SCOTLAND’S MACNAB: GROUSE, RED STAG AND SALMON SPECIAL COLLECTOR’S EDITION 2012 SPECIAL COLLECTOR’S EDITION 2012 SPECIAL COLLECTOR’S BEST 2012’s NEW DAN WESSON ECO p. 10 TESTED: CZ CUSTOM’S 75 LONGSLIDE SUPPRESSOR-READY P-07 DUTY DAN WESSON .45 SPECIALIST EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS EXHIBITION SHOOTER TOM KNAPP NHL LEGEND BOBBY HOLIK CZ 75 P-07 DUTY OD p.2 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 550 912 WINGSHOOTER US A/CANADA $8.99 Display until 05/07/2012 AWESOME From the Publishers oF GuNs & Ammo HUNTS ON THREE CONTINENTS 3AFRICA ARGENTINA SCOTLAND Load up with one of Hodgdon’s 27 smokeless powders. Match your gun, your game, the weather – you’ve got it bagged. Phone 913-362-9455 • www.hodgdon.com File: 155958_NAWP_1007_HODGCV3.pdf 05.14.2010 11:30 ADV: tjacobs Scale: % 2 42 Justified a nti-veRmin Byt J. Gu HRie By PatRick sWeeney The CZ 75 P-07 Duty has successfully passed This CZ 527 is a tackdriver and a stellar rodent- its performance review. reducer. PUBLISHER Chris Agnes Editorial EDITOR IN CHIEF Eric R. Poole 6 46 MANAGING EDITOR Gloria Shytles QuickH s ot m edaL of vaLoR COPY CHIEF Kimberly Jo Dolbee Bye Jo L J. HutcHcRoft By BaRt skeLton ART DIRECTOR Erik Siembab Bringing everyone’s favorite rimfire calibers Dan Wesson braves the crowded 1911 market together in one fine package. with an excellent entry. SENIOR DESIGNER Luu Mai DESIGNER Luke Bouris CATALOG DESIGNER John Podolanko GROUP ART DIRECTOR David Kleckner 10 52 PRODUCTION MANAGER Terry Boyer d an Wesson eco Busted PHOTOGRAPHERS Michael Anschuetz Byt Pa Rick sWeeney ByR e ic R. PooLe Sean Utley Meet the best 1911 ever built for lightweight The easiest and most affordable way to start carry. shooting trap. 14 56 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Jeff Paro macnaB Quest Refined CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Andy Goldstein By mike scHoBy By stan tRZoniec SENIOR VP, GROUP PUBLISHER, A CZ Ringneck and CZ 550 get put to the Dan Wesson perfects the concealed carry HUNTING AND SHOOTING Mike Carney ultimate test in the highlands of Scotland. Officer’s Model. VP, GROUP EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Jim Bequette VP, GROUP PUBLISHER, FISHING Steve Hoffman VP, STRATEGIC SALES AND MARKETING Ted Gramkow 20 59 VP, CONSUMER MARKETING Peter Watt Th e RetRo a famiLy affaiR VP, MANUFACTURING Deb Daniels By James taRR By Payton miLLeR VP, CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER THE CZ 83 redefines the classic approach to A “one size fits all” solution to the family Howard Stevens practical carry. shotgun. FINANCE DIRECTOR Derek Sevcik DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & SALES DEVELOPMENT John White SENIOR DIRECTOR, PRODUCTION 26 60 Connie Mendoza sy t Le, meet function BRaWn PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. CZ-USA 2012 is published by InterMedia Outdoors Inc., By mike scHoBy By Wayne van ZWoLL 512 Seventh Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, New York: A new CZ stack gets a double-size workout in The bank-vault bolt-action of the CZ 550 is (212) 852-6649; FAX (212) 302-4472. Copyright 2012 Argentina. the standard. by InterMedia Outdoors Inc. All rights reserved under international and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permis- sion of the publisher is strictly prohibited. CZ-USA 2012 is published by InterMedia Outdoors Inc. under license 28 64 from CZ-USA. n yati ENDU Rance Run By kevin e. steeLe By mike scHoBy Africa’s ‘Black Death’ demands a rifle The CZ 912 autoloader is put to the ultimate you can depend upon. field test: 2,000 rounds on Argentina doves. 36 68 ThP e s eciaList a fRican dReams By PatRick sWeeney By mike caRney In the home or on the street, this .45 is poised A .30-’06 delivers another memorable quest to CoverPhotography Seanby Utley to protect and serve. the dark continent. Interviews with tom knapp and Bobby Holik SCAN tHese taGs with your smart phone for more information on your 72 favorite firearms from CZ and Dan Wesson! Lon GsLide By James taRR Get the free mobile app at Boring reliability and excellent accuracy in any http://gettag.mobi package from the CZ custom shop. www.cz-usa.com 41 cz-usa.com51 1 Justified CZ 75 P-07 DUTY ThE CZ 75 P-07 DUTY hAS SUCCESSFULLY passed its PERFoRMAnCE revIEW. hen this new polymer-framed pistol hit the shelves in 2009 you could have By J. GUTHRIE I Photos by SEAN UTLEY tipped me over with a feather. Most shooters would never think twice about polymer since almost every new design incorporates substantial amounts Wof plastic, but this pistol was stamped “CZ-USA,” a company