START OF REEL MICROFILMING CORP. , OF AMERICA * > HAWTHORNE N.J. / IMPORTANT TAX SUIT IS WONitBe Portrayed Again Cleary’s Decision ' — — — -------------- Preceded by Holy Week serv* ieo.s in the'churches of Hillside »Hd vicinity all this week, ob­ Saves Thousands In servance of the age-old story of Hi■' Resurrection' will reach its high point on Raster Sunday beginning with'the annual Sun- Deferred Sewer Tav KKT.UU.HiHlf.U HM4 oyyw***^ wrw wr/irr.w of t itit 1-ise Service on llivident Hill in T^u^snir ami school imstkkt ok hh.i siuk VOL. XXVI, No. 1329 Wecquiihic Park at 6:30 a.m. Assessments levied by Hillside’s Board of Improytmeijt HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1950 _______ PRICE FIVE QENTS The cburchos under the auspice* Assessment Commissioners against Monroe Carden Apartments of the South End Ministers Asso­ Inc. and 48 home owners in the Plymouth Homes development ciation of Newark and the Hillside adjoining the high school were upheld Friday by Superior Court Transfusions Help Life Begins For Sgt. Steinberg New School With 1 Plant Itrirers Ministerial Association will conduct •Judge Frank L Cleary in Klizabetlv/ The apartment ’owners the annual Sunrise Service on Divi- were assessed ^7,90(3 and tlie Plymouth Homes $4,165.06 Theurer Improve ^arger Capacity ftent Hill in Weequahic Park on Judge Cleary ruled that the as-5; Claim Lockout Easier Sunday morning at (5:30. This : sir.i nt: were justified because' they were for benefits received Later construction on this' ground, In Severe Illness Three truck drivers employed by will be the 29(h year in which this from the trunk sanitary sewer pro­ he said, enabled the real; estate to For Church Parish Mundet Cork Corp. here end in service has been conducted and the Tax Collector Arthur L Theurer eighth time under the united au­ vided for in the original ordinance ootain full benefit of ih trunk earlier this week responded satis­ Archbishop John J. Walsh, of the North Bergen were lucked-out of levying the sewer benefits. spices of these two groups. The sewer and the additional Assessment factorily to blood transfusions Newark archdiocese, has authorized their jobs Friday .according to a speaker will be the Rev. Robed G. Opposing counsel took different was therefore justified. St. Catherine’s parish tp construct views'of the. reason for the assess­ Alexian Brothers Hospital, Eliza­ statement they made to the Times. 1 leytag, pastor of the Calvary Pres- Had the township lost) this '■case, a new $300,000 elementary school byterian Church, and the music ments, those representing the plain­ it would have been deprived of beth, and yesterday was looking building on the site of the present The men, who have been in a tiffs contending they were for lat- picket line at the plant on Bloy will be by the ..brass ensemble of thousands of dollars in assessments, forward to coming home on Friday. school at 1003 North- Broad street, the Clinton Av^hue Presbyterian ; eral connections to a trunk con­ not only on the properties involved' Rev. Jo fin J. Finnerty, pastor, an­ street since Monday morning. Ed­ structed in 1931 when the land was Theurer was taken to the hospital ward Lindner, of Rahway; James Church under the leadership of the but others still in th/e deferred about two weeks ago when an at- nounced Sunday at church services; still undeveloped. Counsel for the 'The new-school, which.will be a Mina tie, of Newark, and Vincent pastor, the Rev. David Coddington, classification, sinceince the original onr- r - ^ ^ intestinal grippe resulted in Benettn of Brooklyn, N. Y„ have and the singing will be directed by township held the assessments were dinanee providing for the assess­ complications. On Mon day rH cal! one-story building containing about for benefits from the trunk sewer ten class rooms and an auditorium, been employed by the firm 27, 25 Philip J. Schaub of the, Elizabeth ments classified all undeveloped went out for blood for transfusions and 17 years respectively, they said. Avenue Presbyterian 'Church. The and not for laterals. land as acreage whose joenefit from arid Walter Howell, Veterans' Serv­ \vill replace the present three-story Irving R. Johnstone, for the Office wooden house of eight classrooms. According to the men, two of morning prayer will be offered by the trunk sewer was les^-than prop­ ice Officer here, was contacted, lie tho Row HarnlrJHarold A.A f!nn,kimGnmblin, __pastor of Emil A. Herrigel, township at­ erty already built up. St. bffi-fbocn using this whom arc members of the Truck immediately got in touch with Chief Drivers Union, Local 47U, A. F. of L. of the Franklin Memorial Metho­ torney, showed that when the trunk There was an odd coincidence in­ Norman L. Sanford of the Police struchirFas !f school since 