PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JUNE 2005 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JUNE 2005 CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 2.0 SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 5 3.0 PLANNING CONTEXT 9 4.0 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 11 5.0 VILLAGE CENTRE 18 APPENDIX 1 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA POLICY 19 2 USEFUL CONTACTS 20 3 STATMENT OF CONSULTATION 21 Vincent and Gorbing Chartered Architects and Town Planners On behalf of Planning Associates Sterling Court Taylor Woodrow Developments Ltd Norton Road Aylesbury Vale District Council Stevenage Pitstone Parish Council Herts Faulkners obo Hawkins family SG1 2JY 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Scope of comprehensive plan 1.3 In the approved Rural Areas Local Plan, the policy area (RMS3) formed part of a wider 1.1 This comprehensive plan has been prepared geographical definition which included on behalf of the landowners with an other mineral bearing land known as interest in the future development of the Quarries 1, 2 and 3. Quarries 1 and 2 are the undeveloped land within the Pitstone subject of development and restoration pro- Development Area (see Fig 1.). posals approved by the minerals planning authorities. Quarry 3 is the subject 1.2 This plan derives from the Aylesbury Vale of obligations under a separate legal District Local Plan (AVDLP) – Policy RA26 agreement. As the former quarries no longer (see Appendix 1). It has an area of 48.7 have a functional relationship with the hectares / 120.5 acres. The cement works emerging proposals for the former cement closed in December 1991 and its redevelop- works, they are no longer included in the ment, primarily for housing, business and development area covered by this community facilities, is well advanced. comprehensive plan. Fig 1. Pitstone policy areas This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 1 1.4 The Pitstone Development Area is broadly • promote high standards of layout and similar to the area identified in AVDC’s design consultation exercise of April 2000. The new policy identifies this area for the • address site specific issues arising from accommodation of a mixed development new development including business, housing, local services, community facilities and open space. • achieve comprehensive development of Substantial development has been completed different areas as shown by Fig 2 . • facilitate integration of new development Role of comprehensive plan and existing village 1.5 The comprehensive plan has been prepared in • enhance the village centre around the rec- order to:- reation ground • ensure that new development reflects AVDLP policy RA26 and all other relevant AVDLP policies Fig 2. Development complete by May 2004 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 2 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 Fig 3. Pitstone development area - May 2004 Consultations 1.6 The comprehensive plan was subject to a full public consultation exercise in July/ August 2004. This included seeking views on specific aspects of the plan through the in- volvement of the local community and the holding of a public exhibition, where the public were able to view the proposals and gain a better understanding of the proposals for development in Pitstone. 1.7 A number of modifications were made to the draft plan as a result of the public consultation exercise. Status Fig 4. New housing development 1.8 The plan was formally considered by Aylesbury Vale District Council in conjunc- 1.9 The Council have approved this final version of tion with comments received during public the plan and will use it as a basis for deter- consultation. mining relevant planning applications. PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 3 Fig 5. Pitstone cement works CHEDDINGTON PITSTONE TRING Fig 6. Site location 4 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 2.0 SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 2.1 The former cement works site lies at the south scientific interest (SSSI) in Quarry 3. western end of Pitstone village, approximately 3km from Tring and a similar Access and transport distance from Tring railway station. 2.7 Under the outline planning permission granted 2.2 The site location is shown at Fig 6. to Castle Cement, a number of changes to the road system at Pitstone have been under- 2.3 Prior to redevelopment, the majority of the taken. These changes include the provision Pitstone Development Area was owned by of a link road from Marsworth Road to the Castle Cement. Additional land adjoining the Upper Icknield Way serving recreation ground was initially identified at the the new development and offering an alterna- Local Plan pre-deposit consultation stage in tive to Vicarage Road. The approved March 1997. The principle of developing this development has also secured a number of land was debated at the Local Plan traffic management improvements and a Public Inquiry and subsequent modifications subsidy to bus services. were made to the Local Plan to include the additional land in the Development Area. This Rail land is owned by Pitstone Parish Council and a private individual (see Fig 7.). 2.8 Access to rail services for passengers is provided by a bus service to Tring railway sta- Land use tion. 2.4 The former cement works site is being developed for housing, business, community facilities and open space with a new link road Fig 7. Additional land adjoining the recreation extending from Marsworth Road through former ground can be seen in the foreground Quarry 1 to the Upper Icknield Way B488. 2.5 The eastern part of former Quarry 1 is already partially restored to agricultural use and substantial areas alongside the railway line are designated as nature reserves and sites of importance for nature conservation. No change is envisaged in this plan. 2.6 The area known as The Mounds between the development area and Quarry 1 has been re-levelled and sown with grass / clover. Further strategic planting will be carried out towards the end of the development programme. There is a BBOWT reserve, College Lake, site of importance for nature con- servation (SINC) and site of special PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 5 Fig 8. Aerial view of the development area Site description 2.9 The development area (see Fig 8) comprises four elements:- A the former cement works land (45.3 ha / 112 ac) – demolition of the cement works was completed in 2000 and new housing and industrial development has begun to redefine the character of the site which is largely flat and barren. Remnant tree and scrub growth exists on the periphery of the site. B the Parish Council allotments Fig 9. Refurbished listed building (0.6 ha / 1.5 ac). C the commercial tree plantation between 2.10 Apart from new building development, the only the allotments and the former cement notable physical features of the site are the works (1.6 ha / 4 ac). listed building near the Marsworth Road entrance and retained trees / hedgerows. D the grass field between the recreation ground and properties in Vicarage Road 2.11 The listed building has been refurbished and (1.2 ha / 3 ac). brought back into use. (see Fig 9.). 6 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 2.12 There are a number of geological and Public rights of way ecological features associated with the former mineral extraction but all exist 2.15 The only existing public right of way outside the boundaries of the development affecting the policy area is the footpath area and would not be adversely affected by running diagonally from Church Road to the the proposed building. Upper Icknield Way. 2.13 The landscape context of the Policy Area Access is dominated by the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 2.16 Current access to the development area is from a new link road between Marsworth 2.14 Appropriate specialist arboricultural, Road and Upper Icknield Way. Further ecological and archaeological investigations limited accesses are proposed from Marsworth must be commissioned ahead of the Road and Vicarage Road subject to the development programme so that due provision of appropriate junctions. account can be taken of any significant new In addition contributions to off site (outside the discoveries. development area) infrastructure improvements to improve road safety and pedestrian/cycle links will be required. The na- ture of these improvements will be decided based on the results of a transport assessment. Fig 10. New access road between Marsworth Road and Upper Icknield Way PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 7 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Fig 11. Policy areas as defined in the Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Proposals Map 8 PITSTONE DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, JUNE 2005 3.0 PLANNING CONTEXT National planning policies Planning history 3.1 A number of the Government planning 3.4 A number of planning application policy guidance notes and planning policy determinations are relevant to this statements contain advice which needs to comprehensive plan. be taken into account in preparing detailed pro- posals for the development area, of 1. Outline planning permission dated 2 July which the most relevant are: 1998 granted to Castle Cement in respect of residential development, • PPS1 – Delivering sustainable employment development, hotel use, development leisure facilities, landscaping and • PPG3 – Housing planting, highway improvements, • PPG4 – Industrial and commercial ancillary local services including retail development use.
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