THE TRAIL WALKER ISSUE 93 PRINT POST APPROVED PP565001 I 00079 SPRING 2004 NEWSLETTER OF THE FRIENDS OF THE HEYSEN TRAIL AND OTHER WALKING TRAILS INC THE TRAILWALKER FRIEND OF THE HEYSEN TRAIL AND OTHER WALKING TRAILS INC 10 PITT TREET ADELAIDE. 5000 PHONE (08) 8212 6299 FAX (08) 8212 1930 EMAIL: heysentrail he sentrail.asn.au WEB ITE: www.heysentrail.asn.au PATRON: C. WARREN BONYTHON AO COUNCIL MEMBERS 2004 HONORARY MEMBER Julian Monfries Pre ident Terry La ender Dean Killmier Vice President Jim Crinion ue Monfrie ecretary Ne ille outhgate John Wilson Treasurer Doug Leane Robert !cock Fred Brooks Thelma nderson adie Leupold Da id Beaton Thelma Anderson Gavin Campb II Kath Palyga Bob Randall Richard chmitz Claire Randall Arthur mith Claire a age Colin Edwards rthur mith Hugh Greenhill Cliff Walsh Jamie hephard Glen Dow COUNCIL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN TRAIL WALKER EDITOR Pre ident·s Julian Monfries John Wilson trategy & ponsorship Cliff Walsh Finance & Audit Cliff Walsh MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Maintenance John Wilson Da id Beaton Walking Terry Gassen OFFICE COORDINATOR Office David Beaton Frances Gassen Marketing & Membership Robert Alcock Honorary Membership Bob Randall MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR Dean Killmier OFFICE HOURS & VOLUNTEERS Monday 10.30- -.30 Da id Beaton. Mike Parsons. Lesley Holling orth Tuesda 10.30-2.30 Dawn Bon, Rudi Lange. Phil Howes. Lesley Hollingsworth Wednesda 10.30- 1.30 Barry Finn. Jack Marcelis. Jenny Prider Thursda 10.30- 2.30 Arthur mith, Keneatha Pick. Frances Gassen. Jan Mortimer Friday 10.30 - 1.30 Kath Palyga. Lorraine Ratcliffe. Jim Alve . Dorothy Tynski Saturday - Sunday Clo ed MEETING DATES Council Walking Committee Wed 15 ep. 2004 Wed 3 Nov. 2004 Wed 20 Oct. 2004 Wed 17 ov. 2004 Photo: George hepherd 2 Trailwalker, pring 2004 THE TRAILW ALKER PRESIDENT'S REPORT SPRING 2004 The Council ha been working very hard on your As mentioned above. we ha e de eloped a close behalf since my pre iou report. working relationship with the Department of Environment and Heritage and have members The variou committees are well and trul on their Heysen Trail trategic Plan teering operational and we hope that the organisation Committee which is to plan for the .. upgrading. will run more smooth! and in a more impro ement and revitali ation of the He sen professional maiU1er as a result of their efforts. Trail'' through a ten year strategic plan. This group has members from the Department. Briefly. these are the committees and an outline Touri m A. the Office ofRec and port. of what the do. Fore try A and the Friends of the Heysen Trail. Finance and Audit Committee is responsible In addition, we have members on their for our corporate governance with regards our Management Plan Project Team. which i financial management and eeing that we fulfil looking the current management of the Trail and our obligations as an incorporated body. how that can be improved and fed into the trategic Plan o that condition on the trail can Strategy and Spon orship Committee_ha hed be enhanced for walkers. the spon orship role and is now re ponsible for ·· i ion" and .. mi ion .. issues and liaises with orne interesting specific matters that have Department of En ironment and Heritage. been addre ed by th e Council recently are: Ma intenance Committee i dealing with • The new Hey en Trail outhern broader picture maintenance issue such as short Guidebook has been released and will upersede and long term planning using information fed it the old strip~maps. It provides maps and by the variou section leaders information about the Trail from Cape Jer is to palding. The Friends had the opportunit to be Wa lking Committee continues it u ual role of the di tributor of Guidebook. however after planning an interesting walking program for length deliberation we felt we did not have the member however it will be expanding the personnel to manage the operation in a number and variety of walks a ailable. We hope sufficiently profes ional mann r. Pity really a it to ha e a continuous walking programme would have provided the Friend with an throughout summer with the incorporation of opportunity to raise funds to a sist our work. twilight walks on a weekly basis. We may get an opportunity to market the Office Committee is looking at the operational orthem Guidebook and I hope we are better aspects of the office in an endeavour to ha e it prepared. run more efficient! . • The Friends have applied for a ·'Move-If' Ma rketing and Membership Committee grant from the Office of Recreation and port. (pre iou I