Published by the Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association September 2013 Van White Ribbon Cutting – August 2013 Congressman Martin Sabo addressing the crowd. I t ’s built!! A n d , it only took about 15 S p e a kers were: y e a r s ! Council Member Lisa Goodman, who has been a staunch supporter of and advocate hile the Van White Parkway didn’t for the Bassett Creek Master Plan. The Va n o f ficially open, until Thursday White Boulevard is the first project complet- WAugust 22nd, a celebration was held ed with public funding under that plan. on the evening of August 21 2013. The Park- C o n g r essman Martin Sabo, who re t i r ed a few way connects North and South Minneapolis. years ago, but, who, when he was active in The Van White Bridge is the park boule- C o n g r ess, got the first millions for building vard connecting north Minneapolis to south the Van White Bridge. His federal funds Minneapolis to create the “one” Minneapolis, was the seed monies that made the bridge as noted by Mayor R. T. Rybak. This bridge building possible. was named in honor of City Council Member City Council Don Samuels, another staunch Van White, who was the first African Ameri- supporter and advocate for the Bassett can on the Minneapolis City Council and C r eek Master Plan, who also paid tribute to who did so much for the northern Min- the accomplishments of Council Member neapolis communities. Van White. Mrs. Van White, who on behalf of her family, The Parkway was part of the Holman deci- thanked all for the honor done her husband sion which tried to eliminate an area of segre- this day. gated housing north of Glenwood Av e n u e . County Commissioner Gail Dorfman, who The projects north of Olson Highway have spoke on behalf of County Commissioner become Heritage Village, with rental and Linda Higgins, who was unable to be at the owned housing and subsidized and moderate e v e n t . Brimeyer; Ex-Hennepin County Commissioner Mark cost housing. That part of the project has And finally, Mayor R.T.Rybak spoke of how Stenglein; State Representative Ray Dehn; City Council been a reality for some time. The are a pleased he was that the bridge was finally Chair Barb Johnson; Pastor Chatman of Redeemer between Glenwood and Olson has also been b u i l t . That the future vision, which he C h u r ch; Meg Forney; Jackie Cherryhomes; Mrs. Sabo; developed with similar housing patterns. s t r ongly supported, would have the Mark Andrew; State Transportation Zelle and lots of less- The Parkway ends at Dunwoody Boule- impound lot on either side of the boulevard er well known faces, but who were critical to the build- vard allowing easy access to 394 and down- placed elsewhere, and the police hold cars ing of Van White Boulevard. town. in the impound lot also placed elsewhere , Still to be realized is the planned development of o f fice space along the northside of 394. An LRT station Some 250 people from both Harrison and so that the land could be developed for the would give residents access to jobs in southern suburbs Bryn Mawr communities came to celebrate benefit of the people of Minneapolis. and one-seat (green line) connection to St. Paul’s Union the event, as did many folks who had some Dixieland music was supplied by Kerry Station and the State Capitol. It would also link to the part in the planning, designing and building A s h m o re (of North News fame) and his musi- blue line to the airport and the Mall of America. of Van White Boulevard and people who cal colleagues. Ice Cream in cones was Thank you Bryn Mawr for all the support and advice wanted to join in celebrating the event. I t served by Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Coordi- over the years. was an incredibly diverse cro w d . n a t o r, Patty Wy c o ff and BMNA Area 3 Repre- Drive by Van White in the evening, when the lights The Van White Ribbon Cutting cere m o n y sentative, Jessica Wi l e y . Bassett Creek Master a r e lit. It is a beautiful sight, a harbinger of other devel- took place on the afternoon of August 21, Plan boards were displayed for the curious, as opment in the are a . 