PZC hearing tonight Jackson mulls Soviet trip Manchester wins on. Keeney subdiyislon to try to free Sakharov Rutland tourney ... page 3 ... page 4 page 11 Variable cloudiness Manchester, Conn. through Tuesday Monday. July 2, 1984 . — See page 2 iianrljratPr IrralJi Single copy: 25® Barbecue Korean ship features diplomacy ’■ ' i- sinking after WASHINGTON (UPI) ’-P resi­ dent Reagan, rebuffed by Moscow hit by iraqis in an attempt to begin talks on space-based weapons, pursued his J: election-year arms controls efforts m ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (UPI) A at a White House barbecue and South Korean freighter hit by two Iraqi missiles../ found Soviet Ambassador Anatoly appeared to be sinking in the Persian Gulf today after Dobrynin a willing partner. ■ its 23 crew men abandoned the burning hulk, shipping A Western-style barbeque that officials said. 2 offered several hundred foreign The 10,205-ton Wonjin, owned by Joongang Shipping diplomats a taste of Americana Co. of Seoul, was the only vessel confirmed hit among afforded Reagan an opportunity a convoy of seven Iraq claimed to have struck Sunday. Sunday to spend 50 minutes with The freighter, chartered by the National Iranian Dobrynin at a time of continued Shipping Corp., was en route to Iran from Japan with testing between the superpowers. a cargo of 9,000 tons of iron plate.' The informal tete-a-tete, which M i Iran made no comment on the reported attacks, took place against a backdrop of although a Seoul official said the crew members, country music with Dobrynin including four who received burns, were evacuated to seated next to Reagan by virtue of Iran. his status as the senior foreign The South Korean Foreign Ministry said the diplomat in Washington, tantal­ freighter, on charter to Iran, caught fire when it was ized reporters, but from outward struck by two missiles fired by Iraqi warplanes.. appearances produced little but Joongang officials in Seoul said there was no hope of speculation. salvaging the vessel. Afterward, Dobrynin turned Iraq said Sunday its navy and war jets hit and away questions about his conver­ destroyed five,ships in a convoy in the Khor Mussa sation with Reagan. Pointing to channel leading to the Iranian port of Bandar Secretary of State George Shultz, Khomeini, 65 miles southeast of Baghdad. who had been seated beside him, Another two ships in the convoy tried to escape and the good-natured ambassador they were hit by sea mines, said an Iraqi military said: "Talk to him. He knows all I# spokesman quoted by the Iraqi news agency. An the answers.” Iranian F-14 Tomcat Jet was shot down when it was Shultz, who had |iad his own sent to defend the convoy, he said. private session with Dobrynin in It was the second South Korean ship to be hit in the the Green Room before dinner, r 45-month Gulf war. On Aug. 9, 1982, the South Korean refused to comment on the . f e * : GOV. MARTHA LAYHE CQkLINS bulk carrier Sanbow Pride was damaged beyond discussions. her meetino jls Friday repair by an Iraqi missile attack in which the Greek J Earlier in the day, the Soviets freighter Lition Pride was sunk. appeared to close a door opened Baghdad said its warships and aircraft attacked just 48 hours earlier by backing seven vessels at dawn Sunday In the Khor Mussa away from their proposal for channel, the entrance to the m ajor Iranian port of negotiations in Vienna later this Bandar Khomeini. year on preventing the “ militari­ “ Five naval targets were destroyed at intervals this zation of outer space.” morning, while two enemy naval targets escaped and The Kremlin accused Reagan of entered a mine field planted by Iraqi naval forces in attaching unacceptable conditions Khor Mussa,” said an Iraqi spokesman quoted by the to the proposal. U official news agency INA. '"Two were crippled after National security adviser Ro­ ^Walter Ms. Goldsmith told a news conferance M oadi^ being hit by the planted mines.” bert McFarlane told CBS News the Iraq has repeatedly used the term ‘ ‘naval target ’' to Soviet announcement, carried by a woman aa'liis would be ' ‘foolhardy” not to select a woman for iiM refer to oil tankers sailing to or from Iranian oil Tass, “ would appear to fore­ f|^,iaday wldi New running mate, then added quickht that she had no 4T terminals. But shipping sources said it was unlikely shadow their not going under any \ W i b e 'fifoitt-runner reason to think he might'not. any of Sunday’s targets were tankers because Bankar circumstance except for a very female Mondale spoke to the NOW convention Saturday Khomeini handles only merchandise. ^ narrow and problematical and was greeted by chants of “ Run with a Woman. The spokesman said the Tiburon was being taken to agenda.” w id i Run with.a woman.” <t'- • Bahrain for "lots of repairs” after