Bear Facts Mahanoy Area High School March 15, 2010 Clear Bookbags: An Illusional Sense of Security or a Wise Movement Towards Safety? BY: Ana Granados As a result of the bomb scare, which occurred during made when circumstances arise will be beneficial to January of 2010, a new policy regarding the use of the school district. clear bookbags has been set forth by Mr. Crimaldi, the Also from a teacher’s perspective, Mr. Wade, who M.A.S.D. superintendent. Without any discussion or teaches government and current events classes, feels debate among the school board, staff, or students, he indifferent about the policy set in place. Although he enforced the notion soon after the incident. Although does not think it will help, it cannot really hurt, either. the policy is familiar throughout the middle school, He made the point that even though the school might where it has been applied for several years, the deci- “appear” to be safer, there is no evidence whatso- sion has left many school students and members sur- ever to support the reasoning behind the decision. It prised, shocked, and concerned. Given that the true does, however, act as an inconvenience to students, intention of the policy is to prevent future threats and especially since the policy is being enforced in the strengthen the safety of M.A.H.S., numerous ques- middle of the school year. Mr. Wade also mentioned tions arise, such as its effectiveness, impact, bene- that the students are at a disadvantage because they fits, and ultimate disadvantages. need to spend money on poorly made clear book- When asked whether or not they support the deci- bags, which he finds to be “ridiculous.” sion, both Senior Stormie Lee Kapp and a student What affect will this policy leave on local school dis- who wishes to remain anonymous, strongly dissent- tricts? Stormie firmly believes that there is none at ed. In response, Stormie Lee Kapp said, “The clear all, because “… the incident that brought on this idi- bookbag policy is pointless, as it doesn’t do what it otic policy was an isolated one,” while Anonymous is allegedly put in place to…” Anonymous noted that remains neutral. On the other hand, Mr. Wade made if someone wanted to bring a potentially dangerous a comment on the potential movement towards ex- object into school, a bookbag is not their only resort. cessive safety measures, with little to no evidence of Sure enough, a clear bookbag will not put a dead stop their effectiveness. to such an act. Besides the question of safety, the pri- There is no doubt that this policy has affected one or vacy violations, lack of expression and inconvenience another on every level. Whether it is through mere were used to justify their answers, as well. inconvenience or a belief of protection, the policy Despite these claims, Mrs. Fegley, a chemistry teach- has made a dramatic difference upon student life er, does support the policy. She said, “I feel it makes at M.A. And so, the true question still stands. Clear M.A.H.S. safer. It may not stop everyone from bring- bookbags… are they really an illusional sense of se- ing something in but it may stop most.” She sees that curity or a step in the right direction to ensure safety the realization of ongoing changes that have to be of our school? You decide. PSSA testing Final exams April 7-16 for math and reading Seniors: May 20-26 April 19-23 for writing Underclassmen finals: May 28-June 3 April 26-30 for science Senior Interviews will be scheduled on June 1st and 2nd. All graduating seniors will go through a mock interview to complete their graduation project. Graduation: Tuesday, June 8 Contributing to this issue of Bear Facts: Brittany Davies, Robert Filiziani, Ana Granados, Stormie Lee Kapp, Jennifer Lawrence, Katie McCarthy, Sara Madiera, Jenna Michaels, Jessica Rago, Samantha Rudloff, Rebecca Williams Mahanoy Area High School March 15, 2010 See Ms. Scic for details. Deadline: April 16, 2010 Are you or a friend... Worried About a ... Having problems keeping your grades up? ...No longer feel like hanging out with friends or family? Friend? ...Not enjoying your favorite activities like you used to? ...Being bullied or harrassed? ...Feeling like you just can’t seem to get it together? ...Experimenting with or using alcohol or other drugs? ...Adjusting to a new school? ...Close to someone or have a family member serving in the military? ...Having thought of hurting yourself or someone else? ...Feeling emotionally overwhelmed? ...Always worrying? ...Thinking about suicide? ...Dealing with the breakup of a relationship? ...Being hurt physically or emotionally by someone? There is an anonymous referral ...Dealing