SPECIES IRIS GROUP OF NORTH AMERICA I . tenuis at Kew Gardens photo by J. Cooper # 43 Fall, 1989 pp. 1541-1580 5F-EC1ES IRIS GROUP OF NORTH ArlERICA ·f= a .U. 1989 N Ltmber 4.3 OFFI CERS & EXECUTIVES CHAIRt••.1AN: Co.tu. H.1.,:i_;by 2 087 Curtis ik. Penngrove.. CA 9LOf-95! V!CE- CHAIRM!AN: L ee ~ 1e!.s~ 7979 W. 0 Ave. K a l a ma~oo.. ~H 49009 SIE.CHE.f1-\RY ~ F.io,r<EN1«:::1t::- St-out' 150 N~ ~1a:s.n S t . Lo2m1oard., I L 60148 TREASURER::: iRolbJer·t Pr1es 61023 f'.\ n t i re Ra. rhgh R:u:tge, MO 63049 SEED !::..\Chl',NGE::: l~ho.e1!7Je Co,pli.2 ~ 5428 Murdoc k St-. Lou1s, l-10 63109 ROB.lt N i.HRiEC'l'OH,: _q}o:,t Hu. .1 1s .,\ :i::: 32.2."'l So. iFu lton Ave. Tu lsa. m< 7 4135 SLIDES C:r-t:AH~rtAN:. ii-!eltg.,,~ Andlire1'1/s 1 1 Mapl e .i-'\v.e. Sudour~,h MA 01 7 76 PlJik l ·~~T IONS SALES:: Ala n N cl'lw---::-rie .22 Cc'\~ dero.n ·\':lf':escenir-•• f>l'l l lol!lldale, ,)ntari.o·• Ca;;i,ada M2R 2E5 SlGt-~A E.iHTOR::o ..Qoain 9:;.0-aper 212 tl. Count y Road C •Roseville. MN 55113 PAST PRESIDENT: Elau1e Huh,er t' Route 3 . Box 57 Floy d, VA 2 4091 'JS.ruce R1 chardson CONTENTS Fal l ~ 1989-- No. 43 CHA I RritAIN-" S MESSAGE. Colin Rigby 1541 RE?OR 'lf' FlRi)I~ THE: SJE:C:q~Ell',A,R'f F 1,-:»renc e Stout 1542 OUR REA.i\::.R'' S ~FU T!E: E lai ne Hu Jl.bert 1542 NEW rtEM. .li:\ER:S 19819 Florence S tout 1543 IN !!'1E~l0ffh\rll F lorenc:e Stou·t 1543 SEED E)i ~ANGE !REIP1Qfiff Phoebe Copley 1544 T. REASURE R~s REPOR~ !Robert Pries 1545 GO(~D- YEJ''ffhEJ~E::O lN!Air~~\ lfOID)IES; Roy Davi d'<-.,,;on 1545 CHINA lR[S P~:,JEC"l!"--~)ST 1nu :1? REPORT .J'a.llhes ~ a ddi elk 1546 IRIS ANfiU!FUEA idr;:\).I/J8 ll.l!ll9 ) Vu-lrang Zhao 1558 GEOGRAPHil,C~\L 1nsrnftlt~1u'n:\)lt,( C~F uus IN CHINA \'1u.-1Larrr,,.g 2th.ai.o 1559 IRIS IRESEARCiH J:N CHl~ Jlaimes ibraaddi elk 1563 Si/.JCCESS N I TH iNl-\TJV1E HUS .lt N FU) fUDA GARDENS M . Hasi!!lda.rd 1564 R'll..)B IN NOlt'S FHOIJ<t FVJIUJL)~~ ~(en lP'om1alf"· 1566 REPORT Q.-~ UUS PLAN'l'llN!GS ~T LEO GARDENS fl<iairy ~<u t-z 1567 I RIS 'E' RUJENT.A,TA J o lnln .Wood 1568 ROY''S ll"if'\IL.a~ox Roy Dav l. d s.rcm 15 70 SPECIES J Rl.S .-i A!/'11~.nEROAM /Sl;. Lt).."l!DON ,..ijo~n ,,.;;OJIDpeilA 1571 I RIS IPSEUDf\C•)RUS "'!PAGOiTuA .DOUBLE"· Ray Da,,n d!s«J)!rn 1574 OUR RE.AOE'RS t>i!Rl:TE A!t~)t,l ~-...LO!E: CROSSES Sa1mn lrJo~~'il" JI. '.S 1 575 W't!;!lat--it ILeFev<elf' 1 5 1'7 Loui s S. Stah.ll. 1578 l R 1 SES F ua... V~\ ~ .lili~li:~.'-J .fl •C,i.,i~,;l.. ·.rr. S 1·-t 'f.B R JD l Z 't NG 1Robe~"t IFabe]l - iWJard 1579 E.01 TOR!· S t;1()N!:l''!E~l\l:T$; :!.. 580 SilG~A 'l:.s iPun::d :nslhieirj t~•~;o t :im,,,es ipei~ ye.. "l. r, f a) 1 an(dl spr ·].ng. We we l come cont-1.bu t i~·ns t'f"o~ ;-~e.;J.<C!'.e\f's. r,,li,n'::ll Kr ls 9r·ou;p ir•.a,s, !P>IE'll"'lll(iis siorn ·tt: o r eprint ,,,m'!,.I: fJ!llatr:e Y-' iial ih.lf'sit ip;'ff"esent'ed !t\e re. Deadl irnes a11--e F ed:ir1"1L1tary 1 to~ s;:PrHlf31 .~nu Se::, ·temlbeil'· :11. 5 f·or f·a llr Yo ur .adc!iir'ess ii.aibie :li ::indica t es your cu:<~rel"l t dues s-r at:us- Ouest ions--c on t act Floren,:ce St:au·t ~ 1541 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE It doesn't seem possible that another year is drawing to a close, and in l ooking back over that year, we thought you might be interested in some of the things the SIGNA Executive is working on. A major happening this past year was Or . James Waddick's successful trip to China to collect the native irises of that coun try. A detailed accounting of his trip is published in this issue . SIGNA was pleased to be one of the sponsors of Dr . Waddick's trip , and in addition to a modest financial contribution , supplied books on iris as well as seed of North American iris species for giving to his Chinese friends . We sincerely hope that this venture is the beginning of an ongoing exchange of information, seed and/or iris plants between our two countries . Or . Waddick will also give a slide showing of his trip at the SIGNA