firefighters “ I just don't think that’s reaso­ brought under control a huge blaze in the engine room L rat Us secluded nable,” he said. The UPI survey, which aslted State party that they had feared would ignite 250,000 tons of oil in The official White House line ► of St . Pam, their preference for vice president, fouim thm the vessel’s hold. held out more hope that the Tass percent felt a woman should join Mondale as hllKl He said, ” It looks like we have saved a big pollution dispatch was not the fin a l^ o rd iQfatatejMur^ running mate. ^ disaster.” from Moscow. “We are disap­ ta third favor Within that group, 44 percent said Mrs, Sunday’s announcement was the third in a week in pointed with their public re­ was the best candidate. • ., which Iraq has said it attacked ships in the Gulf in a sponse,” said White House spokes­ flare-up in the ’’tanker war” in which about 40 neutral man Peter Roussel. "W e hope to. When state Democratic Iraders were afpeg; ip vessels have been hit this year by both countries. have a more serious and consi­ bn on th e l^ t assess the impact of a female on the tlcket,# Tehran did not respond directly to the latest Iraqi dered response through diplomatic tfo intense loMiying felt it wmdd help party ctrances of wwi claim but Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah channels.” ir^Midotts >^t>articularly November, while only 10 percent said U Khomeini and President Ali Khamenei again The State Deptartment said the ‘ ihrahic the male-only Another U percent said a woman on threatened to retaliate against Iraq and its Arab allies administration will quietly pursue ' ■ would make no difference overall,^ while It- in the Gulf. ,■ the matter, “ but can only regret o f Women put even the reaction conveyed in the Tass said they were uncertain how to measure tli^: dispatch.” iStmday at their national Mrs. Ferraro is the second wor^nk “ Because space activities con­ B^db, Fla. The delegates interviewed by Mondaie atxmt becolffimf ' tinue to have impprtant implica- woman at the Bemocratlc ' presidential running mate. /• > Inside Today Hio'ns for nuclear deterrence, the Btir this month, if Mondale Mondale met with San Francisco Mayor Disnine, question of resuming nuclear arms Feinstmn, and has a sesskiff slated for fYiday.wi^ 20 pages, 2 sections talks deserves to be addressed ■ noted half the along with the question of talks on Kentucky Gov. Maltha Layne,Collins. , » .A d v ic e .................................. 17 Obituaries space arms,” the department said. ICkmventionare Mondale,whoMsOwttlmeetlKionwHhSanAiitonlai Business...............................20 O pin io n___ develops over a * Texas, Mayor Henry Cisneras, has announced seven C lassified........................ 18-19 Peopletalk . "W e remain i'eady to sit down C o m ic s .................................. 8 S p o rts......... with the Soviets at a meeting in ’T think there’s such interviews—only oneof them with a white male. Entertainment. ................ 17 Television. September as the Soviets have Sen. Lloyd Bensten of Texas. - i L o tte ry .................................. 2 Weather ... proposed.” . 1? ; N New England gets more from Washington than it pays By Joseph Mlanowany Maine, which showed a positive balance of $848 United Press International million, doesn’t have a major defense industry and Moynihan aides said they believed much of the federal WASHINGTON — All six New England states money flowing to the state was because it is relatively fioatUyd received more from the federal government than they poor and eligible for various entitlement programs. paid in taxes last year, with most doing far better than ^HINGTON (UPJl — Th« followins For the region’s remaining states, Connecticut had W A 9 H \ m r o k (UFI) - Acoorei average, a Democratic senator’s study concluded ; tMianc* b«tiiif«en what tha a positive balance of $657 million, Rhode Island $411 roport by Bon. D «nM Moynihan, D-r<n, 2 Sunday. Iha fadaral government In million, Vermont $258 million and New Hampshire Now ing^vM MiMi* Mwt ywr «h|oyj In his eighth annual report on the relation of federal ' MXM’$M$lYjlieiWa4hingtonepeittlntheetetee, $208 million. M oral iliNmtflng tNnihoy piidjn tax taxes versus federal spending. Sen. Daniel Moynihan, '|*,^ispmplt0<l by Sen. OanM Moynihan, D-N.Y. All the states, except for Maine, enjoyed dramatic loHowlhg broiko dowh tho pooitlvo . D-N.Y., found that New England was one of the few ^ ll^ .fH iu re e e re in millions of dollars. increases in their balance of payments from the study fflonoy by atoto In par capita amount*. lt \ regions of the country where all states received more Moynihan released last year, which covered fiscal from Washington than they paid out in 1983.
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