with major changes in your family like your parents’ divorce? box in the hallway near Mrs. Blue’s ...Dealing with the illness or death of someone close to you? office where students can refer a friend (or themselves) to the The Student Assistance Team is a group of school and community staff that is here to help you deal with problems that are stopping you from doing well in school or Student Assistance Program. Bro- stressing you out. The staff will respect you and your parent’s/guardian’s privacy at chures are located by the box and all times. Members include Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Stone, Ms. Pollack, Ms. Scic, Mr. Vavra, Mrs. students can use those to make Bet, Ms. Wetzel, Mr. DiCasimirro, Mrs. Caufield, Mrs. Henninger, Mr. Wetzel, Mr. Cray, their referral. Mrs. Delia and Mrs. Orsulak. Mahanoy Area High School March 15, 2010 Mahanoy Area High School March 15, 2010 WHAT HAPPENED TO HAITI? BY: Sara Madeira What would you do if you were caught in an earth- quake? What would you do if you were stuck under the rubble from a building you once saw standing? On January 12th, the worst earthquake in two hun- dred years struck the Haiti region. Like most people, the Haitians experienced nothing like this before. Their capital was washed out; most of the buildings are now in piec- es. Many people died under the rubble from these buildings and some “The Scenic” weren’t rescued for days. When asked what his first thoughts were Mr. Wade replied, “Why Haiti? Plays at MA It hit the worst possible place in the Caribbean.” Mr. Wade explained that they were the most unfortunate at the time in the Caribbean. To help the BY: Samantha Rudloff Haitians, people have been donating their money and time. Time goes If you weren’t at the Mahanoy Area to helping rescue people who can’t help themselves, to rebuild, and to High School gym at three o’clock entertain and to keep the Haitians in good spirits. Money is needed for on January 31st, you missed out! food, water, shelter, medicine, medical supplies, and so on. A performance by the band, “The The news was filled with phenomenal stories. One involved a man who Scenic” was sponsored by the Ma- was trapped under six stories of a hotel. He believed he was going to hanoy Area Band Boosters. “The die, and prayed to God that he would survive for his family. When he Scenic” is a famous label band thought his chances were getting slim, he wrote messages to his two from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. sons, just in case he didn’t see them again. Strangely enough, this man You may ask why a band with a was pulled out from the rubble a week after the earthquake. What would record label play a benefit show? you do if you were stuck in a situation like this? Mr. Wade said he would Sophomore Leah Leahy was re- survive by trying to get water, staying calm and keeping busy, and stay- sponsible for the entire show. She ing positive by thinking happy thoughts. Also, he’d try to get messages thinks that the event greatly ben- out somehow so he could be rescued. efited the Mahanoy Area music One of the most heartbreaking effects of this earthquake was the Haitian program. There were other perfor- kids that lost their parents. “This is one of the worst things that could mances as well, by Our Battle Our happen; there is no way of fixing it,” said Mr. Wade. It could take up to War, Now! The City, Tessel, Mike ten years or more to rebuild Haiti. Thankfully, the United States has sent Soxy, and Condition Oakland. It troops to help them clean up the rubble and begin rebuilding. was a great deal - eight bands for “Hope for Haiti” was held on January 22 to help raise money for the twelve dollars. Leah Leahy stated, Haitians. Musicians helped raise the spirit of Haitians by singing songs. “The show had a good turnout and Pieces from a man’s journal were read to the world so we, as bystand- hopefully we can do something ers, could understand what it was like there when the earthquake struck. similar again next year!” Leah also Celebrities answered phone calls for the few hours “Hope for Haiti” added, “The Scenic sang Happy lasted, talking to people from all over the country about the earthquake. Birthday to me! I was so happy it People donated what they could afford, but even giving something as brought me to tears.” Another ad- small as five dollars helps the Haitian people. While some people agree vantage to going to this show was with trying to get donations for Haiti, others disagree. When asked what being able to meet all the bands his feelings were on the situation as a whole, Mr.
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