Member hip. Promotion and Our project is aimed to encourage inacti e Publicity) has the role of promoting the Hey en mature people to become mor invol ed in Trail and the Friends. regular exercise through a structured " alking experience ia a programme of weekly walks. If Finally. the Honorary Member hip Committee the grant is approved we plan to employ a part­ looks at nominations of members who have time Project Officer to over ee the programme. pro ided the Friends with exceptional ser ice ho ever we will be looking for acti e and whom e believe need recognition for those participation from members of the Friends to servrces. help. 3 Trailwalk r. pring 2004 THE TRAILWALKER • Over the past few years we have been 43 days (as I recall). Richard is going to apply trying to get the Heysen Trail recognised as a for recognition of the fact to The Guinness Book outh Au tralian Icon, up there with the tobie of Records. My thanks to Jack Marcel is who Pole. Balfours Frog Cake and the Pie Floater. was an essential part ofRichard"s back-up team. We need your help. so complete th People We hope to ha e a report from Richard for Nomination at the following web link. ummer Trail alker. http: // "~vvww.nationaltrustsa.onz.au/ pdf/ nominatio n form.pdf. 1 belie e success in establishing the Trail as an icon will raise the profile of the Trail and the Friends • The photo-competition is cun·ently being judged. We ha e received orne great photo for the judges to angui h over. When the ten best entries ha e been selected, Kym Tilbrook. Editor of The Adverti er. has been a ked to join the judging panel to elect the wirming photo . The v inner will get a weekend for two at Pamela' Bed and Breakfa tat Balhannah. with runner" s up getting a day pack. fleece jacket, gaiters and a CD. We had hoped to have a winner for you with this Trailwalker, howe er time has conspired against • Can I commend you the Friend · us. though winners names and the pictures will Christmas dinner at the tag Hotel on be posted on the Friends· website during Wednesday. ! 51 December at 7.15PM. I would September. Keep looking at love for us to fill the place. (see details later in ww\ .he entrail.com.au Trailwalker. page 15). • I had the very great pleasure in July to See you then. award an End to End Certificate to Prof. Richard avage. from Tennessee. We believe him to be Julian Monfries the first U walker to complete the Trail. taking President ******* OFFICE COORDINATOR'S REPORT The long awaited book of maps depicting the welcome anyone with a few hours to spare once Heysen Trail is on sale in the Friends Office. a fortnight, ou don't need special qualification for what we do and someone will be there to It i titled "He sen Trail Book 1" and illustrates train you. the trail from Cape Jervi to palding, giving an overview and profile with each map. The price Ring the Friends office if you feel you can help is $26.95 to members ($29.95 to nonmembers). us. (8212 6299) Although we have recently acquired two new France Gasson olunteers in the office, Lesley Hollingsworth Office Co-ordinator and Jan Mortimer. we would still very much 4 Trailwalker. Spring 2004 THE TRAILW ALKER OFFICE COMMITTEE REPORT The Office Committee. consisting of Council coming months when orne regular helper are members Claire Randell and David Beaton with on holiday . Office Coordinator Frances Gas on. meets regular! to discuss the operation of the Friends' WE NEED MORE HELPERS IN THE office and to put in place procedures so that a OFFICE! more effective service can be pro ided to members and the general public. A well as inconveniencing our member who wish to book on walks or gain information. few of the matters di cussed recently have having the office open irregularly spreads doubt been: in the minds of the general public. who in tead taffing the office of calling into our office may go elsewhere to the handling of correspondence. patticularl make their purchases. or seek infoirmation. This email does not h lp the Friends. and the provi ion of up to date information about the trail. notably ha ing accurate advice relating CAN YOU HELP ?? to camp ites. huts and ' ater tanks and functional maps of reroute available. [f you can give ome time to help in the Friend office please get in touch with me. in the office A big thank you to the members who give of on Mondays (8212 6299). or at home 8298 6340. their time to staff the Friend · office. A the public face of the Friend . and the link between France will be overseas for most of eptember v alker and the walking program. ou are each a and October.
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