THE MICHIGAN REVIEW Volume 13, Number 1 The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan September 14, 1994 Georgetown Sues White Mrican BY AARoN STBBLMAN unfair admission procedures, center's director of public relations, 'littman tried to explain to LSAC Georgetown also filed a brief with the denies that Tittman's admission was and Georgetown that he genuinely be­ HILE STUDENTS ARE Law School Admjssitw\ Council (LSAC), rescinded and that the brief filed with lieved that he W88 checking the most involved ill manythinp dur­ a Pennsylvania <rganizaticn that 0ver­ LSAC was dime to have him sanctiooed. accurate descriptUn ofbjroseJf and that W ing the summer, from in­ sees law school applications nation­ Instead, she says that 'littman tum.ed he was not attempting to deceive them. ternshipe to minimum wage jobs to wide. down his admission and that the Uni­ "Although my skin is white, I would summer school, few are involved in In a press release, the Individual versity is obligated to file a report with still describe myself as an African­ legal disputes. Fewer still are involved Rights Foundation said that LSAC whenever a discrepancy in ad­ American. In the context of the ques­ in legal disputes as interesting and Georgetown "moved to have him sanc­ mission materials is found tiQll, 'African-American' seems to indi­ et1'a:nge as the me Raymond Tittman tioned" by the LSAC. Despite Kuehneman's explanation cate a cultural upbringing <r heritage," faced this past summer. When asked about LSACs involve­ regarding the LSAC affair, Andy said'littman. Tittman applied for admission at ment, Wilcox responded, "'What they Comblatt, assistant dean for the law The Individual Rights Foundation the Georptown University Law Cen­ are trying to do is very serious. The school's admissions office, wrote in a prepared a lawsuit against Gecrgetown ter and em the aw&aticn he W88 asked charge they filed with the LSAC is very letter to 'littman that the University on 'littman's behalf, however the law­ to check me of several boxes to best serious. I would like to have seen them. contacted the organizatim in order for suit was dismissed this summer. describe himself, as are students who do an investigation that did not involve LSAC "to examine the material you LSAC has subsequently found that ~ fc:r admission to the Univenity of accusations oflying. This whole thing submitted to our office for evidence of Tittman did not commit fraud. He will Michigan. didn't have to go too far." possible misconduct in the admissions be attending law school at the Univer­ While 'nttman is a resident of State Adrienne Kuehneman, the law procedure." sity of Notre Dame this fall. Ml College, Pennsyivania, his family are lifelong residents of Tanzania, an east­ ern Afiican country. Thus, although he "" ' ~ -~ .,.,.. is white. when oonfronted as to which box best describes himself,· Tittman Entree Plus a Whole Lot More checked African-American. Tittman based his choice on advice from an Equal Employment Opportunity Com­ BY RACHEL CARDONE In the past few years, many busi­ ing the new JrOKl'8Dl on FSU's, both the mission liasion, who told him that be­ nesses have protested the policy University and Ann Arbor businesses cause ofhis familya ancestry he could OR THE PAST ELEVEN whereby students charge things to their will seemingly be satisfied. The U ni­ classify himself as an A1iican-Ameri­ years, the Entree Plus program student accounts. They feel slighted versity will still make money, and oft:­ can. Fat the University of Michigan because participating stores receive an campus stores will be able to accept The Georgetown Law Center ad­ has given students freedcm &em spend­ unequal share of the profits of things Entree Plus. Additionally, several new mitted Tittman on January 28. ing cash, providing them with a debit that eme can purchase in the Unicm and things will be included to further ben­ Once admitted, nttman was asked system where participants charge on U-M prooperty; they want a share of efit participating students. to send in mare application materials, things to their student accounts through the $2.2 million dollars businesses lo­ Is this new sYstem truly a benefit?, including a photograph, which clearly their ID cards. Until recently, the poe- . cated in the Union earned under Entree From a consumer standpoint, it IlPO' shows that he is white. It was at this sibility of Entree Plus' expansion to. Plus last year. They are not alone. pears flawless. Students whose par­ time that Tittman says his admission include ~ businesses had beE,rt The University wanted to include ents pay the bills will be able to pur­ was reecinded. nothing more than a pipe dream. Yet . outside business as well; they earn be­ chase virtually everything they need. 