2 0 1 3 . Council Member Lisa Goodman was was information about the SWLRT. the emcee for the program, introducing both Lots of very well known faces in the cro w d - Vida Ditter, Area 4 and speakers and significant folks in the audience. included: Met Council Commissioner Jim Kevina Munnich, Area 2 2 The Bryn Mawr Bugle September 2013 on the web at focus will be on the details of these response and will circulate to Board. Jay, Vida and Barry have been BMNA c h a n g e s . She will try to finalize by weekend. going to the meetings. B r ownie Lake- re-construction of Update on Accent memorial-There o ff - s t reet trails started on August 3rd was a meeting with city personnel Community project – Je s s i c a / Jay Reporter and will extend to October 31. to discuss the plan. Removal of buckthorn near Vi n c e n t B RYN MAWR NEIGHBORHOOD Van White Bridge dedication to & Fruen Mill is moving forward. A S S O C I ATION be held Wednesday, August 21st, Patty W y c o f f , NC activity report - The marketing committee met but Bo a rd Meeting Mi n u t e s 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Ice Cream Social-300-400 people has no report yet. We d n e s d a y, August 14, 2013 The Mayor’s budget message to attended and it was a successful 7:00– 8:45 PM be at Thrivent Financial lobby at e v e n t . Garden projects – Dave L Bryn Mawr Pre s by t e r i a n noon on August 14th. Sip and Stroll-Thursday, October So far this had been a slow year Voter Ambassadors-Training to 10th, Patty will include home busi- with lots of rain. The next meeting Call to Order and Introductions teach how to use new ballot. Need nesses i.e. realtors. is next Tuesday. Marlin called the meeting to order 30-40 volunteers until Nov. 5 Harvest Dinner-Thursday, Oct. and introductions were made. Minneapolis One Read book is “A 24th, Patty requested ideas for food Standing Committee Report s Members of the Bo a rd present are as Choice of Weapons” by Gordon theme. Schools Committee – Jessica Wi l ey f o l l ow s : Parks. The “weapons” are words New Membership Packets should Next meeting is scheduled for Sept Marlin Possehl-President; Scott i.e. love, dignity. be dropped off for new re s i d e n t s . 26th. M c L a u g h l i n - Vice President; Sandra T h e r e are increasing problems at Also, distribute to realtors to leave in Communications Committee – Ja y G a y - S e c retary; Dave Holets-Area 1 Bryn Mawr gas station including sold homes. Report next month. Rep; Jessica Wi l e y - A rea 3 Rep; Chris drug dealing, working in street on Membership Drive-It is underway Penn Avenue Re d e ve l o p m e n t - E t z - A r ea 4 Co-Rep; Dave Logsdon- cars, etc. The police camera will be late this year and will start again in Includes Penn Avenue and 10 A r ea 5 Rep; Jay Peterson-Area 6 Co- re t u rned for surveillance of activities February or March next year. Mem- blocks either side. There will be a Rep; Barry Shade-Area 6 Co-Rep; on the street. Corrective action will bership is free, contributions are survey of uses on Penn. Economic Vida Ditter- A rea 6 Co-Rep; Yo n a t h a n be taken. v o l u n t a r y . development, safety, church, police, G u t h m a n n - A r ea 7 Co-Rep; Steve Van White Bridge dedication and Van White-Patty will buy ice arts organizations will be involved. H a r v e y - A rea 7 Co-Rep; Patty opening is scheduled for Wed, Aug c r eam from Sebastion Joe’s or Ben Meetings will occur every two Wy c o f f - N e i g h b o r hood Coordinator; 21, 4:30pm-6:00pm. There will be a & Jerry’s. Bryn Mawr will share the months. Moved to send volunteers JoEllyn Jolstad-Bugle Editor. ribbon cutting celebration with ice cost with Harrison. to Project Implementation Commit- Guests of the Bo a rd are as follow s : c r eam and music. Afterwards, all are tee (Steve Morrelli and Clare n c e Lisa Goodman-City of Minneapolis; invited to go to block party at JoEllyn Jo l s t a d , Bugle Report s - Shallbetter) seconded and passed. Claudia Egelhoff - A rea 4; Matt Stark- Redeemer Church. JoEllyn will hold space for an article Hennepin County will have time A r ea 4; Tom Deinke-Sundial Solar; for Van White. Vida will take pic- lines and decisions for BMNA Board Glen Goldshy-Sundial Solar; Dennis Requested presentation on Mar- t u r es at the event.
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