
7604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 9, 1991 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, April 9, 1991 The House met at 12 noon. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE MAKING IN ORDER ON APRIL 10, A message from the Senate by Mr. 1991, CONSIDERATION OF H.R. Hallen, one of its clerks, announced 1047, VETERANS' COMPENSATION that the Senate had passed a bill and PROGRAMS IMPROVEMENT ACT DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO OF 1991 TEMPORE joint resolution of the following titles, Mr. GRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be­ in which the concurrence of the House is requested: mous consent that it may be in order fore the House the following commu­ on Wednesday, April 10, 1991, to con­ nication from the Speaker: S. 134. An act to establish a U.S. Marshals Association; and sider a motion pursuant to clause 1 of WASHINGTON, DC, S.J. Res. 94. Joint resolution relative to rule XXVII on H.R. 1047, the Veterans' March 29, 1991. Compensation Programs Improvement I hereby designate the Honorable RICHARD Iraq. A. GEPHARDT to act as Speaker pro tempore Act of 1991. on Tuesday, April 9, 1991. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there THOMAS S. FOLEY, objection to the request of the gen­ Speaker of the House of Representatives. INTRODUCTION OF REVEREND tleman from Pennsylvania? POWERS There was no objection. (Mr. STUDDS asked and was given PRAYER permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re­ MAKING IN ORDER ON APRIL 11 The Reverend David Powers, Dennis marks.) 1991, CONSIDERATION OF S. 534 Union Church, Dennis, MA, offered the Mr. STUDDS. Mr. Speaker, I would AND S. 565, GOLD MEDALS TO following prayer: like very briefly to call to the atten­ GENERALS SCHWARZKOPF AND Eternal God, Lord of all the nations, tion of the Members of the House the POWELL we bow in gratitude for every evidence fact that today's eloquent and moving Mr. GRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ of Your generosity in our lives and our opening prayer was offered by the Rev­ mous consent that it may be in order land-yet conscious, too, of many erend David Powers, director of the on Thursday, April 11, to consider mo­ needs demanding our attention today. tions pursuant to clause 1 of rule Engage our hearts and minds in Dennis Union Church in Dennis, MA. Reverend Powers came to Dennis and XXVII on Senate 534, to award a gold doing justice and peace for all who medal to Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, ache for a springtime of new life. We Cape Cod 13 years ago after a distin­ guished and varied educational and and Senate 565, to award a gold medal pray Your continued blessings on the to Gen. Colin L. Powell. United States of America. professional career. After undergradu­ ate work at Carleton College, he con­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Strengthen all those committed to objection to the request of the gen­ our Nation's life: those who govern, or tinued his studies at Harvard Divinity School and the Pontifical Gregorian tleman from Pennsylvania? defend, or struggle for an even better There was no objection. country. Grace this Congress with in­ University in Rome. Before coming to sight, courage, compassion, integrity. Dennis, he preached for many years in Hold this House, and all who serve in­ Vermont. side these walls within Your care. And Although I would ordinarily question ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER use us as instruments in birthing a the sanity of anyone who voluntarily PRO TEMPORE brand new day, through the power of leaves Cape Cod to come to Washing­ The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. VIS­ Your Spirit alive in us. Amen. ton, DC, even for a brief period of time CLOSKY). The Chair desires to announce in April, I am sure I am speaking for that pursuant to clause 4 of rule I, the all Members in welcoming Reverend Speaker pro tempore signed the follow­ ing enrolled bills on Tuesday, March 26, THE JOURNAL Powers this morning and thanking him for his words of wisdom and prayer. 1991: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lord knows we need it. H.R. 1281. An act making dire emergency Chair has examined the Journal of the supplemental appropriations for the con­ last day's proceedings and announces sequences of Operation Desert Shield/Desert to the House his approval thereof. Storm, food stamps, Unemployment Com­ HOUR OF MEETING ON THURSDAY, pensation Administration, veterans com­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ pensation and pensions, and other urgent nal stands approved. APRIL 11, 1991 needs for the fiscal year ending September Mr. GRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ 30, 1991, and for other purposes; mous consent that when the House ad­ H.R. 1282. An act making supplemental ap­ propriations and transfers for Operation PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE journs on Wednesday, April 10, 1991, it Desert Shield/Desert Storm for the fiscal The SPEAKER pro tempore. The adjourn to meet at noon on Thursday, year ending September 30, 1991, and for other Chair recognizes the gentleman from April11, 1991. purposes; Mississippi [Mr. MONTGOMERY] to lead The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there H.R. 1285. An act to resolve legal and tech­ the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. objection to the request of the gen­ nical issues relating to Federal postsecond­ tleman from Pennsylvania? ary student assistance programs and to pre­ Mr. MONTGOMERY led the Pledge of vent undue burdens on participants in Oper­ Allegiance as follows: There was no objection. ation Desert Storm, and for other purposes; I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and United States of America, and to the Repub­ S. 725. The Persian Gulf Conflict Supple­ lic for which it stands, one nation under God, mental Authorization and Personnel Bene­ indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. fits Act of 1991. DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 01407 is 2:07p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. April 9, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7605 EXPRESSING SORROW OF THE against injustice, was typical of the ades more of productive life and public HOUSE AT THE DEATH OF THE kind of commitment he had to the peo­ service. HONORABLE JOHN HEINZ, SEN­ ple of this Nation. But it was not to be. ATOR FROM THE STATE OF JOHN HEINZ was a man who seemed to William Penn, the founder of our PENNSYLVANIA have it all-a loving family, great per­ State, the Commonwealth of Penn­ Mr. McDADE. Mr. Speaker, I offer a sonal charm, intelligence, political sylvania, which JOHN HEINZ so ably privileged resolution (H. Res. 119) and popularity, considerable wealth, a represented, wrote of the death of any ask for its immediate consideration. record of legislative accomplishment individual when he said: The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ and a vitality that always seemed to They that love beyond the world cannot be lows: endure. It is difficult to comprehend separated by it. Death is but crossing the his absence. Congress has lost a valu­ world as friends do the seas. They live in one Resolved, That the House has heard with another still. profound sorrow of the death of the Honor­ able Member, the people of Pennsylva­ able John Heinz, a Senator from the Com­ nia have lost a tireless protector of The death of JoHN HEINZ does not monwealth of Pennsylvania. their rights and the Nation has lost an erase our memory of his good works, Resolved, That the Clerk communicate irreplaceable public servant. his public service, and his contribu­ these resolutions to the Senate and transmit JOHN HEINZ could have easily spent tions to the Commonwealth of Penn­ a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. his life on the sidelines living a life of sylvania and to this great Nation. He Resolved, That a committee be appointed leisure. Instead, he chose to dedicate and his work live on in our memories on the part of the House to join a committee appointed on the part of the Senate to at­ his time, talents, and energy to public and will until we cross that sea our­ tend the funeral. service. As a result, we are all richer. selves to join him on that far shore. Resolved, That when the House adjourns This country is a better, more caring Our prayers and our sympathy are today, it adjourn as a further mark of re­ place because of JOHN HEINZ. with his lovely wife, Teresa, and their spect to the memory of the deceased Sen­ Our sympathies go out to his wife, children and the rest of his family. ator. Teresa, and his three sons, John, Their loss is our loss and, indeed, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen­ Andre, and Christopher. Nation's. tleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Mr. McDADE. Mr. Speaker, I thank MCDADE] is recognized for 1 hour. D 1210 the gentleman for his very kind and Mr. McDADE. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I yield to the distin­ moving comments. myself such time as I may consume. guished whip of the Democratic Party, Mr. Speaker, I yield to my good Mr. Speaker, I know I speak on be­ the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. friend, the gentleman from Pennsylva­ half of every Member of the House in GRAY]. nia [Mr. GooDLING]. expressing profound sorrow and deep Mr. GRAY. Mr. Speaker, let me Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I regret at the tragic death last week of thank the senior Member of the Repub­ thank the gentleman, my leader, for Senator JOHN HEINZ of Pennsylvania.
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