CITY CIVIL AND SESSIONS COURT, GR. BOMBAY. OFFICE ORDER NO.166 OF 2020 Upon considerin# $%! irec$ions iss&! '( $%! )on*'+! )igh Co&"$, Bombay in S$-n -" Op!"-$in# .roc! &"! /SO.0 -$! 21.11.2020, communic-$! 2id! !2en -$! +!$$!" No. Insp-I415242020, I, S%rinivas B. A#"-6-+, .rincip-+ 7& #!, Ci$( Civil Cour$ -n Sessions 7& #!, G". Bombay, DO )EREBY ORDER T)AT $%! Cit( Civil an Sessions Court, Gr. Bombay, -$ Fort, Mumbai an its '"-nc% -$ Din os%i, Mumbai, s%-++ s$-"$ "!#&+-" 8&nc$ionin# 6i$% !88ec$ 8rom 01.12.2020, in $6o s%if$s 6it% 1009 p"esenc! of $%! 7& icial O88icers an $%! s$-88 in eac% s%if$, '( obs!"2in# $%! *Court* 6orkin# $imin# as 11:00 -.m. $o 1;50 p.m. -n 8rom 2:00 p.m. $o <;50 p.m. =)EREAS, $%! *O88ic!* s%-++ 8unc$ion 8rom 10;50 -.m. $o >:00 p.m., 6%ic% ,!ans $%-$ -++ $%! of8icers ? emp+oyees in Group A $o C an $%! Court Managers s%-++ -$$!n $%! of8ic! on -++ 6orkin# -(s 8rom 01.12.2020 '!$6!!n 10;50 a.m. an >:00 p.,. an $%! !,p+oyees in Group D c- "! s%-++ remain pres!n$ in $%! of8ic! on -++ 6orkin# -(s %-+8 an %our '!8ore -n -8$er $%e -8oresaid of8ice %ours. DO )EREBY FURT)ER ORDER T)AT -++ $%! conc!"n! $o 8ol+ow $%! #&id!+ines in respec$ of 7& icial an A minis$"-$iv! 6ork -n $o - %!"! $o, $%! S-8!$(4.rec-&$ion-"( ,!asures as specified in $%! SO. -$! 21.11.2020 /-$$ac%! %!"!6it%0 -n -++ $%! irec$ions 4 guid!+ines 4 SO.s 4 A 2isories iss&! '( $%! Govern,!n$ of In ia an $%! S$-$! Govern,en$ in respec$ of COVID31@ .rotocol. A++ concern! s%oul -+so 8ol+ow $%! #en!"-+ ins$ruc$ions, En$"(-EAit poin$ c%-"$ an S$an -" Op!"-$in# .roc! &"! /SO.0 in respec$ of ,!n$ionin# of ,-$$ers -$ Main Branc%, -$$ac%! %!"!6it%. S$-n -" Op!"-$in# .roc! &"! in "espec$ of %earin# of cases $%ro&#% Video Con8!"encing 6il+ be iss&! s%ort+(. ...2. ; 2 ; T%e -8ores-id arran#emen$ s%-++ remain in 8orce un$il 8&"$%er orders. Ci$( Civil -n Sessions Cou"$, 0 Gr!-$er Mumbai 0 s 43 0 /S%rinivas B. A#"-6-+0 D-$e: 21$% Nov!,'!", 2020 0 .rincip-+ 7& #! Enc+; As -'o2e. Cop( 8o"6-" ! 6i$% co,p+i,ents $o;3 1. T%e 1st A +. ."incip-+ 7& ge S,$ S. S. S-6ant, Dindoshi Co&"$. 2. T%e 2n A +. ."incip-+ 7& ge S%"i A. T. =ank%! e. 5. A++ $%! 7& ici-+ Of8icers -$ Main and Dindoshi Co&"$. <. S%"i Y. B. G-,e, Secr!$-"(, DLSA, M&,'ai. S 43 /S%"ini2as B. A#"-6-+0 ."incip-+ 7& #! Cop( $o;3 1. A++ $%! o88icers ? !,p+o(ees in G"oup3A $o C and Co&"$ M-nagers, Ci$( Ci2i+ and Sessions Co&"$, G". Bo,'-( -$ Main and Dindoshi '"anch. 2. T%e D!p&$( S%!"i88, O88ice o8 S%!"i88 M&,'ai. 5. T%e ."esi ent, B-" Associ-$ion, Ci$( Ci2i+ and Sessions Co&"$, G". Bo,'-(. <. T%e S$-$! Go2!"n,ent .+!- !", Ci$( Ci2i+ and Sessions Co&"$ -$ G". Bo,'-( . >. T%e Cent"-+ Go2!"nment .+!- !", Ci$( Ci2i+ and Sessions Co&"$ -$ G". Bo,'-(. 6. T%e .&'+ic ."osecuto", Ci$( Ci2i+ and Sessions Co&"$ -$ G". Bo,'-(. 1. T%e D&$( O88icer and Liason O88icer, Ci$( Ci2i+ -nd Session Co&"$, G". Bo,'-(. B. Of8ice o8 .=D, Ci2i+ and E+ect"ical, Ci$( Ci2i+ and Session Co&"$, G". Bo,'-(. @. A++ $%! !,p+o(ees in G"oup3D, Ci$( Ci2i+ -nd Sessions Co&"$, G". Bo,'-( -$ Main and Dindoshi '"anch. 10.Of8ice o" !" 8i+e. sd43 /Sneh-+ S. .-"-'0 I4c. Regist"-" SUBORDINATE COURTS IN THE STATES OF MAHARASHTRA AND GOA AND UNION TERRITORY OF DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI AND DAMAN AND DIU AND UNION TERRITORY OF DIU, DAMAN AND DADRA NAGAR HAVELI STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE The Hon’ble the Chief Justice and other Hon’ble Judges of the Hon’ble Administrative Committee, after taking into account the present situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the views of members of the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa, have been pleased to approve the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), in supersession to the earlier SOP and modifications therein vide Circulars issued time to time, in respect to the functioning of all the Subordinate Courts in the States of Maharashtra and Goa and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (except the Courts in Pune Judicial District) as under :- JUDICIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE WORK 1. All Courts (except the Courts in Pune Judicial District) shall start regular functioning with effect from 01.12.2020, in two shifts. 2. In each shift the Judicial working hours will be of 2½ hours (i.e. from 11.00 am to 1.30 pm and from 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm) with 100% presence of the judicial officers and the staff in each shift. 