia Slovenska • odborné príspevky zo speleologického prieskumu, dokumentácie a ochrany jaskýň • informatívne články zo speleologických podujatí • recenzie vybraných publikácií Vydavateľ: Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Tajovského ul. 28B, 974 01 Banská Bystrica IČO 17 058 520 Adresa redakcie: Správa slovenských jaskýň, Hodžova 11, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš; e-mail: [email protected] Zodpovedný redaktor: RNDr. Ján Zuskin Hlavný editor: doc. RNDr. Pavel Bella, PhD. Výkonný redaktor: Mgr. Miloš Melega, RNDr. Juraj Littva, PhD. Redakčná rada: prof. RNDr. Pavel Bosák, DrSc., RNDr. Ľudovít Gaál, PhD., Ing. Peter Gažík, Dr. hab. Michał Gradziński, Mgr. Dagmar Haviarová, PhD., doc. RNDr. Jozef Jakál, DrSc., prof. RNDr. Ľubomír Kováč, CSc., Ing. Ľubica Nudziková, doc. Mgr. Martin Sabol, PhD., RNDr. Ján Zelinka Časopis vychádza dvakrát ročne Evidenčné číslo: EV 3569/09 ISSN 1335-213X http://www.ssj.sk/edicna-cinnost/aragonit/ ARAGONIT ročník 25, číslo 1/ máj 2020 © Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa slovenských jaskýň, Liptovský Mikuláš Redaktor: Mgr. Bohuslav Kortman Grafická úprava a sadzba: Ing. Ján Kasák Tlač: Ekonoprint družstvo, Martin Figures on the cover page: (1) Dobšiná Ice Cave. Photo: P. Staník (2) E. Ruffíny’s map of the Dobšiná Ice Cave, renewed in 1887, Ice Festival in 1905 Great Hall of the Dobšiná Ice Cave, postcard. Author: Gy. Conräder (3) Map of the Dobšiná-Stratená Cave System. Compiled by J. Tulis, 2018 Dobšiná Ice Cave, glaciated part – 3D model. Authors: K. Pukanská, K. Bartoš, and J. Gašinec (4) Silická ľadnica Cave (Silica Ice Cave). Photo: P. Staník Aragonit 25/1 2020 CONTENTS P. Bella: Aragonite journal issued 25 years .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 P. Bella – J. Tulis – J. Zelinka – V. Papáč – Z. Višňovská – D. Haviarová: Dobšiná Ice Cave (Slovakia, central Europe) and its unique underground glacier originated in the mid-mountain position of the moderate climate zone ................................................................................................................ 4 M. Kudla: The history overview of the Dobšiná Ice Cave ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Ľ. Gaál – P. Gruber: Twenty-fifth World Heritage anniversary of the caves of Aggtelek and and Slovak karsts .................................................................................... 23 P. Bella: Fifty years since the Slovak Caves Administration was established ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 E. Greschová – I. Chomová: 90 Years of the Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology ....................................................................................................... 30 P. Holúbek – B. Kortman: Slovak Speleological Society and its role in Slovak caving .....................................................................................................................................34 P. Bella – P. Holúbek: One hundred years since the birth of Anton Droppa, eminent scientist of the Slovak speleology ................................................................. 36 ABSTRACTS 9th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC-IX) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 12th Scientific Conference „Research, Use and Protection of Caves“ ............................................................................................................................................................... 57 EXCURSION GUIDE P. Bella – Ľ. Gaál – P. Gruber – D. Haviarová – J. Littva – V. Papáč – Z. Višňovská – J. Zelinka: 9th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC-IX) ................ 70 A. Perșoiu: International workshops on ice caves .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 80 Aragonit 25/1 2020 3 ARAGONITE JOURNAL ISSUED 25 YEARS The Aragonite journal was established by the Slovak Caves Ad- By 2008, only one issue of the journal was prepared and print- ministration in 1996. Its first issue was presented on the specialized ed annually. In the following years, seven times two issues per year seminar on show caves, held in September 1996 at Medzev town were distributed. So far, a total of 32 issues have been published, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Jasovská jaskyňa including the latest. Cave opening to the public. The main initiators of its foundation were Especially in the last 15 years, the Aragonite has gradually be- Jozef Hlaváč, former director of the Slovak Caves Administration, come a scientific and professional journal specialized dominantly and Pavel Bella, head of the Cave Protection Department. Initially, to karst and caves in Slovakia and their protection. From the point the journal served mainly for a presentation of the results from the of view of the scientific level, it considerably approached to the research, monitoring, management, development and protection of Slovenský kras journal (Slovak Karst, Acta Carsologica Slovaca), show caves in Slovakia, as well as the caves developmentally linked whose 57th volume was published in 2019. The main scientific with them. The subject of the journal was extended in 2002 because journal in the Slovak karstological and speleological literature is still by the decision of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Re- the long-term issued Slovenský kras. However, the Aragonite jour- public the scope of the Slovak Caves Administration was expanded nal also gained a dignified position in the professional community to the protection and management of all caves in Slovakia. dedicated to karst and caves. A number of registered citations of More than 170 research articles, of which almost two thirds the articles published in the Aragonite journal can be found in the peer-reviewed, have been published so far in the Aragonite journa). worldwide WOS and SCOPUS scientific databases. They are focused on cave and karst geomorphology (40 articles), Mostly regionally focused research articles and professional cave geology (23 articles), karst hydrology and hydrochemistry reports are published in the Aragonite journal. Several of those (23 articles), cave biology – invertebrates (18 articles), cave his- would be redundant for the Slovenský kras journal, and not suit- tory (9 articles), mineralogy and carbonate speleothems (8 ar- able for the Bulletin of the Slovak Speleological Society which ticles), cave climatology (8 articles), chiropterology (7 articles), presents almost exclusively the results of speleological explora- cave microbiology (6 articles), palaeontology (6 articles), natu- tion realized by volunteer cavers. Most of the articles published ral radioactivity in caves (6 articles), cave glaciology (5 articles), in the Aragonite journal were prepared by employees of the Slo- speleoarcheology (4 articles), geophysics (3 articles), osteology vak Caves Administration and cooperating organizations in the (2 articles), geoecology and the environmental assessment of research and protection of caves in Slovakia. In many of these caves (2 articles), as well as applied didactics in regional geogra- articles, environmental applications for the protection of caves phy of karst area (1 articles). are inferred. Therefore, this journal is intended mainly for the Numerous reports refer to gating, cleaning and other protec- presentation and chronicle-like record of various and numerous tion measures realized in caves and their surroundings (buffer activities of the Slovak Caves Administration, which since 2008 zones), surveying and speleological documentation of caves, the is an organizational unit of the State Nature Conservancy of the development, management and attendance of show caves, envi- Slovak Republic. ronmental educational activities, conferences and other events re- In view of the overall benefit of this journal, the offer to start lated to karst, cave and caving. It also commemorates important and improve the publication activity for young scientists can not anniversaries of caves and speleological organizations or personal be forgotten. For more than one decade, the Slovak Caves Admin- jubilees. Reports from the visit of foreign show caves and karst ar- istration trying to involve several younger scientists in specialized eas, as well as reviews of selected new domestic and foreign spe- research and monitoring of caves, that are necessary for the more leological books and other publications, are also included in many precise environmental protection of these significant and vulner- issues of this journal. able natural phenomena. From 2008, the abstracts of papers and posters from the sci- Thanks to many initiative and often contributing authors, edito- entific
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