COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 14tgialntiut 3Jnurunl MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1981 SESSION OF 1981 165TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 58 SENATE SENATOR SCANLON TO VOTE FOR MONDAY, October 19, 1981. SENATOR ROMANELLI The Senate met at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Senator SCANLON. Mr. President, I request a legislative Time. leave for today's Session only, for Senator Romanelli. THE PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor William W. Mr. President, I also renew the medical leave indefinitely Scranton III) in the Chair. for Senator Ross. The PRESIDENT. Senator Scanlon requests a legislative PRAYER leave for Senator Romanelli and, of course, the leave of absence for Senator Ross is still in effect. The Chaplain, the Reverend JAMES H. GOLD, Pastor of The Chair hears no objection to that leave and the leave is the Lutheran Church and the United Church of Christ, granted. Ickesburg, offered the following prayer: Let us pray. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR 0 Thou who art the provider of every good and perfect gift, as we call on Thee in prayer today, we give Thee thanks. APPROVAL OF SENATE BILLS We give Thee thanks for our Nation and for our Common­ The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following wealth. We give Thee thanks for Thy guidance in years past. communications in writing from His Excellency, the Gover­ Today, mindful of seventy-five years of this Capitol Build­ nor of the Commonwealth, advising that the following Senate ing with its beauty and historical significance, we pray that, as Bills had been approved ana signed by the Governor: Thou hast guided us in the years past, Thou will continue to SB 653 and 775. guide and direct us in the days and years to come. In the rededication activities and celebrations this day, may NOMINATIONS BY THE GOVERNOR Thy name be glorified. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following forever. Amen. communications in writing from His Excellency, the Gover­ The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks the Reverend Gold, nor of the Commonwealth, which were read as follows, and who is the guest this week of Senator Moore. referred to the Committee on Rules and Executive Nomina­ tions: JOURNAL APPROVED JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, CHESTER COUNTY The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, the Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding Session. October 15, 1981. The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Session, when, on motion of Senator JUBELIRER, further Pennsylvania: reading was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Charles Boyd Smith, Esquire, 102 Grubb Road, Malvern 19355, Chester County, LEAVES OF ABSENCES Nineteenth Senatorial District, for appointment as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the Fifteenth Judicial District of Senator JUBELIRER asked and obtained an indefinite Pennsylvania, composed of the County of Chester, to serve until leave of absence for Senator HESS, for medical reasons. the first Monday of January, 1982, vice The Honorable T. A. He also asked and obtained leave of absence for Senator Pitt, Jr., resigned. HOPPER, for medical reasons. DICK THORNBURGH. 1298 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE OCTOBER 19, JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, DELAWARE COUNTY PLEAS, YORK COUNTY October 15, 1981. October 15, 1981. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Frank T. Hazel, Esquire, for the advice and consent of the Senate John Franklin 456 Irvington Road, Drexel Hill 19026, Delaware County, Rauhauser, Jr., Esquire, 1608 Druck Valley Road, York 17402, Twenty-sixth Senatorial District, for appointment as Judge of the York County, Thirty-first Senatorial District, for appointment as Court of Common Pleas of the Thirty-second Judicial District of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the Nineteenth Judicial Pennsylvania, composed of the County of Delaware, pursuant to District 'Of Pennsylvania, composed of the County of York, pur­ Act 106, approved July 10, 1980, to serve until the first Monday suant to Act 106, approved July 10, 1980, to serve until the first of January, 1982. Monday of January, 1982. DICK THORNBURGH. DICK THORNBURGH. JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON MEMBER OF THE LAWRENCE COUNTY PLEAS, DELAWARE COUNTY BOARD OF ASSISTANCE October 15, 1981. October 15, 1981. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Charles C. Keeler, for the advice and consent of the Senate Jean L. Rogan (Democ­ Esquire, R. D. 2, Box 186, Glen Mills 19342, Delaware County, rat), 846 Franklin Avenue, New Castle 16101, Lawrence County, Ninth Senatorial District, for appointment as Judge of the Court Twenty-first Senatorial District, for reappointment as a member of Common Pleas of the Thirty-second Judicial District of Penn­ of the Lawrence County Board of Assistance, to serve until sylvania, composed of the County of Delaware, pursuant to Act December 31, 1982, and until her successor is duly appointed and 106, approved July IO, 1980, to serve until the first Monday of qualified. January, 1982. DICK THORNBURGH. DICK THORNBURGH. MEMBER OF THE LAWRENCE COUNTY JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON BOARD OF ASSISTANCE PLEAS, MERCER COUNTY October 15, 1981. October 15, 1981. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Roger M. DeCarbo for the advice and consent of the Senate Warren Roth Keck, Ill, (Democrat), 926 Cunningham Avenue, New Castle 16101, Law­ Esquire, 269 Clinton Street, Greenville 16125, Mercer County, rence County, Twenty-first Senatorial District, for appointment Fiftieth Senatorial District, for appointment as Judge of the as a member of the Lawrence County Board of Assistance, to Court of Common Pleas of the Thirty-fifth Judicial District of serve until December 31, 1982, and until his successor is duly Pennsylvania, composed of the County of Mercer, pursuant to appointed and qualified, vice Donald G. DeCarbo, New Castle, Act 106, approved July IO, 1980, to serve until the first Monday whose term expired. of January, 1982. DICK THORNBURGH. DICK THORNBURGH. JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON HOUSE MESSAGES PLEAS, WESTMORELAND COUNTY October 15, 1981. HOUSE BILL FOR CONCURRENCE To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of The Clerk of the House of Representatives presented to the Pennsylvania: Senate the following bill for concurrence, which was referred In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate to the committee indicated: for the advice and consent of the Senate Robert William Garland, October 16, 1981 Esquire, 46 Windihill, Greensburg 15601, Westmoreland County, Thirty-ninth Senatorial District, for appointment as Judge of the HB 1429 - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Court of Common Plea~ of the ,Tenth Judicial District of Penn­ sylvania, composed of the County of Westmoreland, pursuant to HOUSE INSISTS UPON ITS AMENDMENTS Act 106, approved July IO, 1980, to serve until the first Monday NONCONCURRED IN BY THE SENATE TO SB 618, of January, 1982. AND APPOINTS COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE DICK THORNBURGH. He also informed the Senate that the House insists upon its amendments nonconcurred in by the Senate to SB 618, and 1981 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 1299 appointed Messrs. McCLATCHY, ANDERSON, and WHEREAS, with each passing year this nation becomes more PIEVSKY as a Committee of Conference to confer with a deeply in debt as its expenditures grossly and repeatedly exceed similar committee of the Senate (already appointed) to con­ available revenues; and WHEREAS, convinced that fiscal irresponsibility at the sider the differences existing between the two houses in rela­ federal level, with the inflation that results from this policy, is the tion to said bill. greatest threat that faces our nation, the Legislature firmly HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILL believes that constitutional restraint is vital to bring the fiscal dis­ cipline needed to restore financial responsibility; and He also returned to the Senate SB 276, with the informa­ WHEREAS, under Article V of the Constitution of the United tion that the House has passed the same without amendments. States, amendments to the Federal Constitution may be proposed by the Congress whenever two-thirds of both houses consider it SENATE BILLS RETURNED WITH AMENDMENTS necessary. He also returned to the Senate SB 532 and 608, with the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE information that the House has passed the same with amend­ AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MONTANA: ments in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested. (1) That the Congress of the United States is requested to The PRESIDENT. The bills, as amended, will be placed on propose and submit to the states an amendment to the Constitu­ the Calendar. tion of the United States requiring that, in the absence of a HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE national emergency, the federal budget be balanced each fiscal year within 4 years after the amendment is ratified by the various CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS states. He also informed the Senate that the House has concurred (2) That as this resolution is the exercise of a fundamental in Senate Concurrent Resolution, Serial No.
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