Oracle® Cloud Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud E96247-43 Oracle Cloud Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, E96247-43 Copyright © 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Primary Author: EPM Information Development Team This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. 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Contents Documentation Accessibility Documentation Feedback 1 About EPM Automate Installing EPM Automate 1-1 Capacity and Port Requirements 1-2 Supported Platforms 1-2 Java Runtime Environment and EPM Automate 1-3 Using OpenJDK 1-3 Windows Instructions 1-4 Linux/UNIX/macOS X Instructions 1-4 Server-side Execution of EPM Automate Commands 1-5 Understanding EPM Automate Encryption Level 1-5 2 Command Reference About Running EPM Automate Commands 2-1 Prerequisites 2-1 Default File Locations 2-3 Enable Transport Layer Security Protocol 1.2 2-4 Using EPM Automate Commands 2-4 Specifying Multiple Values for a Parameter 2-5 Behavior During Daily Maintenance 2-5 Running EPM Automate 2-5 Windows 2-6 Linux 2-7 Running Multiple Instances of EPM Automate 2-8 Commands at a Glance 2-10 Account Reconciliation Commands 2-14 Financial Consolidation and Close Commands 2-15 iii Narrative Reporting Commands 2-16 Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Commands 2-17 Planning, Planning Modules, Strategic Workforce Planning, and Sales Planning Commands 2-18 Profitability and Cost Management Commands 2-18 Tax Reporting Commands 2-19 EPM Automate Commands 2-20 addUsers 2-20 addUsersToGroup 2-22 addUsersToTeam 2-23 addUserToGroups 2-24 applicationAdminMode 2-24 applyDataGrants 2-25 assignRole 2-25 autoPredict 2-27 clearCube 2-28 clearDataByProfile 2-29 clearPOV 2-29 cloneEnvironment 2-30 copyDataByProfile 2-31 copyFileFromInstance 2-31 copyFromObjectStorage 2-32 copyOwnershipDataToNextYear 2-34 copyPOV 2-34 copySnapshotFromInstance 2-35 copyToObjectStorage 2-36 createGroups 2-37 createNRSnapshot 2-38 createReconciliations 2-39 deleteFile 2-39 deleteGroups 2-40 deletePOV 2-41 deployCube 2-41 deployEJTemplates 2-42 deployFormTemplates 2-43 downloadFile 2-43 enableApp 2-44 encrypt 2-44 exportAppAudit 2-45 exportAppSecurity 2-46 exportCellLevelSecurity 2-46 exportData 2-47 iv exportDataManagement 2-47 exportDimension 2-48 exportDimensionMapping 2-48 exportEJJournals 2-49 exportLibraryArtifact 2-50 exportMapping 2-51 exportMetadata 2-52 exportOwnershipData 2-52 exportQueryResults 2-53 exportSnapshot 2-54 exportTemplate 2-54 exportValidIntersections 2-55 extractDimension 2-55 feedback 2-56 getDailyMaintenanceStartTime 2-57 getSubstVar 2-57 help 2-58 importAppSecurity 2-58 importBalances 2-59 importCellLevelSecurity 2-60 importData 2-61 importDataManagement 2-61 importDimension 2-62 importLibraryArtifact 2-63 importMapping 2-64 importMetadata 2-64 importOwnershipData 2-66 importPreMappedBalances 2-66 importPreMappedTransactions 2-67 importProfiles 2-67 importRates 2-68 importReconciliationAttributes 2-68 importSnapshot 2-69 importSupplementalCollectionData 2-70 importSupplementalData 2-72 importTemplate 2-72 importTmPremappedTransactions 2-73 importValidIntersections 2-74 invalidLoginReport 2-75 listFiles 2-76 loadData 2-76 v loadDimData 2-77 login 2-77 logout 2-79 maskData 2-80 mergeDataSlices 2-80 mergeSlices 2-81 programDocumentationReport 2-81 provisionReport 2-82 purgeTmTransactions 2-83 recomputeOwnershipData 2-84 recreate 2-85 refreshCube 2-88 removeUserFromGroups 2-89 removeUsers 2-89 removeUsersFromGroup 2-90 removeUsersFromTeam 2-91 renameSnapshot 2-92 replay 2-92 resetService 2-93 restructureCube 2-94 roleAssignmentAuditReport 2-95 roleAssignmentReport 2-96 runAutomatch 2-97 runBatch 2-97 runBusinessRule 2-98 runCalc 2-99 runComplianceReport 2-100 runDailyMaintenance 2-101 runDataRule 2-102 runDMReport 2-103 runMatchingReport 2-104 runPlanTypeMap 2-105 runRuleSet 2-106 runSupplementalDataReport 2-106 runTaskManagerReport 2-107 sendMail 2-108 setDailyMaintenanceStartTime 2-109 setDemoDates 2-109 setEJJournalStatus 2-110 setEncryptionKey 2-111 setManualDataAccess 2-112 vi setPeriodStatus 2-112 setSubstVars 2-113 skipUpdate 2-113 sortMember 2-115 unassignRole 2-116 upgrade 2-118 uploadFile 2-119 userAuditReport 2-120 userGroupReport 2-120 Exit Codes 2-121 3 Command Execution Sample Scenarios Sample Scenarios for All Services 3-1 Back up Application Snapshot to a Computer 3-2 Copying a Snapshot to or from Oracle Object Storage 3-4 Create Users and Assign Them to Predefined Roles 3-6 Count the Number of Licensed Users (Users Assigned to Roles) 3-8 Create Audit Reports of Users Assigned to Roles 3-10 Create Role Assignment and Revocation Audit Report 3-14 Mask Access Logs and Activity Report to Comply with Privacy Laws 3-18 Automate Activity Report Downloads to a Local Computer 3-23 Download Access Logs from an Environment 3-27 Automate the Cloning of Environments 3-31 Remove Unnecessary Files from an Environment 3-34 Find and Download Files from an Environment 3-35 Recreate an Old EPM Cloud Environment for Audits 3-36 Automate Database Access Audit and Compliance 3-47 Replicate Users and Predefined Role Assignments 3-58 Replicating the Users of One Identity Domain in Another 3-59 Replicating Predefined Role Assignments from One Environment to Another 3-66 Sample Scenarios for Planning, Consolidation, and Tax Reporting 3-73 Automate the Export of a Large Number of Cells from an Aggregate Storage Cube 3-74 Import Metadata into Application 3-83 Import Data, Run a Calculation Script, and Copy Data from a Block Storage Database to an Aggregate Storage Database 3-84 Export and Download Metadata and Data 3-84 Export and Download Application Data 3-85 Upload a Data File to an Environment and Run a Data Load Rule 3-85 Automate Daily Data Integration 3-86 Sample Scenarios for Account Reconciliation 3-88 Load Preformatted Balances into
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