that over the years ferociously clung to its walnut-and-steel roots. There have been one or two polymer-frame models in the catalog over the years, but not many. I own a couple of CZ rifles, and they don’t have so much as a molecule of plastic anywhere, not even the magazine follower, and here is a CZ-branded pistol with a polymer frame. Was this blasphemy a good move on the part of this legendary company? The P-07 Duty was originally designed handgun at home on a cop’s duty belt, lowing in most other countries the way the to compete for European police and you wouldn't be wrong for thinking of a 1911 is loved in this country, and with good military contracts. And it won. As soon compact carry gun instead. The hammer- reason. It is extremely reliable, robust as the specs were released by Ceska forged barrel is 3.8 inches long, and the and arguably has the best ergonomics Zbrojovka (CZ) in the Czech Republic, pistol weighs just 1.7 pounds. of any double-stack pistol on the planet. the firm’s American subsidiary CZ-USA The P-07 had a new glass-reinforced The guts of the P-07 were a close copy started clamoring for pistols. It was easy polymer frame but retained a lot of of the CZ 75, and it utilizes the good, old to see that the P-07 had a lot going for it features that made its predecessor, Browning tilt-barrel operating system, but and would appeal to the American public. the CZ 75, popular the world the slide sits inside the frame, giving it a Although the name implies a full-size over. The CZ 75 has a fol- very low center of gravity. New for 2012 is the suppressor-ready P-07 Duty. The ½x28 threaded muzzle accepts most supres- sors made for the U.S. market. The sights on this variation are higher than normal. They will clear one- inch diameter supressors. www.cz-usa.com www.cz-usa.com 2 cz-usa.com cz-usa.com 3 TE H SYSTEm PRovIdES A SEcoNd-STRIkE cAPABILITY, SomETHING THAT moST STRIkER-fIREd PISToLS do NoT HAvE. CZ 75 p-07 DUTY TYPE: Double-action, exposed- hammer autoloader CalibEr: 9mm (tested), .40 S&W CaPaCiTY: 16 (9mm) barrEl: 3.8 in.; rifling six grooves, 1:9.7 twist OvErall lENgTh: 7.3 in. WEighT: 27.2 oz. (1.7 lb.), empty griPS: Molded stippling on grip panels, serrations on front- and backstrap FiNiSh: Matte black or oD green TriggEr: 11 lb., 5 oz. double-action pull, 4 lb., 1 oz. single-action pull The pistol ships with an ambidextrous decocker that can SighTS: Fixed; white-dot front and be swapped by the user for a manual, two-position safety white-outline rear The angled slide contour not only provides the P-07 Duty with The standard low-profile sight is dovetailed and is located in just five minutes. a modern appearance, but guides the eye to the front sight. at the most rearward position for the greatest sight radius. o ne of the major upgrades to the P-07 After fieldstripping the pistol, simply a transfer bar. A small coil spring is cap- To install the new safety, slide the you want to minimize the profile for well enough, but night sights are a was the double-action trigger pull, albeit cock the hammer, pivot the extractor tured by the decocking lever’s transfer right-side lever into place after press- concealed carry. must for a carry or duty pistol. CZ- one already found in the CZ 75B. Dubbed down and use a flat edge to pry the left- bar, and it is removed with the lever. The ing down the trigger transfer bar. Leave having shot my fair share of CZ 75 USA does have night sights available the omega trigger system, it is essentially side decocking lever out of the frame. It is right-side decocking lever can now be it sticking straight up. Press down on pistols, I was very interested to see and is currently working on several a simplified version of the original trigger attached to the right-side lever by way of rotated up and pulled off the frame. the ejector and slide in the left-side how the P-07 handled. I figured the different heights. on the CZ 75 but has a slightly lighter and safety lever so the transfer bar locks reduced weight might affect balance. The sights sit on the absolute ends much smoother pull. My Duty averages into the right-side safety lever. That’s The grip is very well designed and of the slide to provide the maximum 11 pounds, five ounces on a double it. Since it is a manual safety, you do shares similar angles and dimensions amount of sight radius, but the ham- action draw. It is not as light as a striker- not need the little spring that came that made the 75 so popular with merspur is covered to a degree by a fired single action, but for a DA auto, it's a out with the decocker.
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