Sectional meeting at the AIS National Convention at Omaha next spring . We hope you can attend. Gene Opton asked to be relieved as treasurer of SIGNA and Bob Pries has now taken over that job. Gene served for eight years in that position and we sent a special thank you for a job well done. A project that has been in the works for some time is something we loosely term as "Roy's Handbook." This is in celebration of SIGNA's 20-plus years as a section of AIS. The handbook will have some new material, a recap of some of the better articles published in t he early issues of SIGNA, black and white illustrations, and, hopefully, some iris reproductions in color. Bruce Richardson has written a history of t he early years of SIGNA, some of the illustrations will be by Jean Witt, and Roy Davidson will edit the whole t hing. We hope it will be ready for distribution to our membership sometime next year. We haven't given up the idea of 'iris preservation' although response to this has not been great . Perhaps we hav e given a wrong impression as to what we have in mind. Alan McMurtrie has done a wonderful job of compiling a source list of the bulbous iris species and we feel a need for a simi lar· source reference listing for the other species and their hybrids. We get inquiries all the time from people asking "Where can I get so and so?" or "Is such and such still available?" Compiling such a source reference list is a big job, a job with several people working together, but we think it can and should be done . We welcome your ideas and comments on how this can be accomplished. Just knowing that a species or species hybrid is being grown is in itself iris preservation. Colin Rigby ************ 1542 A REPORT FROM THE SECRETARY A cheery hello from Lombard, Illinois! Last week it was snowing but this week it ' s balmy, shirt-sleeve weather. How is it in your corner of the world? ~~ more earthquakes, or Hugos, I hope. Last year SIGNA boasted 643 members, with many new members hanging on from the tempo rary pull of Horticulture magazine (Opton's article on Californicae species was irresistible.) This year we leveled off to a more realistic number; we now have 13 paid LIFE members, and many who are paid ahead as triennial members making a total of 595. Several members have been lost through death, see memorials el sewhere , some have admitted to getting to the no gardening stage of life and after years of service they deserve mentioning. (Please do, Florence. ED) There are three dozen or so new members this year, and we all want to stretch out a welcoming hand. Let us know your problems, as well as your successes. It's by working together that progress is made. (It I s more fun, too.) I have included a 1 i st of our newest members. If you find there is someone in your region, why not make a special effort to help that one? Incidentally, is your RVP a member of SIGNA? He should be! Maybe you could · sponsor him (or her) for the first year. Are your regiona 1 judges aware of SIGNA? We now have nice brochures you can pick up at the convention (or write me). They explain what SIGNA is all about and have a place for membership application. For everyone: On your label this time your exprration date is in the lower r i ght corner. The first two numbers are t he year, and the last two, either 01 or 07 mean January or mid-year. If you are de linquent, t here wi 11 be a red dot to call your attention to this fact. (I'd like to give all subscriptions free, but I can't.) So assume respons ibility for getting your dues in on time and save the society the cost of postal reminders. Another reminder, if you are moving, please let us know before we mail out issues to your old address and then have to pay to get them back and pay again to re-address . A postcard to me is all it takes and the post office furnishes them! Thanks for helping your society work smoothly.
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