'littman', cause has been taken up after petitioning ~ much work, the tween one an~ three percent of all The Entree Plus ~ard could in theory by a private Loa Angeles baaed civil proposition has 'tkme a reality: the Entree Pl~ sales. The cnly thing stall­ double as a credit card, a phone Claro, rights group, the Individual Rights program will be established on an in-. ing their efforts was a large number of and an ATM card, in additiQn to its Foundation. Jcmatban WUCOIl, a sp:Ikes­ terim basis this January. regulations tor legality. already widespread ftmctim in dorms, man fer the Foundation, ~, "1 tbink: The winds of change have blown, . A solution was found at Florida at v~ machines and laundry Ca­ he ('littman) unwittinl1y expoaed and many local businesses are sighing State University, where the inclusion cilities. Under this new system, pur­ Georgetown twice because they 00- in relief, for what they have long con­ of a bank (which already fullows all the chasing power will be at a maximum. _.1..+.: __ and meets the . ts ceped him becauee he's Nack and didn't sidered a monopoly situation will soon 1."'5.............. :reqt.DI'EIIDE! and the price of the purcllases will be accept him. because he's white." be broken, and they hope to reap the in tbept1C888 of~ mmeymanage­ See ENTREE, page 6 In addition to WUCOI:'8 charp of profits. uumt)}lI'OYidEs a legal eo1utim. By baa- 'WELCOME TO THE REVIEW- latervlew: FroID Suite M_Ie P.J. O'Rourke One Renews E'RE BACK FOR ANOTHER GREAT 3 4 8 year,tackling the issues that affect us as students at the University of will see -America's Funniest Writer'" Tuition raised once again Dinosa.tr ok. 's new release; Michigan. Inside, you talks about CInton, 'Beatie' to 1he <Ismay d thousalds. MIla sucks. what the Review is all about If you like what you see, join haW, and Tdado. Ohio. us. If not, write us a letter. .......... _-.. _.-............- .. _._ .... _-_._ ....... ".-.. - ...- - - ---.- ... --.-.------ -.--.... - .. - -~-, -..... - .-.----- .-.. ------------------------------- 2 THE MICIDGAN REvIEw September 14,1994 'r '1HE MICHIG ,-\\ RE\ 'IE\\' • t'"" The Campus Affairs Journal of the o SERPENT'S TOOTH University of Michigan "We are the Establishmenr EDITOA-IN-CHIEF: Nate Jamison In response to questions about Fidel with the United States and a "multi­ lytic converters onto their grill hoods. PUBLISHER: Eric larson Castro's attempt to orchestrate Mariel national" force. Jamaica, Trinidad, We expect to see the same restrictions CAMPUS AffAIRS EDITOR: Rachel cardone II, President Clinton excitedly replied, Barbados, and Bel:ize will also join in by placed on Boy Scout campfires soon. MANAGING EDITOR: James A. Robefts, " "She has a daughter? 0000,. ,goody!" erecting hammocks and serving pina ASSISTANT EDITORS: Gene Kra&6, Greg Par1lef coladas to exhausted U.S. troops. The Detroit News quoted Bill Clinton in COPY EDfI'ORS: Chris 8an'eIl, Dean Bakopodos The IRA, a northern Ireland terrorist a factory in Bath, Maine as saying, 'We MUSIC EDrTOA: Drew Pelels group, signed a peace agreement with The United Nations began work on a cannot afford in a global economy to be CIRCULATJOH DIRECTOR: Paulo lina FUNDRAISING DIRECTOR: Erik Schnurstein the Great Britain government to end 2O-year}ian to antrol the world's pcp1- divided again - government and busi­ their acts of terror on the citizens of lation. A}X'OIXl88l. submitted by AI G<re, ness and workers fighting each other STAFF: OlIve Bogue, K8Yin CoIteIo, Franc Grabowski, Britain. In a dissimilar move, the IRS consisted of nationalizing health care. all the time." Here's an idea: stop run­ Stephen Hessler, Chauncey HIchcock, Shea Kammer, announced that it would be auditing ning our damn lives! Mohan Krishnan, Terry Lorber, Mark Morgan, Crusty twice as many people this year. President Clinton's poll standings re­ Muncher, Nathan MurpI'rf, Eddie Willers main low, forcing him to avoid cam­ Acccrding to a new book released, OI.ina EDITOR EMERmJS: Traqr Robinson The Ku lOux lOan will soon be holding paigning f<r Democrats in the midterm Wake, government cafeterias in China PUBlISHER EUERITUS: Aaron Steelman another rally on the steps rL the cap.td election. Said one Tennessee candidate, served the human flesh of c0unterrevo­ in Lansing. Organizers hope for the "I'd rather kiss Zach Wamp (Republi­ lutionaries after China's cultural :rev0- turnout to exceed one dozen. can candidate) on the lips at noon in lution. On a related note, the United The MIch/gvI RrIiew is an independert. bl-weeldy AI- front of the courthouse than have to States maintains its most-favored­ dent-nIt jownaI. !he UnIversity of MIchIgan. We neIhef The biology department began taking campaign with Clinton right now." nation status to communist China. &OIcil nor IClCepl monetIIy donaIiorB 110m the UIMIdy d I gme1ic samJies ofthe'Wdverine" place Michigln, and have no respect for anyone that does.
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