1920. sanitary Sewer was laid, about $500,- Father Finnerty said that the and the third of Local 500, they re­ dist Church, and the scripture will volved in the ruling in, this case in Department and-Chief George. P. ported to work Friday as usual, but be read by the Rev. Mahlon H. 000 worth of property was placed in that Judge Cleary severallyears ago Dorcjr of the Fifh Department. The new school will enable St. Cathe­ %d deferred category, receiving a rine's to make room for the . stu­ instead of being allowed to work Smith Jr., pastor of St. Luke's was on the bench when the town­ bloiVd was supplied by -Sergeant were given their final pay by the Methodist Church. Rev, Arthur lower assessment in 1931 than other ship .received an adverse decision dents it has been forced to refuse properly on the theory that the full Lawrence Treger and Fireman irv-recent .years, due to inadequate watchman “without any notice or Nurthwpod, chairman of the com­ ’,vbeni^«tte|ppted to brinjg the-de- Peter Capro. warning” mittee and pastor of the Elizabeth benefit from the trunk did not ac­ ferriw^ icrea^e up toLvj the full asscss- The collector is a veteran of the space in the present building. The crue until the land was developed ixow school will have facilities for The strikers said company offi­ Avenue PrcsbjHerian'Church, will ment for the trunk aewer as paid First World War. cials told them the trucking equip­ preside. and connection to the trunk made. by developed properties. He ruled about 500 pupils 'while the- present Other features of the The ground on which Monroe Gar- school has a capacity , for about :!0Q. ment was inferior and therefore Easter ob- at that timfe that singe the benefit being scrapped. But the men ques­ servance. will include an Easter ’ dens and Plymouth Homes were from the trunk sewpr could not breakfast in one church imme­ subsequently built was included in Nominate Rotarv tioned this statement for they claim exist until actual connection had the equipment passed the second diately following, special sermons, this classification, Johnstone point­ been made, the deferred classifica­ ed out. War Dads Chapter motor vehicle inspection. The strik­ youth programs and the sacred mu­ tion was a lawful one Officers For Year ers also claim Mundet is negotiating sic wjiieh usually accompanies this with the drivers of Local 560. outstanding milestone in the story of Christianity. Anson C. Crane, of 830 Jerome Will Get Charter ('< mpany officials could not be avenue, was nominated for presi- reached for a statement. Calvary Lutheran dent of the Hillside Rotary Club A charter will be presented to the Holy Week services ’at Oalvary for the coming- year, at a "meeting new Hillside Chapter 9' of the I lithe ran Church, Rev. C. Morgan S )o n ’t YFjention on Tuesday. The slate was pre­ American War Dads on Thursday Wagner, pastor, will include com­ ion sented by Dr. J. J. Reich who evening; April 13 at 8 o’clock at Republican ( lit! munion services on Thursday eve­ headed a committee of -past presi­ ning. I here will also be u service Hillside Photo Service Zatko’s Hall, 337- Yale avenue. Justice For Taxpayers dents oi Rotary. Other officers O ffers were elected at a meeting on .Good Friday. All services will nominated were Percy Shaffer, vice Charles Wernicke, chairman of the Hillside United Paraplegic Com- of the group last Thursday night be at 8 p.m. Go Forward Together president; Paul Owen, secretary; rnittee, presents keys to specially built home to Sergeaflt Irviiu- Stein­ Candidates’ Night berg, paraplegic, veteran. at the, V.F.W. Hall as follows: Pres­ On Holy Thursday fhere will be Ghost Of H. S. Wing Adolf Solomon, treasurer: Rev. ident, Joseph Dill; vice president,. Republican candidates for Town a second Communion service. The George M. Runner, sergeant'- at - Approximately three hundred of#---------- r------------ ■>------------------- ship Committee will appear at the intermediate choir will sing. Ser­ To anynoe who was familiar with the history of Hillside’s sani­ Anthony Cirrito; secretary and arms; William O. Hebler and Neil his fellciARtownSmen turned out treasurer, Marion Tyjewski; ser­ Candidates’ Night of the Hillside mon topic will be, “Remembering tary sewer, the ruling Friday by Superior Court Judge Frank Clearv Buie, board of directors. Would spread to other communi­ Republican Club to be held Monday Christ.’ in favor of the township for assessments against Monroe Garden Sunday afternoon to witness the geant-at-arms, James Shanks. Election of officers will take place, ties. These speakers were ' Joseph Appointment of committees will evening, April 12 at 8 o'clock in the There will be only one service nn Apartments Inc, and Plymouth Homes Co.
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