3. In the first shift, preferably, the cases which are fixed for evidence and in the second shift, preferably, the cases which are fixed for Judgment, order or hearing of arguments may be taken up. 4. The Judicial Officers may not pass any adverse order owing to the absence of the advocates, parties, witnesses or accused persons. 5. Only those advocates, witnesses, accused persons and party-in-persons whose matters are listed on that day’s board or whose presence is required by the Court for any specific purpose like verification etc. will be permitted to have access in the Court building. No one should enter the Court halls unless their matter is called out and shall leave the Court premises as soon as hearing of their case / work is over. Page 1 of 3 6. All Courts in Pune Judicial District shall continue to work as per the old arrangement which was put in place vide SOP dated 03.06.2020 and the modifications therein vide Circulars issued time to time. SAFETY / PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES 1. All persons entering the Court premises shall compulsorily wear face mask covering the nose and mouth (including at the time of arguments or giving evidence) and shall also observe social / physical distancing norms as set out time to time by the Hon'ble High Court, Central Government and State Government regarding precautions to be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 2. Persons who may have symptoms of COVID-19 shall not be permitted to enter the Court premises. 3. Bar Rooms, Advocates’ Chambers, Bar Library, Canteens, Photocopying Room / Section, shall remain open subject to adherence of all the safety norms. The Bar Associations shall observe all the safety norms and ensure sanitization of the Bar Rooms etc. It shall also be the responsibility of the concerned Bar Association to see that only those advocates whose matters are on board are coming to the Court and given access to the Bar Rooms. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Bar Association, in coordination with the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa, to ensure that due precautions are taken to avoid spread of COVID-19. 5. The Principal District and Sessions Judge / Head of the Establishment may take decision at their end about the entry and exit points of the Court premises. 6. One or more officer/s shall be nominated by the PDJ/PJ to oversee the arrangements vis-à-vis adherence of the safety norms, who shall carry out inspection on daily basis. 7. Office bearers of the Bar Council and Bar Associations may issue instructions to all their members to strictly abide by the safety norms. 8. If any advocates or litigants are found violating the above said guidelines, the Principal District Judge / Head of the Establishment shall bring it to the notice of the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa and respective Bar Associations under Page 2 of 3 intimation to High Court by e-mail on [email protected] and may take such action as he/she deems fit and proper. 9. In case the situation owing to pandemic is worsened, the Principal District Judge/ Head of the Establishment may approach the High Court and seek appropriate directions. 10. This SOP shall remain in force until further orders. Sd/- S.G. Dige Date: 27/11/2020 (Registrar General) Page 3 of 3 3;Gener-+ Inst"uctions, Ent"( Exi$ .oints and S$and-" Op!"-$ing ."oc! &"! 8o" Mentioning o8 M-$$!"s:3 A)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ; 10 A 2oc-$!s, ,-( '! -ccompani! '( ,-xi,&, on! co++!-#&!, -n -n "!#is$!"! c+!":, i8 -n(, 6i$% prope" p"oo8 o8 i !n$i8ic-$ion, 6ill '! pe",i$$! $o !n$!" $%! Co&"$ p"!mis!s 8"om $%! !si#n-$! !n$"y poin$ speci8i! '!lo6. No pe"son inc+& in# $%! A 2oc-$!s 6ill '! -llo6! $o !n$!" $%! Co&"$ p"!mis!s 6i$% -ny 2!%ic+!. 2)To o's!"2! s$"ic$ no"ms o8 soci-+ is$-ncin# !n$"( in$o $%! Co&"$ Roo, 8o" $%! pu"pos! o8 -$$!n in# p%ysic-+ %!-"in#s s%-ll s$-n "!s$"ic$! $o;3 i0 On! A 2oc-$! pe" pa"$y 6%os! V-:-+-$n-,- is on "!co" o" 6%o %-s '!!n &+( -&$%o"iC! -n 6%os! c-s! is lis$! 8o" %!-"in# on Bo-" o8 conc!"n! Co&"$. ii0 S!nio" Co&ns!+ 4 on#oin# co&ns!+ !n#-#! '( -ny s&c% A 2oc-$!. iii)R!#is$!"! c+!": only 8o" +imi$! pu"pos! o8 !+i2!"in# %!-2y -n '&+:y c-s! 8i+!s o8 s&c% A 2oc-$!s -$ $%! !si#n-$! poin$. i20.-"$(3in3pe"son, 6%!"! s&c% pa"$( is pu"s&in# $%! c-s! wi$%o&$ -n( +!#-+ -ssis$-nc!. 50 Dai+y C-&s! Lis$;3 I$ 6i++ '! -$ $%! isc"!$ion o8 $%! ."!si in# Of8ic!" $o -""-n#! $%! -i+( c-&s! +is$.
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